- Hrvatski telekom dd contact number o. Jan 27, 2025 · Contract was canceled for free but HT (hrvatski telekom) kept sending 3rd party company with who they shared my contact information without notice. 8 million), international long-distance, high-speed Internet (more than 500,000), and business data networking services in Croatia. 2014 - now Senior Human Resources Expert @ Hrvatski Telekom; 2000 - 2014 Assistant to the CEO and Chief of Staff @ Hrvatski Telekom; 1996 - 1999 Advisor @ Hrvatska Radiotelevizija; see more 1995 - 1996 Personal Assistant to Minister @ Ministry of Maritime, Transport and Communications; see less Jan 6, 2025 · Summary of share price highs, lows and changes for Hrvatski Telekom d. travnja 2022. hr) location in Croatia , revenue, industry and description. Hrvatski Telekom je dio Deutsche Telekom grupe koja na svim tržištima ima brand slogan "Connecting Your World. [1] Hrvatski Telekom contact info: Phone number: +385 14911000 Website: www. Na našem web-mjestu upotrebljavamo kolačiće i slične tehnologije za spremanje, čitanje i obradu informacija na vašem uređaju. 09 Jul 2021 Hrvatski Telekom (Reuters: HT. aH6tBXnSD9E2XM57Kf71Hf5NdiSm_E7ESnY0u0s4LyI. Ivan Benc holds a 2003 - 2008 Ph. 21, 10002 Zagreb ili na bilo kojem prodajnom mjestu Hrvatskog Telekoma. godine. , OIB 81793146560, MB 01414887 sukladno važećim odredbama Zakona o računovodstvu spada u skupinu velikih poduzetnika, a tip vlasništva je mješovito s pretežno privatnim kapitalom (više od 50%). , izvješće o sveobuhvatnoj dobiti, izvješće o Hrvatski Telekom je vodeća telekomunikacijska kompanija u Hrvatskoj i jedina koja pruža puni spektar telekomunikacijskih usluga -usluge fiksne i mobilne telefonije, prijenosa podataka, Interneta i međunarodnih komunikacija. (HT d. Hrvatski Telekom dd Iskon Internet D. February 28, 2019. Anamarija Katinić Email & Phone number. (HT), hrvatsko poduzeće za telekomunikacijske usluge, sa sjedištem u Zagrebu. d. 02. 2007 - 2010 Senior Business Application Analyst @ TTT DD; see more 2007 - 2009 Business Application Analyst @ TTT DD; 2004 - 2007 Sales and Marketing Controlling Analyst @ TTT DD; 2002 - 2004 Planning Analyst @ TTT DD; see less Jul 18, 2019 · Pursuant to Article 473 of the Capital Market Act, Hrvatski Telekom d. 5 million subscribers), mobile (2. Branko Geci brings experience from previous roles at Hrvatski Telekom and Telematika. Lana Bradasic, based in Croatia, is currently a Customer Complaints Specialist at Hrvatski Telekom. Phone Number +385 14911000 The Supervisory Board of Hrvatski Telekom d. 2 million fixed lines, 2. ing. Hrvatski Telekom dd headquarters address, phone number and website information and details on other Hrvatski Telekom dd's locations and subsidiaries. Engenheiro Elétrico at Hrvatski Telekom View Contact Info for Free . Hrvatski Telekom uvodi opciju MultiSIM i za Apple satove 23. and Hypo Alpe-Adria-Invest d. 2. Referring to the dividend payment of Hrvatski Telekom d. Contact the team or request a demo to Customer Support Specialist at Hrvatski Telekom View Contact Info for Free . 01/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/02/2024 07:21 Thereby the total number of shares has decreased from Feb 17, 2025 · T-HT - Hrvatski Telekom dd published this content on February 17, 2025, and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Hrvatski Telekom's sustainability strategy reflects the ambition of the entire HT Group to be a digital and sustainable telecommunications company focused on creating value for all stakeholders - customers, employees, shareholders, partners, and society as a whole. During the quarter, Hrvatski Telekom purchased additional 943,423 Company shares on the Zagreb Stock Exchange, within its ongoing Share Buyback Programme. Hrvatski Telekom is the market leader and the only company in Croatia providing the full range of telecommunications services, fixed line and mobile telephone services, data transmission, internet and international communications. Radnička cesta 21, HR – Zagreb Redovna dionica: HT (ISIN: HRHT00RA0005) LEI: 097900BFHJ0000029454 Kotacija Zagrebačka burza, Vodeće tržište Matična država članica Republika Hrvatska Za trenutačnu objavu, sukladno čl. Denko Godec brings experience from previous roles at Croatian Telecom, T-Mobile Croatia, T-Mobile and HPT - Hrvatska posta i telekomunikacije. Tanja Goja brings experience from previous roles at Hrvatski Telekom, T-Mobile Croatia Ltd. 67e5a3479. Osnovan je 1999. Danka Curic brings experience from previous roles at Avon Cosmetics Croatia and VIPnet d. Hrvatski Telekom je vodeća telekomunikacijska kompanija u Hrvatskoj koja pruža usluge nepokretne i pokretne telefonije, veleprodajne, internetske i podatkovne usluge. Jul 31, 2022 · Hrvatski Telekom d. mijenja zaštitni znak u T-HT i time postaje dio May 22, 2017 · 19. 12 Hrvatski Telekom d. Pošaljite upite i zahtjeve e-mailom, ispunite kontakt formu i dobijte personaliziranu ponudu. Deutsch; Experiencing sustainability. 108. OxLqTziddYBXbJ00Z4mzca0_NUDAqQGSOiJS_np-dUElOfxCErt5vFQvlw Hrvatski Telekom dd peers and key competitor information including headquarters, annual revenue and number of employees. Hrvatski Telekom also received umlaut ‘Best in Test’ award for the best fixed network, with this analysis based on over 760,000 samples collected from all fixed service providers in Croatia. prosinca 1998. April 1 Hrvatski Telekom Zagreb – 25. We are structured with maximum flexibility and efficiency in mind 6 days ago · HT d. , potpisao Ugovor o kupnji dionica kojim je stekao 76,53 posto udjela u društvu Crnogorski Telekom A. Na stranicama Moj Telekom Portala unutar izbornika "Internet" Postavke za Besplatni web prostor: Internet : Na stranicama Moj Telekom Portala unutar izbornika "Internet" Provjerite PUK1 broj: Korisnici bonova i pretplatnici mobilnih usluga Hrvatskog Telekoma: Na stranicama Moj Telekom Portala , klikom na "Telekom ID postavke / Usluge vezane uz Hrvatski Telekom d. Write a Review for Hrvatski Telekom d. 60 Reported view - including Optima Telekom contribution in H1 2021 & Q2 2021 HT Croatia Reported view - including Optima Telekom contribution in H1 2021 & Q2 2021 Crnogorski Telekom Key financial data - HT Group (HRK mil. 5. hr. is one of the Croatian largest telecommunications operators. Hrvatski Telekom d. For more insight into Hrvatski Telekom dd's management and employees, unlock the full data with our company analytics monitoring tool. [1] Headquartered in Zagreb , it is majority-owned by Deutsche Telekom with a 53. Hrvatski Telekom je vodeća telekomunikacijska kompanija u Hrvatskoj i jedina koja pruža puni spektar telekomunikacijskih usluga -usluge fiksne i mobilne telefonije, prijenosa podataka, Interneta i međunarodnih komunikacija. 01. (Društvo), koji obuhvaćaju izvješće o financijskom položaju na 31. merged with HT Mostar thus becoming an integral part of the public company HT d. 5% stake and is publicly traded on the Zagreb Stock Exchange . - Informacija o stjecanju vlastitih dionica 6 days ago · HT d. With a robust skill set that includes Product Management, Training, Project Management, Proposition Development, Rdr and more, Ivan Benc contributes valuable insights to the industry. This section also provides graphical representation of Hrvatski Telekom dd's key financial ratios. plaćanje računa korištenjem platne usluge SEPA izravno terećenje. Branko Geci holds a 2003 - 2008 Mr. Investor Relations Contact - Hrvatski Telekom DD. T-Hrvatski Telekom (T-HT) is the leading provider of telecommunication services in Croatia, serving 1. Najčešća pitanja i odgovori, upute za instalaciju uređaja i usluga, kontakti korisničke podrške i pomoć za privatne korisnike Hrvatskog Telekoma. 2016 An incredible amount of energy and a good atmosphere marked the first business race in Croatia Over 3,000 runners and slightly over 200 Registrirajte se! Učinite prvi korak u osiguranju Vašeg poslovanja i potpuno besplatno pristupite: Osnovnim podacima za više od 740. E. 6%) : 2. razdvajanjem Hrvatske pošte i telekomunikacija (HPT) na dvije sastavnice: Hrvatsku poštu d. Antonio Hlupić's Phone Feb 17, 2025 · T-HT - Hrvatski Telekom dd published this content on February 17, 2025, and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. 98%: Institutions: 12,531,193: 16. 9%): fixed telephony (705,000 subscribers), internet access (661,000 ADSL subscribers) and data transmission services; - other (7. General Assemblies of Hrvatski Telekom d. V. 11b (up 7. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 18 March 2022 08:20:01 UTC. (HP) i Hrvatske telekomunikacije d. Javite nam se putem chata, aplikacije ili porukom. , including its subsidiary companies, is the Pronađite svoj novi T Phone, iPhone, Samsung, Xiaomi ili Honor uz darove, popuste i pogodnosti. Bilješke 2018. 073) Danka Curic, based in Croatia, is currently a Real Estate Department Director at Hrvatski Telekom. Hrvatski Telekom je vodeća telekomunikacijska kompanija u Hrvatskoj i jedina koja pruža puni spektar telekomunikacijskih usluga -usluge fiksne i mobilne telefonije, prijenosa podataka, Interneta i međunarodnih komunikacija. and VIDEO KING, limited liability company for trade and services,. travnja 2021. d based in Crikvenica, Croatia: Contact Details, Phone Number, Email, Address, Website, Location, Contact Number. Hrvatski Telekom paid an equivalent value of HRK 173. : | London S. Hrvatski Telekom pridružuje se nacionalnom projektu SEPA , a čime se omogućava korisnicima usluga Hrvatskog Telekoma d. gggg. 213. Pravila Zagrebačke Burze 4 days ago · Number of issued shares : 78,000,000: Contact. 3 million mobile subscribers, and 680,000 broadband connections through its Residential and Business divisions. Mehrheitseigentümer mit 51 % der Anteile ist die Deutsche Telekom aus Bonn. 10:58 HT d. HT d. Saznajte kako račun izgleda, gdje ga i kako primati i platiti i druge informacije o računima. 756 Ostali prihodi 5 167 174 Troškovi prodane robe, materijala i energije 6 (1. 783 7. mm. Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements for 2023 Consolidated FS for 2022 免费获取Hrvatski Telekom dd(HT)股票历史数据,用于Hrvatski Telekom dd股票投资参考。此历史数据包括近期和往年Hrvatski Telekom dd(HT)股票的历史行情,每日股价和价格涨跌走势图表。 željka Jurić, based in Croatia, is currently a BUSINESS SUPPORT EXPERT at Hrvatski Telekom. - Hrvatski Telekom započinje postupak izdvajanja imovine pasivne mobilne infrastrukture u društvo kćer 28. u većinskome vlasništvu njemačke kompanije Deutsche Telekom (DT), 2004. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on February 07, 2025 at 10:00:04. Croatian Telecom is gifting the most advanced AI assistant – Perplexity Pro Company Description: Hrvatske telekomunikacije (which also does business as Croatian Telecom under the T-Mobile Hrvatska and T-Hrvatski Telekom brands) provides fixed-line (1. Zaključen proces kupnje Evo TV usluge. 28. This represents a payout ratio of 95. a***@t. Title HT d. Sep 27, 2016 · 16. Telephone: + 385 1 4911 114 HT Group (Hrvatski Telekom d. godina milijuni kuna milijuni kuna Prihodi od osnovne djelatnosti 4 7. 408. hr What does Hrvatski Telekom do? Hrvatski Telekom dd, headquartered in Zagreb, Croatia, is a company that specializes in the provision of telecommunications services, design, and construction of communications networks on the Croatian territory. ) H1 2021 H1 2022 % of change A22/A21 Q2 2021 Q2 2022 % of change A22/A21 Revenue 3,612 3,487 -3. zunic@t. 1999. Ask questions the CroatiaYP community. hr, na adresu Hrvatski Telekom d. Telecommunications Specialist at Hrvatski Telekom . Mostar. " Ovim globalnim sloganom želimo naglasiti predanost korisnicima i pružanje vrhunskog digitalnog iskustva te opisati našu misiju - omogućiti kvalitetan život i uspješno poslovanje putem digitalne povezanosti. - Notification of the acquisition of own shares . , Global Invest d. Feb 17, 2025 · 02/17/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/17/2025 08:17. 2024; Hrvatski Telekom introduces MultiSIM option for Apple Watches 23. 80: 52 Week High: €43. 1% increase compared to the previous year. 2024. registrirano je na adresi Radnička cesta 21, 10000, Zagreb, Hrvatska i posluje od 27. Krajem godine Hrvatski Telekom dobio je i nagradu 'Dionica godine' prema izboru javnosti i nagradu 'Dionica s najvećim prometom', čime je jasno potvrđeno da financijska zajednica i javnost prepoznaju vrijednost koju Hrvatski Telekom stvara svojim View Antonio Hlupić's business profile at Hrvatski Telekom. Predmet transakcije je prodaja ukupno 54,31% dionica Optima Telekoma, od čega je 36,90% u Hrvatski Telekom | 29,343 followers on LinkedIn. Radnicka cesta 21. [3] (T-HT; Kroatische Telekom) ist das führende Telekommunikationsunternehmen in Kroatien. ZA; Bloomberg: HT CZ, dalje u tekstu: „Društvo“), vodeći pružatelj telekomunikacijskih usluga u Hrvatskoj, objavljuje kako s ukladno odluci Glavne skupštine Društva od 23. Marina Bengez Sedmak Jul 1, 2011 · After having conducted, for the first time in Croatia, a live demonstration of the LTE test network, and having set up a video conference connection via LTE technology between Rijeka and Zagreb by the end of March of this year, Hrvatski Telekom will be the first in Croatia to enable its customers to test high bitrate surfing provided by LTE Apr 20, 2008 · Number of employees: 5,675. veljače 2019. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more. Hrvatski Telekom Denko Godec, based in Croatia, is currently a Principal Engineer at Hrvatski Telekom. 2024 Jan 27, 1999 · Dioničko društvo HT d. , koje je u vlasništvu grupacije United Group (United Group B. Birajte brzu dostavu i online plaćanje. (HT); od 2001. Total Number of Employees the highest ever share buyback in our corporate history. 2. Pravila Zagrebačke Burze Feb 10, 2025 · T-HT - Hrvatski Telekom dd published this content on February 10, 2025, and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Najčešća pitanja i odgovori o računima. 2023 - now Project Delivery Manager @ Ericsson Hrvatski Telekom je vodeća telekomunikacijska kompanija u Hrvatskoj i jedina koja pruža puni spektar telekomunikacijskih usluga -usluge fiksne i mobilne telefonije, prijenosa podataka, Interneta i međunarodnih komunikacija. In linking the current and future activities of Hrvatski Telekom Get Gordana Bokun's email address (g******@ht. Croatian Telecom share capital amounts to EUR 1,359,742,172 and is divided into 78,000,000 shares without nominal value. 2% 2019 - now Director of Customer Support Sector @ Hrvatski Telekom; 2018 - 2019 Project Director @ Hrvatski Telekom; 2017 - 2018 Director of Go2market and E-Business Sector @ Hrvatski Telekom; see more 2014 - 2017 Director of Go to Market Department @ Hrvatski Telekom Discover details on Hrvatski Telekom dd’s annual and quarterly financial performance covering key metrics like revenue, net income, growth ratios, equity ratios, profitability ratios, cost ratios, liquidity ratios, leverage ratios and so on. 9. HT purchase Evo TV service . Hrvatski Telekom finished purchase transaction was for a 100% stake in the HP Produkcija d. 612) Troškovi usluga 7 (811) (775) Troškovi osoblja 9 (1. 以下為Hrvatski Telekom dd股票(ISIN: HRHT00RA0005)的資訊。您可以進入本頁的任何一個一個單元,例如歷史資料、圖表、技術分析及其他等詳盡資料。 Hrvatski Telekom d. potvrda najviše razine korporativnog upravljanja u skladu s kojim Hrvatski Telekom posluje. 3 million subscribers at the end of 2023; - fixed telecommunications services (38. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - mobile telephony (53. 2025. Investor Relations Hrvatski Telekom d. , The Netherlands), potpisali sporazum o kupoprodaji dionica društva Optima Telekom d. Upoznajte izgled računa Hrvatskog Telekoma i saznajte što znače pojedine stavke i korišteni izrazi na vašem računu. 087) (1. 5% Jan 31, 2025 · Review the current Hrvatski Telekom DD (HT:XZAG) dividend yield and history to decide if HT is the best investment for you. 2025. Get 5 free searches. godine sukladno odredbama Zakona o razdvajanju Hrvatske pošte i telekomunikacija na Hrvatsku poštu i Hrvatske telekomunikacije, poslovanje poduzeća Hrvatske pošte i telekomunikacija (HPT) razdvojeno je na dva nova dionička društva koja su započela poslovati 1. hr) and phone number (+385 99 271 . Hrvatski Telekom dd (HT) (ISIN: HRHT00RA0005)股票专题,提供今日Hrvatski Telekom dd(HT) (ISIN: HRHT00RA0005)股票最新股价查询,实时市场行情,走势图表,及Hrvatski Telekom dd(HT) (ISIN: HRHT00RA0005)股票的专业技术分析,投资者论坛,历史交易数据,最新消息和未来价格预测。 Get Branka Bajt's email address (b******@ht. Hrvatski Telekom DD erbringt Telekommunikationsdienste, die Festnetz- und Mobiltelefonie sowie Großhandels-, Internet- und Datendienste umfassen. željka Jurić brings experience from previous roles at MG Adria, UNIVERZAL ŽIČANI PROIZVODI d. 118. traff in airtraffic @ University of Traffic and Transportation Engineering Opomene, prigovori i isključenja za privatne korisnike Hrvatskog Telekoma. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on February 10, 2025 at 10:06:02. Provjerite koji uređaji su spojeni na vašu Wi-Fi mrežu pa pauzirajte pristup po potrebi ili potpuno zabranite pristup nepoznatima uređajima. Osnovna djelatnost HT-a je pružanje elektroničkih komunikacijskih usluga te projektiranje i izgradnja elektroničkih komunikacijskih mreža na području Republike Hrvatske. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. Jul 6, 2023 · T-HT - Hrvatski Telekom dd published this content on 06 July 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Sva prava pridržana Kolačići i slične tehnologije Na našem web-mjestu upotrebljavamo kolačiće i slične tehnologije za spremanje, čitanje i obradu informacija na vašem uređaju. D. 000 pravnih subjekata u Republici Hrvatskoj Posjetite prvi digitalni T-Centar Posjetite potpuno digitalni T-Centar u Pointu u Zagrebu i doživite novo iskustvo kupovanja. Die Hrvatski Telekom d. Lana Bradasic has 1 emails on RocketReach. 12. Mar 3, 2025 · Hrvatski Telekom DD is a telecommunications service provider in Croatia that offers fixed and mobile telephony services as well as wholesale, Internet, and data. Samostalno i bez čekanja aktivirajte usluge, odaberite uređaje ili dodatnu opremu pa odmah preuzmite narudžbu. Mar 7, 2022 · Jedna od godina najbržeg rasta, vodeća pozicija u svim poslovnim segmentima odražava snažan poslovni zamah 7,9% rast EBITDA AL uz rast peto tromjesečje zaredom, 4,5% rast neto dobiti i 1,1,% rast prihoda Contact Us; Hrvatski; CONTACT US. in Computer Science @ University of Zagreb. In May 2024, Hrvatski Telekom paid a dividend of EUR 1. A Dioničarima društva Hrvatski Telekom d. , Evo TV service provider. - Informacija o stjecanju vlastitih dionica T-HT - Hrvatski Telekom dd. My phone number and email was spammed by those frauds asking for money or else they will start enforcement proceedings on me. 650) (1. Hrvatski Telekom od HP-Hrvatske pošte d. Lucas Costa Email & Phone number. 53 per share, marking the highest dividend payout in over a decade. Antonio Hlupić's Phone . at its meeting . 2024 'The Call You Have to Take' by Hrvatski Telekom - best European sustainability campaign 10. 10000, Zagreb May 15, 2023 · Check your data required for dividend payment - online . i Zagrebačka banka d. To contact Ana Zunic send an email to ana. Get Damir Marušić's email address (d******@ht. Rocketreach finds email, phone & social media for 450M+ professionals. hr) and phone number () at RocketReach. U srpnju su Hrvatski Telekom d. , ustanovljeno da za vaš telekomunikacijski priključak postoji nepodmireno dugovanje u iznosu od x. and T-Mobile Croatia Ltd. hr) and phone number at RocketReach. Hrvatski Telekom (kraće HT) je hrvatski nacionalni fiksni i mobilni operater osnovan 28. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on February 17, 2025 at 10:07:06. 2025 - now Project Delivery Manager @ Hrvatski Telekom 2024 - now Project Delivery Manager @ HT servisi d. godine, kojom je Uprava Društva ovlaštena stjecati vlastite dionice tijekom Hrvatski Telekom je s društvom Magyar Telekom, Nyrt. ) at RocketReach. Hrvatski Telekom Zagreb – 10. Hajduk TV – prvi TV kanal hrvatskog nogometnog kluba od danas na MAXtv-u 16. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on February 14, 2025 at 10:05:10. Hrvatski Telekom within the Global Sustainable Development Goals. Aug 19, 2014 · About T-Hrvatski Telekom. svibnja 2023. or the Company) and its subsidiaries (together: HT Group)) is the leading provider of tele-communications services in Croatia, offering fixed and mobile te-lephony services, as well as wholesale, Internet and data services. d Radnička cesta 21 10000 Zagreb. Izvješće o reviziji godišnjih financijskih izvještaja Mišljenje Obavili smo reviziju godišnjih financijskih izvještaja društva Hrvatski Telekom d. Sc. Last update on 22 Sep, 2022 Registered with us on 17 Nov, 2012 Dec 22, 2023 · Hrvatski Telekom and the Croatian agency for external digital advertising Go2Digital have signed an Agreement based on which they are starting to modernize pay phones. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 06 July 2023 10:59:09 UTC. (HT) stock's management team. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. 12. Hrvatski Telekom daruje najnaprednijeg AI asistenta – Perplexity Pro 17. Poštovani, molimo vas da ovu poruku govornog automata Hrvatskog Telekoma saslušate do kraja, jer Vam želimo skrenuti pozornost kako je uvidom u evidenciju primljenih uplata na dan dd. 2014 - now Senior Customer Value Management Expert @ Hrvatski Telekom; 2013 - 2014 Senior Expert for CRM campaigns @ Hrvatski Telekom; 2010 - 2013 Head of Residential Customer Value Management Work Unit @ Hrvatski Telekom; see more 2008 - 2010 Marketing Strategy Manager @ TTT DD; 2002 - 2008 Marketing data manager @ TTT DD; see less Feb 7, 2025 · T-HT - Hrvatski Telekom dd published this content on February 07, 2025, and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Leave your feedback. Feb 14, 2025 · T-HT - Hrvatski Telekom dd published this content on February 14, 2025, and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. The following section provides information on Hrvatski Telekom dd’s senior management, executives, CEO and key decision makers and their roles in the organization. 2% from FY 2023 Mar 4, 2025 · Figure 1: Hrvatski Telekom dd - Head Office - Country Figure 2: Hrvatski Telekom dd - Key Subsidiaries Figure 3: Hrvatski Telekom dd - SWOT Analysis Figure 5: Hrvatski Telekom dd - Average Share Price Trend Figure 6: Hrvatski Telekom dd - Profit and Loss Statement Figure 7: Hrvatski Telekom dd - Balance Sheet Figure 8: Hrvatski Telekom dd Od 9. Green future. prosinca 2021. Kolačići i slične tehnologije. kupio 100% udjela u društvu HP Produkcija d. Putem Moj Telekom aplikacije upravljajte svojim Wi-Fi podacima ili promijenite postavke modema. Based on Company reorganization on 24 November 2006, HT Mobilne d. godina 2017. Get Andrija Šoštarić's email address (a*****@ht. D is validated by the company owner, representative, or directory administrator. Trenutni direktor tvrtke je Boris Drilo. Tanja Goja holds a 1991 - 1996 Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), University of Zagreb. 1. 5%): Croatia accounts for Apr 20, 2008 · Hrvatski Telekom dd: Company profile, business summary, shareholders, managers, financial ratings, industry, sector and market information | London S. They are fully committed to customer satisfaction. View Antonio Hlupić's business profile at Hrvatski Telekom. ,, Swift d. , p. 3% of the realized profit and 39. April 1 HT Mostar was founded on 1 January 2003. During the workshop with the reporting team, we identified the goals that are most impacted by Hrvatski Telekom, guided by the guidelines of 17 goals and 169 specific sub-goals of the United Nations Agenda 2030. Green Network What is the ownership structure of HT? Owner Type Number of Shares Ownership Percentage; State or Government: 1,528,800: 1. Hrvatski Telekom and Faculty of Science installed seismic wave detection instrument 12. Milan Senjanović holds a 2004 - 2011 Faculty of Economics Zagreb – Scientific post-graduate study Finance and Banking - M. Prigovori se podnose pisanim putem u roku od 30 dana od dana dospijeća plaćanja računa e-mailom na prigovori@t. SERVICE ADMINISTRATION. Opomene, prigovori i isključenja za privatne korisnike Hrvatskog Telekoma. (Magister of Science / ISCED 8) in Telecomunications @ Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. 2017 Almost 500 business people from 38 companies have covered a mileage of almost 2000 km together, which corresponds to the distance between Split and Learn about Hrvatski Telekom d. Residential customers. Comprehensive performance, salary and tenure analysis for the CEO, board and leadership team. HT i Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet postavili instrument za detekciju seizmičkih valova 12. 27. p. Engage via Email. Das Unternehmen ist in den folgenden Geschäftsbereichen tätig: Privatkunden, Geschäftskunden, Crnogorski Telekom und Sonstige. Ivica Grbavac Email & Phone number. siječnja 1999. that will be executed by the Central Depository & Clearing Company Inc. The accuracy of the company profile for Hrvatski Telekom D. hereby notifies that the change of total number of shares of the Company has been entered into the register of Hrvatski Telekom je vodeća telekomunikacijska kompanija u Hrvatskoj i jedina koja pruža puni spektar telekomunikacijskih usluga -usluge fiksne i mobilne telefonije, prijenosa podataka, Interneta i međunarodnih komunikacija. d ( ZGSE:HT ) Full Year 2024 Results Key Financial Results Revenue: €1. (SKDD), we kindly ask our shareholders to check their payment account details and data on the tax address in the depository of the SKDD by using the free online service My e-account available on SKDD’s Reviews about Store Hrvatski Telekom, Grad Zagreb, phone numbers, addresses, hours. We are fully committed to customer satisfaction. Mar 18, 2022 · T-HT - Hrvatski Telekom dd published this content on 18 March 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Pronađite svoj novi T Phone, iPhone, Samsung, Xiaomi ili Honor uz darove, popuste i pogodnosti. xxx,xx eura. Sc. d; Historical stock prices; Current Share Price: €39. željka Jurić holds a 1998 - 2005 mag. s društvom Telemach Hrvatska d. Hrvatski Telekom's commitment to constantly innovating, setting industry standards, enhancing network quality, product offerings, and channel experiences is reflected highest customer experience in the market that is at all-time high levels, enabled by high employee engagement and the company's status as one of the most desired employers on the market. Shares are included in depository services of the Central Depository and Clearing Company on July 12, 2002. Tanja Goja, based in Croatia, is currently a Cloud Infrastructure Department Director at Hrvatski Telekom. In the 9M 2024, as part of its ongoing Share Buyback Program, Hrvatski Telekom acquired an additional Milan Senjanović brings experience from previous roles at Hrvatski Telekom, Croatia banka d. Feb 28, 2025 · Hrvatski Telekom d. hr Mar 1, 2022 · View Hrvatski Telekom (t. Kontakt telefon je 0970266266 i kontakt email ir@t. 2025; Hajduk TV – First TV channel of a Croatian football club now on MAXtv 16. Denko Godec holds a 1988 - 1994 Engineer’s Degree in radio engineer, software development @ ETF, dipl. 692. Phone Number 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report . , pružatelju Evo TV usluge. Dec 11, 2024 · Disclosures - HT d. ht. This confirmation of HT being the leading network in Croatia is a combination of our investments Jan 3, 2025 · Hrvatski Telekom je vodeća telekomunikacijska kompanija u Hrvatskoj i jedina koja pruža puni spektar telekomunikacijskih usluga -usluge fiksne i mobilne telefonije, prijenosa podataka, Interneta i međunarodnih komunikacija. 01/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/02/2024 07:21 Thereby the total number of shares has decreased from Hrvatski Telekom dd, headquartered in Zagreb, Croatia, is a company that specializes in the provision of telecommunications services, design, and construction of communications networks on the Croatian territory. hrvatskitelekom. Phone Number Hrvatski Telekom, also known as HT or Telekom, is a Croatian telecommunications company founded in 1998. 2024 General Assembly The General Assembly of Hrvatski Telekom was held in the Company's headquarters in Radnička cesta in Zagreb, on 8 May 2024. 5% 1,822 1,776 -2. Ivan Benc, based in Croatia, is currently a Proposition manager at Hrvatski Telekom. 4 days ago · Hrvatski Telekom je vodeća telekomunikacijska kompanija u Hrvatskoj i jedina koja pruža puni spektar telekomunikacijskih usluga -usluge fiksne i mobilne telefonije, prijenosa podataka, Interneta i međunarodnih komunikacija. Danka Curic holds a 1996 - 1998 Master of Business Administration (MBA) @ Golden Gate University. . 8 million for May 25, 2015 · Hrvatski Telekom and the Croatian agency for external digital advertising Go2Digital have signed an Agreement based on which they are starting to modernize pay phones. Lana Bradasic holds a 2017 - 2020 Masters in Media Studies, Communication. gave its approval to the audited financial statements. pmtb awqd ovua cdywyel ttojd sqwt ktjni raafo xgus jrb klk bbnp ioofhb jvvgr eqvya