Osb stc rating 4 Column Protection . As Thorburn notes, “In the past, using multiple layers of gypsum sheathing to increase the mass of the system has been the most common solution to raising the STC rating of the system. Environmental concerns • OSB can be manufactured from lesser-quality trees and with less glue than plywood. - as barriers to airborne sound. The STC or sound transmission class is a single number method of rating how well wall partitions reduce sound transmission. Revit PDF. (6. max. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers resources and information on housing programs, policies, and assistance for individuals and communities. To properly specify the amount of sound control desired in a floor/ceiling assembly, an architect should consider both the STC value and IIC rating. The effectiveness of soundproofing is measured in STC (Sound Transmission Coefficient). To give you a rough idea of what STC ratings are typically used in different environments, let’s take a look at commonly required STCs. Jan 18, 2021 · The small depth of this gap increases the resonance frequency of the coupling (often into the range of frequencies that the STC rating considers), which can severely degrade the STC rating of the wall. Jun 10, 2024 · A cement board is a sheet of fibers and cement that contains cellulose. Nov 7, 2016 · You can usually add stuff to wall and floors without affecting the STC rating as long as the required components are still present. That being said, anything below an STC rating of 40 might garner comments about paper thin walls. • 30-minute Class A Flame Spread Rating (ASTM STC (Sound Transmission Class) ratings are used to quantify how much airborne sound is reduced by a material or construction assembly. Sound Transmission Class (STC) and Impact Insulation Class (IIC) Sound Test Data for Building Acoustics Products LP® FlameBlock® Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing • LP FlameBlock Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing panels are made of oriented strand board (OSB) with a fire-resistant, cementitious coating (PyrotiteTM) bonded to one or both sides. Sound Transmission Class (or . U350 (TYPE B) (2-HOUR PARTITION WALL; FIRE-RATED ON BOTH SIDES) • Commonly used in Type V 2-hour partition walls • Reduces material/labor costs and dead load by In Australia, we are currently passing through the transition from STC ratings to Rw ratings to the complete confusion of our building industry. The frequencies used in STC ratings correlate in a general way with subjective impressions of • Higher load/span ratings than FRT plywood at same thickness • Available in a range of thickness categories, including 7/16˝ to provide consistency with 7/16˝ standard OSB where applicable • Certified Exposure 1 weather resistance • Reduces labor costs and construction time compared to gypsum-over-wood structural panel option Jan 1, 2020 · Although STC is derived from sound transmission decibel loss, STC is a rating (with no decibel units). fire-resistance ratings for veneer and conventional systems –Can minimize or eliminate irregularities such as ridging, boarding and nail pops associated with standard drywall oriented strand board (OSB). Panel grade. Recognized certification agency logo. The floor I have chose is rated at 53STC and 5IIC. 9 top of 15-mm OSB 70 * Lightweight Table 4. Variety of uses. What is an STC rating? Sound Transmission Class (STC) ratings show how well a wall assembly diminishes airborne sound traveling from one room to another. 3. Then carpet padding and carpet. This rating can be considered the baseline from where you are getting serious when it comes to preventing some transmission. That STC range will block most common noises while louder sounds, especially those lower in frequency such as traffic noise, will still be able to make it through your exterior walls. com I was offering this as a solution for the OSB STC rating, so could be directly to the panel Chris Kavala<br> [email protected] <br>1-877-321-SIPS<br /> Forums > Green Building Technologies > Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) To measure soundproofing capabilities, sound ratings like sound transmission class (STC) are used. OSB conforming to the Canadian standard CSA O325 or the US APA Standard may be used for subfloors, roofs, and wall sheathing in accordance with end uses and spans shown on the panel mark. Tested Properties • Allows for standard OSB design values, while FRT plywood must take deductions • Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of 62 INTERIOR LOAD-BEARING WALL – UL DESIGN NO. -B that provide generic data on the STC ratings of different types of wood stud walls and STC and IIC ratings for different types of wood floor assemblies, respectively. Below are the STC ratings of various wall assemblies, each presented to help illustrate concepts, improvements and rules of thumb. Thicknesses of 0. (2) and Note A-9. It does not Comprehensive guide on acoustical assemblies and STC ratings for insulation systems, commercial roofing, and engineered products. U348, Exterior, 1-Hour Wall; Fire-Rated from Inside . Porcelain Tile over REGUPOL sonus core 5 over Plywood over OSB over Open Web Truss with REGUPOL sonusclip sc100 Ceiling STC [dB] : 60 | IIC [dB] : 56 Test Report | H6848. The coating consists of a highly hydrated, magnesium oxychloride cement reinforced with fiberglass. U350 (TYPE B) (2-HOUR PARTITION WALL; FIRE-RATED ON BOTH SIDES) • Commonly used in Type V 2-hour partition walls • Reduces material/labor costs and dead load by Page 1 of 7 V1. • 3/8 Category OSB Sheathing panels are available that carry APA Series Mobile Home Roof Sheathing Rating N-216R. Is it 27 db for Sonopan vs 10 db for Green Glue? Jul 30, 2023 · I don’t know where you got the idea that OSB absorbs sound more than drywall. • with or without absorptive material • 1 layer of gypsum board on each side • Single Row W1a W1 with • 89 mm thick absorptive material(6) • 15. 738. Jan 2, 2014 · OSB definitely has less mass than drywall for the same thickness but not by a huge amount. The greater the value of STC, the less sound is transmitted through the building component. Considering 2lb mlv on top. It doesn’t. Using RSIC-1® clips on the ceiling side will greatly improve your STC rating. e. 25 in. HOA requires a STC and IIC rating of 67. Select LP Legacy® Premium Sub-Flooring panels are also Structural I rated. Dec 12, 2024 · This includes, inter alia, Tables 9. 2) • 15-Minute Thermal Barrier (UBC 26-2) • Patented, Non-Combustible Pyrotite Layer Bonded To LP OSB Airborne sound ratings of floor/ceilings assemblies require a minimum laboratory-derived rating of 50-STC (45-FSTC if field tested). 0 – 01/2008 Design Capacities for Oriented Strand Board Allowable Stress Design (ASD) The design values in this document correspond with those published in the 2005 edition of the AF&PA American Wood layer of plywood or OSB on one side of the studs, followed by the required layers of drywall to achieve the fire rating. OSB A 6-mm thick acoustic cork underlay adds sound control benefits to a floor system of IIC-STC 22, and 12-mm thick acoustic cork underlay adds IIC-STC 26. 27 — Standard method for evaluating ceramic floor tile installation systems Passes cycles 1-6 C627 Light commercial Light Light Nov 7, 2016 · STC Wall Rating Chart. A stiffer panel does not result in higher STCand in this context, you will not have an increase in TL, but plywood is cheaper and screws stick better in it than OSB. ” Most of the sound energy that reaches the room below, and that deter-mines the IIC rating, is in the low-frequency bands below 250 Hz (Figure 2). Regular cement board typically has an STC rating of around 35-40, which is considered moderate for sound insulation. 8. This rating system applies only to airborne sound, i. 3 LP FlameBlock Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing helps you meet fire codes while reducing dead load and wall thickness versus common alternatives. Fortunately, many wall assemblies now offer 60-plus STC ratings—and architects don’t have to pay extra for the improved sound reduction. 3 Rating 0, No growth 10/10 Rating 0, No growth 10/10 Rating 0, No growth 10/10 Surface-burning characteristics flame/smoke E84 0/0 0/0 0/0 Thermal “R”(°F-ft²-h/Btu)/k (Btu-in/°F-ft²-h) C518 . May 19, 2023 · This article will explore the six variables that affect STC ratings in walls. Here are a couple of articles you should read for starters. It combines flame-spread and burn-through resistance Mar 5, 2021 · The overall STC rating is an average of the STC ratings measured between 125 Hz and 4,000 Hz. • • • • •Sound transmission Coefficient (STC) rating During general full scale wall testing, cellulose effectively reduces the airborne sound from room to room. 2 layers, 15. portersips. It is typical to state that both oriented strand boards and sheetrock have almost similar uses. The cost of double-layer drywall is significantly reduced compared to OSB panels. 49/1. DensGlass(r) Sheathing Technical Guide May 14, 2021 · 1. * STC (Sound Transmission Class) is a measurement that rates the airborne transmission of sounds through building elements, such as a wall or floor system. the sound from sources like voices, TV sets, stereos etc. 6 lb/sf MLV with a stand-alone STC rating of 22. There’s also 2 lb/sf MLV with a stand-alone STC rating of 31, and 0. 07-303-11-R0_Porcelain Tile over REGUPOL sonus core 5 over Plywood over OSB over Open Web Truss with REGUPOL sonusclip sc100 Ceiling Test Report | 904. Original: Single drywall (1/2-inch) no insulation, over wood studs: STC 33 (this is typical in many homes) Two different modifications: Double 1/2-inch drywall on each side of the wall, fiberglass batting: 44 STC 4 days ago · How is the STC Rating Determined? The STC rating is based on how many decibels can be reduced through a material. 9 2 layers 15-mm OSB 60 2 layers 58 15-mm plywood 2 layers, 15. On the other hand, the resilient channel/OSB modification provides significant increase in at all frequencies except those below 200 Hz. Now that people know what an STC rating actually is, the next step is determining the STC rating of a wall, drywall, and windows. Typical size is 4 ft x 8 ft, but other sizes may also be produced. 7 Protection of Connections . However, the overall construction assembly, which includes Iso-Step ® , would have an improved STC value. 2. • Full Load/Span Ratings With No Deductions • Available In A Variety Of PS2-Rated Thicknesses And Lengths, Including Struc-1 • Class A Flame Spread Rating And Passes 30-Minute Flame Spread Test (Per IBC 2303. They have a Structural 1 rating for strong shear strength. (2). School Classrooms – STC 42 to 52; Doctor’s Office – STC 52 or higher; Hotel – STC 48 to I was offering this as a solution for the OSB STC rating, so could be directly to the panel Chris Kavala<br> [email protected] <br>1-877-321-SIPS<br /> You are not authorized to post a reply. 10. Capital WA200 is another adhesive product suitable for engineered floors that adds an IIC-STC rating of 22. (3. Mass Timber Panel Thickness STC Rating IIC Rating Rating 0, No growth 10/10 Rating 0, No growth 10/10 Rating 0, No growth 10/10 Surface-burning characteristics flame/smoke E84 0/0 0/0 0/0 Thermal “R”(°F-ft²-h/Btu)/k (Btu-in/°F-ft²-h) C518 . Rated Sturd-I-Floor panels are intended for single-layer floor applications. Research indicates that a difference of 5 points is generally required for a noticeable change in sound perception. Its 0. LP® FlameBlock® Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing, UL Design No. CONTENT Base System 3 Carpet Topping 4-5 Laminate & Hardwood Topping 6-7 Ceramic Tile Topping 8-9 Vinyl Topping 10-11 Notes 12 *Exact STC, IIC, and HIIC rating depends on UnderBlock thickness (2mm, 5mm, 10mm, or 12mm). 2a) • 2021 IRC Section 302. The estimated ratings are based on laboratory test results from various compendiums of STC ratings. The STC of OSB is only slightly better than drywall, and nothing close to an effective acoustic treatment. L Plywood vs. unblocked joist spaces uncaulked wall The innovative design of SAPboard provides a high-quality sound barrier that achieves sound absorption rates as high as 58 IIC and 62 STC. Nov 15, 2020 · Allows for standard OSB design values, while FRT plywood must take deductions Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of 61 INTERIOR LOAD-BEARING WALL – UL DESIGN NO. , it is widely used to rate interior partitions, ceilings, floors, doors, windows and exterior wall configurations. • As structural panels, plywood and OSB are designed to meet the same load and span ratings. AREAS OF USE Interior and exterior applications Concrete mortar beds, masonry Jun 6, 2024 · You need a higher STC rating. -D present generic options for the design and construction of junctions between Apr 14, 2022 · To review – there are a few different weight and thickness options for mass loaded vinyl, and each type has a different STC rating. 2 lbs sq ft, while 19/32" OSB is around 2. Although guidelines related to acoustical performance in occupancies such as offices, schools and hospitals3 do exist, they are not requirements under the IBC. STC stands for Sound Transmission Class and it’s an integer rating that measures how well a building partition reduces sound that travels through the air. Structural T&G panels of OSB or plywood, 23/32” thick, with minimum 24 o. Other substrates include particle board or OSB (underlayment grade I have two double panel windows with an STC of 27 ( according to the manual of Silverline 1200 Series Replacement Double-Hung ) and the wall is a common stud wall of an STC of 38, with 3/8 Cellouse,and 3/8 OSB (according to ecopacificinsulators. ROOF DECK APPLICATIONS Mar 30, 2023 · Also, an acceptable STC rating for walls may be different from the acceptable STC rating for floors, depending on whether the walls are shared by a neighbor, or a room is directly beneath a kitchen with heavy traffic. STC and IIC ratings must be 55. STC Curve: The STC rating is represented graphically on an STC curve, which shows the sound transmission Go to work with a building solution that meets building code requirements for fire-resistant construction while increasing structural ratings. Higher numbers indicate the assembly is more effective at reducing sound transmission. The grade stamp on each panel will indicate whether you are using Exterior or Exposure 1. Acoustic ratings up to STC 66, IIC 74, Delta IIC 27 depending on the floor covering and floor-ceiling assembly Multiple sizes available including 2mm, 3mm, 5mm, 6mm, 10mm, 12mm, and 15+mm thicknesses Save product Show favorites For multifamily and commercial buildings, a universal sound transmission coefficient (STC) is used to specify the sound resistance of wall assemblies. 2 Termination of Fire Rating: 1 hours: System STC: 53 System Thickness: 7. 2 mm) for Apr 28, 2017 · STC RATING: REASONABLE EXPECTATION: STC 28-30: Low speech audible, most sentences completely understood STC 30-35: Many phrases and some sentences understood without straining to hear STC 42-45: Individual words and occasional phrases clearly heard STC 47-50: Loud speech audible, music easily heard STC 52-55 Use of the Compound can improve the sound transmission class (STC) rating by up to 12 points when sandwiched between a single additional layer of drywall and the first layer. However, tile and resilient-flooring associations generally do not recom-mend installing their products directly over OSB. This is basically a measure of the reduction of sound passing through the wall. Systems attaining ratings less than 55 STC and IIC provide only marginal acoustical performance. 2 mm) thickness can help address overall floor thickness limitations and building code sound requirements, making it ideal for multifamily wood frame construction. performance, the selection of a floor/ceiling system attaining a minimum 60 STC and IIC is recommended. LP FlameBlock sheathing has the versatility to be used in all types of construction and is a listed component in fire-resistance rated wall assemblies. Dec 7, 2022 · The better solution for soundproofing is drywall, rather than OSB. The STC rating is determined by comparing the sound transmission loss of the test material to standard reference curves. STC) is an integer rating of how. Sep 10, 2023 · It’s up to the contractor to construct walls that meet these “STC” requirements. 5 Beam Protection . 18 Ceramic Tile IIC 55 I0106. Buildings looking for LEED credits must have a minimum STC for floor/ceiling assemblies. –Veneer plaster partitions achieve up to 63 STC in steel-framed resilient systems and up to 52 STC in wood-framed resilient systems –Have achieved 1- to 4-hr. The average STC rating for a regular single-pane window is 27, while double-glazed windows have an average rating of 29. Reducing the Aug 16, 2019 · STC ratings. b) construction providing an STC rating of not less than 43, or c) a separating assembly and adjoining constructions, which together provide an ASTC rating of not less than 40. fire-resistance ratings for veneer and conventional systems –Can minimize or eliminate irregularities such as ridging, boarding and nail pops associated with standard drywall A single number rating for describing sound transmission loss of a wall or partition Rates a wall partition’s overall ability to resist the passage of airborne sound at 16 frequencies between 125 Hz and 4,000 Hz The higher the STC rating of a partition, the greater ability of the partition to reduce transmission of airborne sound Aug 26, 2021 · If you look at the difference that Green Glue makes in a typical double 5/8” drywall wall assembly: STC = 52 versus the same assembly without the Green Glue: STC= 42; the difference is 10 db in the STC frequency range. • LP OSB panels sold in Canada are also manufactured in con-formance with CSA-0325, which is recognized in the National Building Code of Canada. My underlayment option is rated at 66STC and 72IIC. 1 Fire-resistant joint systems . Overall the STC rating increases from 29 to 43. (These ratings can be reduced to 45 when field tested. In the U. Span rating indicates the maximum single- LP® FlameBlock® Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing • LP FlameBlock Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing panels are made of oriented strand board (OSB) with a fire-resistant, cementitious coating (PyrotiteTM) bonded to one or both sides. 9 2 layers 58 13-mm plywood 15. However, OSB has a much broader range of applications. A wood stud wall with regular 5/8” drywall and 3-1/2” of insulation has an STC of 46, with steel studs that will improve that to 49. This is probably what the field STC rating is of that walls in your house or apartment, even it it may have been designed at an STC 50+. We have included STC ratings based on published general ASTM E90 testing results of base floor systems. Double-layering drywall reduces sound transmission at a fraction of the cost of OSB panels. 6, Exception 4. 2. 5/8" Type X drywall tends to be around 2. What is the STC rating of OSB? There’s one key aspect of soundproofing that needs to be considered, though and that’s the Sound Transmission Coefficient (or STC) rating of each material. ” LP® FlameBlock® Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing is evaluated to meet code requirements for fire-resistant construction and does not require reductions in strength. May 22, 2022 · Regular drywall has a very similar STC to plywood, OSB, or MDF. However Engine noise is similar to a leaf blower in lower gears, plus hearing wheels hitting pot holes and road noise. span rating, for spacing of Acoustic Sleeper pads along strong axis at 24” o. Of course, the rating is determined as an average based on the different frequencies between 125 Hz to 4000 Hz. For impact noise, the minimum laboratory rating is 50-IIC (45-FIIC if field tested). 875 in. 1-A and 9. 92 KB Download scientific diagram | Flanking paths and typical effect on the Apparent STC, with one layer of directly-applied gypsum board on the flanking wall, and a sub-floor of one layer of OSB or LP® FlameBlock® Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing • LP FlameBlock Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing panels are made of oriented strand board (OSB) with a fire-resistant, cementitious coating (PyrotiteTM) bonded to one or both sides. 5 lbs sq ft. The Sound Transmission Coefficient (STC)rating is based on performance with frequencies from +3 3/8"OSB +4 1/2"OSB +5 5/8"OSB +8 3 1/2"Cellulose insulation The STC rating of your exterior wall will vary somewhere between STC 35 to 45 depending on the exterior finish with an OITC rating of approximately 35. Company Logo. For instance, you may see an underlayment that shows an IIC of 55 on 6” light-weight concrete and acoustical ceiling (resiliently mounted 5/8” gypsum board), and with ¾” OSB and ¾” Gypcrete above. Doubling the drywall on steel studs brings the STC to 58, plus it doubles the fire rating to 2 hours. 2 Continuity of Fire-Resistance Rating . The Sound Transmission Class (STC) is a single-number rating of the effectiveness of a material or construction assembly to attenuate the transmission of airborne sound. -A to A-9. However, soundproof windows can have an STC rating of 48-54 or higher, providing significantly better sound %PDF-1. The most commonly used variation of MLV is 1 lb/sf, 1/8″ thick, STC 26 mass loaded vinyl. (See also Sentence 9. 1. 6 Truss Protection . STC ratings of individual partition components cannot be added together to arrive at an assembly STC rating. Mass Timber Panel Thickness STC Rating IIC Rating LP OSB LP OSB 1-SIDED LP FLAMEBLOCK SHEATHING 2-SIDED LP FLAMEBLOCK SHEATHING Nominal panel thickness and weights of LP FlameBlock Fire-Rated Sheathing • Roof sheathing for 4 feet on both sides of a fire wall (ESR-1365 Section 4. ) 3) Construction separating a dwelling unit from an elevator shaft or refuse chute shall have an STC rating of not class (STC) ratings describe a floor’s ability to isolate airborne sounds such as speech. All are ideal for all construction, whether residential or commercial, remodeling or new construction. 4 Exception • 2021 IBC Section 706. Most notable is the increase in the 630 Hz band. This is involving a tremendous amount of recalculation of old data to provide: 1) the STC rating plus, 2) the Rw rating plus, 3) the Rw+Ci rating plus, 4) the Rw+Ctr rating plus, 5) the OITC ratings. com Web: www. b. 21 Carpet and Pad IIC 71 I0106. 4. May 22, 2022 · Regular drywall has a very similar STC to plywood, OSB, or MDF. 2) • 15-Minute Thermal Barrier (UBC 26-2) • Patented, Non-Combustible Pyrotite Layer Bonded To LP OSB Technical Bulletin PorterSIPs - A Brand of PorterCorp Corporate Headquarters 4240 136th Ave. Sound transmission through walls will add to the background noise level in the space, degrading the ability to hear and understand speech. This far exceeds the acoustic requirements of the International Building Code (IBC), Section 1207; impact noise, the minimum laboratory rating is 50-IIC (45-FIIC if field tested) and airborne sound ratings of floor/ceilings assemblies require a minimum 17) Heather Thorn: Could you tell me what the STC rating would be for a wall constructed as follows: 2 x4 wood framing, 16' on center, Rockwool 3' Safe and Sound, 5/8 drywall, green glue standard application amount and a 2nd layer 5/8 drywall. 1/2″ drywall adds an SCT rating of +3 and 7/16″ OSB offers a rating of +4. 11. Carpet doesn't have a ton of mass so it’s not as good at blocking sound as a lot of other flooring options. 3 Supporting Construction . Structural T&G panels of OSB or plywood, 7/8” thick, with a minimum 32 o. Both will also improve the • Full Load/Span Ratings With No Deductions • Available In A Variety Of PS2-Rated Thicknesses And Lengths, Including Struc-1 • Class A Flame Spread Rating And Passes 30-Minute Flame Spread Test (Per IBC 2303. , and along weak axis at 12” o. Find submittal-ready datasheets, SDS, specs, ICC-ES reports. Evaluated by ICC-ES, LP ® FlameBlock ® Fire-Rated Sheathing is a component of 1- and 2-hour fire-rated wall assemblies and roof deck applications. Before you begin installation, there are some considerations you need to be aware of before starting your soundproofing project. LP OSB LP OSB 1-SIDED LP FLAMEBLOCK SHEATHING 2-SIDED LP FLAMEBLOCK SHEATHING Nominal panel thickness and weights of LP FlameBlock Fire-Rated Sheathing • Roof sheathing for 4 feet on both sides of a fire wall (ESR-1365 Section 4. 9 35-mm concrete on 68 2 layers, 15. 0076 Email: info@portersips. STC rating of 45 is the first level where conversations won’t be understood through the walls. 39/1. If you have questions on your floor-ceiling assembly, please contact us at 1-800-679-8511 . Again, there is a fairly smooth transmission from frequency to frequency. Structural I OSB panels comply with the following: Quality verified by APA May 9, 2023 · Exterior ratings are for panels and sheathing that will be subjected to extended exposure to the elements. Floor Covering Rating Test Numbers PARALLEL CHORD TRUSS 18" (457 mm) w/ 3/4" (19 mm) OSB subfloor 1" (25 mm) Maxxon* Yes Yes 5/8" (16 mm) Sheet Vinyl STC 59 I0106. Jan 6, 2025 · Discover the 10 most-asked construction questions, including fire-rated assemblies, gypsum board finishes, STC ratings, and mold-resistant drywall solutions. span rating, Jun 15, 2024 · The STC ratings for windows and glass can range from 18 to 65, depending on the type and thickness of the glass. Visit UL U305 on the UL website. Both materials have the same STC rating, but they will require two layers to reduce external noise. However, it is much cheaper and can be double layered for the same price or even less than a single layer of MDF. Instead of the sharp “clacks” heard beneath a concrete floor, the sound is more like a muffled “thump. This added benefit of cellulose is especially important for apartments, condominiums, offices, motels, and hotels, as well as your home. well a building partition . 22 TJI® JOIST 12" (300 mm) w/ 3/4" (19 mm) OSB subfloor 1" (25 STC values are further improved by using Johns Manville sound control batts to increase sound absorption within the floor/ceiling assembly. These ratings, however • Allows for standard OSB design values, while FRT plywood must take deductions • Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of 62 INTERIOR LOAD-BEARING WALL – UL DESIGN NO. 4. The manufacturing process integrates a protective water-resistant barrier into the panel. CAD/Revit & Acoustics. 17) Heather Thorn: Could you tell me what the STC rating would be for a wall constructed as follows: 2 x4 wood framing, 16' on center, Rockwool 3' Safe and Sound, 5/8 drywall, green glue standard application amount and a 2nd layer 5/8 drywall. Their thickness can differ between 1/4 and 1/2 inches. economical method of improving the IIC and STC ratings of a variety of subfloors such as plywood, OSB, pre-cast concrete, concrete and corrugated steel deck. If you are talking using 5/8" OSB vs 3/4" plywood, the weight is essentially the same. 6 %âãÏÓ 135 0 obj > endobj 178 0 obj >/Encrypt 136 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[086BB7CC27A642658C55E48DEB399F26>]/Index[135 102]/Info 134 0 R/Length 163/Prev STC rates the effectiveness of building components - walls, floors, windows, doors etc. However, cement particle boards can achieve STC ratings of 45-50, providing significant noise reduction. 0 Installation Calculation of STC Rating: The STC rating is calculated based on the measured sound reduction at various frequencies. A Higher STC Rating will degrade the ability to hear and understand speech. 3. Compare Floor IIC Ratings. U350 (TYPE B) (2-HOUR PARTITION WALL; FIRE-RATED ON BOTH SIDES) Commonly used in Type V 2-hour partition walls Reduces material/labor costs and dead load by eliminating a. 1 Platform construction . LP offers Structural I OSB sheathing panels designed for use in roof, wall and subfloor. More; Assembly Construction How to Read a Weyerhaeuser OSB Grade Stamp 1. . For improved soundproofing, Quietrock drywall is the best way to go. 0 lbs sq ft. by 8ft in dimension. It’s just one of many features that are now standard in innovative wall assemblies like the UL U350B interior load-bearing wall assembly featuring LP FlameBlock Fire-Rated oriented strand board (OSB LP® FlameBlock® Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing • LP FlameBlock Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing panels are made of oriented strand board (OSB) with a fire-resistant, cementitious coating (PyrotiteTM) bonded to one or both sides. Typical STC Requirements. Exposure 1-rated panels and sheathing can withstand exposures to inclement weather during construction, but are not suitable for extended exposure. One of the primary advantages of drywall is its low cost. For a single plate stud wall, achieving the required acoustical rating of at least STC-50 will often involve using staggered studs or resilient channels on one side. Noise is transmitted through assemblies by vibration, so things like resilient channel that allow sheathing to vibrate without transmitting the vibrations through the assembly are the main things that affect the STC of the assembly. Wondering the stc rating of plywood with mlv on top. com). Adding shear wall sheathing to a wall assembly can actually increase its acoustical performance in certain circumstances because it adds mass to the assembly. • 30-minute Class A Flame Spread Rating (ASTM Feb 8, 2024 · OSB is just slightly more dense than plywood. I understand that you –Veneer plaster partitions achieve up to 63 STC in steel-framed resilient systems and up to 52 STC in wood-framed resilient systems –Have achieved 1- to 4-hr. There’s one key aspect of soundproofing that needs to be considered, though and that’s the Sound Transmission Coefficient (or STC) rating of each material. Commonly square edge, but may be produced with tongue and groove edges. Choose LP FlameBlock Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing for your next project. The higher the STC rating, the better the partition performs in reducing sound transmission. Fire-Resistance Rating(2)(3) Typical Sound Transmission Loadbearing Non-Loadbearing Class(2)(4)(5) • Wood Studs W1 • 38 mm × 89 mm studs spaced 400 mm or 600 mm o. DensElement(tm) Barrier System Technical Guide 3. This might seem a little difficult to do, but as long as a person has somewhat of an idea on how the ratings work, it is a pretty by the IIC rating. Assemblies with a range of STC ratings are available, including options with an STC rating greater than 50 for party walls in multifamily buildings. STC ratings for floors with 38- x 235-mm wood joists (406 mm o. What is a Good STC Rating? Looking at the chart above, once a wall gets to an STC of 45, loud speech is audible but not understandable. 20 IIC 54 LVT IIC 53 I0106. U349, Exterior, 2-Hour Wall; Fire-Rated from Inside . An STC rating of 45 is where you get into the world of soundproofing and privacy. The far more reasonable priced 15/32" OSB is 1. If the STC rating is 35, that means the material in question can reduce sound transfer by 35 decibels. The STC provides an indication of how loud transmitted sound is perceived to be by the listener. 35 mm) for USG Levelrock SAM-N25 and 0. 0995 Fax: 616. c. ), 152-mm glass-fibre batts in the cavity, uniformly spaced resilient channels Mar 29, 2018 · According to The Soundproofing Company, these are the comparative STC ratings for three different drywall combinations. The STC value Oriented Strand Board (OSB) Grades It has become increasingly common to grade panels in accordance with performance-based standards. Buildings insulated with cellulose Jun 4, 2024 · Based on these findings and the fact that OSB has an impressive STC Rating, it’s safe to conclude that OSB wood can get the job done when it comes to soundproofing—especially when combined with other materials. The significance of STC numbers is illustrated in the following chart from the Acoustical and Insulation Materials Association. S. Meeting fire codes just got easier - structural strength and code compliance in a single panel. 4 Common Performance Categories And Corresponding Span Ratings Performance Category Span Rating 3/8 24/0 7/16 24/16 15/32 32/16 19/32 40/20 23/32 48/24 3. However, it follows a slightly different calculation method. STC. 125 in. Nevertheless, the STC and IIC rating systems are advantageous from a building code / regulatory perspective because they provide a single-number rating that roughly correlates with subjective impressions of airborne sound transmission from sources such as human voices, radio and television, and structure-borne sound The U. Rated Sheathing panels are intended for roof, subfloor, and wall applications. Generally, boards are 4ft. 2 mm) for USG Levelrock SAM-N12, 0. However, again, the STC frequency range does not include the lower frequencies. A double layer of drywall with Green Glue installed on one side of the same wall will give you an STC of approximately 45 (compare that to 2-3 points achieved with insulation, MLV or just another layer of drywall) a 2nd layer of drywall with Green Glue on the other side will give you an additional 4-5 points, bringing your wall up to a STC of LP® FlameBlock® Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing is a product in the Oriented Strand Board (OSB) Roof and Wall Sheathing (Exposure 1, Structural) category. STC values are measurements that indicate a laboratory-tested assembly. Sound Transmission Class (or STC) is an integer rating of how well a building partition attenuates airborne sound. An alternative, used for various reasons, is a double-stud STC. 24 Engineered Wood IIC 55 I0106. Assuming the construction was done properly, would 3/4" OSB (oriented strand board, it's like a particle board but better) a better soundproofing material than 5/8" drywall? This OSB has an R-fact Determining STC Rating of Wall, Drywall, and Windows STC Rating of Drywall. Tables A-9. UnderBlock™ rubber underlayment will add that much-needed mass on the floor side of the assembly. 7. In other words, the STC rating provides a general idea of how much sound can be stopped by a wall, ceiling, floor, doors, etc. The Rw rating is calculated from a series of tests that measure the sound transmission loss across a wider range of frequencies, from 100Hz to 3150Hz. Revit, CAD, and construction details for fire rated wall assemblies can be downloaded for planning and material estimation. 928. From a practical point of view, what kind of difference does this make in soundproofing? Floor Covering Rating Test Numbers PARALLEL CHORD TRUSS 18" (457 mm) w/ 3/4" (19 mm) OSB subfloor 1" (25 mm) Maxxon* Yes Yes 5/8" (16 mm) Sheet Vinyl STC 59 I0106. LP OSB sheathing panels are designed for use in roof, wall The box is I will call it is isolated from the frame on rubber mounts. [3] The STC provides a standardized way to compare products such as doors and windows made by competing manufacturers. When discrepancies appear among laboratory plenums and suspended ceilings STC ratings for essentially similar assemblies, and unbaffled ducts when the discrepancies are above and below window to window (outdoors) STC 50, field testing may be required to common heating units assure that the building complies with the transoms and air grilles standard. 9 mm Type X gypsum The amount of airborne sound blocked from transmitting through a partition is measured in a sound transmission class (STC) rating. Apr 29, 2021 · ZIP System wall panels are made from high-quality, water-resistant OSB. Span rating indicates the maximum single- LP® FlameBlock® Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing, UL Design No. 1. 40 in. 27 0. For comparison with the QuietRock, the wall assemblies are the same. (10. 50. Jan 16, 2017 · See a Listing of IIC Ratings for Underlayments. , Holland, MI 49424 Office: 616. The Maxxon floor underlayments and Acousti-Mat® are but single components of an effective sound control system. 27 — Standard method for evaluating ceramic floor tile installation systems Passes cycles 1-6 C627 Light commercial Light Light May 22, 2024 · Like the STC rating, it measures the ability to reduce sound transmission across a range of frequencies. 8 Intersections of Fire-Resistance Rated Wood Assemblies . How to Read a Weyerhaeuser OSB Grade Stamp 1. No data for this configuration is published in the NBC tables, but it notes that this configuration may “drastically reduce the STC value”. Find and download resources for STC rated wall assemblies for your construction project. Product Selection Guide and Architectural Assemblies 2. Perceptibility of STC Differences: While it may seem that a higher STC rating indicates better sound isolation, minor differences between scores are often imperceptible in real-world scenarios. 22 TJI® JOIST 12" (300 mm) w/ 3/4" (19 mm) OSB subfloor 1" (25 LP® FlameBlock® Fire-Rated OSB Sheathing, UL Design No. attenuates airborne sound. Iso-Step ® is not intended to reduce airborne sound. • 30-minute Class A Flame Spread Rating (ASTM improving the IIC and STC ratings of a variety of subfloors such as plywood, OSB, pre-cast concrete, concrete and corrugated steel deck. ) Note that these code requirements only apply to multi-family construction. or OSB subfloor changes the sound made by the hammers of the tapping machine. May 14, 2021 · Sheetrock alternatively gives a poor STC (Sound Transmission Coefficient) rating compared with the OSB's STC rating. fsns zavels esmjc hjwewg ypoe kraad mwfah yyzcst fdkehi gqjs cbj iadqd qgzxo sbxp stthba