
Aarp tax aide 4012. Title: Taking the IRS Tests Online TY23 Author: NTTC .

Aarp tax aide 4012 This is a mandatory topic for all volunteers. TA-R02-NY1-D05. Tax-Aide References; Client; Training. Choose the various taxpayer and dependent options and see a list of benefits. The National Tax Training Committee PowerPoint training slides continue the structure and content layout from the past few years. Complete Refresher Training (see below) Complete Pub 4012 - Volunteer Document Source Legend - TA = Tax-Aide NTTC = Portal Red/NTTC Training & Tax Law AARP Tax-Aide. This year, a variety of refresher training options will be available. Complete IRS Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, and submit it with your paper federal tax return. gov. AARP Tax-Aide Chromebook. It is suggested that bookmarks to these resources be created in your aarpfoundation. Many other conjunction with this guide, including the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Policy and Procedures Manual, Tax-Aide Scope Manual, NTTC Modified Pub 4012, and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) publications, which are available on the IRS website, www. See Pub 4012 (NTTC version Nov 1, 2023 · AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Scope Manual (TY2023) National Tax Training Committee to Table of Contents November 1, 2023 -1- Tax-Aide Scope Table In the first column below, all schedules first specify their form; e. pittsburgh@gmail. IRS Guidance. 1 day ago · Tax-Aide is the nation's largest free tax assistance and preparation service. Pub 4012 - Volunteer Document Source Legend - TA = Tax-Aide NTTC = Portal Red/NTTC Training & Tax Law AARP Tax-Aide. The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Acronyms document is a useful tool when one is Thank you for donating your time and talents to AARP Tax-aide! Click on image to open up e-version of Pub 4012 Click on image to go to the AARP Portal to download a copy of the 2018 NTTC Workbook NTTC Modified Pub 4012 – Volunteer Resource Guide Your email address Your telephone # AARP Tax-Aide P P P . Publication 5310 VITA/TCE Tax Return and Quality Review Job Aid The Intake Interview and Quality Review Sheet Review: The National Tax Training Committee (NTTC) Gold Standards for Intake and Interview paper The NTTC Gold Standards for Quality Review paper The AARP Scope Poster and the TaxAide Scope Manual for TY2024 The NTTC Modified Pub 4012 TY18 Rel1 in PDF format (or “NTTC Pub 4012” for short) is the version that Tax-Aide Counselors are encouraged to use ─Available electronically ─Always the current materials ─Easy to use when you know how Why? For use by AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers only. Item to Enter + Tips Where to Enter in TS 4012 Pub 17 Highlights & Notes 1040 SchA Taxslayer Tips 1-10 Since TS is being modified for the Tax-Aide progam, it is a work in progress. Get started with the Tax-Aide Site Locator tool. Scope may not be expanded beyond what is defined in this 1 Quick Guide for TaxSlayer (includes All AARP Tax-Aide Scope) (Please send corrections. Scope may not be expanded beyond what is defined in this For use by AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Volunteers Only The Self-Study training documents are for Tax-Aide volunteers and were developed by the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, National Tax Training Committee. For 2018 returning volunteers Page 3 Catalog Number 52121E www. Tax Training PowerPoint Slides Release 1: Tax Year 2016. Release 1. Training in this guide covers the period of time from when the taxpayer first enters the Tax-Aide site and meets a Tax-Aide volunteer, to Oct 11, 2018 · AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Intake Booklet – Tax Year 2018 The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program provides tax preparation service to anyone of any age – especially those who are 50 or older. New counselors will be introduced to the tax return with four training exercises (returns) found in Workbook chapter Training Tax Forms: Andrews, Baker, Caldwell, and Davenport. Link and Learn (IRS) Moodle; TaxSlayer Practice Lab; Tax-Aide References. Tax-Aide has several options for providing taxpayer assistance. org. Pub 4012 NTTC Modified TY 23 . Topics could include: ‒ Tax-Aide Policies and Procedures. You can It is now necessary to have this enhanced version of the 4012 for AARP’s TCE tax clients for explanations and guidance. ) 01-21-27 . Sep 25, 2024 · Provided for the v olunteers of Maine's AARP Foundation Tax-Aide. Every year, from early February to mid-April, our volunteers take appointments at over 3,600 locations around the country. Specifically, this training document, the Publication 4012 – NTTC Modified version, and the Publication 4491 – NTTC Modified version are for Tax-Aide volunteers. You do not need to be a member of AARP or a retiree to use this service, and all Tax-Aide volunteers are IRS-certified. It is now necessary to have this enhanced version of the 4012 for AARP’s TCE tax clients for explanations and guidance. Apr 15, 2024 · AARP membership is not required to use our free service. Oct 20, 2024 · Publication 4012-A, VITA/TCE Volunteer Resource Guide with Updates, is a revised version of Publication 4012 that includes the changes made in Publication 4491-X. Local Coordinators need to be well versed in various AARP Foundation Tax-Aide administrative issues. The NTTC has provided a List of Abbreviations that can be viewed at Pub 4012 - Volunteer Document Source Legend - TA = Tax-Aide NTTC = Portal Red/NTTC Training & Tax Law AARP Tax-Aide. com . AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Scope Manual (TY2022) National Tax Training Committee to TOC October 22, 2022 -iv- Locally limiting Scope For Tax-Aide, this manual continues to take precedence over IRS Publications 4012 (Volunteer Resource Guide) and 4491 (VITA/TCE Training Guide). After TS entries, the Welcome to Tax-Aide Self-Study for Tax Year 2019 The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Self-Study Program provides AARP Tax-Aide Volunteers an opportunity to train on tax law and the tax software outside of the traditional classroom. The information on the For use by AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers only. Idaho Tax-Aid. th • Tax-Aide's NTTC Pub 4012 (Volunteer Resource Guide) is a reference on using TaxSlayer Pro Online to create a tax return. The contents of this website are n ot officially endorsed by the AARP, AARP Foundation, IRS, or the State of Maine Revenue Services. You can find them in libraries, malls, banks and community centers in all 50 states. The tax season ended on April 15, 2024, except for Maine and Massachusetts, which ended on April 17, 2024. What's New NTTC Pub 4012 Rele ase Notes. Tax-Aide must report This document provides instructions for installing an AARP Foundation Tax-Aide “Generic” Windows 10 Professional hard disk drive system image for Tax Year 2017. This tool is a combination of all the Pub 4012 charts - without the charts. Title: Taking the IRS Tests Online TY23 Author: NTTC The table below replaces the Scope of Services included in IRS Publication 4012. Tax-Aide Resources; Lane County D09; Rogue Valley D15; Bend, Redmond, Madras The NTTC Modified Pub 4012 TY18 Rel1 in PDF format (or “NTTC Pub 4012” for short) is the version that Tax-Aide Counselors are encouraged to use ─Available electronically ─Always the current materials ─Easy to use when you know how Why? National Tax Training Committee – October, 2016 Page 1 of 7 . The following tools are designed to be helpful to AARP Tax-Aide Counselors and Trainers. All other use is prohibited unless permission is granted. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide creates materials for volunteers only. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Program NLDC 21019 AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Program policies and procedures AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Standards of Professionalism • Provide training for all volunteers This Client Facilitator Guide is developed to provide in-depth information and resources to AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers who serve as Client Facilitators (CF). Informational Links. 11-2024) Expenses and Tax Related Events: Answer the questions on the left side of this page. Special attention is for those who are new Tax-Aide volunteers. After TS entries, the remainder of the QuickGuide is alphabetical, AARP Tax-Aide Program. Certification Process See the process on one printable page here. The steps to do that are listed below. Dec 31, 2018 · Purpose: Tax preparation help for anyone, particularly those 50 and older. AARP Portal; AARP Portal – How To’s; State/Regional Resources; District/Local/Training Coordinator Resources; State/District. Check the box that says “I am a victim of identity theft AND it is affecting my federal tax records,” complete, sign, and date the form, and attach a copy of one of the types of identity documents listed on the form to verify your identity. Under the provisions of the Volunteer Protection Act, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers must stay within the scope of the program and prepare only returns for which they have been trained AARP Foundation Tax-Aide provides free tax preparation at almost 3,500 Tax-Aide sites around the country. irs. The following are links to documentation and websites that volunteers can reference to answer tax questions. This table covers the forms and schedules that Tax-Aide volunteers certified through the Advanced level may be trained to do under the guidelines of the program as defined by the IRS and AARP Foundation Tax-Aide. . AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Program. Sep 1, 2023 · Pub 4012 is great for researching all tax law, scope, and TaxSlayer data entry issues. Publication 4012-A is electronic-only and will be available online by mid-February 2025. org Phone: 888-227-7669 AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is the nation's largest volunteer-based free tax preparation service. It includes exercises and quizzes to promote knowledge of the material. Schedule A (Form 1040) is “F 1040, S A” and Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) is “F 1065, S K-1”. AARP Tax-Aide: Volunteer Requirements _____ Stephen Cohen, District Coordinator October, 2022 Allegheny East – Allegheny North – Allegheny South 412-421-3999 - taxaide. Expect changes prior to tax season. Pub 4491 VITA/TCE Training Guide with Tax-Aide additions is a textbook covering in-scope tax law for the Counselor to use in preparation for the certification exam and as a refresher prior to a new tax season. Nov 1, 2024 · AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Scope Manual (TY2024) National Tax Training Committee to Table of Contents November 1, 2024 -3- Tax-Aide Scope Table In the first column below, all schedules first specify their form; e. The intended audience for this document is AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Technology Specialists Local Coordinator - ERO 2 NTC & NTTC Training – TY2016 L has the overall responsibility for a Site’s Operation. The Tax Training Section of the Portal Library contains numerous resources to assist Nov 13, 2019 · 8 NTTC Pub 4012 PDF and Chromebooks Each volunteer will have their own 30GB Google (cloud) Drive Volunteer’s Google Drive will automatically be connected no matter which AARP Tax-Aide Chromebook they log into Each volunteer will be able to save their personalized NTTC Pub 4012 to their Google Drive Application to handle PDF documents in Chrome OS is TBD Have demonstrated links and TAX TIPSHEET DC AARP TAX-AIDE List of TaxAide Abbreviations ☒ Info ☐ FED ☐ DC ☐ MD ☐ VA Tax Yr. Jan 7, 2021 · Tax Year 2024 Training All returning counselors will need to re-certify. Practice Exercises: NTTC Workbook and TaxSlayer Practice Lab • Practice exercises are available in the NTTC Workbook . Expect changes. See Pub 4012 (NTTC version 4012 to ensure understanding of how to access and use it. 1 Quick Guide for TaxSlayer (includes All AARP Tax-Aide Scope) (Please send corrections. NTTC Pub 4491 - Latest version. Also, as we head into filing season 2019, the NTTC is in close contact with IRS obtaining guidance, as necessary, in areas of ambiguity that require clarification. ERO is IRS term for who is responsible for filing tax returns At many AARP Foundation Tax-Aide sites the LC is also the ERO This presentation addresses the ERO portion of an L ’s responsibilities 1. Check only the boxes that apply to you and/or your spouse. Community-Based: In-person tax preparation assistance in local neighborhoods. Training & Certification. org Google account, but the information is also available here. gov Form 13614-C (Rev. AARP Tax-Ade Program • FREE Tax preparation of Federal, State and Local Tax Returns • Managed by AARP Foundation under contract with the IRS – 50. The information herein is provided "as is" for Tax-Aide program volunteer use only. NTTC Resources; Charts; Tax-Aide How To; Pub 4012 - NTTC Modified fo TY 2024 : Idaho Specific Information; Jan 15, 2025 · Email: taxaide@aarp. Volunteer-assisted Tax-Aide service in most locations provided by the AARP Foundation ended on April 15th, 2024. The intended audience for this document is AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Technology Specialists pertinent IRS Fact Sheets along with the Tax-Aide guidance is also an appropriate LC discussion topic. Content for many lessons is separated into Core and NTTC Modified Pub 4012 Tax-Aide Scope Manual NTTC Useful Tax Prep Links (includes link to prior year pubs, intake booklets, worksheets and tax law papers) VA TaxAide website - Tax Prep Resources Virginia Income Tax Resources Returns for other states (MD - DC - WV - NC) While Virginia Tax-Aide strives to provide classroom and Google Meet training for as many new volunteers and returning tax counselors as possible, AARP Tax-Aide's National Tax Training Committee (NTTC) provides a self-study program for both new and returning volunteers. will be . IRS grants and AARP Foundation provide funding so that the service is free to the taxpayers. Free Services: No fees, AARP membership is not required. g. For their use ONLY . be used with the IRS Sales Tax Calculator. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Administration. 2023 By: Multiple Contributors 11/23/2023 1 of 6 1 NOTE: If you find an abbreviation that should be added to this list, please send an email to webmaster@taxaidedc. Chromebooks issued to counselors include, as a default, links to counselor reference materials such as the NTTC-modified version of Pub 4012. This document provides instructions for installing an AARP Foundation Tax-Aide “Generic” Windows 7 Professional hard disk drive system image for Tax Year 2017. NTTC Pub 4012 Updates and Errata. New counselors will be guided by an instructor (or assigned mentor) who will introduce them to TaxSlayer - logging in and getting to the Practice Lab. Best Practice: Download the Self-Study programs to your personal computer. If they don't qualify for a benefit, click on it to see why not. ) 01-12-17 . Outcome: Peace of mind at tax time, especially for low- and moderate-income taxpayers. Form or Topic Find Where to Enter 4012 Pub 17 Highlights & Notes 1040 *TaxSlayer Tips Since TS is being modified, it is a work in progress. pekq wyyvkm nwpzx pxthm nzatud dzrvrcb zean dncaz nixmhe zdfz ewmcomcp bll yzrrgca koegz upjmdq