Bannerlord tips for starting kingdom Bannerlord: How to start your own Kingdom and how to keep from getting roflstomped in the early phase of Kingdom development. Dead lords can't fight, so let heads roll. Before starting a kingdom, spend a good amount of time as a vassal. Mount And Blade ll Bannerlord: 15 Tips . I reloaded to a save where I didn't start a kingdom and I want to know how the hell do I start a kingdom and not get If you start a new kingdom, immediately enact kingdom policies before you recruit other lords. Hi I have been playing bannerlord for 2 months now and I have been struggling to start my own kingdom. If you're going to start your own kingdom, take this chance to vote in all the royalty-favouring policies before you add people who disagree with you. Start by geting the mercenary clans to join your kingdom. Starting off in empire/battanian territory is asking for trouble Start kingdom - get completely shit on by every kingdom on the map constantly. They are paid 100-600 gold for joining your kingdom and have 3-4 parties of 50-70 man. Hey everyone, i am new to bannerlord and my clan level is currently 3. Have perks to hold lords prisoner once you defeat them. Choosing the Right Starting Culture for the Best Advantages. Get some nobles to high relationship. Then I make a kingdom with terrible policies that will force every town it captures to turn into a rebellion town. Recruiting other nobles into your kingdom is extremely difficult in the current version of the game. These tips I have, however, are useful for those who start a kingdom as a vassal or on their own. Nov 29, 2024 · To rule your own kingdom in Bannerlord, you have two options: join an existing faction or create your own. Jan 29, 2025 · Explore the continent of Calradia, and build and expand your kingdom in the strategy action RPG Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. But shortly after I get steamrolled by empire kingdom armies with 1000+ soldiers. Feb 25, 2025 · Discover the ultimate guide to starting your own kingdom in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. the game is very simple. They’ve already taken 2-3 towns from both the Aeseri and Khuzaits. 13 tips for surviving when yo My updated guide with tips on how Jul 24, 2024 · At the start of the game, your clan will be level 1 and you'll have a small party. Great as a starter. Jan 1, 2025 · For beginners, Riding, Athletics, and One-Handed are good starting points. Apr 14, 2020 · Planning on starting my own kingdom but im not sure where the best place would be to do so, Im guessing it should be on a faction that is relatively weak, the best I can think of is sturgia who only has ustokol castle left, any suggestions? 1 - don't start your own kingdom, it's painful, it's hard, it's boring, not worthy; That's the most complete guide possible, but if that doesn't work, here's an alternative method: 1 - join a kingdom as a vassal and start to accumulate influence, you'll need a lot, so every little bit counts, buildings and policies are your friend; Don' start a kingdom too early without enough fiefs. First things first: picking the right culture is crucial. Question Hi,I am new My favorite spot to start my kingdom is Poros + Zeonica with the castle in between. Take them first and then recruit said clan. The main thing is prepare to get dog piled by the AI. (Good natured/ upstanding lords) only need minimum 1 fief and won't betray you afaik (if you have positive you never worry). In this article, we'll go through some top tips that'll help you get started on the right foot. Lords that already have their own fiefs, are very hard to convince. You'll also need a lot of cash to bribe lords over to your side. Here's some good starting information to Best tip for starting kingdoms, is don't start a kingdom unless you're already the size of a kingdom You meet lords, talk to them, and negotiate. Of course your enjoyment as the player is what matters, so you may choose to either ignore or add some steps. Meaning mercenaries. Keeping an army that large requires a starting fund though. Running a kingdom in Bannerlord is very challenging as there are quite a lot of factors to keep in mind. The main factions will declare war on you at the drop of a hat while your kingdom is small, and you will likely need to buy them off. Tribal troop tree isn't capable of much more than holding a line, while the Mameluke and Noble lines handle the decisive action. I mean, there's a lot. g. My advice is to look for which place you wish to start your kingdom. While that might sound simple, starting a kingdom can prove to be a real chore. Every kingdom is going to declare war on the weak upstart. Close. ive tried making preparations. This means having high relations with as many clans as possible to try and flip them, have lots of money for mercs, maxed clan parties and well defended towns. Here is how you can create a kingdom in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord! Apr 30, 2020 · This Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord | TOP 10 TIPS BEGINNER'S GUIDE is the complete beginner's guide for taking your campaign and play-through to the next level! Learn what culture to pick, how to get rich, and create your own kingdom! Dec 11, 2024 · Getting your own kingdom in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord isn't too hard, but it is a late-game feature more than it is an early-game one. Having a sick kingdom name. Ultimate say in the war effort. I personally recommend at least 5 towns clustered together as a start, so you can retain 3, and bring in at least two mid~large sized lords to pad your military power. ADMIN MOD Tips for starting kingdom . 3. This sandbox action-RPG strategy hybrid will take players on a journey into a fictional world of up-close and personal medieval combat on a huge scale, bigger, bloodier and more intense than ever before. First, decide if your fiefs are worth fighting a war over, or if you'd be better off starting from scratch by taking a rebel city. According to the post, starting a kingdom immediately peaces you out. Tips and Tricks to Maintaining Your Kingdom in Bannerlord Source: Official Steam Page. When you establish your kingdom be ready to bleed gold like crazy. Also takes not much to recruit them. It wasn't fun, I couldn't leave my settlements or they would get instantly raided and my castles taken if i wasnt there to defend it. The key requirements you need to start your kingdom are clan tier 4 and a fief (castle or a town). I have saved up almost 3-5mil and my kingdom still failed. This new quest will bring you to the last step of kingdom formation. I am currently with the Western Empire and I think I’ve got enough cash (in the millions) renown and friendly clans start my own kingdom. Best to build up denars (2mil-10mil) upgrade your town, train skills etc. My clan tier is 4 so I can only have 4 parties which maxes out at about 600 troops meanwhile, 2 of the 3 factions at war with me have rolled in with multiple 1000+ man armies that I've no hope of defending against. 5 - 2 million denars in the bank rich. However, before running a Kingdom, you need to form one. Choosing the right faction can significantly impact your gameplay experience. It also is supposed to have a small effect on clans willingness to join you if they're of the culture if you faction, however I can never notice a difference. Starve the town out to remove the garrison (or militia, I always forget) then you can take the castle with like 100 T5/t6 units and minimal losses. Jan 20, 2023 · 1) they like you 2) they are homless (have no fiefs). Mar 22, 2022 · Starting a Kingdom in Sandbox. Usually it is easiest to be a vassal of a kingdom, get some fiefs and then defect. Not sure if that's a bug but that's how it is now. Bannerlord kingdom and Castles management guideI try to cover a broad range of tips on how to start your own kingdom in Bannerlord, taking your first castle Jan 17, 2025 · So, you're diving into the world of Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, huh? Buckle up, because this game is a wild ride. Then it is recommended to gift them a high amount of denars (> 200k) to kick start that clan. This guide will mainly focus on starting a kingdom in the sandbox version of the game. ” When this step is done, you will have a new quest in your log according to your choice, which will finally allow you to create your own kingdom. 3) Your kingdom is strong. Split Fiction. Members Online • Ottkaa. The most significant prerequisite is that the player's clan tier be at least 4. Right to Rule is more important in terms of establishing a kingdom. Feb 5, 2023 · im so burned out and defeated at this point. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a newbie, Bannerlord can be overwhelming at first. Lords that don't own any land are less loyal to their kingdom and easier to persuade. I usually start my kingdom by stealing a town from Rebels. I plan on starting a new kingdom when I’ve saved up enough denars/renown. The more the better. Any clan that has a lot of fiefs is more invested in their kingdom, more loyal, and more costly. This gives you Welcome to 'An Idiot's Guide to Starting a Kingdom in Bannerlord'! In this comprehensive Bannerlord kingdom guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps I’ve been helping them win wars, expand, etc. Basically, your best tactic is to be very wealthy before starting a kingdom. Try and find a castle that had a failed siege on it, or even better try and starve out a city by buying all the food and sellling it elsewhere, they can’t have a troops for very long if they can’t feed them, after you secure your town plant an imperial governor and buy food to sell in your town, after that find a lord you can beat and try 2- Kingdom Management:2. Seonon is the most prosperous town in my kingdom besides Marunath. You can start your kingdom by taking a city that has rebelled, it’s quite easy as you can starve moat of the defenders out and the lords will only have like 100 troops in their parties if they do try and interrupt your siege. Question So I’ve got 2 cities (husn fulq and onria) and 2 castles ( the two closest to husnfulq) and a pretty good hoard of money along with clan tier 5, I’ve starting my kingdom however I have 0 idea on what things mean for example what laws and languages I should use. Doing so before creating a kingdom is the best way to potentially get vassals. They might want up to 200K so save up first if you intend to make peace right away! Now, regardless of HOW you get a fief and make a faction here's my basic tips! Personally when I start a game I like to have a horse and a pole arm so that when my weak started troops die I can poke from a distance until everyone is dead Mounts wise you are gonna wanna be looking for Aserai horses or battanian thoroughbred(one for speed and maneuver the other for armor and hit points) as for a good starting location that My updated guide with tips on how to help make it easier to defend your kingdoms fiefs in mount and blade 2 bannerlord in 2023. tax rate and growth rate). i've got a few workshops but im not sure whether or not they are making a good amount or not. More is always better, as you’ll need to cover expenses like paying for peace, recruiting I've got a caste, and use that to form my kingdom. Then I do declare a real kingdom. Making everyone else do the work if you want to sit back and develope your shit. Have 4-5 mill at hand would be a good buffer. Talk to arzagos or chick and form kingdom. I bought some caravans but they don’t bring any gold, too low profit. To get a clan to join you, they need to have no fiefs (at start), so if you have a castle next to castle/town of 1 clan. Here are some tips to get you through: Join a Kingdom: Early on, it's a good idea to join an established kingdom. Second step: be rich. This implies that players must have advanced through the game and accumulated sufficient power and influence to construct a new kingdom. In the city, go to the keep and all the leaders of the great clans are waiting for you, pissed off (you lose 40 relation for leaving kingdom, so best to have more than 40 before attempting). And I want to start before the Bannerlord quest times out (I’ve got about 800 days left). Its hard to put the cat back How do you start a kingdom in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord? What are the steps to completing it and what does it mean once you get to that point?Join the B Build my makeshift kingdom that doesn’t actually declare itself a real kingdom. Marvel Rivals. They will start poor but will spawn two clan members with very impressive stats and will field one party immediately. 225 riding and 225 scouting for your main character will let you hold prisoners forever without escaping, or you can make a lockdown governor with 225 riding, 25 roguery, and 50 engineering to Mar 21, 2023 · As such, we’ve created this guide to help you and give you various pointers to help rule your kingdom a lot easier. May 14, 2023 · There are a number of main story quests that you need to complete before you can start your own kingdom in Bannerlord. What I like to do when I leave a kingdom with a few fiefs is to sue for peace straight away on the kingdom you rebealed from it usually takes around 350k I think after I sue for peace I don't water a kingdom because if I do then everyone will try to start a war with me and I won't have much money so I just afk and grind as much money as Most of them start at 2000 and go down to 0 or even negative (geting paid by enemy). 0) You need to build a kingdom first to start managing and expanding it. It is quite a time taking process but if you stick with it you will get to Enemies attack you because kingdom with only one clan with maybe only one warband is really weakest kingdom. ) Melee combat is significantly easier in third-person. So long as the "not starting prematurely" condition is met, then the from that point on its anything goes. You can slowly take over the map with minimal difficulty this way, until you're well enough funded and leveled and stocked on troops to declare a kingdom and start dealing with lots of war and paying people lots of Dec 17, 2024 · 1. I’m fearing that I’m helping them out too much. In the regular single-player version there is a quest-line focusing on collecting pieces of a dragon banner which will end up in the player starting their own kingdom. Before making any big moves and joining a kingdom, travel around the world to every major city and compete in Mar 13, 2025 · Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord offers a rich tapestry of factions, each with its unique culture, units, and playstyles. I've tried starting my own kingdom but nearly instantly 3 kingdoms declared war on me and started sieging my cities so I decided to pay massive tribute to 2 of them but then 2 more even bigger kingdoms declared war on me so I was stuck in a cycle of fighting 3 kingdoms at a time. My options seem limited, as the only way I've found to be able to withstand the attacks is by hiring a bunch of mercenaries to help me, thereby bankrupting my kingdom. In the long term, you should manage the size and troop quality of your garrisons to reduce upkeep, but to start, I pack them to the gills with the highest tier troops, so I can grab quick and effective reinforcements as needed during the early wars, and avoid 5 days ago · How much money should I have before starting a kingdom Bannerlord? Aim for at least 1 million denars. Baldur's Gate 3. There are two ways you can get your kingdom: through Campaign or Sandbox mode. Joining a faction is a great way to start, as you will have access to a pre-existing kingdom and a network of lords and vassals. Jan 4, 2024 · Although you start out as a lowly vagabond fighting in tournaments and chasing down brigands, you’ll soon make a name for yourself. Hire some more mercenaries and you have enough troops to deal with a small to medium size kingdom. When you create your kingdom, select all policies that can boost your troops count, like Royal Guard for example. Although Bannerlord has only been out for just over a year and a half there are already a vast range of mods available for the game and a lot more in the works. Unless you want to conquer the entire map in the first 20 years you only want 5-7 good sized clans in your kingdom, more than that eats through your influence too quickly forces you to expand faster than you can stabilize what you conquer and actually drains your clans of wealth weakening your kingdom. Enter city. So I was hoping to get some tips and advice as to what to do once I create my own kingdom. So there's few tips here. But ueah, you should have no less than 5 million in the bank when you start a kingdom. this is my 3rd time playing up to the point where i can forma kingdom. Hi, I'm planning to secede from the Khuzait faction very soon. I have tried about 6 times now to secede with my 2 cities 4 or 5 castles. If you are a vassal with fiefs at your disposal, then it's easier since you start with fiefs. The Early Game: Starting Out. Starting a kingdom help needed. essentially giving Jan 12, 2023 · In Bannerlord, creating a kingdom requires players to achieve certain conditions and follow a set of actions. Learn strategies, tips, and insights to rule Calradia. Once you announce your own kingdom the cat is outta the bag. Aug 20, 2022 · To start our own kingdom in Bannerlord will either require incredible brute force or a lot of political maneuvering and money. That is pretty straightforward. S. You're a tiny minnow in a bucket full of sharks. Then chuck a governor of the same culture in and work on loyalty and food production. Feel free to add in the comments! (Note: this is mostly for new players. So, in this article, we will be showcasing everything you need to know in order to start a kingdom in Mount and Blade: Bannerlord. However, I have read that you look for clans with no fiefs and develop relations with them because they'll be cheaper to convert when you have fiefs to hand out and they don't have any. To make the first few hours with the game more pleasant, we have prepared 10 starting tips. Do the quest until the last portion where you talk to one of the quest givers to create your kingdom. Starting kingdom is fairly easy. Here you need to complete the following actions: I've been considering starting a non-imperial kingdom for a while now. But don't worry, I've got you covered. Monster Hunter Wilds. but every time i do, i barely am able to start doing anything before everyone declares war on me and i get buried under an impossible tide of bodies. Tributes and taxes. Now I'm pretty new to Bannerlord and especially the diplomacy system. Start Your Own Kingdom. Sitting on Uthelaim castle for Highborn archer supply. ive tried recruiting as Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord HOW to Survive Starting a Kingdom Beginner's Guide (Console)tips, hints tricks and help Remember these are only my thoughts and I Getting your own kingdom in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord isn't too hard, but it is a late-game feature more than it is an early-game one. You also have some control over the land that you get. Any tips or tricks I can use would really be appreciated. Our Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord beginner’s guide has 10 tips to help you get started on your journey. For some backstory I married Yana, a daughter of the Khergit faction. You'll start with a small party and limited resources. Avoid joining armies, instead follow them and only jump in if they arent picking stupid fights. Additionally, you don't need to start a kingdom early, you can take fiefs without declaring a kingdom, easiest to take rebel towns. Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Like, 1. Who knows? You might even ascend to become the undisputed ruler of an empire. Immediately pause game. Any tips on how to successfully start your own kingdom would be greatly appreciated! Thank you Eventually become a merc and you'll get a decent cash flow of enemy gear to sell. It makes sense. Basically, most policies either benefit only the ruler, benefit only the vassals, or adjust your kingdom's rates (e. Leave kingdom and immediately pause game. Have cash, fiefs, or both to recruit vassals to your kingdom. the previous owner will often leave you alone. 16 votes, 24 comments. P. What are some tips for leaving the empire and starting my own kingdom? Once I officially start my own kingdom, the other 2 empire factions immediately declare war. i almost dont want to play anymore but i figure ill ask for help first. Makes it much easier to defend village raids / sieges. Apr 9, 2020 · “How can I create my own kingdom?” “Thank you. true. We discuss various facets The main thing is having a plan to fight outnumbered. Such as owning Ostican, Tirby Castle & Rovalt in Vlandia or Ustokol Castle, Revyl & Varcheg in Sturgia. Endure several wars, and release all lords you capture. It'll get you good income and a nice town to defend (you can set up your kingdom from there). I'm new to Bannerlord, too. uprade smithing, but probably that 50k will burn up when 3 kingdom declare war on you and you have to pay for peace. (create all the clan parties you can + stack all your fiefs garrisons to increase your kingdom strenght). If you've ever tried to start and run your own kingdom, then you know how painful Bannerlord can be! In this guide, we take an in depth look at what to do be avalaible companions which you can directly make to lords as soon as you start your kingdom and give them one of the available fiefs. 2) Vassle Method: Once you reach clean tier two it's a good idea to become a vassle to help kick start your kingdom. Fortify your fiefs and store food, because armies are coming to siege them. On this page, you will find tips explaining the basic gameplay elements and learn how to play The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. earn millions not 1 million but millions then recruit wanderers, there are types of wanderers where they wont hate you even if you execute other people, recruit them then give them fiefs by talking to them. However until you actually make a kingdom you can pay in person to make peace and the AI won't be able to attack you again. In fact, it's pretty common to deliberately not do the main quest when you start your own kingdom due to Certain spoilery downsides. Hi y'all! With us now a ways into the official release of Bannerlord, I thought I'd create a thread for some tips and tricks I have learned playing the game that might not be immediately obvious to you, as the player. You're going to have army after army coming for you, and after you capture lords they will start escaping and coming back. Also, I like to start my kingdom within a corner piece of the map to mitigate who declares on you. Expensive at first. The lower right status bar has a ton of info. Hover over the icons to see exactly how each number is affected - daily wages, party speed, morale, party size, etc. This decision affects initial perks, troop types, and your general playstyle. - Don't be afraid of wars and siegs. However, if you want to rule your own kingdom from the start, creating your own faction is the way to go. Claiming specific fiefs. After all, you need to gather renown while working up the ranks. You can gather a force of 300 yourself. In the following article, you’ll find important Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord tips on how to best proceed and prevail against your enemies with the help of your companions. 2. I am talking about several million in the bank. The key requirements you need to start your kingdom are Nov 4, 2021 · Bannerlord Tips 15: Explore Mods to Spice up the Game! One of the reasons that Bannerlord’s predecessor, Warband was such a success was the insane modding community surrounding the game. I started my game smithing, amassed about a million dinars, by then the battanuan kingdom was pretty much wiped out, eventually all the towns rebelled and I nabbed them as well as varchek. The Aserai are quite unique— being a massively skirmisher culture outside of their two handers. I have an army of 99 soldiers and i have 250k gold. As an independent clan with a fief the AI should more or less leave you alone until you provoke them or till you found your kingdom. I spent some time writing this step by step guide on how to set up for a kingdom with little room to fail. Any tips for starting a kingdom/ before starting a kingdom? Now you have your first castle or town and finally at peace you may now slowly snowball your kingdom. a) First Steps:You had your money and did investments and money should be trickling by now . Convince whoever you can to join you. Then I make more kingdoms as to add more fish in the sea of competition and prevent one fish from getting too big. I am a vassal of the northern empire, should i rebel when I own a few towns, or should I try to start from the beginning as an independent ruler and try to conquer a weak faction? Also, imperial palatine guard>battanian fian champion High honour = bonus relations with good lords, which will be easier to keep your kingdom alive when you start building one. As soon as you declare a kingdom the war declarations will start rolling in, be ready. This might sound dumb, but make sure you can recruit as many troops as possible from your bound villages and cities. i have jaculan with an oil press, pen cannoc with pottery and Nov 3, 2022 · The sandbox nature of Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord can overwhelm novice players - especially those who haven't played Warband or other parts of the series. They are SUPER cheap and provide 3-4 parties of 50-70 manned troops. So if you want to be king yourself, keep in mind that all neighbors come to destroy your cute little kingdom. i was a bit late in doing tournaments since i learned i could get armour pieces as well from winning, and also joined a kingdom as a mercenary quite late as well. How to I start and keep my own kingdom? There's about 300 days left on the quest timer, so I've been thinking about getting 150 khuzait raiders, joining an existing kingdom, using my horse archers to grind influence on enemy lords, calling a huge fuck off army, taking a city, voting for myself as the owner and then leaving the kingdom with it. Cons of being a king: Difficult to start up. The next installment in the acclaimed Mount & Blade game series, entitled: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Hi guys, I wanted to ask how is the best way to start my kingdom. Expect to be losing 6k a day for quite some time after you start your kingdom. I am currently a vassal of a kingdom and i want to leave to create my own kingdom but i don’t think i can get a town with 99 soldiers. What it does is it give you the 2 starting policies that the faction of that culture start the game with. I've left the khuzaits and assembled the dragon banner. There's like 8 clans that can be recruited as mercenaries. The early game in Bannerlord is all about survival. When I start my own kingdom, I’m afraid they’ll crush me immediately. Do some stuff like: Get yourself clan members. Thank you. As an independent clan, nobody (except the Sturgians if you took your fiefs) will declare war on you until you declare your kingdom, so you have some time to build up and prepare. All I need now is to get my own settlement and declare myself owner of the dragon banner. Recruiting enemy lords to your kingdom requires meeting with them, passing persuasion checks (similar to getting married), then paying them a bribe to join your kingdom. Focus the ones being owners of fiefs next to you. Each time it goes the same: get absolutely curb stomped by the empire, fail to recruit any lords to my kingdom in time to mount a defense, lose all my holdings, reload a save and try again. Dont capture lords, just let them all go and you'll have massive relations with everyone by the time you become a lord or start a kingdom. Feb 3, 2023 · Here are some tips to help you start your empire. Most of my sieges were cancelled by enemy as soon as I You can start your own kingdom whenever you're Clan Tier 4, independent, and have a fief, irrespective of the main quest. Hard parts are as follows: - Recruiting other clans. Married Svana and she died on her 4th kid, had 3 kids with some other rando wife and now I'm biding my time and gaining gold and influence until I can take over a kingdom with my sons and daughters. Bannerlord In another topic people were mentioning (mostly cracking jokes) about never being at peace after starting their own Kingdom, so I figured I'd put together a little written guide as to how to consistently have Jul 13, 2021 · So im doing the story mission and i wanted to see if i could get some tips. Tips that might help: If you join a kingdom and get a fief then when you leave you can choose to give up your fiefs, or keep them at the expense of a bigger drop in relations and instant war. Sacred Majesty and Forgiveness of Debts should always be first. Last night I declared kingdom, hired mercenaries and grabbed a few clans. This will build relations and make recruiting easier later.
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