Ck3 revoke duchy The count, not being satisfied with his current holdings, wants control of the entire duchy he is part of. If you make him revolt, you can get one of these free. 132(!) baronies in 29 counties. Antioch because it’s only 2 counties, and I am holding its capital county for holy site building already. The trick is that you can revoke without tyrany if you have claim on said county. Mono-typing a good unit is the meta, and you preferably want to pick units with high pursuit. So obviously revoke the highest one you can. So if he holds a Duchy, and 4 counties, and 3 of those counties are within his duchy, and you revoke the duchy, he loses the duchy, and the 3 counties within it, and becomes a Count. Revoke duchy -> destroy duchy -> create duchy (will be created with your primary title? or maybe de jure kingdom / empire? inheritance law) -> give duchy back. Reply reply Jul 27, 2024 · So treat any elective succession with extreme caution. Asatru is pluralist. Click the duchy. Then for neatness, change the capital = c_palermo # Palermo near d_sicily to capital = c_siracusa, so that the duchy capital is properly denoted in game visually. Sep 5, 2020 · Bug 8) So the workaround to this problem is to grant the duchess a vassal that's not a part of her de jure duchy and you can finally revoke the duchy title (Shout-out to luxeritib for bringing it up!). After you crush a revolt revoke a ton of duchy titles and redistribute as you see fit. Most decisions are unavailable if the character has the Incapable trait. 1) You fabricate a claim on every county the duke personally holds and revoke them. o. I receive a message stating, "cannot be revoked from ____, it would make him hold only titles with no land. You can also go at it in pairs, i. Basically a decision to give you all the titles right away. Unfortunately, my vassal holds the ducal title and the remaining county. Give the titles to them. Generally you can revoke, as long as the others stay your vassals. Make yourself independent from your vassals. You don't necessarily have to fabricate a claim on a capital of a duchy to get a claim on the duchy. Sep 7, 2020 · Try to revoke a duke tier vassal's duchy, in both cases I've experienced this issue the vassal only had one duchy and one county title to his name. My brother personally held 2 counties in the duchy, and the 3rd was the original claim outside of the duchy. May 27, 2018 · Unless your charachter has trait "Content", you can plot to revoke 1 county from. Consolidation is real. Feb 21, 2025 · Decisions are unique actions a landed character who is at least Count can take. Alternatively, you can take the duchy from the duke making every county in the duchy your direct vassal. or I'll fabricate a claim on the Duchy and just revoke it leaving them landless. When you die you'll play the Duke of all those counties under their sibling. How would this work? I’m assuming I would get the capital with its corresponding duchy and the next in line would get the second duchy. When granting titles to vassals I switch it around - only one county title for a single character, eg. However if afterwards I wanted to revoke other titles too (using the muslim duchy revokation), it wouldn't let me because of the truce thingy. If you revoke the last county but not the duchy they will just take another county from their vassals. 20K subscribers in the ck3 community. For example, if you hold the duchy of Leinster, then the count of Ossory (who is de jure part of Leinster) will want the entire duchy of Leinster. However, the revoking works too down, meaning if you revoke a duchy from a Duke, he also loses all his county titles within that Duchy. Use intrigue, have your spymaster find all the dirt at Moray’s court and then use it to convince people to help you when you run a murder scheme against him. Have level 4 control. Sep 19, 2020 · You can't do this if it would leave them unlanded. So if I want to revoke a Duchy from someone, I'll either first grant them a County outside that Duchy, which then allows me to revoke the whole Duchy at once. You may see if you are getting vassals or clean counties before you declare a war - you will get the counties with full colour, the ones with stripes will cime with vassals. I also revoke whenever I have spare tyranny limit, which scales as my short reign modifier is eliminated and as i gain dread. kingdom of ireland or duchy of munster) then you will vassalize the former ruler as long as your title is higher than his (king > duke > count), since the war goal is only to apprehend the territory that would rightfully (de jure) belong to your realm but you don't have a personal right to the lands. Ideally, all your vassals should have 1 ducky and the county that is ducky capital. This leads to odd situations where I am holding a prisoner, have to give them the whole duchy, wait a year for cooldown, THEN can revoke the whole duchy and get the counties. Give him back his title, then grant him independence. You can spend influence to revoke them and "heal" them but that is another big problem when converting. Jul 26, 2021 · There are two options for that. Crusader Kings 3 by Paradox Interactive Yep. This is particularly true in CK3 where levies are worthless outside of the early game. Those naturally big duchies will spontaneously snowball and absorb more counties over time. a count or duke that has more than 1 county; a duke having his only county outside his de-jure primary duchy. You should be able to hold all 6 counties in the duchy of Ruthenia by yourself and some other ones in a second duchy. So then revoke the county. So, I’m in the early game (this is my first campaign I might add) and I’m getting very close to conquering the last county to form my second duchy. Not recommended for holding Constantinople as I believe the Theodosian Walls are technically its duchy building, which is what makes it good in the first place. Examples: Mercia, Bavaria, Lombardy. That's probably what it is, the de jure capital has the slot but I don't want it to be my duchy capital :P I was count of Lusignan, the last piece I needed for Poitou was Poitiers (which has the slot). hashish is a debuff, some events If you take Essex it will become Feudal again, and as Emperor you can hold two duchies before anyone gets annoyed. As king you should be able to hold up to 2 Duchy titles for no penalty. That being said, your faith hostility doctrine also matter. That duchy de jure contains a count. Form Portugal. Uzboy is more dense with 11 baronies, but only has 2 counties. The same with revoking. I have the title of the duchy of Valois, but own only the capital. Jul 27, 2024 · So treat any elective succession with extreme caution. When you win and he’s in jail, revoke his titles and execute him. You'll have either revoke the King of England's title then the Duchy, or do Retract Vassal on the King of England then Revoke the Duchy, if you can get a claim on the whole duchy you can do it minimal tyranny, though that might be tricky. Looking at the succession tab, child #2 is getting the Munster duchy title and child #3 is getting the Ulster title. Transoxiana - Turan. This will unland him. If you go to war for a de jure claim (e. Jan 9, 2025 · A duchy will begin to drift into a kingdom when all of the following conditions are met: The entire duchy (i. Best Duchy is Opsikion with 19 baronies in 4 counties. If you do revoke the county, they just take another random county from their vassals. Nikaea - Byzantine Empire. Question is what exactly do i have to do in order to plot to revoke a county or duchy, what i'm doing wrong, and if there is any other Then make it so I can revoke titles and revoke the titles from the duchy of Lombardy. 66 baronies in 15 counties. It´s been a while for me. In the description it says that all MY holdings get +10% on taxes. Mar 16, 2012 · If I revoke the title of Duchy of Aquitaine, I cannot give it to any of my unlanded sons. Do you give whole Duchy to vassal. The two holdings in Crimeea's capital were leased to Jomsvinkings (whom I wiped out in the process with my beloved Konni). A duchy will begin to drift into a kingdom when all of the following conditions are met: The entire duchy (i. Edit: actually, I believe I got 3 counties out of this. You, as the king, own a duchy. And that's how you make a duchy! About Gotland, it's a titular duchy. Those add up to about 12 counties. Duchy buildings. . But if you- the player- then change your realm law afterwards, the Vassal's realm law stays the same. So you have tiers from top to bottom of Empire, Kingdom, Duchy, County. This can work for your advantage if you imprison duke that has some vassals and you get to get all the counties for yourself just by revoking them - waiting for duke to kick one of his vassals and then revoking again. Is there any way, other than murder, that I can get the title and it's holdings back? Playing as Poland and Catholic. So I have to choose between revoking the Duchy or the County. One of them is the de jure duchy, another the kingdom, then the empire. Choose them as your player heir. That's a 5 county duchy now in your demense. If you have a duchy in another vassal's kingdom, you will take a -25 opinion hit. Feb 24, 2025 · Duchy +15% Holding Taxes; Duchy +20% Holding Taxes; Duchy +30% Holding Taxes Manorialism innovation for level 1 Windmills innovation for level 2 Cranes innovation for level 3; Collecting money from the peasantry is a 'taxing' venture. When war breaks out hire mercenaries to balance his troops. Revoke early and often, definitely whenever you have a valid reason. All of the titles! Usually you can only revoke 1 title per crime committed. You could always revoke those titles immediately; you'd incur a little tyranny penalty but as long as your own people are under control I bet you could manage it. only a duchy title+duchy capital for a secondary heir after a kingdom is formed (so he leaves the succession tab). In CK2, I could plot to revoke titles from my vassals, if they had more than one county. Now I still have the kingdom title and one of my Duchy titles, but my other Duchy title went to my brother. They went with the simple route of showing the power level between a duke and a king level character. Well the de jure of the duchy will stay the same and the guy will likely invade for his rightful lands. It costs a bit and you must own 51% of the de jure land. Mar 11, 2022 · I am trying to revoke a ducal title from a vassal within my realm. May 27, 2018 · Unless your charachter has trait "Content", you can plot to revoke 1 county from . This is also a good way to take possession of other valuable counties from other vassals: holy King of Denmark conquers England--uses mod decision to revoke all the titles--gives the titles to danish vassals/courtiers. Above that you get a “ too many duchies “ opinion malus with all vassals. com Sep 19, 2020 · You'll need to take county after county individually before the duchy title is available to revoke. The game says revoking the duchy title would "make him hold only titles with no land". In ck2 once every kid had a duchy your heir could keep the crown lands. Duchy of Mann because it’s a one-county duchy, saving you extra slots to grab more special buildings. Did you actually fight a holy ware or just a conquest casus belli? You can only fight holy wars if your faith is organized. I'd quite like to have that duchy back at some stage, or at least make it feudal so my dynasty members can, but when I go to revoke his titles there are no valid titles to be revoked. As you already noticed, you can't put elective on counties. How to I revoke the title without tyranny? I Revoke the titles. If you select the character and then select that map mode you can see what duchy they’re a part of and if that title has been formed or not. 5 days ago · Diplomacy Path: With diplomacy and piety, you can get duchy claims from the pope, petition your liege for the titles (keep liege opinion high), and rely on allies to win wars to revoke counties for a better domain. >> Use a hook on the King of England so that you can press one of the Duchy titles >> Lose the war against Essex thanks to the stupid AI just chilling in the backyard when even having superior military strength >> Expand in Normandy and create the Duchy of Normandy >> Die of a heart failure >> Play as your son, Uthred >> King of England dies Duchy buildings. Early game vikings have an unorganized faith. If you get lucky and your brother has no children, just keep him in jail and you'll get everything else he holds eventually. It is much, much, easier to just panic-revoke a duchy title from some vassal, incur some tyranny, and give it to your new kid if you are dying, than sugarcoat 20 powerful vassals to vote for your 5 y. Which is neat, as you can revoke those titles later. Decisions are not shown unless the character meets one of the more specific requirements. I own one of them. You just have to eat the tyranny for revoking, and the -40 malus for destroying a title. You can fabricate claims on your vassals lands, especially if you can imprison them with a crime they committed, then you get no tyranny revoking titles, or revoke weak people lands (low army, one single county) preferably near your target, same duchy. By assigning offices to a cohort of tax-collecting officials, we are sure to get what's due! Royal Gardens: Duchy It's because somehow he inherited the duchy of a land where he wasn't in and his brother who owned all the land dejure to the duchy did not inherit the title. (Note: there Sep 2, 2020 · I can only speak for CK2, but i assume ck3 works the same. also improsing and revoking title makes me tyrant -which is i love tbh- but in that way, my vassals lose opinion a lot. paradoxwikis. Maybe a good secondary duchy to hold. See what your options are to provoke them -- Retract Vassal usually doesn't incur quite so much tyranny and if they hate you enough they'll rebel rather than let you do it. any count in your main duchy de-jure; If you do, he will to 95% or something rebel and then you can imprison and revoke another one. Dec 5, 2024 · There are currently 676 duchy titles with land in the game. Is there something like that in CK3? Also, is it normal for my Court Chaplain to take 5 years or more to fabricate claims on my own vassals? Also, can I "Plot to Revoke" if a vassal has counties inside my capital duchy, like in CK2? Yes, I hate internal Revoke titles from other dynasties if you have unlanded dynasty members that are not in line to inherit anything and have unlanded parents. Now next to the box there should be a few smaller coats of arms. Being a holy war, all barony holdings are given to characters of your culture and religion, but the lease to a holy order AI Pope never really gets remote land outside of Italy, and I think "dismantle the papacy" requires the Pope to be unlanded, so could I, perhaps, give the Pope a Duchy in Poland away from the heretics and keep him around? Or is that a waste of a Duchy, and also does the Duchy relinquish itself or something if the Pope is out of Italy? Thanks. Now, over the top in the left should be a create button. Don't allow duchy titles that are made of more than 5 counties to exist whenever possible. So if he only had one county in his duchy and the rest were held by his vassals, that's what you get. Once you defeat them you can revoke the title you actually wanted without tyranny. If you can't eliminate them easily you might want to give an unrelated duchy title to a significant count inside them. This list was generated by parsing game data, due to the amount of information there is no way to guarantee no duchy has incorrect info. Best Duchy would probably be Ferghana, with 26 baronies in 5 counties. I can revoke the county from them, but then I can't revoke the duchy (because it says they won't have any land). Duchy of Napoli is also good because it’s 2 counties and there is a buildable university. But I mean if it's never not going to be the de jure duchy capital that gets the slot, then such is life. Then holy war CB him for his duchy once the truce ends. But that requires you to revoke titles from your target multiple times, each counting as one individual punishment. heir instead of his uncle of your bloodline. Sep 16, 2020 · Now to remove the Primary Title of your choice: Click on a random ruler from the map that also carries an Empire, Kingdom, or Duchy title, whatever type of title you’re trying to get rid of on your ruler. What this should mean is that if you create- or revoke- a duchy/Kingdom title, it will reflect in your held duchy titles, which- if given to a count vassal- will have that as 'his' initial realm law. Even though he's rebelled against me, I can only revoke 1 title before negative opinion hits (which is the problem here). If you conquest casus belli for a duchy title, it won't necessarily displace counts. This can be done with or without justification, but revoking titles without justification may result in negative consequences such as civil wars or a Similar situation happens with Brittany, Cyprus and Venice for example which can become a kingdom if you have more than one duchy despite them being one Duchy kingdoms. If you are not a hostile faith to the pope, you wont be able to holy war him. If you aren't bothered by that then no problem. However, I only have confederate partition. If the duke has no more county left, the duchy title will be destroyed and you can claim it by recreating the duchy title. Romance gives free 50 renown, regardless of who you do it with, and can get friends to reduce factions and get a stat boost. What makes you a king is your power over more than a singular duchy. Though keep in mind that giving to a count would li Keep your de jure titles tidy, do not allow kingdoms and duchies to grow beyond their de jure limits. I wish I could say, "give your brother the duchy of XXX title and I'll give you the duchy title to the land you own, how does that sound?" So my first character died and his titles were split up through partition. The duchy is not part of the kingdom of Jerusalem. If you have vassals within your duchy, you will take an opinion hit from them. On average they got 3 counties, and your domain limit is 3 as a king early on, plus 5 stewardship 1 more domain, one tech gives 1 more, emperor rank gives one more, some holy sites. That means that when your heir gets all kingdoms and duchies, the non-duchy-capital counties will go to the other sons and they become your vassals. No they have a county. In my experience: If the Duke holds only a single duchy, and it's their highest title (so with your Kingdom of England, I'm not sure what'll happen), then the counties held by his Count vassals will become de facto part of his Duchy; you can change what is de facto in your Duchy by changing which Counts are your vassals (giving them away, acquiring via war, etc). Light Cav/Heavy Cav and Archers/Skirmishers, but a full stack of Horse Archers backed by that archery duchy building will demolish much larger forces, completely stackwiping them. I'm guessing it's working as intended in my cases. Disparate Tribes -> Limited Tribal Authority : 308 Prestige Not sure if it applies to this as well, but even IF you get the criminal flag (which is what you need for no tyranny) you can only revoke 1 title period without tyranny. Apr 9, 2020 · i started playing ck2 recently sinced i´m hyped for ck3. If one of the rebels is very strong, revoke just to make him weaker. The kingdom is its owner's primary title. Dec 29, 2020 · You will be able to revoke that Duchy from your vassal (along with the earldom it contains) if you grant the vassal another county-level title first, at which point they (post revocation) will simply be the Earl/Count of XYZ (and have strong claims on the Duchy and Earldom you revoked from them). If you revoked a duchy from a vassal, you usually automatically revoke their control of the counties of this duchy as well. Bumping the Authority level up like that costs 1540 Prestige and a -10 Direct Vassal Opinion hit. Will all the holdings in the duchy get the bonus (even the one's held by my vassals) or just the holdings in the counties I own? This will make b_syracusa the first barony from top to bottom and the new the Duchy capital. Basically it should be fine even if the guy has already filled the place with Temples, because even if you go full Cities and max Learning you'll always get stuck waiting for the next Era to unlock, and at that point it's usually more beneficial to have your More is better, you shouldn't worry about losing titles to sons, as you said, it would be just one for your primary heir anyway. I have 3 Duchy titles: Munster, Connacht and Ulster, but I own no counties in Connacht and Ulster. I have fabricated a claim on the final county. If they aren't hostile, which is more common, since you can't choose the same traits, siblings often got 2 similar or 2 opposite traits, with 8 kids it can be 3 even, so they either like each other or hate. So that's a duchy + a county in one war. I don't think owning a duchy gives you bonus taxes/levies in your kingdom (unless you build the duchy buildings that grant those). Also, this vassal gets a vassal that may be of a different religion and/or culture or just land. Under the coat of arms for county (in the top, largest flag), you have three small flags of de-jure titles, duchy, kingdom and empire ones. Before going feudal try to get all level 1 tribal buildings done in your personal holdings because they get converted when changing government types. So there should be a map mode that you can select that will show you all duchy titles in the world. I think whats is happening is you are holding a duchy title, where you have one or more counts part of the de jure duchy as vassals. If the duchy hasn’t been created then in that special map-mode you will see the duchy crest as My issue in ck3 (which might have been fixed since release when I had this issue) was i gave my son a duchy, all kids had duchies but yet my crown land duchy was still being split by the dukes only leaving me the capital. Remember, I was talking about large duchies (5, 6+ at least). Then you can revoke. Castilian is probably the best. War for independence. Click on duchy one to open duchy screen. I just started with king konan and created the duchy of "Oberbritannien" (in german, i guess high-britanny in english) I own one of the 3 de-jure countys of the duchy. If you then destroy the duchy title, it's almost sure that no count owns enough counties to reconstitute the duchy right away. all county titles belonging de jure to the duchy; baronies are allowed to be outside the realm) is within the realm of the king. If I revoke the title of County of <X>, I can give it to my unlanded sons. So I was looking into building the Tax Office. I don't understand why, but sometimes it'll let you take a duchy and all the counties under it, and sometimes it only lets you take a single county. If that is the case, you can There is times when "Revoke County of xxxxxx" appears as a plot after a year or so but there's other times where it never does and i have to end up fabricating a claim which takes so damn long for some reason. I don't even know if its possible under administrative to conquer individual counties from other dukes. Might be a bug in your case. This allows you to have a decent sized army and as your vassals revolt you can win thanks to the Charlies protecting you. If the county in question is not part of his de jure it should be a simple revoke (hopefully with a valid reason like the other comment said). UNLESS you have a claim on the Duchy. -fabricate a claim on the land and revoke, give to the other duke (if it's not a capital, put a family member inside it and grant a vassal, not the land)-if it's a vassal, retract it and if it's a single county, grant him to the other duke-if it's a messed up duchy like a vassal holds lands in multiple kingdoms, you retract the vassal, revoke whenever a count or duchy gets stronger, i need to revoke his title but for this, i need to imprison him. The duchy has two counties in it. But now another problem comes out and that's when you revoke the duchy, you also take every single title that's under it. Then wonder why you did that because Portugal trades all the special buildings in the north for generic southern You can also "Pass High Tribal Authority", imprison the vassal then revoke titles. I would have liked to have seen a distilled answer in terms of hierarchy. Don't give the duchy away until you've stripped all the titles you want to strip. To get into Duchy screen, you can: * Select a county within duchy. When you seize a county - you get a hook on a duchy holder (your vassal). I've had this happen, however the way it worked is that after a rebellion I could revoke one title for free as punishment. e. This is obviously never the Sep 2, 2020 · Indeed, you go into Duchy screen and press "Create Title" button. Since you can't revoke the the county of a duke without taking the duke title first, you'll have to do two revokes -- duchy and then county. g. Give all the duchy titles for Portugal to a secondary child. ) I would recommend taking the duchy title, then slowly stripping him of the grand cities if you don't want him to have them anymore, as your reputation can handle. Oct 10, 2024 · Also, I do not really like the fact that all the individual vassals are all over the place outside of their dejure bounds under another duchy. wife skills can be used o increase, like yours plus half of her stewardship should hit a round number. Of course you'll need duchy titles to make any Kingdom title but you can destroy duchy titles once you make your kingdom title. You may use the "fabricate claim" action from your archbishop to get it if necessary. The others are already vasalls. You can press several claims once you get 'divine right' technology. (Note: there Fabricate Claim with Court Chaplain is only thing I am familiar with. Some duchy buildings like Theodosian Walls (Byzantion) and Aurelian Walls (Roma) are not included as special buildings in their respective duchy If they Rebel then you can revoke without tyranny after defeating them. I own 4 counties in Munster, plus the counties of Dubhlinn and Leinster. If some county in my realm's capital duchy gets to one of my vassals - fabricate a claim and revoke. give_title b_(city name) to yourself, also grant the duchy to yourself and the X will appear, then grant it to a low noble to get rid of penalties Reply reply SoulCrusher669 Apr 19, 2015 · (As long as you don't revoke ALL of the titles right away. Only downside is it’s so tiny it takes a while to hybridize, but you can spam revoke to boost it up The best way to deal with this problem is just making Level 2 crown authority that enables revoking a priority (Level 3 if tribal). So I've accidentally promoted a baron up to count and subsequently a duke by granting him a pretty choice duchy, without first realising that he was in fact a mayor. r5: I play as a Christian Orthodox, holy warred Asatru Greeks (yes) out of the duchy of Crimeea. Can someone confirm my suspicions this pertains to CK2 not CK3 (I play on PS5). It's all just luck. Oct 17, 2023 · Methods how to get rid of vassals in CK3? 1) Revoke all titles: You can revoke the titles of a vassal, which will make them leave your court and join a different court if they are not imprisoned. Since duchies give debuff if you hold more than 2, you got to do some math. See full list on ck3. Otherwise build up your personal men-at-arms, and gold. ptaykwemflmszuzoltkavxccbertuklezshqlfxijqatjvhnbmamnejhsgkflzgqeudlqkrtq