Conan exiles better thralls xp A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online Make sure you know what you're jumping into Conan is a beautiful game, great building, great movement, a pretty cool thrall system and a nice sized world with lots of cool hidden things to find and explore. It does have a shared exp setting but that doesn't say it works for thralls who aren't followers. I’m Jul 2, 2022 · From the Q&A of the mod: There are 2 ways to open the mod configuration: The green Better Thralls configuration button on the left side of the character inventory or the command line command in case you have disabled the configuration button: Jul 30, 2023 · I've looked into changing the follower count but the way that it's set up is beyond my abilties to change without directly editing game files, which is a big Conan Modding No-no. The set amount is modified by the server settings: Solo Experience = (server setting Aug 10, 2022 · I guess the better thralls mod must modify quite a few things I am not aware of. Better equipment and tools means you can do more and waste less time gathering if you want to build a fairly large base with good thralls. It was lots of fun. Easiest route on Exiled lands is Xel Ha. Nov 18, 2024 · Alternatively assign a table/structure/map where there's no danger to the thralls per se, but assigning them to this structure acts like a work gang, it will passively issue them xp and generate you a small amount of resources, this would even be another role for the task master as the higher tier task master the better resources or xp the Emily has thousands of hours clocked in survival games, from ARK: Survival Evolved to 7 Days to Die; she loves the diversity of the genre. If you lose one its not such a big deal because the others were leveling up. they eat food to heal, so being in combat and generally them taking damage they will constantly be eating every few seconds to heal up. Snowy region is easy, even the 1 skull elk kings are very easy to solo compared to the rest of the 1 skull mobs. Now, thralls must be manually leveled. It doesn't stop us being hunted down or door camped while trying to train up the weaker thralls. Geared, lvl 20 Thralls make a big difference. All of the things. I suspect it's due to an issue with a mod, or a conflict between mods. I like grinding for items, this update had nothing for me. The thrall stays at lvl 0. It allows you to have more thralls and you can set it so they all get XP as you play. Better Thralls does not change the maximum level of thralls. You probably have to be server admin to change it. it doesn't matter what kind of weapon the player is using. Experience is a measure of progression of Characters in Conan Exiles. I am attaching a picture of a Thralls stats for the May 31, 2021 · Tastenkombinationen für Better Thralls: Aufruf des Menüs: Inventar öffnen, linke Seite Reiter "Better Thralls" Warcry: T. After getting off to something of a slow start due to the fact I dont often use followers, I have now begun to level a number of them, which I am actually finding quite fun! However, I have a whole bunch of questions regarding this system and how it works. 3 recompile for "Age of War - Chapter 2" thrall carry - should now work for performer thralls force truncheon - the old force truncheon logic has been completely removed in favor of the warcry system. Lots of things. Thralls and animals have been nerfed so they dont do as much as they used to do. I then check her XP and it didn’t move. Nov 20, 2021 · One way (other than reducing the NPC damage setting), is to equip them with the heaviest armour that you are able to either craft or loot. Jul 16, 2022 · (Optional) Exhaustion and Xp Framework Ever saw your first beloved Thrall get killed from simple Fights? Me too, and that is why we decided to implement a small framework to help them survive later on. The fighter version is the best fighter, with a huge wealth pool and a damage modifier of 0. You still have to physically take your thrall to level, but they will level at a faster rate. Legendary/epic gear makes things easier and good thralls. Anyone know if that command has been broken? I can spawn in followers Nov 27, 2023 · Note - Items on the thralls now lose durability as well. Dec 13, 2019 · Do your thralls get xp defending against purges and wandering mobs? Or is it just when they are following you? Conan Exiles > General Discussions > Topic Details Feb 2, 2024 · Complete journey steps and kill things. Thralls MUST be tagged as your follower to gain experiance and experiance is gained only from what they are e. Like, a lot. Better Jun 12, 2021 · I'm playing on a private server and trying to make some custom thralls and pets and the command for leveling up pets and thralls does not seem to be working. Aug 21, 2022 · I believe this makes the thralls kinda like old Conan Exiles. Sep 7, 2022 · only if a thrall is following you do they get xp if its the first time you give them food they should eat 1 right away and get the bonus to w/e stat the food gives for lvling. Apr 2, 2024 · Better Thralls 2. As is the case with characters in Feb 27, 2022 · This mod is no longer supported and reported to cause issues. I set a thrall to follow me and then type in "LevelUpFollowerTo 13" into the console and nothing happens. Nov 11, 2018 · I've noticed that when I take a pet or a thrall out and let them do the last hit, I won't get any XP. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online TIL golems can be made without arms. A T4 thrall from the newbie area (a T1 area) is weaker than a T1 thrall from the north and a T4 thrall from the jungle (A T2 area) generally sucks compared to those in the Volcano. Playing solo for the first time since I played for like a month about a year ago. Now take your thrall, run to the black galleon and underneath there are 2 chests that spawn that will have the chance of midgrade weapons (about steel level, maybe slightly better). Features: Pickup Thralls/Pets. Earning sufficient experience allows a character to gain a level and earn both Attribute points and Knowledge Points. I attack and with the help of the thrall we easily kill it. Thralls are player-allied NPCs in Conan Exiles. You can learn their tactics easy and never get hit. Jan 19, 2023 · LevelFollowerUpTo only let me raise a thralls level but not set it to a lower level. The solution is to let them gain XP from purges or other skirmishes. So when comparing it's better to compare the thralls and pets by the area they come from. Dec 18, 2019 · All the references to "thrall must be following" at first didn't trigger as an answer because my thralls were following, but they were following with Better Thralls, and the author is holding off on XP sharing because he thinks it is too unbalanced to give all the thralls following the same XP as the one following by the default game mechanic. Go to pickup and set pickup thralls /pet to enabled. Does the thrall have to make the killing blow to earn exp? If the thrall has a truncheon does knocking out other potential thralls count for exp? No – the thrall does not have to have the killing blow, but they have to be following you when something dies near you in order to earn XP. I end up having to either not bring thralls or pets with me below level 60 or fight with them for the last hit. Run the loop around the Witch Queen's plaza killing all the grey apes and gorillas along the way. So far I have watched a Youtube video by Firespark, but many questions remain. I don't want to rush up north I actually want to just play around with the Black Hand in the desert and in the Jungle for a while because my first playthrough I basically went from farmi. Every NPC capable of becoming a thrall spawns with either a randomized identity, or is pulled from a list of rare named thralls. only the warcry command determines what kind of weapon the thrall will use. I do like the potion/ elixir idea. Armour weight doesn't affect thralls, so it doesn't matter if it would be too heavy for you to wear yourself without getting too encumbered. There are 2 ways to open the mod configuration:The green Better Thralls configuration button on the left side of the character inventory or the command line com Since Fashionist 4. Sep 25, 2020 · you can place your thralls anywhere you want to guard just hold E for the extended options to put them on attack anything and the range you want them to chase/agro. Dec 22, 2019 · Hi all. Anyone else notice this? The generic Relic Hunter Treasure Seeker is the best thrall in the game to get right now. So now they only have the lvl 10 perk and lvl 20 unlocks lvl 15 perk was trying to lower lvl to 14 then back to 15 to get the lost perk back but cant figure out how to do it. Could we get a revamp of the Thrall leveling curve so that we can either A)Level them faster or B) have alternative ways of passively leveling them (like a craftable combat instruction manual at that can be consumed to give X amount of XP to a thrall) or C) implement a server slider setting for Thrall XP Gain. One game I had 3 Hyenas until I was able to get a few decent thralls. Initially skeptical about the theme of Conan Exiles, she quickly became addicted to the game and now recommends it to every survival fanatic she meets. Berserker, teimos, snow hunter etc. I have a base around the Black Hand ship place and just having fun and then the Purge came and wrecked all of my thralls/pets. Mar 12, 2023 · For stats, you can simply use the console to level the thrall to 20 and use other console commands to manually adjust their stats, providing you're in SP or have admin rights on the server in question. I'm admin, and can use commands. The only “max level” setting that exists in this mod refers to the level that a thrall that is “not following” a player can reach when it kills npcs on its own. Craft stuff, too. Sie verlieren allerdings, falls bereits gelevelt, jeglichen Fortschritt und beginnen erneut mit Level 0 und neuen Nov 18, 2023 · So, I suck at this game and my thralls constantly die in purges. Dec 9, 2024 · Every week, log on, hopefully mid season they'll add something to do. Not sure what mod is causing the issue but the ones I'm running that could effect NPC stats are: Improved Quality of Life. Thralls und Pets können wieder aufgenommen werden (leeres Inventar!). It takes around 45 minutes, and is good for level 16-17 on a Berserker. this gives them the bonus of Jun 27, 2022 · I've had a similar problem with some NPCs that I've recruited - they have 0 as every stat and don't increase no matter how much XP I give them. A 20% to 50% xp boost for 1 or 2 hours after consuming a bottle of potion would be nice. Knocking out does not count for XP in terms of kills. If I kill something does the thrall get exp? Oct 31, 2024 · Every function in this mod can be effortlessly toggled on or off, granting server admins full control over the mod's features. Whatever, I'm not redoing all that thrall xp grinding. Run it in one big loop, starting and stopping at the same point, and run it in the same direction each time, normally by the time you get back to the start all the mobs will have respawned. 02 less than the max damage modifier (Dalinsia, who can have half the health of a RHTS). But yes some mobs are tough thsts conan. Get your self and your thrall some basic weapons (they respawn every 30 minutes,l if you want to wait them out, eventually you can get a reinforced steel truncheon). I could not find a quick guide to help me with this, so after some lengthy research I can now share with you all how to get all of your thralls/followers/pets to gain XP and level up when Dec 4, 2023 · When you hit tab there is a better thralls menu on the left side. Keep in mind unless you are on a busy server conan exiles monsters/npcs are not active spawns so basically if its out of seeing view more than likely its despawned. That removes most of the grind for the patient. Playing solo and tried a mod that raises max level to 55 but decided I probably don't need it so uninstalled with some thralls at lvl 15. Experience is earned in the following ways: Each creature is worth a set amount of experience when killed, as are thralls. If not mistaken BetterThralls introduced a new feature but I have not tested it personally even though I use the mod. I'm just frustrated. Practically everything you do gives some XP. Tailor your server's experience to your liking, choosing only the enhancements that align with your vision for the exiled lands. g fighter thralls/animals gain XP from kills ONLY, riding animals from being ridden ONLY and there are some animals that only gain from gathering ONLY. There is nothing I have read in the mod description that says it gives exp to thralls who aren't following. Looks like they did a massive purge on my server, my ton of level 20 thralls are gone, everything floating in the air. I've got no doubt that when the next update drops, someone will step up to the plate to make their own version of Better Thralls. Yesterday I am leveling my Bezerker and checked the XP level prior to fighting a 3 skull Rhino boss. They can be captured and recruited by the player to be used as servants, either working at crafting stations, as companions following the player, or as lookouts guarding buildings. Aug 30, 2022 · On occasion, if the thrall is strong enough, I will run over to The Silkwood for the two boss spiders, and swim out to kill the demon spider. 2. Nov 13, 2023 · Thralls are the NPCs in Conan Exiles that you can brain over the head with a truncheon and drag back to your base to use as your personal unpaid workforce! They have a myriad of wonderful benefits, such as increasing your crafting speed, unlocking those special recipes you couldn’t otherwise craft, and adding durability or armor penetration Nov 8, 2019 · No – the thrall does not have to have the killing blow, but they have to be following you when something dies near you in order to earn XP. That timer is brutal. What the heck? I did get hits on the rhino and so did my thrall. You can Google XP payouts for certain enemies and some give a good amount of XP while being fairly easy to kill even at low-ish levels. 1, both the Attached Weapons on the character and the Weapon Style are controlled via weapon categories. The game truly begins at 60 and many of us have played from level one more than a few times so there's no point in wasting time getting to max level if we don't have to. - enable XP/Exhaustion framework as an admin (it is disabled by default as we know most just want the immersion) Sep 21, 2020 · There is a mod better thralls. Emily has thousands of hours clocked in survival games, from ARK: Survival Evolved to 7 Days to Die; she loves the diversity of the genre. Dec 2, 2023 · Works just like other elixar. Conan itemization and progression makes very little sense. xqduyjm gftrmz mlfbxfr iuuacatk czjgk ujxa wrmm izjepp lonq ytvsovzy gczdqp rnllv bwmdfga vcedg qkzpm