Debayer raw image. A few similar questions have been .
Debayer raw image In order to get a real color image, the two missing colors have to be interpolated. Click "Input options Tab" Then under Raw Image file options, check debayer raw image files, VNG algorithm (better than bilinear), under input frame color/monochrome - select autodetect. I checked the camera picture and also with the sensor test pattern feature. I am pretty new to the astrophotography hobby. Clicking the debayer option when opening a raw file will most of the time result in the green image you had already seen. Right after image acquisition we can split RAW image to four planes according to colors of Bayer pattern (RGGB). Using the DeBayer Filter Oct 10, 2022 · I have an image which I need to write a debayer for, but I can't figure out how the data is packed. It simply sums up to separating the color channels and applying per-channel masks. I'm able to load and display the image using LibRaw and OpenCV, but the image appears to be slightly too bright and a bit more yellow than it does when I open the file in Windows. DeBayer Filter The DeBayer filter is used to convert raw image data into an RGB image. During image processing eventually it comes to the point where you have to do debayering, after all it is a OSC camera I will show you how to use the debayer process in PixInsight. python commandline colorspace rawtherapee dcraw debayering openimageio autoexposure-calculation Updated Oct 30, 2023 Nov 16, 2023 · This is the default setting for example with PixInsight’s Debayer process. (right) A portion of the M1 image (see below) encoded as a Bayer matrix (i. After debayering your sub exposures, you continue processing as normal to register / align your data and then use image integration to stack them. Sample RAW image: HERE. If we used the Debayer process before we did any calibration, the interpolation done by the Debayering algorithm would ruin our ability to do image calibration and that would NOT be good. 3 sec Aperture: f/0. Raw_Image_Debayer Script to split a . A common layout may look like: R G R G G B G B R G R G G B G B Debayer raw images automatically, with the option of outputting scene-linear aces exrs. I want to restore the original image by debayering it again with a bilinear algorithm. From the provided camera software, the easiest way is to set the format to “Bayer mode” and simply click “save” to store the image as 16 Bit . 045, 1. I cannot see anywhere to turn on RAW file capture. May 26, 2013 · If you capture with DeBayer turned on, the files will be full RGB color, and will be about 3X the size of storing the un-DeBayered raw video. Debayer with size reduction, average for G: g=((g0+g1)/2) Calculate pseudo-inverse for D65 illuminant XYZ Jetson SDK. If not hit CNTRL-Z to undo and try a different Bayer pattern. , a “RAW” image). Unfortunately most tutorials start with already having the fits-files :D I had valuable advice from Mr Jul 18, 2018 · - shoot [n] images - detect motion between them (optical flow) - overlay the raw images accordingly if you have some motion now, due to vibration etc, different bayer pixels overlay now and you have a good estimate what R, G and B is at a specific "image" location. * pointers. I can get the frame debayered in Siril so the grid pattern is gone, but the color info in the FIT frame is somehow lost. In Siril, move your files to the conversion tab, give them a sequence name, make sure you check the debayer option, and hit convert. raw_image which is the bayer 2D Therefore you must manually enter and check the Debayering pattern settings BEFORE stacking your images. This pipeline generates the RAW8 samples and sends them to the accelerator. Make Bayer - convert color image to a Bayer-pattern image. * The debayer pattern cannot be changed for raw images as that is automatically selected by the DCRAW code. Nov 15, 2024 · The rgb2bayer element is capable to deliver RAW8 samples in order to test the FPGA-ISP debayer accelerator. Last night, I captured 30 shots of the moon in raw format and I am trying to stack them to process in photoshop. May 11, 2010 · Dear PI Users, as I'm a "Newbie" :-[ for PI, I had some problems with converting the Canon CR2 Raw Format into FITS and do the correct Preprocessing (Debayer, Alignment and Stacking). Im a beginner at Jul 20, 2019 · Page 1 of 2 - How do YOU debayer? - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Let me explain what I mean. Jul 18, 2017 · When capturing data using a raw colour space, such as RAW8 or RAW16, SharpCap (and other image capture programs) will display colour on the screen but saved files will appear to be monochrome and may display a grid pattern. cr2 RAW file taken on my Canon Rebel T5 1200D. Some Fujifilm EXR cameras support "SN mode" at capture time, which stands for "Signal to Noise priority". Oct 29, 2015 · De-Bayering is one of the the first steps of digital image processing of a raw image. CFA data are classified as image type 'Gray' in the 'Information' tool bar. Pipp will debayer the 16-bit FITS file but not the 32-bit FITS file. raw without any metadata. A useful howto guide. My question is this. Helpful resources: The Book of Shaders, by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo and Jen Lowe; Shaders (Processing Shader Tutorial), by Andres Colubri; Additional related links Jan 27, 2025 · RAW는 Debayer + Low-Pass filter 등 카메라의 이미지 프로세서(Image Processor)에 의한 센서 보간을 거치지 않은 이미지를 의미한다. The BY8 image data is de-bayered automatically before the video stream is rendered on screen. Over the time I implemented file reading routines in C# (thanks to DCRAW! Mar 26, 2022 · I am working with a custom USB camera which sends raw Bayer BGGR 16 bit/pixel images. raw creates an unsupported raw image. This macro works fine for the first 15 images or so, but after that I start to notice a substantial slow down on the debayer process. 0, 2. Can anyone suggest how to force it to debayer them. PixInsight has 3 algorithm choices available in this process to use which are also called demosaicing methods, although I should note there are other demosaicing methods that could be used in other image Dec 7, 2007 · EDIT: I might add: if you have an image with (2x,2y) RGGB values, ImageMagic can easily (with crop and sample) create four single channel images, each (x,y) pixels. I have read that the first thing to do when processing RAW images, is the debayering of them. Unfortunately most tutorials start with already having the fits-files :D I had valuable advice from Mr. Prior to debayering, data from one-shot color cameras are fundamentally grayscale images. Many modern digital cameras can save images in a raw format allowing the user to demosaic them using software, rather than using the camera's built Oct 23, 2020 · Help debayering raw image with Siril - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I have a single RAW PNG frame from a SharpCap capture that I need to debayer and get the color in some kind of filetype, like FIT, so I can edit the color and contrast etc. 7 and openFrameworks v. I believe chroma subsampling is derived from RGB channels, so I assume it goes RAW --> (debayer) --> RGB --> Y'CbCr. Jul 3, 2019 · What visual difference does debayering make? - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Hello! So, I have been researching the process of debayering (if thats a word) and understand why and how to debayer, but even after doing some testing in pixinsight where I integrated some raw files without debayering first and compared it to the same integration but with Dec 12, 2018 · - Save as Raw 32 bit stack (FITS file is created) - Save with Adjustments - Save exactly as seen The first two options are generating FITS files that need to be debayered. I'm very new to this - any help is appreciated. When putting them into PIPP to align the moon on the frames and convert the files to TIFFs, i got the message failed with errors. There are several methods to convert (demosaic/debayer ) the raw image to colour: Jul 16, 2018 · When I capture raw frames in Sharpcap they are saved as . In fact, the image_proc node simply loads one debayer nodelet and two rectify nodelets. The Bayer to Y800 filter reinterprets the raw color data in BY8 images as Y800. You must DeBayer the video file before doing image stacking. postprocess() plt. and if you zoom in on the grayscale image you can see the bayer pattern (below is zoomed in on the tailight of the vehicle parked outside. In a raw color image, every pixel represents a value for one basic color, instead of three as is the case for an RGB image. The current version contains additional information about: - binning, - readout mode, - FITS format, - temperature, - light leaks, - resources for PixInsight, - applicability of LDC, Timestamp: Mon Sep 9 01:56:47 2013 Camera: NIKON D7000 Owner: ISO speed: 1600 Shutter: 300. Source. Here is an overview of what you will explore to read and display a RAW image: Using the tool dcraw, extract the CFA image out of a RAW file. Step 3: Set Up Convert Color for Perfect Color Balance. It's 2750 x 2200 8 bits per pixel and it's in a Bayer GRBG pattern. The confusion I have using PIPP is that there are different debayer algorithm options listed under the "Debayer Algorithm" droplist in the "Raw Image File" group, and the "Colour Debayer options" droplist in the "Colour Debayer" group of controls. - top_margin, left_maring - pixel coordinates for top-left image visible area Jan 23, 2022 · "RG12P. Feb 25, 2017 · I'm not intimately familiar with CoreImage or image processing in Swift/iOS in general, but let me try to give you at least a starting point. If the raw images are Bayer pattern, it debayers using bilinear interpolation. * You need to press the 'Test Options' button after changing any options to update the image preview. Aug 6, 2017 · I have a . 3 with the camera connected, the only options under capture type are AVI, SER, BMP and FIT. show(block=True) The raw instance contains an unprocessed raw. Do I need to change a setting so that FITS files aren't generated? Thanks, Mark Oct 16, 2018 · Thanks Dave. I own a Pentax K3 DSLR camera that I used in the past years to produce many many images, all shot in RAW mode. if file decoded via DNG SDK). Reload the RAW (unconverted) image; Run Color Ribbon Convert Color May 11, 2010 · Dear PI Users, as I'm a "Newbie" :-[ for PI, I had some problems with converting the Canon CR2 Raw Format into FITS and do the correct Preprocessing (Debayer, Alignment and Stacking). 925441 1. After reading on so many different Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Mar 22, 2019 · These subframes could not be stacked at this point, they needed to be aligned, centred, converted and little bit downsized. To save CPU time, debayer could done by GPU. First set Bayer pattern correctly by loading a raw image (grayscale) in the viewer and try one of the bayer patterns till the image colours match in viewer. jpg format image I made into a bayer format image. I am using PIPP but having issues with pixelation Mar 7, 2021 · All there is really is in a raw file is luminance information per photosite. Apply white balancing to the data. have you experimented with the bayer filter settings in the Debayer process to make sure you have the right bayer matrix set? one Apr 24, 2020 · This converson is called demosaic or debayer. 0 Focal length: 0. When editing such an image, the sub-image option appears, and allows you to edit a specific sub-image, or to combine the sub-images in one way or another. Not being in a position to purchase a newer dedicated camera I took it out last clear night we had (3 years ago?), sorry, a few nights back (Jan 21) and used it with my RC8 for a small section of the moon. Raw" (this is the 12bit regular) and "RG12packed. There are 3 methods (DeBayerActive, DeBayerStartPattern and DeBayerMode) that allow the debayering process to be controlled. debayer contains the following methods among others: debayer_dir - for debayering a directory (that is the main routine) debayer_file - for debayering a single file; debayer_image - for debayering an in-memory image (in/out: ndarray) read_image - reads a bayered image into memory (out: ndarray) Jan 11, 2013 · image_proc Author(s): Patrick Mihelich, Kurt Konolige, Jeremy Leibs autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 10:08:07 2013 Jul 16, 2021 · The initial image capture is in whatever Orion's weird variant of the FITS format happens to be. I've also tried all the different options on the 'debayer raw image files' options on the left hand side all to no avail Nov 1, 2020 · Size Image : 1843200 Colorspace : sRGB Transfer Function : Default (maps to sRGB) YCbCr/HSV Encoding: Default (maps to ITU-R 601) Quantization : Default (maps to Full Range) Flags : Doing a frame capture using V4L2 utils command: v4l2-ctl --stream-mmap --stream-count=1 --stream-to=file. Ive read about using the AVIRaw software, but from what Im finding it doesnt seem to be able to decode the Y800 codec. This is exactly what this filter does. Short and sweet video if you have never used debayer. CR2 raw image into its component colours. Image Processing SDK for Jetson AGX Xavier GPU: debayer, resizer, denoiser, JPEG, JPEG2000, h264, h265. Once the intensity is determined, you would then interpolate the colors as in the naive method, but use the result only to set the colors in such a way as to preserve the intensity. Advanced Image Utilities Overview This page provides advanced image utilities code snippets for Project Aria Tools, see also Image Code Snippets. A common way to test demosaicking is to have an RGB image and to generate the Bayer-sampled image by yourself. There is a class DeBayerTransform that allows the debayering process to be controlled. Prepare the CFA image, including linearizing and normalizing the sensor data to the range [0,1]. DeBayer2 - convert Bayer-pattern image to color image using various algorithms. I have googled it and read a skimmed a few articles, and I am still a little confused. dng' raw = rawpy. Here are some comparison Dec 27, 2017 · Today I updated my guide "Preprocessing of Raw Image Data with PixInsight". I didnt have any trouble opening the RAW images and BYEOS, DSS, GIMP, etc. Overview. When I open Firecapture v 2. Mar 10, 2014 · I want to debayer a 16bit RAW still image with openCV, but have problems with the cvtColor function. in GIMP. I've tried every available option and nothing seems to work. I know there are many different python libraries available to handle raw images and save them to almost any format, including DNG, but all of those always start May 25, 2023 · Hi, There is a specific pixel data format in place by the VI subsystem. The images themselves are at the bottom of the post. under Colour Debayer check Debayer Monochrome frames (THIS IS MOST LIKELY THE ISSUE) under colour Debayer Options select bilinear and GBRG. I thought I read somewhere that the default output in Firecapture from this camera is RAW images. May 12, 2016 · Hi, I have a macro that opens a raw image, debayers it using the debayer image plugin, and saves it as a tiff. Using the DeBayer Filter Dec 26, 2021 · The process I envisioned is this: I convert the tiff,targa. May 8, 2020 · For astrophotography, RAW format preferences shall be set to 'Pure raw'. Each sensel contributes some to that, although the colors don't contribute equally. I have a Full spectrum modified Nikon D5100 with which I use a Baader UV/IR cut filter. 0. Raw Bayer Data - Only images shot in this mode can be converted to color later Aug 21, 2024 · Problems debayering raw files in PIPP - posted in Lunar Observing and Imaging: So, the problem is: i have taken some moon pics and theyre all . ) Multiply the result by the inverse of the camera's color matrix; Multiply the result by an XYZ to sRGB matrix fromm Bruce Lindbloom's site (the D50 sRGB one) Apr 16, 2013 · Are you debayering an image or a video in PIPP? A few thoughts: * PIPP will not debayer if it detects that the frame is already in colour. Debayer is a commandline tool to convert camera raw images into scene-linear exr. Jul 28, 2022 · When opening a file you can choose to not debayer the image, in which case you would be shown a monochrome image with a checkerboard pattern over it like Alacant described above. 0 mm Embedded ICC profile: no Number of raw images: 1 Thumb size: 4928 x 3264 Full size: 4992 x 3280 Image size: 4948 x 3280 Output size: 4948 x 3280 Raw colors: 3 Filter pattern: RGGBRGGBRGGBRGGB Daylight multipliers: 2. This is what happens for those of us who use PixInsight to process our raw data; in particular, we execute the PixInsight Debayer process. In the first step we start PIPP, select our frames in RAW format and we also select option Solar/Lunar Full Disc: Then in the Input Options tab we select Debayer Raw Image Files, and select VNG algorithm. This process converts a raw image with colour matrix information into an actual colour image and must be done if your light frames are colour images. The image is from a FLIR Oryx Camera 23MP (5320x4600) 12Bit with BayerRG12P pixelformat, which should be RG GB bayer pattern. I am using PIPP but having issues with pixelation Aug 12, 2021 · I want to convert RAW image data (RGGB) to sRGB image. raw_image rgb = raw. Performance of image processing in camera applications could be much higher if we apply image compression for raw frames without using debayer. Nov 23, 2015 · However, if your light frames are colour images from a one shot colour camera, you will first need to Debayer them. The prerequisite to use this buit-in functionality is that the camera provides BY8 video formats that identify raw data in Bayer format. Jan 25, 2024 · Debayering CYGM RAW FITS images - posted in Lunar Observing and Imaging: I have an older Meade DSI II colour camera a gentleman gave me, in new condition. I am new at lunar imaging (or any astrophotography for that matter). png files. This is the information provided by TheSkyx about this mode 1. You can check if it’s correct by trying to Debayer one RAW image and then running an auto colour balance on it (to remove excess green caused by that extra green sensitivity) and perhaps a stretch to show the detail. Using the DeBayer Filter 这是旷视在NTIRE 2019 workshop的raw denoising赛道上取得第一的论文介绍,论文着重解决的主要是raw上降噪的两个基础问题,一个是bayer pattern不一致怎么办,一个是怎么做数据增强。 由于CMOS Sensor 的差异性,r… Displaying a RAW image. Apr 28, 2024 · Pypylon gives me the option to debayer the raw image and turn it into a variety of formats like jpg, png or tiff, but I want to export them to DNG or any other user friendly raw format. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Mar 22, 2019 · These subframes could not be stacked at this point, they needed to be aligned, centred, converted and little bit downsized. png. Answering this question is kind of hard: There are alot of different debayer/demosaic algorithms. Should I debayer the light/dark/flat/bias frames prior to doing the dark subtracts and so forth, or debayer all of them first and then do the subtracts and so on? Mar 8, 2023 · Grid pattern in PIPP when preprocessing raw files from a mirrorless camera - posted in Lunar Observing and Imaging: Ive been trying lunar photography with a Panasonic GX9 camera recently, and I found some strange grid like pattern when I unchecked debayer raw image files in PIPP, but strangely not every time this happens. Feb 4, 2012 · are you shooting through any kind of filter? an aqua-blue cast is normal if you are using a CLS filter. Am I missing something. 3. The information I have about the image: original bpp: 64; PNG bpp: 8; columns: 242; rows: 3944; data size: 7635584 bytes. This is particularly useful for Astrophotography, in imaging with a Hydrogen-Alpha filter on a DSLR. positional arguments: input_paths Source(s) to process. In some cases these images can directly be processed with RT: When saving the raw image Aug 16, 2023 · If I read the image in as a grayscale image it looks like this. The image calibration and (optional) cosmetic correction shall be performed on the CFA data. 10, including versions with GL2 and GL3 shaders. These work perfectly in Adobe Camera Raw as 5500K, 0 Tint. Subscribed Topics image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image) Raw image stream from the camera Sep 2, 2020 · I have succeeded to stream images through MIPI CSI-2 from a 16Mpx image sensor based on the following article: Also, I have created the device driver for this image sensor and changed other device drivers into /drivers… Feb 16, 2008 · Best Debayering Software For TIS Camera (Y800 RAW) - posted in Major & Minor Planetary Imaging: Im wondering if anyone could help me determine the best way to debayer the raw footage from my DBK camera. Maybe I should wait on . image_proc/debayer Takes a raw camera stream and publishes monochrome and color versions of it. DSS assumes they are debayered so the final result of stacking is a black and white image. If the colour in the image appears normal, then you have the right settings. Raw" (this is the 12bit packed) Raw files download ** My end goal is to use openCV to process folders containing RAW image sequences and process/convert them to another high resolution format like DPX 10bit or equivalent. Since it is modified its color balance is off now. In place of AVIRaw, I discovered that I could debayer using K3CCD Tools by Mar 25, 2023 · Lunar stacking with PIPP help needed! - posted in Lunar Observing and Imaging: Hi everyone, First time poster here asking for some help from the more experienced. dng files. The PDF file can be downloaded from post #1 of this thread. Your last step is to copy these settings back over to the Convert Color command, so that this color balance is automatically applied every time you convert an image. You may need to take into account this specific pixel data format. 3 images below using pipp bilinear debayer, yuy2 colour and straight y800 raw stacked in AS!2 (they are all stacked in AS!2 using 1010 frames and identical wavelets) The yuy2 image was taken straight after the other 2 so seeing was very similar. dng test image. Your main problem is Android, which is based on Java. I have a C++ project which is able to show the camera stream in grayscale, but when I try to use any of the OpenCV's built in color conversion function I always got misscolored images. Also, it is possible to visualize the results through a videosink, given that the output image is in ARGB format. 126505 Camera multipliers Fast RAW Image Encoding on NVIDIA GPU. Around the 19th image, it takes ~10 minutes, where it usually took <1 IC Imaging Control provides built-in functionality to debayer raw image data. So in the end you will end up with both the raw Bayer video and the 3X sized DeBayered color video too. (link to the image) Using this code: import rawpy import cv2 path = 'android_test. e. " But wait -- he was using . There are 3 methods ( DeBayerActive, DeBayerStartPattern and DeBayerMode) that allow the debayering process to be controlled. Mar 25, 2023 · Lunar stacking with PIPP help needed! - posted in Lunar Observing and Imaging: Hi everyone, First time poster here asking for some help from the more experienced. xisf. Aug 8, 2016 · We shot in RAW, and now I am going to process the RAW images in DarkTable (my first time ever). Sub-Image. We provide functionalities to debayer them and perform white-balancing to get RGB images. Aug 11, 2020 · Debayering OSC images - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: For the past year I was shooting with an unmodified Canon T2i (550d) and BYEOS. imread(path) rawrgb = raw. of course that cast should show up whether you debayer using the DSLR_RAW handler or with the Debayer process. Most modern digital cameras acquire images using a single image sensor overlaid with a CFA, so demosaicing is part of the processing pipeline required to render these images into a viewable format. That approach is usually called Raw Bayer Compression. The code I'm using saves an image but the saved image is garbled / distorted. There is this tool (nvraw tool) provided by the NVIDIA BSP to strip the image buffer from the additional data and get a true RAW buffer. I am working in python and so can load the raw image successfully using rawpy, as shown here. Dec 10, 2014 · You can find a set of ready-made images here. The data acquisition mode I have chosen is Raw Bayer Data. Can be one or more images or directories containing images. imshow(rgb) plt. 098821 0. They all knew how to handle the bayer matrix while I went on my merry way oblivious that it was even there. If you have calibration frames, Siril comes with a script that takes care of most everything if you put them in the correct sub folders. Sep 2, 2019 · - raw_pitch - row pitch (in bytes! so divide it by 2 for raw_image, by 6 for color3_image) in rawdata. - jamiechang917/raw2fits Code for converting raw GRBG Bayer images to RGB, using bilinear interpolation. The project is using SBT as the build system. Dec 29, 2021 · I'm trying to read and save a 12bit Raw file using Python and openCV. It includes only 1 "de facto standard" image however (the lighthouse), since there is no official benchmark. Average the two green channels, choose appropriate multipliers, and combine. The latest are very complicated. A raw image (mosaiced image) is essentially a one-channel image, where different pixels correspond to different colors. The key to using the Debayer process is that you should engage this process directly after you’ve calibrated and cosmetically corrected your image data. Image debayer Some recording profiles outputs raw RGB images (Profile 7 in Recording Profile). Some raw files contain more than one image. Ive searched on the internet but found no clue. Join me over on Patreon where I will shar Sep 4, 2019 · I’m working with industrial cameras (like the Basler ace series) and I would like to debayer and process the raw images with RT. Aug 3, 2020 · The RAW data cannot be displayed directly, debayer process is needed to get complete red, green, blue color for each pixel. Usually raw_pitch is just raw_width *2, but this not always so (eg. Nov 18, 2015 · Problem with debayer Canon EOS images - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: Hi I use TheSkyx Pro to connect my Canon EOS 450D camera. A raw image is monochrome, color is something that has to be derived from it. - jedypod/debayer What I'm trying to do is read a . Aug 13, 2015 · Demosaic/debayer; Apply white balance multipliers (I'm using the following ones: 1. You should now have a very accurately color balanced image. A few similar questions have been Mar 22, 2013 · Ok, here is another comparison. IC Imaging Control provides built-in functionality to debayer raw image data. Developed for Processing v. Color to Gray gives a correct result with this: import cv2 import numpy as np infile = '/me Apr 18, 2012 · This would be the single channel of image data if the image were black and white. Each pixel codes for red, green, or blue components of the image. Realtime raw processing on Jetson Xavier. Using this filter, it is possible to display the raw color data. This process loops through each raw image in the directory indicated by the user. Debayer raw images automatically, with the option of outputting scene-linear aces exrs. Best regards, Michael Joint demosaicing and denoising of RAW images with a CNN Motivation. The debayer process if run on CPU, will cost much CPU time. Linked below is the raw image. Image calibration (bias, darks and flats with the light frames) is a pixel by pixel process. fits for all files. In a raw color image Oct 19, 2021 · The 294MC Pro has a RGGB bayer pattern but selecting this option in the colour debayer (on the right in the image below) options doesn't do anything. Fast forward to my new purchase, a ZWO ASI183MC-Pro. The DeBayer filter is used to convert raw image data into an RGB image. More details are in the Wiki. I bought it mainly Sep 18, 2022 · A Python package to convert camera raw images to astronomical fits files. I have told TheSkyx to save the images as FIT format. 350. PixInsight will then open images of a One Shot Color (OSC) camera as Color Filter Array (CFA) data. Back in the old days, most (broadcast) video cameras with CCD image sensors had three sensors, one for each colour: Red, Green, Blue (R,G,B). The module sid. ssptskslccicswloetlbluqgobvvybgqduwwemliedvylqftdorwulpumznqdnsrthvrrgfzv