Exercise is a waste of time reddit We had the same schedule and the same commute, so I knew for a fact he had only 4 or so hours to himself at the end of the day. It depends on what you are training to do. How do people spend their free time? Without proper knowledge of muscle growth and proper techniques a person can potentially do more harm than good by working out incorrectly. not a waste for them. I find doing exercises on my own, then seeing a Massage Therapist does way more for than any Physical Therapy place I've been to and feel the money was much better spent and not a waste of time. Spain sounds fun! I battle the same mental hurdle in my weight gain, I stayed at 150 because I felt “fat” but I can tell you for sure, although it might not change anything, that you’re just suffering from body dysmorphia and it will go away with time, just try to maintain 130 until you feel comfortable gaining more, 130 is a good weight as well if you want to stay there Isn't almost everything here or in the 'spiritual' world just a waste of time? Some of the 'greatest' teachers said there is no defined way, there is no technique, no method, no routine, no practice; you are a pure illusion like a rainbow (it seems like it's there, but it isn't); The Truth is always here and in no time, by doing any practice you only move away from it. The reason people say "abs are made in the kitchen" is not meant to indicate that doing workouts it bad. Extra good news, the average person will probably be satisfied with Time drips by so slowly, and I can't stand to be alone with my thoughts. I've been lifting for a long time but I still look like shit. But never front. Not Reddit (Reddit is a waste of time), but other social media sites. Doing grammar exercises is a waste of time Please note that I refer only to grammar exercises - and not to learning grammar. Do Nov 21, 2013 · People who exercise more than 17 hours a week, it was found, scored the same in health and well-being tests than those who did less than 3. If your goal is to build strength, lifting light weights is a waste of your time. People is not a waste of time, human relations are something necessary, having friends makes your life easier, and being able to learn from the mistakes one make is extremely important. What I needed was a heart pumping exercise that I had to go out and run after 35 minutes of stupid yoga. If the weight is low and you can do much more than 20 reps with the weight you're using, then you're fine, but in that case what you're doing is kind of pointless for developing mass; it's more of a muscle endurance exercise. Its a massive opportunity cost. A HR monitor and a fitness tracking app might get you a slightly more accurate reflection of the work you're putting into it. Exercising gives you more energy, helps with sleep, maintaining a low weight, and yes, I'll likely get all that time back by living a longer life. I think waiting it out for 2 weeks is prob a good average amount of time to get settled and see major improvements but there's definitely not a set amount of time. mediation is a mental exercise. Just a calorie deficit from what I eat. I have not been to the gym have done minimal exercise. Last, I’m pretty sure if you were a kid growing up in the 1700 or 1800s. Video games require so much effort and it’s for There's a guy at my gym who uses the Smith machine to do bench press, and he typically spends 90+ minutes there. taking time daily to put aside and clear your mind will allow you to clear your mind and begin to disregard unwanted thoughts and emotions. . In short though, you do need to spend time close to your physical limit to build a high VO2 max and you need to do it pretty often Greg's belief is that you don't need to train abs, as they get plenty of work from bracing during squat, deadlift, overhead press, bench. How do people spend their free time? Self Improvement is a waste of time, if you don't go to the root of the problem or challenge you are facing. They wanted to me to use a reclined bicycle they had there, but there was no lumbar support on the back part of it and it just felt way too No, it was not a waste! I recommend doing the exercises in ‘what colour is your parachute’ to help you narrow what you might want to do. Always low weight high reps. I sit at a desk for 10 hours a day. It's a waste of time to be doing bulk of your exercises in the session as you can and should be doing them at home. 0 mph. Lots of people exercise in this way. If I don’t have a physically demanding job (desk work), it may be good to go somewhere to exercise where I normally can’t. The more you do it, it will become a part of you to the point that you don’t have to think when you sing. If you want abs you need to be lean and practice posing/showing them off. As long as you are hitting squats, leg presses ,hip thrusts, DL etc you will peak your abs in no time. Weighted exercise sets with 5+ reps in reserve. Way too many people forget the time aspect of an optimal training plan. A big problem is regulation, I still like shows, books, music, those are a waste of time too but they are not hard to regulate. I think a lot of people have their views of bulking and cutting skewed by the huge ones that are posted here so often, because people are starting very thin. Every push movement they are active. If you date someone for eight years, at some point you are going to be a dick to them. Reddit PPL has 6 sets of them. 30 minutes of exercise decreases your risk for type 2 diabetes and stroke by 50%. Except I can watch the movies in much less time and spend much less money. If you admit watching movies, playing video games, browsing Reddit, watching Youtube videos, drawing, reading fiction books, amd any other non-physical hobby is also a waste of time But not all time has to be productive. The serious side of Reddit. She still uses the language to consume literature she is interested in and whenever she goes on vacation to countries where German is spoken or places that target German A hobby is something you do in your spare time to entertain yourself. Try a super simple weight training regimen once a week if you want and if its important for you. It being a waste of time isn't terrible, though. Yes, you'll have issues in all relationships. Abs only to reinforce the core and help your big lifts, and like 5-6 sets a week on whatever exercise is more than enough. Obviously it depends how far and how hard, but there is a whole dimension of exercise science exploring how much exertion for how long creates a given outcome. Offer a theory, share an opinion, or pose a question about (almost) any serious or heavier topics you can think of. What I like about books is you can be satisfied taking a break for just one page. The movement is simple—you extend your ankles against resistance to strengthen your calves. flexibility is important. So almost exactly a month ago I picked up an ESP LTD MH-200 guitar and Blackstar id core 10 V2 amp. Leisure activities are the first thing to go when life gets busy. Yesterday I got involved in a discussion about the title of the post regarding beginner learners and thought it would be interesting to bring it to this lovely community. Waste of money is possible depending on your situation. Please see the r/Fitness Wiki and FAQ at… This will be my 4th time losing weight. with the invention of gym machines a lot of new ways of training came that allowed to reach new peaks of strength and power. On the one hand, you have thoughts that say 'art is a waste of time' and 'not productive', and on the other hand you have thoughts that 'upset you' if you are not drawing. All in all, yes it's a waste of time, BUT, it's also taught me the true value of time, and how much I truly can get done in a single day. I've had these thoughts, about art, but especially about writing, which was my hobby before I dedicated my time to art. Hobbies are personal. If your hobbies feel like a waste of time, you need better hobbies. My mom used to think that learning foreign languages is a waste of time and that she'll never need German anyway, but then she ended up living in Germany for several years. It's very boring and hard to brag about, but the good news is it's extremely easy. If running, walking, or biking to the gym is part of the workout, then it’s not a waste of time to work out at the gym instead of at home. Weight loss is also inherently stressful-- back in the day, losing weight meant you had no access to food and might die. Exactly. Every therapist i’ve ever engaged in multiple sessions with never helps to actually solve my problems, they’re just there to listen and make useless suggestions for 45 minutes so they can collect their money and ― Ralph Waldo Emerson This subreddit is for those who have questions about how to improve any aspects of their lives, from motivation and procrastination, to social skills and fitness, and everything in between. They offer many ways of exercise that can’t be done elsewhere. Prescribe me sitting exercises with a resistance band. Nothing negative can come from dedicating 10-15 minutes every workout to doing some planks, dead bugs, bird dogs, leg raises, etc. So exercise is a hygiene thing for me. That seems a bit much. Excercise however is vital. Running , Basketball , Football. Wouldn’t call it a waste of time but yeah. You really have to go to bed at the same time everyday. I’m very sedentary. Overtraining is inherently stressful, where regular exercise is inherently stress-relieving. You can always do workouts after work, before you really get tired. I honestly don't even know I'm doing it. Could easily lead to overuse injuries, especially if 20 reps is near the max you can do with the weight you're doing. The math and science skills will probably come in handy when you go to college/university. Members Online That's partially true. Learning Japanese to any decent level takes an absurd amount of time and anyone who tells you otherwise is guaranteed to be bad at the language. There are way too many variables in this. Just make it fun. and so is keeping your heart and lungs healthy with cardio plus many cardio exercises can get you "swole" too. Sitting in silence and trying to clear my mind has never helped me and i also found that a waste of time in my eyes. r/SeriousConversation is a subreddit for in-depth discussion. Your core will improve as time goes on in training and it is never too late to start a simple complementary strength training program. If you are looking to improve overall endurance, running can be helpful, but you should mix in other elements like wind sprints or any other anaerobic exercises so you can work on improving overall recovery times. Then rest of time is giving me or reviewing HEP exercises. So, exercise is a waste of time IF YOU'RE OVERTRAINING. It's a way to bring fun, romance, and sex into your life. I knew a guy who said he wanted to find a second job just because he was bored after work. Don't do anything in your bed except sleep or sex. A waste for you. If you've got a blue collar job, get exercise in some form or another. First time I went I paid $25 (copay) for a "consultation", then the second time I paid $25 for an hour and a half that was really like 40 minutes of therapy that was stretched out to waste my time. They could also waste a lot of time trying to achieve certain results with the wrong routine. I exercise about 90 minutes every morning while watching an immersive movie. I do similar and superset them when doing other exercise as it's like weight it doesn't mess up your other exercises. Weight lifting, on the other hand, creates muscle which requires substantial calorie consumption to develop, maintain, and repair. The 3rd time I went to the gym for the 1st time. The Stretching out and Massage actually helps me, while PT does nothing for me and never has. Sure, the MFA might have been “better” use of his time personally, but that doesn’t give him any authority or weightage to say that CFA is a colossal waste of time. Otherwise a waste of time. Lots more people exercise at work in the middle of the day, and it’s therefore not a waste of time or money in those cases. This. I don't enjoy my old hobbies, and I feel like it's a waste of time and effort. Here, learners and enthusiasts engage in discussions and explore the platform's offerings. The fact that we put kids through school from the early age of 3-4 until they are 18 is ridiculous. Definitely. Cardio and weights and got great resultsuntil I got to a goal and fell of the wagon. If you'd be better off using that time to get a better job, promotion, education or any number of other things then yeah- I think its a waste of time. thats a whole another story. just like physical exercise, for ten minutes times 1 will not give you any benefit. I love it, I can watch Netflix/play Xbox/listen to an audio book and the time goes by quickly (you've probably already discovered this). But, in retrospect my feeling about it is something like "grrrr Don't optimize how you exercise yet, just go from "person who doesn't exercise at all" to "person who exercises a bit more than none". Anything. You'd be better served After I stopped playing them I realized it’s such a waste of time, money, energy. I mean would you rather waste a bunch of time reading a book with thousands of pages or watch a movie with a plot as compelling as the book but with extra visualization. I think the issue is that you have thoughts that are conflicting with each other. On a positive note, if you ingrain the RIGHT habits, it works the same way. I'd rather get money into my pocket than having to waste gas to drive to a gym. I understand your point but there are couple of reasons why gyms exist and are popular. If I think video games are a waste of time (I do), that doesn't mean you have to think the same. See full list on spotmebro. This will be my 4th time losing weight. If you only have an hour 2-3 days a week, you can benefit a lot more from doing those runs in zone 3/4. It takes a while to grasp some things we are learning so I can't stress enough to people to trust the process and do stuff they love and let the experience flow, instead of quitting something cause they don't think they're being "productive" at the same time they will surely have gone and "wasted" their time on some sort of other activity like social media After 10+ years, I still think it's a waste of time without pharma if you really want to look good and be outstanding, but the problem is that I cannot just leave it. 5 hours a week, including some who take zero exercise. Please see the r/Fitness Wiki and FAQ at https://thefitness. The sister sub of r/CasualConversation. It will not come with one or two sessions. Time drips by so slowly, and I can't stand to be alone with my thoughts. Once you can read, you can learn how to do anything. Every therapist i’ve ever engaged in multiple sessions with never helps to actually solve my problems, they’re just there to listen and make useless suggestions for 45 minutes so they can collect their money and 11M subscribers in the Fitness community. The most valuable sports I ever practiced were Muay Thai and athletics. I don't have time to do that regularly. Worth or waste of time? Alright so I see a ton of people including abs workout in their routine and bragging about how important is to work those muscles. You'll realise that you don't just conquer the fear in one area like Public Speaking. I’ve lost nearly 100lb (45kg) without exercise. I was merely trying to check how this sub reacts to a really unpopular (and frankly, incorrect) opinion. It just becomes natural that you’re singing so well and so effortlessly. Therapy is a waste of time and money I’m tired of being recommended therapy when people give advice; it is completely useless. The algorithm is doing everything it can to fight this behaviour, but I really only use it to interact with friends and the content that they create (a lot of them are artists, for example). It could take longer, that def doesn't mean give up tho. But for the average person, taking part in some form of sport either daily or weekly as part of your time in high school is great for your social development and your physical health. They get so much damn work during chest exercise like bench press and incline bench. It took me a few weeks to complete the exercises and helped me narrow my job search from ‘sales’ to ‘medical sales’ (pharma and devices). #3 You Will Waste YEARS of Your Precious For me, once I started exercising, it was no longer a chore. I do also waste time on reddit and researching random stuff on the internet from time to time. What kind of gym are you going to? Here’s a small list of gyms I’ve signed up with and canceled easily: 24hr fitness;Planet fitness;Golds gym;LA fitness;Club pro fitness How are people honestly having an issue canceling memberships? I’m in California maybe we have better consumer protection laws. not everytime you study once during lectures short notes during first revision after practice and mock write down separately the stuff you can not remember for long ie you will need to review it on last day (eg atomic structure formulas) Some people don't know how to chill out. While I agree some classes are a waste of time it's certainly not all of them and school itself isn't either. A couple months ago, I heard for the first time and fell in love with Megadeth’s Rust in Peace and knew I absolutely must learn to shred. RPE and RIR are tools that are easy to wrap your head around but most in the hypertrophy training space end up defaulting to static rep increases week over week up to a point where a load increase makes more sense than continuing to add reps (think sets of 15+ on back squats, gross). In short though, you do need to spend time close to your physical limit to build a high VO2 max and you need to do it pretty often I mean theres a ton of research on the positive effects of exercise. It's like saying teachers are a waste of money as anyone can just learn stuff. I feel like I need to use my time well, but it all feels like a waste of time. A relationship isn't a waste because it doesn't last forever. I've never seen someone with lagging front delts. I normally end up finding my own exercises that work for me in conjunction with regularly going to a chiropractor and masseuse. Very high rep bodyweight exercises like situps, pushups, crunches etc (the old PE class exercises) Static stretching and maybe dynamic stretches too. A place for the pursuit of physical fitness goals. Waste of time and energy is not true. Most people can't spend 6-7 hours a day on their hobby, so you might need to ask yourself what you are giving up in order to spend so much time on a hobby. Cardio is typically high effort for longer periods of time and the effects of that exercise taper off rapidly once the exercise ends. wiki for help with common questions. I do it daily and it has changed my life significantly. On the other hand it teaches you pretty important soft skills such as presenting and teamwork. OR if you compete and will go below 6% bf. It's important to have a system built into training that lets you quantify progress week over week. Without proper knowledge of muscle growth and proper techniques a person can potentially do more harm than good by working out incorrectly. All those billion dollar drugs that help with mental health issues. If you are training to run, than running is really the only way to get better. And you go to the root of your fears and conquer it. I’m into cardio exercises but out of curiosity I tried yoga for 2 days, I was left unsatisfied. Sure. Tiny steps. Also I find a lot of movies and TV shows to have much more depth than Books. I had a good time in terms of the feelings I remember from the experience. But, people who live in small homes, people who can't afford the large up from costs of a home gym set up, people who have kids/pets/spouses/parents at home who will interrupt, people who are more motivated in group settings. Sometimes people want breaks from the real world I agree. an example would be that with the weight bar and well regulated weight control allows to train insane levels of push and pull force that would otherwise be unreachable. Still, I can't help but think how different my life would be if I was stay out and able to use my computer every day and get even more done. Then, once you get more time for exercise, you can add some 2 runs. Not really. I did a progression of time/resistance as time went on. None at all. This morning I spent maybe two hours on Reddit and a little bit of Facebook while listening to psytrance and sipping coffee. Welcome to r/duolingo, a welcoming community for sharing insights and tips on language, music, and math learning through Duolingo. People talk about wanting to make the world a better What I have heard is that core-specific exercises are a "waste" if you lift weights, because exercises like squats and whatever else already target the core, and that makes sense. I’m a freelancer who works from home and there is NO Then to unwire that will take double the time. If you've got a job that tasks your body evenly and in the right way, you don't need additional exercise. Work your legs for best bjj results. I hear guys in the gym saying how they're doing 1000 crunches a day, and also see them try a lot of funny stupid looking exercises. The traditional go-to exercise is the Calf Raise. Having a regimented gym workout and eating schedule is a waste of time for more people. I've seen lagging delts in general, and lagging rear delts. Don't give up, just try to understand why people backstabs you or abandon you. I don't remember having this kind of exercise (with only one tile) when I did the other languages. Exercise singlehandedly has a higher rate of decreasing symptoms and improving your longterm wellbeing than all of them for 0 cost. Bodybuilding is a stupid waste of time if you don't have the right genetics. OP I also have a recumbent exercise bike and aim for 3-5 days/week. It's difficult because If I go swimming and have a good time I never think of it as a waste of time. You just do a little more than you used to. Exercise and being healthy is a waste of time We are all going to die eventually so what’s the point of being healthy? Beauty is a social construct so exercising to “look good” is just about the dumbest thing you could do. I sometimes want to work out for unknown reasons, just for fun. BONUS: If you're lifting this close to failure, the kcal expenditure per minute is about twice as high as walking 3. it is a waste because the cons outweigh the pros whether or not it lasts forever. 24 votes, 13 comments. Hobbies don’t have to contribute to society. I do zero exercise. I’ve always hated exercise and this was the only time weight loss worked for me when I finally made a plan that didn’t involve any exercise. So I follow a guru with a specific technique that works for me. It takes a while to grasp some things we are learning so I can't stress enough to people to trust the process and do stuff they love and let the experience flow, instead of quitting something cause they don't think they're being "productive" at the same time they will surely have gone and "wasted" their time on some sort of other activity like social media Therapy is a waste of time and money I’m tired of being recommended therapy when people give advice; it is completely useless. No offense to any course/degree, but someone who fails CFA, quits, pursues MFA and ridicules the CFA program is nothing but a salty try-hard wannabe who wanted to vent his I came here to say this. The first 3 times were all different. Truth is a lot of people don’t have time to read novels these days. No matter if it is 0. If you have work (especially part-time) and you purposely want to cut your hours short just because you want to go to the gym, in my opinion, is the most stupidest thing you can do. Front delts are a waste of time. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. It's completely subjective. you have time on your hands, theres no reason not to try something other than just getting "swole". Between work, exercise, children, and all the other ancillary things that go with it, it’s hard to get enough time to complete a book. And hobbies aren’t chores or errands. My first post on reddit, so I wanted to play guitar my whole life. It is also important to realize that it is OK to waste time, but most people only waste 2-4 hours a day. com Jul 18, 2014 · We all agree you need to work your calf muscles. To answer your question simply, no it is not a waste of time. Edit: I thank everyone for entertaining and replying to my bizarre opinion. They wanted to me to use a reclined bicycle they had there, but there was no lumbar support on the back part of it and it just felt way too I believe reading books is a waste of time in the modern world. We have time to work, time to pursue our personal passions, and time to decompression. For example, If you have a fear of public speaking. Lateral raises should never be heavy weight, that's the way to mess up your shoulders. Front raises Oblique isolation work Bench dips (dangerous too) School is a waste of time for the most part, and is preparing kids to live in the past, 220 years ago. What's really unusual is his routine: he sets the weight at about 100 pounds and does a set, then he adds 5 pounds per side and does another set, then goes back to 100 pounds, and just keeps alternating between those two weights for 90 minutes, taking about 7 or 8 minutes between For me personally, my prescribed exercises require me to be on my back. In terms of optimizing health, 2-3 hours per day is probably too much, though okay to do for a little while if training for a big event, maybe. Exercise is a waste of time and resources. I don't like exercise, I try active hobbies every now and again but in my leisure time I'd rather read a book or knit. Feb 14, 2020 · Unfortunately, you might be doing some pretty common triceps exercises that are simply a waste of time, either because they make you more likely to have poor form or they're just not designed to make the most of all the effort you're putting into them. Thing is, you don't have to agree that it's a waste of time: it's YOUR time being spent when you play games, not theirs, so nobody can tell you if it's a waste of time for you. true. This means that most things people do after work is a waste of time. I don't learn anything from it so I do consider it a waste. you sound like quite the meathead. If you can do that, especially with a 2-3 second eccentric portion for each rep, then it's not a waste of your time. 5s or 1 min, I prefer to have options and think. Nothing seems meaningful or valuable anymore. I exercise for the same reason I brush my teeth, I don't want the consequences of not doing it so I make time. Ten pounds is not really a small bulk. Usually 40 minutes is hands on body work and direct manipulation. They're a waste of time it you think that you are going to build a career based off your performance in high school. The calorie counts on most machines are complete bullshit. Time. Anyway. You don't have to just target the core with thousands of crunches. Some of the random things I'll get into researching have to do with fitness and health. stretching, yoga, and cardio are great things to add to any workout regime. None of these exercises will outrun your diet of you're not maintaining a deficit. My shoulders are still narrow, my hips are still wide, my arms are still short. And decompression time is REQUIRED because eventually it will come for us by making us get sick or burn out or get fried! I have a super hard time giving myself the daily structure to get things done. The hands on one spends a full hour with me. skxsgz jrcpy mhkswl ehtchg cznqct jfvc mce pzjs mivbldj rrvym fmmzqe cewyzt drf ysssf pkcfw