Hermione is scorpius mother fanfic. "I can't help it my sweet, you are just so delectable.

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Hermione is scorpius mother fanfic. " Ron still wasn't done so we stayed at the table.

Hermione is scorpius mother fanfic Nov 22, 2013 · 8 year old Scorpius is getting suspicious. "What a little angel," Hermione murmured as Scorpius patted her face with his chubby hand. " "I can't stay calm mother, we go back from break in two days, and I need to do this before then. Hermione smiles and places a hand on his shoulder. 'We made you breakfast. " He looked pale as he thought about what he was about to do. Come to think of it, she has always been weird. " Ron still wasn't done so we stayed at the table. Hermione smiled and laughed a little as he giggled more. "Dad?" He mumbled sleepily, "About mother-" Rose didn't blame her mother at all for her silence—she had respected what Scorpius had asked her. Ron stepped forward and grabbed Scorpius's hand and gave it a tight squeeze. Scorpius se restregó los ojos: era muy temprano y aún se hallaba algo adormilado. I can't believe she even got married and had children. "We've got time for a little walk, Mother. " Hermione helped Scorpius off of the chair and he instantly ran into his Grandfather's arms, leaving Draco behind and instead joining the elder Malfoy's as they exited the store. It was short, but it was precisely what he needed. "Thanks, Daph. "Base!" Scorpius smiled, and crawled over the table to Hermione. May 8, 2022 · Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy was perfect in every way, save one. "H-hello Mr. " Scorpius rolled his eyes. Hermione mailed me that she won't arrive until 2 days later. Scorpius opened his eyes slowly as he felt the loving gesture. " - Alec Benjamin - Hermione Jean Granger. "Be nice to the kitty," she repeated gently, still helping him move his arm. "You and Scorpius will make it through this," Hermione says as she walks to the door. "His father's a Death Eater, Hermione!" Ron yelled pointing at Scorpius. Scorpius protested with a sniffle and a scowl, before deciding that Father's would make a fine substitute for the bed. 'Good morning my loves,' Hermione greeted her family. "Son calm down, he will say yes to you. It's free game afterwards," Scorpius chuckled. "Thanks" Scorpius muttered back, still keeping his eyes low. "I don't know, Ronald. He loved books, and he knew that she must be the new owner of the bookstore that he told his father about. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 6,606 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 18 - Updated: 11/13/2009 - Published: 10/14/2009 - Status Scorpius had tried his hardest for nearly four years to make himself unknown, and that privacy was coming crashing to the floor faster than lightning. "Remember it's your mother's birthday, Scorpius. After all, aside from one of the boys, the others were all likely to run into their mothers, and Scorpius was betting that by the end of their stay, more than his mother would know what their future Dec 12, 2017 · "Sneaky little sod," Hermione muttered, knowing full well that Scorpius was using his little sister's first experience of snow as emotional blackmail on her. The shouting match had woken up the child. Vowing to Draco that she will care for Scorpius, Hermione will stop at nothing to find the true villains responsible and reunite father and son. I'm not so completely hopeless in that department if your mother was any indication. I don't know. And why are you acting as such with her?" His mother it seemed had once again gathered herself to speak. " Hermione said as she empty the potion into her mouth. Scorpius reached his free hand out to Ron, giving Ron's a firm shake, "Nice to meet you sir. Scorpius is their eldest child, at 9 years of age. Hermione asked Harry as everyone digested the news that Hermione was Scorpius's mother. In the distant there were harsh voices, in whispers, thrown side by side. " Draco nodded and kissed the top of his wife's head. He twisted his neck to kiss the top of her head and then lay his head on hers. Without Hermione there it obviously took much longer to get ready. Tinkle disappeared with a snap of his fingers. Scowpy happy. Arriving at the front of the hall Scorpius gave his mother the famous Malfoy smirk as if saying I told you so to the witch. She didn't care that he wasn't her own son, she loved him just like a mother loved her baby and would readily drop anything and everything for him. In fact, his tenth birthday will occur during the week of the reunion. " Scorpius beamed, then quickly hopped off his chair "It was very good Mrs. "Oh," he said, a little breathlessly as he dashed back to take it from him, "right. "Just remind him of who his mother was. Their marriage life was perfect but a tragic illness strikes the eldest son. With lots of fluff, a bit of smut and a whole lot of Romione, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it :) - The FINAL CHAPTER is up now! :3 Scorpius smiled widely at his mother. "How do I look?" "You look like my son which is the highest compliment I could possibly give you. ' Scorpius Malfoy asked his mother, Hermione, with a frown on his face. "Dad, mom, this is Scorpius!" Rose had both her arms wrapped around Scorpius's one, her hand entwined with his. Two years and a marriage later, Hermione is Scorpius' new mother. Hermione Jean Granger-Weasley "She couldn't be at home at the night time because it made her feel lonely but at that time she was too young. He adored his big sister even if she did piss him off greatly. "So what is the surprise trip we're taking today?" Hermione asked after they had all been seated at the table. As he arrives in 2004, he gets to meet a younger version of his parents and has to work towards vanquishing Voldemort in a world that is completely different from his. "I can't help it my sweet, you are just so delectable. Hermione was very afraid what her children will say, and Lyra was afraid what her mother will say when she tells her that she is dating Scorpius. Feb 1, 2020 · Hermione had also introduced Scorpius to them. Draco almost felt jealous but understood that what Hermione and Scorpius had was a bond between mother and child if not better. I only remembered later about that night" Draco said. He nodded at his father, holding out his hand to shake. As they entered the kitchen, Al and James came rolling out of the rustic fireplace in a kerfuffle and were pulled apart a moment later as Harry walked calmly from the green flames. " "Slow down, Scorpius," his mother said to him, "You'll get there soon enough. Hermione balanced Scorpius on her hip before unlocking the front door. T for mentions of sexual activities in later chapters. Scorpius clamped his jaw down onto it and began sucking it. Rose leaned her head on Scorpius' shoulder. Scorpius refuses to let her into his heart but the matter of a kiss can change everything. DRACO + HERMIONE = SCORPIUS. Scorpius was drawing flowers with pencils gifted to him by Dean Thomas, whose influence had been in Scorpius's life for years. "I can hear Dad honking the horn from here. " Draco nods and Hermione takes her leave. "Have you decided a name?"asked the doctor. " "His name is Scorpius," Draco says as she stands. Maybe Narcissa is alive. "I'll owl you," Hermione smiled brilliantly, and she winked. War heroine, the minister for magic, a successful wife, the mother of two children. 'Happy mother's day mummy,' Scorpius said, placing another wet kiss on her cheek before collapsing next to her on the matrass. But what he doesn't know is that she's very much alive, and closer than he thinks. " That was, until she had actually seen the veil, and then learned Hermione's mother (Rose's grandmother) had worn it to her wedding too, before passing it down to her daughter. However, looks weren't the only way he was like his father. Hermione scolded. "I've never seen the bug so attached to someone 4 years after the war Hermione Granger is working for the Ministry but no closer to finding love. Hermione is jealous when Draco doesn’t deny his wife’s (aka her mother’s) affections during dinner. "Thank you Scorpius. Draco smiled, looking out at Scorpius as he sat in the middle of Blaise's garden. "Badaday!" Scorpius said to his sister, showing her the card he had made for their mother. The Malfoy boy turned to meet Rose's gaze and smiled, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before turning to meet Ron's gaze. It is almost ten-o-clock in the morning, and your mother is still asleep. I would love your best fics that show hermione and Draco in a family/domestic context. Some of my favourites are A Second Look, MOAM, Finding Hermione and A Second Shot, and Her Number One Fan. Draco got Cissa, Scorpius, and Anna packed and ready to go. "I'm a father. DISCLAIMER: All rights go to the queen, JK Rowling. "Hello Scorpius I'm Ronald Weasley" Ron said threw his teeth. Thankfully, an understanding husband answers all of her questions. Remembering how lost she felt all those years without having a father, made Mila's heart go out to her half-brother, because while she was gaining a relationship with her other parent, there was no bringing Scorpius' mother back for him. He resolutely refused to say, 'mama. I will not hold her back if she decided to curse either of you. Groaning, Hermione flopped on the sofa: "It is not funny, Ginny," and stared at the ceiling for a few moments, "I mean," exasperation and stress caused her to lean her head in her hands, circling her fingertips on her temples to diffuse the onset of a headache. " Rose's cheeks turned cherry red and she half-dragged Scorpius back into the house, although they both heard Hermione scolding Ron. Slowly the darkness faded, and an annoying dim light hits his eyes making them open. It has a really cute Scorpius, some grumpy Draco and a lonely Hermione. "Ron, calm down. So, she decides to level out the playing field. Although to be fair, Blaise and Theo seemed to take the news in their stride, and it didn't appear as though they were judging Draco for being involved with someone who wasn't a Slytherin, and Neville being the understanding soul he was also seemed to be Scorpius beamed and looked toward his mother, who had his plate. "Do you mean like a dog's chew toy?" Draco asked in a sudden feeling of his son being compared to an animal. Draco reached forward to caress his son's mussed hair as he slept. ⁣ ⚠️ This subreddit contains NSFW content. After moving in with the Potters, 15 year old Scorpius was extremely cross with his best friend for telling his father that Scorpius' mother was abusive. Hope you like it if you get to it. SUMMARY: Scorpius Malfoy, now age eleven, stumbles upon an intimate scene between his father and step-mother, Hermione, two nights before he leaves for Hogwarts. " he complimented momentarily forgetting to call me Hermione. I really want a fanfic where Scorpius Malfoy's Parents are Draco and Hermione. " Who could blame him, when Scorpius had never seen him behave as such? "NOW! Tinkle. Like Draco, Hermione had been open about her past and Scorpius knew she'd once been friends with the famous war hero, Harry Potter. Ron can marry Padma or someone else as in the AU of the cursed child. " He hollered. Hermione gently took the spoon from Scorpius and gave him a small spoonful of mashed potatoes. The soother problem was easy, outside feeding hours. " Hermione smiled sweetly and started to walk away before she was stopped by a small voice. " said Astoria as they walked down Diagon Alley towards Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, which had reopened after the war. "And how's my baby girl this morning?" Hermione cooed, making Draco cross the room to her. " Scorpius shook his head as he climbed back onto Hermione's lap. Scorpius Malfoy. Scorpius and Albus traveled back in time to change the Triwizard Tournament and succeded. The fair-haired boy eagerly suckled for the first time, having his fill before falling asleep with his one hand still clutching Draco's thumb. Normally she was eager to hear how his first term of school had gone, but tonight she'd barely asked any questions. Feb 7, 2025 · When the Auror department arrives to take Malfoy into custody for the harm done to his child, Hermione is the only person who believes the innocence he claims. Chapter 2. "No. "Mama ok. " Hermione whined with a pretty little pout on her lips. Scorpius Malfoy is born with born with Angelman syndrome. I must have ruined your party. "Scorp, I wanted to make sure you knew that you can talk to me about girls. Scorpius Malfoy had always been told that his mother was dead. Scorpius didn't care about his status, his respect, or his privacy anymore. " Scorpius' sulky response was punctuated by another sneeze. Draco smirked as Scorpius predictably tried to escape his mother. " Hermione sighed. The beginning was a bit rocky for me - they would be talking about one thing and then the point would shift to something really personal out of the blue. Like the Slytherins, they adored the lad. They laced their hands together. At one point, the outline and story were very different. She went to grab it, but Scorpius apparently knew that would be a bad idea and swung it out of Scorpius turned to face his father. "Hello baby. She seems to be holding a secret, just like his father. Their relationship was growing steadily, and it put Draco's mind at ease. Then I found the Scorpius/Hermione ship. " As she rolled her eyes at him, Draco lifted an arm, inviting her in for a snuggle. As a mother, her family is her raison d’être, but as a wife she has a different one. A Hermione and Draco story She heard the door open. Sorry. Draco reached out to shift his son's hand away from Hermione's face. " When Hermione woke up on the morning of February 17th, Scorpius' first birthday, it was to the feeling of small legs kicking her back. With lots of fluff, a bit of smut and a whole lot of Romione, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it :) - The FINAL CHAPTER is up now! :3 Bopsy brought a breakfast of eggs, toast, fruit and bacon upstairs along with a cuppa for Hermione, and milk for Scorpius, who woke up when he smelled food. He goes to Hermione Granger for help and advice, and gets more information than what he's going for. Summary: After four and a half years of marriage, Astoria walked out on Draco, leaving a four-year-old Scorpius behind. Ginny hugged Scorpius. He pulled the covers back. "No, Dad!" said Rose shrilly. Scorpius half expected him to mean that he should wait for his mother and father, but when he turned to do so, he saw his father holding up Orion's cage with a small smirk. She opened her eyes and rolled over, confused. Reversely, feeding times were easy peasy, the natural instinct of a mother warned Hermione it clearly was time. Prequel to: The wrong Hermione. Draco and Harry are Finally friends. When I first came, she had hated me, believing me to be a spy for the dark lord but now she was acting strange offering to help me with Scorpius, helping me complete my duties and looking after Scorpius at times both mother and I were out. Age 5 - Scorpius and Astoria meet Rose and Hermione "Come along, Scorpius. She knew she was right - she was still almost always right. Scorpius looked around and noticed that they were in a bookstore. "Hello Scorpius, what a gentleman you are" Hermione replied and smiled at him, and chuckled lightly as he blushed slightly before smiling back. Draco Malfoy has just returned from France with his son Scorpius but is no closer to finding acceptance. "How was the journey? And where's your brother?" "It was great, Mum, and Hugo was with his friends when I last saw him. Blonde haired, pale-skinned kid with a stormy-greyed eyes. Both Draco and Hermione are somewhat bamf-y. 14. Rose's tear-filled eyes were traveling from Ron to her mother and brother to Scorpius, who had a look that was half annoyed and half angry. It was very sweet. Title: Scorpius Malfoy's Future Wife Beta(s)/Alpha(s): marahsfantasy, deviant1 uk Pairing(s): Albus/Scorpius Rating: PG Word Count: 1800 Summary: Albus Potter and Rose Weasley's parents have a bet on who Scorpius Malfoy is going to marry. His father died when he was eleven years old, shortly after Easter. She loved him and loved how even though he was old enough and knew she was not his mother, he still called her mommy. However, Hermione managed to conceal her pregnancy through the use of many glamour and protection spells. When she makes to exit the church, Narcissa Malfoy Draco walked to Scorpius' room and opened the door quietly. " "Of course, love. "No thanks mum. Draco ran his thumb along Scorpius gums like Hermione had done, feeling for the bumps she had informed him about. This post-Hogwarts fanfic follows Hermione Granger as she begins life without Hogwarts and more importantly, with Ron. Hermione watched as Scorpius sat back down and drummed his fingers anxiously against the table again. Their family was expanding in a way that benefitted everyone. Jun 29, 2019 · Hermione is about to say something, but is forgotten when Scorpius makes his way out of the Quidditch store and quickly hugs his father's leg, "okay daddy, I'm done!" the young blond exclaim happily before cowering behind his father when his gaze fall onto the two unfamiliar figure in front of them ⚠️ This subreddit contains NSFW content. Polly scoffed, Hermione was probably afraid of coming and showing her ugly face. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Romance - Scorpius M. Jul 12, 2012 · Truth be told she missed Scorpius as much as he missed her if not more. Draco and Hermione had been explicit that Scorpius was a half-blood and as such they wanted him to experience both cultures. Meet Scorpius Malfoy (Ron's PoV – May 15th, 2006 – Hermione's Pregnancy: 40 Weeks) Dear Rose, Date: May 15h, 2006. "Scorpius. the young mother cheeked Hermione's embarrassment. I always back-burnered it in favor of more pressing fics. It was a beautiful veil, long and netted, with scalloped edges and hand-embroidered flower patterns trailing down the edges. Raise Me Up. "I suggest you leave now Astoria. Scorpius had Draco's knack for mischief as well as the charm to talk his way out of trouble. "What is Hermione Granger doing in the Manor, Draco. Feb 27, 2017 · "Fortunately, I have to collect Scorpius from Nursery school which is an hour away, so I'll see you all in more than 2 hours. A beautiful bell ring throughout the store as they walked in. She got into Miss Hermione's room just barely before he did. "Granny and Grandpa already picked me up from nursery, Mummy. Rose didn't understand why her mother didn't just go back to bed; it was only half past five. May 19, 2019 · Or "How Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy Used a Time-Turner and Royally Forked Up". She was the definition of success. I've got the entire morning off, and I intend to spend it with my son. His father smirked before pulling his eldest son into a hug. Hermione knew that Harry knew at that point who Hermione had married in France basing from her son's feature. "What would you like Scorpius?" "Chocolate, please. Hermione pointed her son in the direction of the ante chamber, trying not to worry too much about his safety in the upcoming tournament. Carina turned around to her dad and when she nodded he placed the tray full of deliciously smelling food on Hermione's lap. "We need hat and scarf for the snowman," Scorpius informed his mother as she and Draco began to pull on their own coats and boots. " Hermione said putting a hand on her husband's arm. "Mine! Miney! Mine Miney!" Scorpius hugged Hermione. Scorpius has a plan for Astoria, but it's for tonight at dinner. Scorpius hugged his mother. Scorpius trotted behind his mother as she entered the shop. As the train pulled away from the station, Scorpius saw his mother holding back tears as she smiled and waved. " Scorpius said, reaching up and giving one of her heavy breasts a good squeeze. "Where did we go wrong, Hermione?" Ron asked. "Gam-Gam," Scorpius wiggled and Narcissa sat him on the floor. "Malfoys always have sons first. Hermione often referred to Scorpius as Draco's mini-me as their son was a carbon copy of his father. There were so many different emotions coursing through her body right then. Things are never boring in Wizarding London, especially with a mother like Narcissa Malfoy and friends like Harry Potter and the Weasleys. "Ron, I don't think-" "I forbid you from seeing him!" He told Rose ignoring his wife. Hermione is the most powerful and knowledgeable witch in this country. All Scorpius wanted was to warn his father about the future consequences of his past decisions, but this was seriously more than he bargained for. It was not everyday young Scorpius met a woman as pretty as Hermione Granger, Draco, too did miss the slight blush that crept up on his son, before looking back at Hermione. "Okay, sweetie. " Hermione answered, resting her head on his shoulder. The baby eyes focused on Hermione's and he gurgled again smiling moving his hands a little as he giggled. Scorpius tried to tone his voice down to something casual. Like Draco, Scorpius had soft, platinum blond hair and mischievous grey eyes. "I hope you don't mind. Scorpius stood on the chair which his bum first occupied and reached over to kiss Hermione on the cheek, "Your very pretty Miss Hermione, thank you for my book and dragon. By morning her doubts were much less significant and within a week she wasn't as worried about her lack of knowledge with being a mother. No, it was because he knew, with certainty, that Hermione, the brilliant, accomplished, 36-year-old department head, spent far too many evenings alone. I will make some breakfast if you feel up to it," Hermione said again. Of course, this means Hermione was pregnant during the war. "You are. "Passing along useful knowledge is a form of love, Hermione. "Draco and Scorpius!" Her mother exclaimed and Hermione smiled to herself at the delight in her voice. He says he does not look like Astoria, his mother. " She then heard Hermione walk away and down the stairs. Fighting for the betterment of humanity, Scorpius Malfoy travels twenty years into the past with the aim of safeguarding the future. ⁣ "Mum!" Rose exclaimed, spotting her mother waiting on Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. Cauteloso, tratando de no hacer ruido se acercó a la habitación de sus padres; la puerta estaba cerrada y sabía que debía llamar antes de entrar, pero supuso que aquella mañana podía hacer una excepción. Hermione knelt down and grabbed Scorpius' wrist gently, moving his small arm slowly as she helped him pet the untamed orange hair of her cat, Crookshanks, as he continued to stay perched upon the ottoman in front of the large leather char. Language: English Words: 89,323 Chapters I don’t care if it’s just scorp and hermione steps in or a combined family fic or they conceived together. The nausea will only get worse, but thanks for the offer. " "He really loves you. Hermione nodded tiredly and took Scorpius from Draco's arms, allowing Healer Eriksen to position mother and son in the correct way for Scorpius to latch on to her breast. "Get out of here," Ron snarled. Draco's concern intensified. Luckily, her stepbrother is in town for his father’s birthday. She was all that mattered to him now. 5 años y 6 meses después. " Draco said sternly, but Scorpius paid him no attention, he seemed to be just flabbergasted with Hermione. It was the first evening of the Christmas holidays, and his mother had been unusually quiet over dinner. 16. "You can't do that!" Rose yelled. You two have been inseparable since first year. It was just all such a shock. Hermione copied the motion and soon they were in each other's arms, whispering sweet nothings to each other. So I've decided to write a small companion piece to my one-shot A Mother's Kiss. Scorpius asked after Draco had finished his story. Slow burn Scorpius/Hermione. Nothing too drastic. He stepped inside then silently dragged a chair inside the room and sat on it beside his son's bed. Hermione loved Scorpius as if he were one of her own children and having to stand back and watch as his mother chipped away at such a small, lovely child broke her heart. It's something of a tradition. "said she. Hermione sighed. The little boy was not much taller than Bopsy and Hermione grinned as she noted this. Draco took his time taking a sip of his own cup of tea. "Of course I can! I'm your father!" "I'm not a child anymore!" 13. All the books told Hermione that she would see the difference. "Scorpius Malfoy you know better. Immediately he toddled over to his toys, which Lucius had pulled out shortly before he arrived. Then Hermione gently shook Scorpius's hand and smiled sweetly. It's Hermione's first Mother's Day since having her son, Scorpius, with her boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, and after spending the afternoon with Narcissa, she returns home for a Mother's Day surprise she will never forget. While his father had been forced to do the bidding of the dark wizard, Hermione had been fighting to bring him down. The baby stared at Hermione solemnly for a moment before flashing another wide toothless smile at her. "You are insatiable Scorpius. "I'm exhausted Scorpius. , Hermione G. " Scorpius said. We- Hermione. " Draco met his son's anxious gaze. " She wiped her tears off her cheeks and hugged her husband. " Scorpius wished she would refer to him with that term of endearment. " Hermione concluded. "Be gentle Scorpius," he said softly, smiling when the baby babbled happily at him. Scorpius was facing her, his face scrunched up in frustration as he attempted to escape his father's obviously tight grasp. Draco gathered up his baby readily enough, petting Scorpius as he settled in the crook of his shoulder. " When Scorpius convinced his boss, Hermione Granger, to go on a blind date with a "mystery man," it wasn’t out of the goodness of his heart. "Well it was the first constellation I thought of when you were born. " Hermione chuckled. Much of the smut is credited towards talented authors like Savva, sportivetricks (tamlane), and gnrkrystle. My father and uncle had begun debating the finer points of international potions regulations and it wasn't something I wanted to be caught up in. "I'm sorry, Scorpius. Hermione was quite impressed with the magic and Draco was a little stunned. She actually winked at him! "Mum? It's time to go," Rose reminded her mother. To be honest, she still had to find out how. POV Aunt Polly. Sep 1, 2012 · Author's Note: Thank you for choosing to read my fanfiction—I really hope you enjoy it! A few things you should know before reading: The two main characters are Rose Weasley (the daughter of Ron and Hermione) and Scorpius Malfoy (the son of Draco and his wife Astoria) and it's all about their relationship throughout their years at Hogwarts. These past few days have been quite exhausting for her, and I find her asleep at random times of the day. "Dad!" "Rose, it's so good to see you again," Hermione said, hugging her daughter tightly. User discretion is advised // This community is dedicated to fanfiction, fanart, discussion, and overall vibes involving the romantic pairing of Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. Sweet, fluffy Dramione one shot. Then, she turned to Scorpius who was sitting on Daphne's lap, looking at Hermione. Scorpius woke up three times during the night, and every time she got up to deal with him, Hermione felt her confidence as a mother grow. Hermione raised her eyebrows and tilted her head to the side with a smirk. Hermione wasn't one to be denied and she asked her son, "Scorpius what does a dragon say?" Hermione made a small smile and sat up a little as Draco handed the baby. 15. That was going to be a very dramatic summer but you will be surprised to know how one wise Slytherin woman saved the day Even though Scorpius had never planned on revealing who his mother was, it had slipped out via the others, and he knew the same could happen again. " Hermione froze and turned around to see her son staring up at her. But if we see one tear fall from that pretty face of hers because of you, I am with my husband on him hurting you. Now Scorpius is left alone in a world where Voldemord rules and his father is in Azkaban. . Time-Travel AU. Aug 19, 2019 · As for his mother, Hermione Granger, she'd been on the other side of the war. "Just lay back and enjoy yourself my sweet, I'll do all the work. I'm so proud of you my baby. Draco placed Scorpius's hand on the tree, with a flash of light and strong pulse of magic, Scorpius Malfoy was forevermore added to the tree. What happened to his friend Albus, why is Severus Snape alive and how did Hermione Granger end up to be his mother? So, this one has been in Development Hell for a very long time, since Xmas. " Rose breathed in the warm smell of her mum. She said she sounded disappointed which confused me. "Our baby has a baby. "So, is there someone you would like us to meet?" Harry said looking at Scorpius's face. Ron lost control; he nearly leaped upon Scorpius , but Hermione and Hugo had both jumped instinctively and they each seized one of Ron's arms. Weasley it's a pleasure meeting you" he stuttered as he pried his hand away from Ron's. The three stood up and Scorpius went to The Three Broomsticks with Rose. Rose stared up at him contently, with a look that made all his worries melt away. "You are welcome. Hermione felt a little torn between Scorpius and the enemy right in front off her. "Can you say, Miney?" Hermione asked. "said Hermione. Talli instantly smiled at her mother's voice, humming out happily. Hermione gave birth to him shortly after the end of the war. " A silence fell around them and Scorpius began to stir. Which is usually characterized as a neuro-genetic disorder , severe intellectual and developmental disability, sleep disturbance, seizures, jerky movements (especially hand-flapping), frequent laughter or smiling, and usually a happy demeanor. skkllz fmgzc iawxm qfinmp bemngu lpttsdy bafja buty nwy hfikg cgrh smap ydmwljz uunyvrdl euhkegi