Kua number 3 element Represents adaptability and receptiveness. our feng shui kua Aug 1, 2024 · Obviously, big Wood is the Element of the Kua number 3. Stands for stability and nurturing. Whether you love a mighty oak, or a magnificent, ancient sequoia, tree images are potent symbols for you and represent the big wood that makes up your kua number. Best Colors: White, Gray, Gold Mar 8, 2025 · To calculate the Kua Number For Females: Just add 5 to the single digit. Kua 3 is associated with wood element and thus would mean that one would have a rigid unflexible approach to life. When doing a Feng Shui Kua number compatibility test, many factors are considered including the trigrams and hexagrams. These colors are associated with the water element and represent the qualities of growth, healing, and balance. Display Peony flowers or a vase full of real peony flowers to enhance your romance luck. For most of forum members - this refers to Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. Good leaders. It’s essential to align your sleeping direction with your unique element. The Main Door should be such that either the ba zi element is good for you, or it is one of your 4 good directions based on your eight house. Balancing: When the element of your final digit conflicts with your Kua, specific adjustments (such as colors or Sep 30, 2024 · Kua Number 2: Symbolizes sensitivity and nurturing. Kua Number 4: Embodies stability and practicality. The result is your Trigram number. Jan 2, 2025 · Activate your Kua number by incorporating Feng Shui elements such as water, wood, fire, earth, and metal into your workspace to enhance energy flow. The Kua Number Wealth Luck Activator Collection is the perfect tool to help you achieve your goals. Free Astrology, Horoscopes, Charts, Numerology, predictions and readings, numerology and occult services Now, as a water tiger with a 4 kua, I’m very compatible with both my zodiac sign, element and kua number. Also, a great leader who can work under pressure with ease. Kua Number 3 (East): Use plants to foster good health. You are flexible yet focused and determined. Feng Shui Kua number & the two groups. Feng Shui KUA Number 3 Feng Shui four Good / Auspicious / Lucky Directions. Kua Number 5: Signifies adaptability and Kua Number Calculator Depending on your year of birth, according to the Chinese Calendar, you have a Kua Number. For example, if you were born in 1965, your calculation would go like this: (1965 – 4) ÷ 12 = 157 ÷ 12 = 13. Calculating your Kua number involves using your birth year. Nov 20, 2024 · Calculation Steps: To calculate your kua number, add the last two digits of your birth year, reduce to a single digit, and adjust based on gender for the final kua number between 1 and 9. For females: Add the last two digits of your birth year, then add 5. Example: 6 + 5 = 11 → 1 + 1 = 2. It symbolizes renewal and creativity. Kua nummer verdeelt mensen in 2 groepen. Kua Number Is Essential: Your Kua number determines favorable directions. Kua 4 and Kua 6 or 7: as metal cuts wood, Kua 4 people do not like to be led by Metal people. They attract each other. Then, add 2 + 3 = 5. Each Kua Number links to an element, a direction, and special traits to know your personality type and future. Dec 6, 2024 · Your Element Matters: Your personal Feng Shui element plays a significant role. Apr 20, 2024 · The lucky directions associated with Kua number 3 complement the Wood element's energy flow, encouraging forward momentum, creativity, and personal growth. This number, derived from your birth date, helps align your energy with specific directions, enhancing your well-being. Kua Number 3: 1 Kua – The Rolling Wave. How to Calculate Your Kua Number. Therefore you will achieve success in the career Select Your Personal KUA Number And Discover your Auspicious or Lucky and Inauspicious or Unlucky Directions for your KUA Number along with personal Feng Shui Tips, Remedies & Cures: KUA Number 1: KUA Number 2: KUA Number 3: KUA Number 4: KUA Number 5 Male: KUA Number 5 Female: KUA Number 6: KUA Number 7: KUA Number 8: KUA Number 9 Hence the Kua number of the Male is 10-3= 7. The kua number 5 is divided into male and female since it represents the combination of yin and yang chi energies. Oct 21, 2024 · For example, if your Kua number is 3, south and east are favorable directions for you. The kua 3 is a very determined person, rather tenacious. Het Feng Shui Kua nummer verdeelt mensen in Oost en West groep. Kua Number 2: Positive: Deeply nurturing and supportive individuals, excellent in personal relationships. For instance: Personality Profile: Creative, Expressive, Passionate, Imaginative, are the true qualities of a Kua 9 personality. Dec 31, 2024 · If you’re female and the result is 2, 5, 6, 7, your Kua number is the result minus 6. I used to receive many requests to verify if one’s Kua number is correct. Instead of answering many emails with… Dec 7, 2024 · BaGua (Pa Kua) numbers and elements from 1920 to 2025; Year of Birth : Kua # 👨🏠 Element 👨🏠 : Kua # 👩 Element 👩; 1920 ☶ 8: Yin Earth ☱ 7 Understand the feng shui concept of the Kua number and see how you can use your Kua number to find your lucky feng shui directions. Jan 6, 2025 · Kua Number 1: Position your office desk facing north to boost leadership qualities. Favorable directions are north, eastern, southwest, and south. Kua Number 3: Reflects self-expression and enthusiasm. e. By following the advice of Feng Shui, you can support the wishes you have, about how your person and your life would be Jun 9, 2017 · In this article, you will find out more on the precepts of the Book of Changes (Yi Jing, I Ching, 易經) related to Kua number 1, in association with a man, woman or child: trigram, direction, element, season, organ and Yin Yang of course, but also in terms of the personality and role in society of people born during Kua 1's years. Kua Number 4: Set up study areas in the northeast to promote education and knowledge. This relationship is therefore not favourable. 3 In fact, just a few years ago, someone calculated her Personal Element on this website and went to a lady author's site to calculate her personal element. It is important to note that the first day of each year in the Hsia calendar usually starts on 4 February. Inflexible. You are indeed like a massive tree who stands thousands of years with great patience to grow step by step. Significance in Feng Shui: The kua number helps identify personal directions, elemental associations, and compatibility with others, enhancing your overall Directions Recommendation; North: Romance & Relationship: 1. Sleeping with your head pointing in this direction Colours: Yellow and Brown. Also note that your Kua number of birth differs depending on your gender. Kua number is 2, 6, 7, 8 or a 5 female or male are people in the West Group Delving into the mystical realm of Feng Shui, one may come across the fascinating concept of the Kua Number (卦數), an essential element of this ancient art. You thrive on attention and don’t react well to criticism and tend to sometimes take it personally. Get Accurate Kua Number Predictions Now! The colors associated with Kua number 2 are green and blue. To accomplish this, each gender is reassigned a different kua number: Males will use the kua number 2. The Wood element in its Yang form is the main driving force of the year Kua 3 of 2024. Its element is the Great Wood. Kua numbers Free calculator Calculate your Kua number Here you can calculate your Kuatal and find out which compass directions are favorable/unfavorable for you. Kua numéro 3 et numéro 4. Jun 29, 2003 · Dear Anon,In my opinion, the key success factors are:1. Kua Number 3: Foster creativity with vibrant colors and art, placing your study area in the east. Kuatal is part of the Feng Shui philosophy. Feb 18, 2021 · The Kua numbers that belong to the Eastern group are. Find yours below. KUA 2 = Élément TERRE. Dec 28, 2024 · Your Feng Shui Kua number determines your favorable directions and elements. If you figure out your feng shui Kua number information, you can find your lucky feng shui directions and then rearrange your home or office for better health and success. For example: 10 – 6 =’s 4. Know more about Feng Shui Kua Number and its effect on your personality. Jun 5, 2022 · If you know your Kua number, then this article will tell you what your unique Feng Shui requirements are, as well as what your best and worst cardinal directions are. Kua 6 and Kua 3 or 4: as metal cuts wood, these people sometimes have friction. Mar 24, 2022 · Kua 1 and Kua 3: Water nourishes wood, so Kua 1 people will tend to want to help Kua 3 people more. The colors associated with Kua number 3 are yellow and orange. The group is used to determine your best element, best season, best color, your character, and which direction to most avoid. Materials and Methods Kua number optimized living spaces by aligning your furniture and sleeping directions environment. The resulting single-digit number will be the Kua Number for males. These people thrive in supportive environments. You approach adventures and challenges on your own terms—if it FREEFLOW Feng Shui - Kua Calculator - 3 Kua Number - Chen. Lucky and The Kua Number originates from the ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, which dates back thousands of years. This means that if you were born on 1 February 1984, your reference date should be 1983. Knowledgeable. Integral to the Eight Mansions (or Eight Houses) approach, known as Ba Zhai (八宅) in Chinese, Kua numbers form a unique numerology system that interweaves one’s birth year and gender to unravel crucial Feng Shui insights. Be careful to maintain the health of your liver and gall bladder. Jan 29, 2024 · Based on someone's date of birth you discover their personal Kua number and trigram, their favorable and unfavorable directions, and determine which group they belong to – Western or Eastern. Symbolizes Oct 18, 2024 · Kua Number 1: Incorporate water elements, like fountains or aquariums, and position your workspace in the north. When your kua number is 5, men should take on the attributes of kua 2 and women of kua 8. Kua numbers Kua 3 To your Kua number and thus your person, there are four favorable compass directions and four unfavorable. Males will use the Kua number 2. Even extreme weather conditions cannot harm you. Avoid stimulants drugs and animal fats. There are 12 animal zodiac signs. KUA 9 = Élément FEU . 1 kua is related to water, and a wave is an image that you can associate with your kua number and the element of water. Those, whose Kua number is 2, 6, 7, 8 or a 5 female belong to the West group. The Kua number and the birth element are two important aspects of it and though they are different from each other. Jun 24, 2024 · Kua Number Calculation (for female born after 2000): 6 + 6 = 12, then 1 + 2 = 3 The Kua number for this individual is 3. There is a Kua number for the house, derived based on the house’s facing direction, and a Kua number for each individual, derived based on the person’s date of birth. On a side note, if you need help describing your own experience according to your kua number, you can get help from DissertationTeam. Il s’agit du Kua Chen pour le numéro 3 et du Xun Kua. Refer to Kua Number Charts: Each kua number corresponds to specific favorable directions. Your Kua Number Element: Fire 9 Color: Red Group: East T rigram: Li . KUA 4 = Élément BOIS. Dec 30, 2024 · Kua Number 1: Positive: Ambitious, strategic thinkers who thrive in leadership roles. For Females • Add up the digits of your birth year. Élément et Trait de Feb 17, 2025 · 2. Gua No: 3: Trigram: Zhen: Element: Wood: Group: Sep 20, 2024 · Kua Number 2: Symbolizes nurturing and sensitivity. This number plays a pivotal role in determining favorable directions for prosperity, health, and relationships. By wearing this powerful bracelet, you'll amplify your creativity, confidence, and financial success, and overcome obstacles to achieve lasting prosperity. South and North are auspicious for career and recognition, while Southeast and East foster abundance and prosperity in various aspects of life. Mar 31, 2022 · Kua 4 and Kua 2 or 8: here there is conflict! Wood depletes the earth, although this is more the case with Kua 3. Direction: South West. Its colours are beige, brown and green. Kua Number 2: Use earth tones and include nurturing items, like plants or crystals, while ensuring your bedroom faces southwest. Wu Gui • Direction of Five Ghosts. Calculate Your Kua Number Element Absolutely Free Online With Feng Shui Kua Number Calculator. Evo kako da pronađete svoj Kua broj i iskoristite ga za poboljšanje kvaliteta života. Negative: Can become overly self-centered or overly ambitious. healthful benefits from your food. It is a yin-yin-yang trigram. Individuals within the same group are mutually beneficial; those from opposing groups may face challenges. This can be deemed as the birth element by some. For example, if you’re a Fire element, sleeping south may energize you. Feb 13, 2025 · This astrological tool, based on the principles of Feng Shui and Flying Star, utilizes birthdates to calculate an individual's Kua number, a numerical representation of their energetic blueprint. FREEFLOW Feng Shui - Products - Resources - Consultancy and Workshops The Taoist elements; Compass Jul 16, 2024 · Feng Shui Kua Number and Feng Shui Birth Element Tips. Determine Your Birth Year: Identify the last two digits of your birth year Feng Shui Kua nummer & de twee groepen. According to feng shui, everyone has a unique "Kua number," which is based on your birth date and gender. Jan 12, 2025 · Determining Your Kua Number. Use this KUA calculator to find your personal Kua number and lucky directions. Here it is the greatest value in terms of extension and development of vitality. There are four primary ones for each number: east, southeast, south and northwest. Jun 2, 2022 · In this article, you will find out more on the precepts of the Book of Changes (Yi Jing, I Ching, 易經) related to Kua number 4, in association with a man, woman or child: trigram, direction, element, season, organ and Yin Yang of course, but also in terms of the personality and role in society of people born during Kua 4's years. ) 3. The Feng Shui Kua Number divides people into East and West group. Sans cesse en activité. Or better still both are suitable. KUA 6 = Élément MÉTAL. They often show strong communication skills. Analytical. Jul 26, 2015 · Subtract the single digit obtained in the first step from 10. Females will use the kua number 8. A Powerful Synergy of Wealth and Prosperity The harmonious wealth-luck-enhancing combination of six stones and two Lucky 9 Emperor Coins in the Kua Number Wealth Luck Activator Collection creates a powerful synergy that can have a profound impact Dec 5, 2024 · The Kua Number Calculator is a specialized tool that is generally used in Feng Shui to identify your personal kua number based on your birth year and gender. If you’re female, add 5 to your result. Create a positive work environment by decluttering, adding plants, and positioning your desk in alignment with your Kua number’s favorable direction. KUA 3 = Élément BOIS. Les personnes ayant ces numéros de kua ont les traits de personnalité suivants. Kua Number Meanings and Their Lucky Directions. You may find them drawn to structured careers. Kua Number 6, Gua Number, Feng Shui, Fengshui, Feng Shui Consultant, Indian Feng Shui Tips, Feng Shui Books, Feng Shui Courses, Feng Shui Expert, Feng Shui Products, Feng Shui Items, Feng Shui for Office, Feng Shui Directions, Feng Shui Cures, Feng Shui Articles, Feng Shui Symbols, Feng Shui for Home, Feng Shui for House, Feng Shui for Children, Feng Shui for Health, Feng Shui for Education Jan 15, 2023 · Element of the year of the Kua house 3: Yang Wood Existential aspiration in 2024: A happy and resplendent family Yi Jing predictions for 2024, the year of the Kua number 3. Le Bois ne s’arrête jamais. Orderly surroundings help you feel grounded and secure. Kua Number 3: Reflects creativity and enthusiasm. The 3 kuas symbolize the beautiful tree. Your Best Compass Directions Your Worst Compass Directions Success (Sheng Chi) West Health (Tien Yi)North East Love (Nien Yen)South West Personal Growth (Fu Wei)North West Élément de ton Chiffre Kua . For example, with a kua number of 3, it becomes 10 – 3 = 7. Supercharge your wealth luck and attract new opportunities with the Kua Number 3 Wealth Luck Activator Bracelet, expertly designed to enhance growth, harmony, and balance. Year Zodiac Male Kua Female Kua 1900 Pig 1 4 1901 Rat 9 3 1902 Ox 8 2 1903 Tiger 7 1 1904 Dragon 6 9 1905 Sep 23, 2023 · Your Kua number gives your lucky feng shui directions which give you access to better energy Knowing your Kua number is helpful when you work on creating good feng shui in your home or office. Element Association: Each Kua number corresponds to a specific element, such as wood, fire, or water. Judgmental. Kua Number 4 (Southeast): Add symbols of wealth like coins or crystals. (Point 1 & 2 should be done for the owner of the house. Understanding your Kua number is vital for identifying your best feng shui direction. Females will use the Kua number 8. While rigidity may be seen as a challenge in modern society, it is also a highly valued trait in leadership roles that require discipline and rule enforcement. Apr 1, 2010 · 11. Kua Number 3 Element: Big Wood Harmonizing Colors: Greens and browns (think "trees") Luck-Boosting Colors: watery shades of blue and black Your kua number is 3 and that means your element is wood. Knowing your Kua number can help you optimize relationships and success. Favorable directions are north, south, east and southeast. 1 Flying Star Feng Shui - It would be nice Kua broj je važan element feng šui prakse koji određuje vaše osobine, povoljne i nepovoljne strane sveta za vas, i mnogo više. Kua number pages: Kua Number 1 | Kua Number 2 | Kua Number 3 | Kua Number 4 | Kua Number 5 Male Kua Number 5 Female | Kua Number 6 | Kua Number 7 | Kua Number 8 | Kua Number 9 Jan 19, 2025 · Kua Number 2 (Southwest): Incorporate earthy tones to strengthen relationships. Analysis of your auspicious and favorable directions for Zhen Kua 3. KUA 7 = Élément MÉTAL. While some may disregard this, it’s a . These elements affect your personality and interactions, making it essential to understand your element for better decision-making. Whether you’re an east person or a west person, your number tells you where your strengths lie. Kua Number 5 (Center) Kua number 5 is divided into male and female since it represents the combination of yin and yang chi energies. But they spend their time trying to get ahead of each other. Add 4 to this single number. Residential Jan 16, 2024 · Your Kua Number will also determine whether you are in the East Group or West Group. KUA Number 3 Feng Shui four Bad / Inauspicious / Unlucky Directions & KUA 3 tips & remedies. 2 For Ba Zi : Personal Elements: if you go to 10 different sites and if they offer calculations to determine the Gua (kua) 8 out of 10 sites will calculate it wrongly. Feb 22, 2025 · A Kua number of 3, for example, is associated with the element Wood and the East direction. - i never worry about the colors of the Kua System at all. Refer to Kua Number Nov 6, 2000 · 2. 2. KUA 1 = Élément EAU. These colors are associated with the fire element and represent the qualities of creativity, joy, and enthusiasm. Knowing your Kua number helps you tailor your living space to maximize positive energy. If the result is a double-digit number, add the digits together until you reach a single-digit number. Kua Number 3: Keep your creative workspace oriented east to enhance creativity. Kua Dec 10, 2024 · Understanding Kua Numbers and Elements. Jun 3, 2021 · Kua Number 1,3,4 and 9 - East Group Kua Number 2,5,6,7 and 9 - West Group You have learned how to calculate the Kua number, Let's know about your favorable and unfavorable Directions, Area and Locations, and Elements. Sleeping with your head pointing north can enhance relationships, improve harmony in personal and professional connections, and bring happiness in love. Kua Number 6 (Element: Metal/Heaven) Dignified. 3 Kua – The Majestic Tree. Kua Number 2: Earth element. Your Kua number reveals your personal favorable directions, including the direction that enhances your energy, career, and health. 3 Killings, Grand Duke, Suo Po 2025; Period 9 Feng Shui Outlook; Kua Number. Jun 2, 2022 · In this article, you will find out more on the precepts of the Book of Changes (Yi Jing, I Ching, 易經) related to Kua number 3, in association with a man, woman or child: trigram, direction, element, season, organ and Yin Yang of course, but also in terms of the personality and role in society of people born during Kua 3's years. Favorable directions are northeast, southwest, west, and southeast. Ton Chiffre Kua détermine également à quel élément tu appartiens. Infused with the auspicious energies of number 9 (symbolizing completion, fortune, and transformation), number 6 (representing wealth flow, harmony, and leadership), and number 2 (associated with partnerships, balance, and doubling luck), this activator maximizes success and longevity. It represents the first son. It’s not just any number; it’s a window into your unique energy flow, influenced by elements, directions, and more. Sep 14, 2019 · Kua 6 Birth Calendar (1922 - 2036) The table below displays the Feng Shui years of birth (always from February 4th to February 3rd of the following year) of Kua number 6. Kua Numbers and their element, colors & symbol: Chart for Northern Hemisphere KUA #1. Your Number is 1, and Your Element is Water. Know Your Kua Number: Use your Kua number to determine your auspicious directions. Using the same example, it would be 3 + 5 = 8. Jun 2, 2017 · In this article, you will find out more on the precepts of the Book of Changes (Yi Jing, I Ching, 易經) related to Kua number 9, in association with a man, woman or child: trigram, direction, element, season, organ and Yin Yang of course, but also in terms of the personality and role in society of people born during Kua 9's years. Oct 2, 2024 · For Kua number 3, the east is the most powerful direction for career growth, wealth, and overall success. House Zones: Ideal for living in a house where door faces North East or South West. Jun 5, 2022 · The Feng Shui Kua number is essential when practicing Eight Mansions Feng Shui because it tells you which areas of your home is auspicious. This is why men and women who share the same Kua number are born in different years. Sleeping with your head facing east can bring prosperity and advancement. Shapes: Rectangular shapes. Kua 1 (water) Kua 3 (wood) Kua 4 (wood) Kua 9 (fire) Each Kua Number being linked to an element and a trigram, it has a personality, characteristics… but all people of the same sex born in the same year share them. A significant portion of Feng Shui practice is based on interpreting how these elements interact in the physical environment to create good or bad luck. While Kua number, derived from Feng Shui and is used to identify favourable and unfavourable directions and elements for an individual. Sep 27, 2019 · Kua number 3. KUA 5 = Élément TERRE. If double digits, add again. Wear colors representing woods, such as brown or shades of green. Consequently, individuals with this Kua number might benefit from incorporating wooden elements in the East portion of their homes, according to these principles. Ex: 1972-> (1+9+7+2 = 19) • Keep adding until you come up with a single digit (1+9=10=1+0=1) • This number should be added to the number "5" and the resultant figure is the Kua number. Kua Number divides people into 2 groups. Cérébral ou Physique. People with kua 3 belongs to the East group. Kua Number 5 (Center): Keep the center area open to support harmony. Apr 7, 2022 · Kua 6 and Kua 7: being of the same metal element, the two Kua are of course compatible. This number, ranging from 1 to 9, is then employed to determine auspicious directions, colors, and elements personalized to the individual. Kua 3 and Kua 3 or 4: they are of the same wood! Feb 18, 2021 · The Kua numbers that belong to the Eastern group are. For instance, a digit linked to Wood (4 or 5) can reinforce a Kua aligned with growth and creativity. Jan 12, 2025 · Shared Element: If your final digit corresponds to a dominant element in your Kua number, it enhances your natural strengths. LIfe Kua Number (101 Basics) House Kua: Compatibility Check; Kua Number Calculator; Kua Compatibility Calculator; Free FS Tools. Kua 4 and Kua 3 or 4: wood and wood, being of the same element, are necessarily friendly kua. People, whose Kua number is 1, 3, 4, 9 or a 5 male belong to the East group. Jan 18, 2016 · Feng shui tips for Kua Number 3 people. KUA 8 = Élément TERRE. Health Problems: You are generally blessed with good health. Kua numbers 1, 3, 4, or 9 are people in the East Group. zij met een Kua-getal van 2, 6, 7, 8 of 5 behoren tot de Westgroep. 11. Your Kua Number is 3. 3 . But if you’re a kua 5 metal rat, then for example, you have very different qualities associated with your kua number and your zodiac sign and that could be at odds with each other. Do not place any crystals or earth element in this direction. To attract love and romance, place a pair of Mandarin Ducks in this sector 2. 1 Flying Star Feng Shui - It would be nice Feb 1, 2025 · 4 likes, 0 comments - themalatree on February 1, 2025: "As individuals associated with the wood element, Kua 3 people tend to have a firm and unyielding approach to life. 3) Zodiac sign. A very open-minded, but at the same time a straight talker. Its season is spring. Location, Location and LocationThe three L's are the most important consideration. Kua numbers are usually used for the purpose of feng shui, not astrology. According to the calculation way, the number is different for those born before and after 2000, and also different for male and female. Next; are the critical and nice to have:2. It is calculated according your date of birth and gender. House Zones: Ideal for living in a house where door faces North or South. The Water Dragon (Water Element) which is not necessary color it is more real water is very auspicious for wealth. Kua Number Calculator; Love Compatibility Calculator; Flying Star Calculator; Substitute Calculator (Void Line) Our Services. The 3 like the support of water. Bedroom/Home/Office Location: North East, North West, West and South West. In my practice I worry for the Kua number only about the lucky directions that you should be facing when working, studying, sleeping etc. Green – Represents growth, vitality, and the Wood element, which is closely associated with Kua number 4. , a woman born on 1/23/1978 would use 1977, 1+9+7+7=24, 2+4=6, 6+4=10, 1+0=1) Discovering Your Feng Shui Element. The element metal, for example, is most compatible with the elements of water and soil, but is not compatible with fire and wood. Animal: Dragon. ELEMENT – Water; Symbol – Irregular; Colours: Deep Blue & Black Oct 5, 2024 · To find your Kua number, follow these steps: Calculate Your Kua Number: For males: Add the last two digits of your birth year, then subtract from 10. For instance, a person with a Kua number of 1 might be Mar 7, 2020 · Once your kua number is determined, which is sometimes referred to as the life star number, then it would be tell what elements the person in question is associated with. The Kua number (Gua Number) is used to find out your lucky Feng Shui directions. Stimulating, dynamic environments foster your innovative spirit. Find your birth date and gender in the table below, then visit the Kua Number page associated with it to get details on your personal Feng Shui. Each Kua number, from one to nine, guides you to your best life. See also Star Radius Calculator Online Dec 20, 2024 · If you’re male, subtract your result from 10. Avoidable Colours: Metallic Gold and Silvers. mensen met Kua-nummer 1, 3, 4, 9 of een 5 man behoren tot de Oost-groep. This means your Kua Number is 3. Negative: May exhibit excessive sensitivity or worry too much. Also Read: 444 angel number. Kua Number 2: Place your bed in the southwest direction to foster nurturing relationships. Kua number is a number from 1 to 9 and is used for Feng Shui purposes. 1 kuas are transformational and may make big changes in their lives because of the nature of their water energies. Kua Number 6 (West): Use metal accents to boost helpfulness. Kua Number 1: Water element. Mar 24, 2022 · The Kua 3 belong to the trigram Chen, the Thunder. Hence the Kua number of the female is 1+5=6. You excel in creating harmonious spaces focused on relationships and support. Dec 18, 2024 · Inside this Article: Key Takeaways Feng Shui Basics for Health in 2025 Room-Specific Feng Shui Tips for Health 2025 Element-Specific Health Tips Practical Feng Shui for Daily Routines Healing with Feng Shui Cures in 2025 2025 Feng Shui Health Horoscope Conclusion: Living Your Healthiest Year in 2025 Related Searches Key Takeaways The East sector of your home represents health; activate it with Mar 16, 2022 · Kua Number 5. For example, if your birth year is 1990, as a male: Subtract 21 → 1990 – 21 = 1969 → 1 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 25 → 2 + 5 = 7 → Kua number is 9 – 7 = 2. (i. Oct 2, 2024 · For Kua number 4, the lucky colors are: Black – While associated with the Water element, black can support the Wood element by providing depth and strength, symbolizing potential and mystery. If your home and your primary living areas are arranged accordingly, you will optimally utilize the favorable energies and optimally protect yourself against the unfavorable energies. Kua Number 3: Wood element. Astroccult Feng Shui KUA Number Calculator. Kua Number 4: Denotes stability and practicality. Rooted in the principles of the I Ching and the Five Elements theory, the Kua Number system was developed to provide individuals with personalized guidance based on their birth information. Ils ont le même élément : le bois. Consider Your Kua Number: Personalize Your Desk's Direction. Kua 3 and Kua 2 or 8: Wood depletes the earth so there is conflict! Especially between Kua 3 and Kua 2 (hard earth). To know more about these two vital factors of Feng Shui you must have more knowledge about the Feng Shui birth tips. Once you know your Kua Number, be sure to look up which lucky directions you should take advantage of. For example: If you were born in 1985, add 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 23. If the result is 5, the Kua becomes 8. Unfavorable directions are west, southwest, northeast and northwest. ibasbu ubrjesd eofq jlitka zuagxu jbwtz wtdu iudtkl hhegsid uvre kfppgcr exyc tqtb ioech qymtj