Maricopa county setback requirements [Ord. ARTICLE 1201. Findings of Fact . Hours of Construction Ordinance (P-22) Maricopa County has adopted an Hours of Construction Ordinance (PDF), which regulates the hours of construction and related activities. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and detail on implementation of the Floodplain Regulations for Maricopa County and the Maricopa County Drainage Provisions Dec 4, 2024 · Statutory Test 2 – Does applying the requirements of the Ordinance to the applicant’s property create an Unnecessary Hardship – Explain how the peculiar condition identified in #1 causes an unnecessary hardship to the property when the requirements of the Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance are applied. The allowed uses may encroach into setback areas. Side yard setback – 5’ 3. Date of Revisions *2 Revised 8-23-90 *3 Revised 8-21-93 . A variance is an approval or waiver issued by the Department that authorizes a deviation from one or more requirements of the Maricopa County Environmental Health Code (MCEHC) for the construction or modification of a public or semi-public pool, wading pool or special use pool, spa or artificial bathing lake if, in the opinion of the Department, a health hazard, safety or nuisance will not Nov 16, 2022 · The county zoning code distinguishes between high- and low-intensity squats. use. Some permits still need an application, which can be found here. Pool setbacks from water edge to lot perimeter barrier/fence shall be a minimum of three feet from the water. Area Plans. Pool Setbacks. PARKING REGULATIONS*20, *31. What's the reason you're reporting this blog entry? You are normally required to adhere to the zoning ordinance and follow the setback requirements. ). Maricopa County Drainage Policies and Standards 11 Revised August 22, 2018 . gov Website: Water, Sewage, Stormwater & Waste I am aware that Maricopa County Planning and Development will rely upon the accuracy of the materials provided to perform a Zoning Clearance review, as required in the Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance, Section 1504. For information on setback requirements please contact Maricopa County Planning and Development at 602-506-3301. Sep 30, 2005 · Setbacks. REFERENCE: Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance, Section 1002 RUPD (Residential Unit Plan of Development) , Section 1003 CUPD (Commercial Unit Plan of Development), & May 3, 2024 · 9. Specifies alternative setbacks under Article 3, Part E of this Chapter; 2. 2. Version 1/2/18; Adopted January 17, 2018 . Inspections Phone: 602-506-1787 Operator Phone: 602-506-6666 A structure must be compliant with the Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance, applicable building codes and all regulations before an approved building permit will be issued. If your permit does not need an application, a guideline will be found on the next tab. e. CHAPTER II . This detail is to be used as an EXAMPLE ONLY. Rear yard setback – 5’ Min. 19 Applications accepted from 8 a. gov Derek Scheerer - Planner II Derek. All shared well agreements MUST be recorded at the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office and INCLUDE the following information: • Effective date 3. c. Maricopa County Drainage Regulations. After speaking with your neighbor, if you feel a violation of the Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance exists, you may submit an online code compliance violation complaint. However, setback measurements are REFERENCE: Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance, Section 1002 RUPD (Residential Unit Plan of Development), Section 1003 CUPD (Commercial Unit Plan of Development), Section 1004 IUPD (Industrial Unit Plan of Development), & POLICY/PROCEDURE: MCZO, Sections 1002, 1003 & 1004 set forth the procedures and requirements, MARICOPA COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE Chapter 13 – Use Regulations Chapter 13 - Page 1 . classroom, construction trailer, etc. (2) Minimum three feet from an interior side or rear property line. SECTION 1301. 3. Setbacks from Property Lines - Setbacks are established for zoning districts to regulate the distance structures must be from front, side and rear property lines. ARTICLE ONE . 55' minimum. 45' minimum (unless approved by either the design advisor or the Design Review Committee for demonstrating enhanced architecture that minimizes the impact of the garage Richard. An Amended Zoning Ordinance for the Unincorporated Area of Maricopa County, Arizona, dividing the unincorporated area of said county into zoning districts appropriate for various classes of residential, business and industrial uses; providing for the establishment of setback lines; Setback: Generally, the distance from a building or other structure to the property line. The flood hazard areas of Maricopa County are subject to periodic inundation that may result in 10. 9. FEE INFORMATION*: Planning Cases: Here is a summary of Maricopa County site plan requirements, designed to ensure development projects adhere to local regulations and promote orderly growth: General Information: Title block with project name, address, and legal description. PURPOSE: The principal purpose of this zoning district is to conserve and protect farms and other open land uses, foster orderly growth in rural areas, Show All Answers. A R-3 Development Options Single-Family Detached Development. These are referred to as Building Setback Lines and are not required to be on the site plan. %PDF-1. 040, Building projections into yards. 6 %âãÏÓ 1454 0 obj > endobj 1465 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[97665158978657448A118D02D2971D4C>]/Index[1454 24]/Info 1453 0 R/Length 75/Prev 4306455/Root Submit an application to request the approval of a feature of improved or alternative technology, design, setback, installation or operation that differs from a permit requirement for General Aquifer Protection Permits Types 4. REFERENCE: Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance, Section 1002 RUPD (Residential Unit Plan of Development) , Section 1003 CUPD (Commercial Unit Plan of Development), & 3. Parking Regulations: Parking is an essential consideration for any residential development. (3) Where the guest dwelling is located above a freestanding garage, the entire structure is deemed to be the main building, subject to the standards applicable to the zoning districts of the main buildings An approval must be obtained from the Maricopa County Environmental Services Department (MCESD) Subdivision, Infrastructure and Planning Program for a water, wastewater or reclaimed water facility or system when: An existing facility or system is to be decommissioned. Jefferson Street, Phoenix and by GoToWebinar MINUTES February 6, 2025 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Lindblom called the meeting to order at 9:32 a. SECTION 105. The zoning classification will determine key items such as the required setbacks and maximum lot coverage allowed on your property. 1 PURPOSE . Erosion Setbacks – For washes and other watercourse s flowing at 50 cfs or more , an erosion setback will need to be determined, which meets Arizona State Standard 5-96. Planned Residential Development. The regulations set forth in this Chapter qualify or supplement, as the case may be, the zoning district regulations appearing elsewhere in this Ordinance. 5. I specifies the minimum setback requirements for a wastewater treatment plant from the nearest adjacent property line. Findings of Fact It is the finding of the Board of Directors of the Flood Control District of Maricopa County that: A. Flood Control District of Maricopa County . 01 to 4. Home Daycare for up to four (4)children with the following stipulations:*28 MARICOPA COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE Chapter 13 – Use Regulations Chapter 13 - Page 1 . OLICY /P. Setbacks to all structures, to the property lines, and between buildings. *39 g. Conventional. Where guest quarters are located over a detached garage, the entire structure shall be considered a main building, subject to the zoning district standards for main buildings. 1. d. ARTICLE 1301. R. Includes porches, decks, and steps (covered or uncovered), breezeways, roofed patios, carports, covered walks, and similar structures and appurtenances. Maricopa County Local Additions and Addenda. To meet the minimum requirements of the Phase II permit, the Maricopa County Stormwater Quality Management and Discharge Control Regulation (PDF) was enacted. I have also seen and verified that the submitted site plan maricopa county setback requirements home| If in doubt please call us at 480-644-4273 or visit the office at 55 N. gov Alexander Bosworth - Planner Alexander. ARS 41-4006. Payment of $300 is due upon acceptance of the project. This ordinance is designed to ensure MARICOPA COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE Chapter 6 – Single Family Residential Zoning Districts Chapter 6 - Page 7 . 1 INTRODUCTION . If included, Allowed building projections into setbacks are stated in MCC 18. This includes all Administrative and Building Plan Reviews and Building Inspection. ft. REFERENCE: Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance, Section 1501. 3 2009 International Building Code, Section 107. 120. 11-1610, No. R 3 Dec 28, 2023 · Setback Requirements: R-43 zoning typically requires structures to be set back a certain distance from property lines. 6. setback area which shall be landscaped extending for the full width of the property. Conventional systems may be designed by the homeowner or any other party authorized by the owner provided all requirements listed in the Arizona Aquifer Protection Permit Rule and the Maricopa County Onsite Wastewater guidelines are observed and satisfied. 11. Number Adopted Ordinance Title Description ; P-31: May 22, 2013: Ordinance Establishing Fees Related to Licensing Time Frames (PDF) This ordinance shall establish the fees referenced in Exhibit B-Fees of the Maricopa County Ordinance Establishing Licensing Time Frames in Compliance with A. Section 101. Maricopa County does not accept any liability for the design or subsequent construction according to this example. water, fuel, propane). (1) Minimum five feet from a street side property line. Bosworth@maricopa-az. Inspections Phone: 602-506-1787 Operator Phone: 602-506-6666 Maricopa County Local Additions and Addenda Section: IBC 3109 For pool barrier requirements Maricopa County Building Codes Require plans sealed by an Arizona Registered Professional for all fences or walls over 6’ height (over 9’ height for CMU walls 6” or thicker) and for retaining walls over 4’ height or with surcharged or special 3. Except for holidays Contact Number: 520-316-6928 The Flood Control District of Maricopa County is governed by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors who serve as the District’s Board of Directors. to 6 p. 14 of this Ordinance. 5. Definitions. R 3 zoning usually includes setback requirements to create a harmonious streetscape and allow for adequate open space. h. What are the minimum setback requirements for a wastewater treatment plant? Arizona Administrative Code (AAC) R18-9-B201. Refer to current adopted building codes for minimum barrier requirements. m. A. 12. Here are the main concepts you want to understand about setback ordinances in Arizona. SECTION 8 . b. ] Floodplain Regulations for Maricopa County . Present and Future Water Use and its Effect on Planning in Maricopa County; 6. 23 as specified in Arizona Administrative Code (AAC) R18-9-A312G. Parking - 1:200 sq. SEWAGE AND WASTES . The District Zoning Order defines and regulates “group homes” and “group care facilities” (Chapter 2). of office space – no screening requirements, 1 per 3. Maricopa County Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Meeting of February 6, 2025 Page 1 of 8 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA 205 W. 4. 21-05 § 2; Ord. Erosion Setbacks – For washes and other watercourses with flows of 50 cfs or more, an erosion setback will need to be determined which meets the requirements of Arizona State Standard 5-96 or the Maricopa County Design Manual(s). All required inspections must be obtained before the structure receives a final inspection and/or a certificate of occupancy. SPECIAL USES *2,*37,*40,*42. Must meet setbacks provided in setback item #11 or municipal requirements, whichever distance is Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 12, 1205. Farms are a permitted principal use in the Rural zoning districts. Maricopa County Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Meeting of January 23, 2025 Page 4 of 17 2. However, setback measurements are Number Adopted Ordinance Title Description ; P-31: May 22, 2013: Ordinance Establishing Fees Related to Licensing Time Frames (PDF) This ordinance shall establish the fees referenced in Exhibit B-Fees of the Maricopa County Ordinance Establishing Licensing Time Frames in Compliance with A. R1-35 (Single-Family Residential Zoning District - 35,000 Square Feet Per Dwelling Unit) ARTICLE 601. Maricopa County Planning & Development Department Department Directive PURPOSE: To clarify and explain requirements for site plan submittals and permit applications. Arizona Administrative Code (AAC) R18-9-B201. of office space – no screening requirements, 1 per Maricopa County Planning and Development has no records of easements on individual lots that are not part of a recorded subdivision; a surveyor, real estate attorney, or a “schedule B” from a title company may be able to assist you with the location of easements. MARICOPA COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE Chapter 6 – Single Family Residential Zoning Districts Chapter 6 - Page 1 . Mar 31, 2010 · MARICOPA COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CODE . 1 Drainage and Flood Plain Regulations for Maricopa County POLICY/PROCEDURE: Shared well agreements may provide a reduction to property line setback requirements as stated in the Arizona Aquifer Protection Permit Rule, R18-9- A312C. SECTION 601. The design of the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Facility shall comply with the setbacks indicated below. 2. It is the finding of the Board of Directors of the Flood Control District of Maricopa County that: A. A setback of 50 feet from onsite wastewater treatment facilities (septic systems) to undeveloped property lines is required in areas where water is supplied by individual wells. PURPOSE: The principal purpose of the hillside development standards is to allow the reasonable use and development of hillside areas while promoting the public health, safety, convenience and general MARICOPA COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE Chapter 6 – Single Family Residential Zoning Districts Chapter 6 - Page 7 . Street-side yard setback – 5’ 4. All items stored on site shall only be those required for the construction on site. Date of Revisions *2 Revised 8-23-90 *3 Revised 8-21-93 SECTION 105. The Board of Supervisors may permit as a : Special Use any of the following uses in any zoning district unless otherwise specified in this Section : 1301. SPECIAL USES . APPLYING GENERAL PROVISIONS . Drainage Administration is one of the regulatory activities that the Planning and Development Department provides for the benefit of the residents of unincorporated Maricopa County to ensure compliance with County drainage regulations. Erosion setback limits must be shown on the plat. Maricopa County Local Additions and Addenda Section: IBC 3109 For pool barrier requirements Maricopa County Building Codes Require plans sealed by an Arizona Registered Professional for all fences or walls over 6’ height (over 9’ height for CMU walls 6” or thicker) and for retaining walls over 4’ height or with surcharged or special 3. ARTICLE 1102. Min. of office space – no screening requirements, 1 per Maricopa County Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Meeting of January 23, 2025 Page 4 of 17 2. Can MCDOT help? MCDOT staff can verify the status of a Patent Easement and whether it has been partially or fully Applications accepted from 8 a. PURPOSE: The principal purpose of this zoning district is to conserve, 9. However, setback measurements are MARICOPA COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE Chapter 12 – Development Regulations Chapter 12 - Page 1 . Label and number all buildings intended use (i. Requirements or Procedures - Public - Charter - Private School Permits 2013-22 (PDF) Residential Engineered Grading and Drainage DD-4002-01 ; Routing of Planning Cases 3005-01 (PDF) Shared Wells DD 2019 - 2 (PDF) Site Plan Submittals And Permit Applications Requirements 2012-10 (PDF) Sonoran Ridge Estates DD 2020-01; Standard Plans 5008-01 Dec 28, 2023 · Setback Requirements: R-43 zoning typically requires structures to be set back a certain distance from property lines. Click here to see our fence and wall guide. 24-01 § 2; Res. When in compliance with the minimum required front setback, a detached ADU may not be located between the primary dwelling unit and the front property line unless use permit approval is obtained per Section 307. - 5 p. D allows for the application of local codes and ordinances governing zoning 9. R 3 Per Maricopa County Health Code, this application will expire one (1) year from the date of application. Agricultural uses, including some equestrian uses, can be exempt from the MCZO in any zoning district. Department contact information regarding your application Telephone: 602-506-6616, ask for the Onsite Program E-mail: SepticQuestions@maricopa. 1. 11-1601 through A. REGULATION 1. SECTION 501. 72" Maximum if in the setback 12" X 12" X 18"D Footing, typical GATE Notes Gate shall be of same construction guidelines as above and shall be equipped with a self closing May 3, 2024 · 9. (4) Front setbacks apply as stated for the zoning district. FEE INFORMATION*: Planning Cases: Dec 15, 2021 · MARICOPA COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE Chapter 11 – General Regulations Chapter 11 - Page 1 . 14. 14-12 § 1; Res. This setback shall be parallel to the centerline of the street and shall be measured from the setback line or the ultimate right-of-way line of a local street, and shall be of a depth as indicated a s follows: 1. 7. P-30. (3) No setback is required adjacent to a fully dedicated alley. P. This regulation prohibits non-stormwater discharges and illicit connections to the County's MS4. What is the status of my permit? For all lots under 10,000 square feet, a minimum 10-foot landscape tract or no-build easement must be provided on the street side of the lot, in addition to the minimum interior side setback required. Permitted Height. ROCEDURE: 1. Jan 2, 2024 · Setback Requirements: Setbacks are the minimum distances that buildings must be set back from property lines or other structures. RURAL-190 (Rural Zoning District - 190,000 Square Feet Per Dwelling Unit) ARTICLE 501. Minimum lot width. The Maricopa County Dark Sky Ordinance has been incorporated into Section 1112 of the Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance (PDF). Any public equestrian use that cannot meet these conditions will require a Special Use Permit in accordance with Article 1301. Figure 18. Enclosure. Maricopa County Environmental Health Code (MCEHC) Chapter I, Section 2, Regulation 5 states: "For systems that treat, or which are designed to treat greater than 10,000 gallons/day, a standby power source shall be provided at all sewage treatment systems and If the house, garage or a wall of a structure comprises part of the pool barrier and the subject wall contains a door providing direct access to the pool area, a separate barrier shall Applications accepted from 8 a. 21-09; Ord. S. . To find out more, you may Jan 2, 2024 · Setback Requirements: Setbacks are the minimum distances that buildings must be set back from property lines or other structures. 3. HILLSIDE *1, *2, *4. If included, they must be shown correctly. “Aggregate” means a clean graded hard rock, volcanic rock, or gravel of uniform size, 3/4 inch to 2-1/2 inches in diameter, offering 30% or more void space, Maricopa County Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Meeting of February 6, 2025 Page 1 of 8 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA 205 W. 10. Center St. 14-36 § 401. ) Show entrance and exits to property with appropriate sight triangles Label Storage Tanks (i. Through the Floodplain Regulations, the District regulates development in the delineated floodplains for unincorporated Maricopa County and 14 of the cities and towns within the County per authority granted by Title 48 of the Arizona Revised Building permits are required for all structures with the exception of a structure that is less than 200 square feet with no electrical, plumbing or mechanical. Major Street and Highway Plan; 5. The Swimming Pool Program is part of the Water and Waste Management Division of the Environmental Services Department of Maricopa County and is responsible for approving and regulating public and semi-public pools, wading pools or special use pools, spas and artificial bathing lakes. Must show setbacks and tank size and label above or below ground 3. The specific setback distance requirements depend on no or full noise, odor, and aesthetic controls. 80. Sin ce complex drainage systems may require more detailed information, a meeting sh ould be arranged with personnel from Drainage Review. Williams@maricopa-az. a. Approves a different setback under the procedure specified in subsection (G); or . gov Laree Mason - Assistant Planner Laree. All parcels must meet minimum lot area and width requirements. Learn more about Drainage regulations, clearances, floodplains, and other resources on our Drainage Review page. Mesa, AZ 85201 (Monday - Thursday, 7 a. When this setback cannot be met, your neighbor may sign a legal agreement allowing your onsite wastewater treatment facility to encroach upon his/her property line setback. GENERAL PROVISIONS . Maricopa County Planning & Development Department Department Directive PURPOSE: To ensure consistent treatment of Minimum Building Separation with regard to UPD overlay zones. Landscaping and Open Space: R-43 zoning often mandates the inclusion of landscaping and open space in residential developments. Preparation date and subsequent revisions. The Economy of Maricopa County; 7. Setbacks are established for zoning districts to establish the distance structures must be from front, side and rear property lines. The Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance (MCZO) permits agricultural and equestrian oriented land uses in the Rural zoning districts in four general categories: 1. This helps to maintain privacy and prevent overcrowding. the Patent Easement line. Standards. SECTION 1101. SECTION 1201. All structures shall meet minimum setback requirements and the maximum lot coverage requirement. Establishes a more stringent setback on a site- or area-specific basis to ensure compliance with water quality standards. The following setbacks apply unless the Department: 1. Is emergency power required for a wastewater treatment plant and collection system lift stations? Yes in most cases. ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES . Building/Structure. Setbacks. Regulations of Environmental Services, Flood Control and MCDOT. A Zoning permit will be required for zoning verification (setbacks, heights, design aesthetics). Mason@maricopa-az. Inspections Phone: 602-506-1787 Operator Phone: 602-506-6666 301 West Jefferson Street Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Main Line: 602-506-3011 ADA Compliance Aug 9, 2017 · Adopted Oct/Nov xx, 2017 1 Flood Control District of Maricopa County ARTICLE ONE GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 101. My neighbor is blocking a Patent Easement that I either currently use or would like to . g. G-5561, 2010; Ord. Part III of the Comprehensive Plan for Maricopa County - A Report Upon Future General Land Use; 4. gov Staff Availability Monday – Thursday (closed on Friday) 7 a. Home Daycare for up to four (4)children with the following stipulations:*28 MARICOPA COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE Chapter 5 – Rural Zoning Districts Chapter 5 - Page 1 . The current editions of the building codes adopted by Maricopa County. Scheerer@maricopa-az. Applicant’s name, address, and contact information. Maricopa County Local Additions and Addenda Section: IBC 3109 For pool barrier requirements Maricopa County Building Codes Require plans sealed by an Arizona Registered Professional for all fences or walls over 6’ height (over 9’ height for CMU walls 6” or thicker) and for retaining walls over 4’ height or with surcharged or special Table 615. SECTION 1102. MARICOPA COUNTY LOCAL ADDITION & ADDENDA MARICOPA COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE In addition to the building or construction details, you need to know the property’s zoning. Per Section 208 of the Maricopa County Local Additions and Addenda, the permit fee for a roof-mounted residential solar system is $300. ooijeg hlqkdf fyghp shdufl pxshli mif yxg kyxoyk yhzkwf dohfyfp istlaqj aobo niaf rfiaj iltezp