Ontario wildlife species. For non-native species found in Ontario, visit our webpage.

Ontario wildlife species Poising has become a concern with all birds of prey. Like most of the state's Wildlife Management Areas, Lake Ontario Islands WMA is managed by DEC's Division of Fish and Wildlife for wildlife conservation and wildlife-associated recreation (hunting, trapping, wildlife viewing, and photography). Nov 27, 2023 · Chapleau Crown Game Preserve. Invasive species are plants, animals, and micro-organisms introduced by human action outside their natural past or present distribution whose introduction or spread threatens the environment, the economy, or society, including human health (Government of Canada, 2004). , pine, spruce, etc. The aviary will be set up at our new site in Rouge National Urban Park, where we are building a permanent, best-in-class wildlife facility. </p> rehabilitation to these Rabies Vector Species (RVS) you must successfully pass the Ontario Rabies Vector Species Exam (the RVS Exam). Nov 25, 2024 · We would like to acknowledge that Ontario is the world in one province and is the original homelands to many nations of the First Peoples. Ontario Wildlife Rescue (OWR) works with over 50 Wildlife Rescue Centers (Wildlife Rehabbers) across the province. A species that is invasive to Ontario can originate: 2022 Turtles for Tomorrow: Medical Care & Rehabilitation for Ontario’s At-risk Species Project Objective To provide life-saving medical care and rehabilitation to injured freshwater turtles; Toronto Wildlife Centre (currently at Downsview Park, with plans to move to Rouge National Urban Park in the near future) In Canada, freshwater turtles Toronto Wildlife Centre (TWC) will construct a multi-unit aviary (flight cage) to rehabilitate small birds – a majority of which comprise songbirds, but also include other migratory and non-migratory species. 2 Ontario’s Bat Species 66 3. Open year-round, the park features a great boardwalk and trail network and nature appreciation programs like guided tours and birds of prey demonstrations. Jul 12, 2018 · Learn about endangered, threatened, special concern and extirpated animals and plants in Ontario. The other measure allows the Lieutenant Governor in Council to designate certain areas as ‘invasive species control areas’. 3 Update: Amphibian Declines Continue in Ontario 72 3. There are more than 400 species of birds and an incredible variety of wildlife that makes Ontario an outdoor lovers dream. Map turtles, for example, prefer larger rivers or lakes and may be spotted along the Trent-Severn Waterway. Wilderness Committee Ontario is committed to exposing the deficiencies in the current ESA regulations, advocating for even stronger laws, and supporting grassroots efforts to oppose projects that threaten at-risk species and their habitats. Check out videos and webinars, watch live bird cams, play games, download activities, and get to know your wild neighbours. Real viewing opportunities are just steps off the beaten path. The diverse species of wildlife in Ontario has an interesting story to tell. Its colour is dark brown, with a paler belly. Jan 7, 2025 · These events not only foster a connection with nature but also serve as cultural and recreational cornerstones, weaving together Ontario’s wildlife and sporting spirit. Once on Ontario's endangered species list have made a comeback in recent years. Eligible owners or producers are given a fair market value for damage to livestock or poultry, which is the average value an owner might receive for an animal with In many cases, ranking will be unnecessary. The data estimates locations used by wildlife for various reasons, including: breeding; calving and fawning; denning; feeding; staging; nesting; wintering; general habitat areas; nurseries; travel Mar 12, 2025 · With over 40 mammals, 30 species of reptiles and 130 breeding bird species, the amount of wildlife for viewing around this lodge is staggering. Species of conservation concern include species at risk as well as rare and rapidly declining species. From the Hudson Bay Lowlands to Niagara Falls, they look at many wildlife species, including The above wildlife centres are authorized by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Take the mottled duskywing, for instance. Mar 10, 2025 · Established in 1978 as a National Wildlife Area, Wye Marsh has since been designated a Provincially Significant Wetland due to its variety of wildlife species, including Trumpeter Swans. Most Ontario native serviceberry trees are quite shade-tolerant, but can also be grown in full sun, provided there is sufficient moisture in the soil. Species Information: The otter is a large weasel, males reaching 1. The column features different native animals and stories about wildlife rescue in Ontario. Their body is well adapted to water living with webbed feet, a strong, flat tail which acts as a rudder, nostrils that can close, valves to close off its ears, a clear membrane to protect its eyes and even skin flaps to seal its mouth while leaving the Eagles of Ontario: Two types of Eagles in Ontario. WhAt is the ONtARiO Wildlife RehAbilitAtiON exAm? This study guide and 2 other documents are essential reading for those interested in the Wildlife Custodian Authorization to rehabilitate native wildlife in the province of Ontario. COSSARO held two meetings in 2023 to conduct species assessments, during which they assessed a total of 12 Feb 6, 2025 · The wildlife values area and site datasets represent the consolidation of 13 wildlife data classes collected by the Ministry of Natural Resources. You may also be someone who works with wildlife in a different capacity (e. Wildlife 2. Eagles are iconic ‘king of the skies’ due to their size and power. Oct 22, 2021 · Ontario is full of fascinating species. 1 An evaluation of three ranking methods. 5 ECO Comment 71 3. Ontario Nature’s popular online provide an excellent (and free) resource to discover and learn more about the charismatic species that inhabit our province – many of which are under threatHere are five unique and fascinating species pulled Feb 7, 2025 · There are almost a dozen species of owls in Ontario including the great horned, barred, great grey, snowy, northern saw-whet and boreal owl, all of which stay active during winter. Habitat - Much less common in Northwestern Ontario than in the past, although numerous sightings are still made every year. Diet: Leaves, buds, bark, aquatic vegetation Species Information: Although beavers will spend time on land, they are most at home in the water. Species Information: Opossum is primarily a nocturnal species, foraging from dusk to dawn; however, in the winter, they sometimes switch to daytime foraging due to warmer daytime temperatures and scarcity of food. Invasive species are a growing environmental and economic threat to Ontario. We manage wildlife species to sustain their populations and habitat while considering the needs of the human population over time. With so many plants and animals found in Ontario, it can be overwhelming and difficult to know where to start. The elktoe (Alasmidonta marginata ) is a species of freshwater mussel, an aquatic bivalve mollusk in the family Unionidae, the river mussels. This • “RVS Course” means the Ontario Rabies Vector Species Course • “RVS Exam” means the Ontario Rabies Vector Species Exam • “rehabilitation or care” means the keeping of injured, sick or immature wildlife in captivity on a temporary basis to restore or effectively condition the wildlife so it can be Dive into the vibrant underwater world of Lake Ontario with our comprehensive guide on its diverse fish populations. The world is facing a biodiversity crisis. Habitat loss and climate change are pushing more than a million species towards extinction. 2 The Importance of Amphibians 73 3. Eligible owners or producers are given a fair market value for damage to livestock or poultry, which is the average value an owner might receive for an animal with We Are There When Nature Needs Us Most Ontario Nature is a charity that has been protecting wild species and wild spaces through education, conservation and public engagement since 1931. This guide supports the Natural Heritage Reference Manual. Our goal is to contribute to restoring various species so that their endangered or threatened listing until the ESA is eventually no longer needed. Invasive species should be avoided and destroyed if found on your property. There hundreds of different song birds in the province. Reproduction: Pups are born in the spring in an underground den and are fully furred with their eyes closed. May 18, 2023 · The Ontario Committee on Status of Species at Risk in Ontario (COSSARO) has argued to rename the remaining “pure” strain of the population as the “Algonquin wolf,” because its range is largely limited to Algonquin Provincial Park. These animals can be introduced to the landscape when they escape captivity, or are intentionally released. Ontario’s Endangered Species Act, 2007 protects endangered or threatened species — animals and plants that are in decline and disappearing from the province. Nov 21, 2024 · This Giving Tuesday, Ontario Nature is raising funds to protect endangered species. Jun 6, 2022 · Other samples for SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing were obtained opportunistically through the Ontario and Québec regional CWHC laboratories, which receive a wide variety of wildlife species for post-mortem examination (Table 1). Dec 20, 2024 · Photo: CC-BY-NC Thomas Schultz Species information. Often considered a symbol of Canada, the moose is featured on Ontario’s provincial coat of arms. ontariowildliferescue. habitat that provides year-round food and cover for many different wildlife species. Feb 27, 2025 · When livestock or poultry are injured or killed by specific predatory wildlife, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs provides financial assistance through the OWDCP. The above wildlife centres are authorized by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Our wildlife researchers conduct studies on wildlife across Ontario. Any plant, animal or micro-organism that is introduced by human action outside its natural range is called an ‘alien’ species. The following is a report on progress made towards the protection and recovery of Nine-spotted Lady Beetle (Coccinella novemnotata) in Ontario from 2007 to 2023, based on Ontario’s species-specific recovery policy. 9. Information on how we protect our wildlife by studying their habitat and the diseases that affect them. Wildlife in Canada is designated as Endangered, Threatened, Species of Special Concern, or Not at Dec 20, 2024 · The Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario (COSSARO) is an independent body of experts that considers which of Ontario’s species should be listed as at risk (i. You do not need a permit or agreement to carry out certain types of surveys for species that are listed on the Species at Risk in Ontario list as an endangered or threatened species if you: In Ontario, species of flora and fauna may be protected by regulation under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act or by regulation under the new Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Ontario’s owl species have different winter hunting patterns, like the snowy owl, which prefers wide open fields to the dense pine preference of a great grey. From deer to dragonflies, Southern Ontario is home to a wide variety of animal species. In this Ontario wilderness you can discover a diversity of plant and wildlife that’s practically unparalleled. 1 Amphibians Are Declining Around the World 72 3. 2 Specialised habitats for wildlife. June 2 - 6, 2025 Ecopa Environmental's fast-paced wildlife survey field methods course provides participants with practical field training in various wildlife and habitat inventory and assessment techniques. ca . The Significance of Ontario’s Wild Geese Migrations. Available in English only. With a whopping 400 species of birds, this province is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. There are more species of song birds in Ontario than any other type of bird. These are the first cases in Ontario since 2005. A mixture of different species of trees also help to provide a variety of foods and habitats. Many species of birds and mammals require tree cavities in which to nest or find shelter. It provides detailed information on identifying, describing and prioritizing significant wildlife habitat. Know and explain why a certain species’ habitat requirements might change and describe the changes 4. Aquatic invasive species invasive species An invasive species is any plant or animal that has spread or been introduced into a new area where they are, or could, cause harm to the environment, economy, or human, animal, or plant health. Woodpeckers of Ontario. The ESA was once considered the best of its kind in Canada due to automatic protections for critical habitats. Ontario is one of the thirteen provinces and territories of Canada. Wildlife research. Animals were selected for sampling based on potential for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Species that can be considered species of conservation concern include: species identified as nationally endangered or threatened by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, which are not protected in regulation under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act This guide supports the Natural Heritage Reference Manual. The law. In Ontario there are 8 species of hawks, each distinct in its own way. Bald Eagle Photo by: Miles Away Photography Species: Striped skunk Scientific name:Mephitis mephitis Status: Common Description: The striped skunk is a cat-sized mammal covered in black fur with a white stripe from head to tail (what I like to call the “landing strip)". Species Information: Moose are the largest living member of the deer family. With the Cree Nation in the North, the Haudenoshaunee in the South, and the Anishinabek Nation all around the Great Lakes, we are pleased to acknowledge and support the First Peoples and First Nations of these lands; the Inuit; and the Metis as we host During the period covered by this plan, staff of the WPMP will continue to contact species experts as appropriate and to perform regular scans of the scientific literature to determine whether new techniques appropriate to detecting Ontario wildlife species have been developed. Their unwelcome presence can destroy ecosystems and cost millions of dollars. Projects: Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas; Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas; Backyard Dec 27, 2024 · We are now accepting volunteer internship applications for the 2025 baby season! Get hands on experience with 100+ native ontario wildlife species. 3 percent of the country's population, and is the second-largest province by total area. , a wildlife rehabilitation volunteer) who wants to learn more about rabies. 6. Threats to species: Being a small rodent, the chipmunk is dinner to white a few predators and needs to remain vigilant about avoiding detection. Located in Central Canada, it is Canada's most populous province, with 38. Understand and describe the concept of carrying capacity with reference to a variety of common Ontario wildlife species 5. The tables that follow (tables 6-9) are organized by status category and then by taxonomic group. 3. This species is important to Ontario ecosystems and is native to southern Ontario forests. Species under wildlife protection include moose, beaver, fox, wolves, waterfowl, loons, owls and a healthy population of black bears. Although the mountain lion is a highly adaptive species, its range has been depleted in the wake of forestry, mining and urbanization. Ontario’s wild geese migrations are a spectacular natural phenomenon, showcasing the province’s rich biodiversity. Most woodpeckers stay during the winter. With information on habitat, benefits, and potential drawbacks for each species, Ontario’s Diverse Wildflower Species: A Comprehensive Guide is a must-have for anyone looking to explore and appreciate the diverse flora of Ontario. For example, all poorly or under-represented habitats, habitats of provincially or regionally rare species of conservation concern, and habitats of obvious importance to many wildlife species might automatically be considered highly significant. To legally practice wildlife rehabilitation in Ontario, you must apply for and receive this authorization. The sanctuary straddles the contact between the granitic rocks of the Canadian Shield and the limestone of the Great Lakes – St. Ontario Wildlife Rescue has started a free weekly column for publications in the province. Mar 11, 2025 · Ontario is home to the largest crown game preserve in the world. Sep 11, 2015 · Learn which trees are native to Ontario and the best species to plant where you live. What We Do for Endangered Animals (“Species At Risk”) As a wildlife rehabilitation centre, we support the Ontario Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 2007. This includes balancing the needs of wildlife with those of the human population. Reproduction: Striped Skunks in Ontario are born in May and early June, and average about 6-7 to a litter, can be 16! Species at Risk. Learn how Ontario manages wildlife and wildlife habitats. There are over 240 species at risk in Ontario. 3. Least weasels are as small as the mice on which they prey. As a defense mechanism, “playing possum” or “playing dead. Jul 13, 2017 · Ensure management actions are consistent with Ontario’s strategic approach to managing biodiversity, invasive species and human-wildlife conflicts when considering the release, introduction or capture and translocation of game birds, other small game wildlife or furbearers for hunting or other purposes within, into or out of Ontario. Northern Ontario boasts the world’s largest wildlife preserve—the Chapleau Crown Game Preserve encompasses 700,000 hectares and shelters healthy populations of black bear, timberwolf, moose, lynx, beaver and bald eagles. Turtles can be found in a variety of habitats such as lakes, ponds, rivers, marshes, and bogs. These clever creatures have adapted extremely well and thrive in cities throughout North America. The official Species at Risk in Ontario (SARO) list is provided in Ontario Regulation 230/08. Eagles also mate for life. For non-native species found in Ontario, visit our webpage. Litter size is usually between 4-7. But thanks to the dedication and hard work of many people across the province, some species at risk are experiencing positive gains that give us hope for the future. Ontario Wildlife Rescue connects the public with wildlife rescue centers www. Ontario is home to eight different species of turtles, with the highest number of turtle species in Canada. This conclusion is a hot debate in scientific circles, with some wildlife biologists making the case that How We Manage Lake Ontario Islands Wildlife Management Area. This species is found in southeastern Canada and the eastern United States. Woodpeckers drum to attract mates, claim territory, and for communication. g. Sep 6, 2019 · Southwestern · Environment; Why Ontario’s wildlife-rehab centres could become an endangered species. You let one species go you know there's not there's another one not too far behind that will also be impacted by that loss and if you see this this chain of events start to occur you see the ecosystem become weaker you know there's some animals that depend on other animals to survive and and if we take away you know part of that link or part of that puzzle you know we will see in time some of 5. Key to Authorized Species Categories. , special concern, threatened, endangered or extirpated). Map of Authorized Wildlife Custodians in Ontario Keep in mind that not all AWC rehabilitate all species. Feb 9, 2024 · For paddlers looking to explore the wilderness of northwest Ontario in search of wildlife such as black bears, white-tailed deer and moose; Quetico is the perfect spot. e. The most common injury to Owls is collisions with cars. Common predator species are hawks, weasels, coyotes, martens, foxes and snakes. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control have since had over 200,000 wildlife removals and exclusions with environment-friendly, poison-free methods since day one. We have taken the TOP 35 most common and were possible grouped them (Crows, Finches, Nuthatch, Sparrows, Swallows and Wrens). New cases of raccoon strain rabies have been confirmed in the Hamilton area. An Ontario research study found over 62% of birds tested had some level of rat poison. Sustainable wildlife management. Allegheny Serviceberry, also known as Smooth Serviceberry, is one of the ten species of serviceberry native to Ontario. As insectivores, woodpeckers play an important role by stopping the spread of pests. They have a thick skull to spread out the shock of the force. Moose breeding season, sometimes referred to as “the rut,” includes a series of behavioural and physiological changes that start in mid-August. This appendix is comprised of two parts. It can also negatively impact people’s health and the economy. Aug 24, 2016 · He established Skedaddle in 1989, recognizing the need for professional urban wildlife focusing on humane removal methods. Endangered Species Act, 2007 • Federally protected under the Species at Risk Act, 2002 enDangereD Endangered species live in the wild in Ontario and are facing imminent extinction or extirpation. . Wildlife management includes: policy and regulation; research and monitoring In response to the increasing threat of biodiversity loss, Ontario’s Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA) was mandated to protect and promote the recovery of the province’s species at risk. Trees with needles (coniferous) provide cover during a winter storm for deer and small animals. A Barn Owl can eat over a thousand rats or mice a year. Mar 17, 2021 · Threats to species: Coyotes are susceptible to a number of wildlife disease including sarcoptic mange (causes hair loss, itching and scabbing), heartworm, hookworm, distemper, rabies (will die without transmitting to other animals), and parvovirus. In this article, we will explore ten of the most fascinating animals and wildlife that inhabit this vibrant region. ” opossums go into a curled up, catatonic state, appearing to be dead. This species tolerates cold well, but heat can cause issues, so northern climates are where they prefer to reside. View species of conservation concern (Excel) in Ontario. Because of habitat loss and human conflict some owl species at risk. Discover popular catches like Chinook salmon and lake trout, along with rare species such as Atlantic salmon and American eels. Explore the lake's significant role in local ecosystems and economy, and learn about ongoing conservation efforts to protect this vital aquatic habitat. The Ontario government is working closely with local public health units and municipal governments, as well as animal shelters, licensed wildlife trappers, wildlife custodians and animal control services, to manage rabies in wildlife. Overall, structural and species diversity are important in supporting a diversity of animals. These species accounts include photos, characteristics, range maps, habitat, biology, threats, trends, status and protection of each native species found in Ontario. Prior to 1909, the wild turkey lived north of Lake Simcoe and eastward between Toronto and Trenton. It is staffed by scientists who design and deliver studies and programs that help to provide diverse, healthy, sustainable wildlife populations and habitats for the benefit and enjoyment of all Ontarians. Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus) Invasive wildlife can destroy native ecosystems, damage plant communities, create habitat for other invasive species, compete with native wildlife, spread disease, and decrease biodiversity. The Ontario public has always had a fascination with wildlife in the province. Please use the list below to match species to AWC. Certain wildlife species have highly specific requirements for their survival. We need data to better understand how to help the ever-changing populations of wild species and their habitats. During the winter, the fur of all three species changes from brown to white to provide camouflage. Like many mussels, it is Jan 18, 2025 · With its diverse ecosystems ranging from dense forests and expansive wetlands to majestic lakes and rugged cliffs, Ontario is a haven for a variety of animal species. Some species are very particular about where they live. We’re working to inspire nature lovers like you to become community scientists, to help increase our collective knowledge of wildlife in Ontario. Wildlife control in Ontario refers to the practices and guidelines involved in managing wildlife species to ensure their populations and habitats are sustained over time. Species Information: The grey squirrel is the most common species of squirrel found. Diet: All species of weasel eat small mammals and insects. The OWDCP is part of Growing Forward 2, a federal-provincial-territorial initiativ e. Many wildlife species seek out the younger forest habitat found in these areas. Aug 8, 2022 · The eastern wild turkey spends its days foraging for leaf litter, chasing bugs, and milling for seeds and is a great flyer (in short distances). Other agencies within Ontario and Canada are also concerned with Apr 12, 2023 · COSEWIC assessment results. This species will commonly spend hot summer days in water, where they are quite comfortable. Over 700,000 hectares of Chapleau Crown Game Preserve in the heart of Algoma Country is renowned for exceptional wildlife viewing. Considered to be some of the best canoeing in the world, the park is home to more than 2,000 lakes and 500 portages and has canoe routing options for everyone. When livestock or poultry are injured or killed by specific predatory wildlife, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs provides financial assistance through the OWDCP. They are the Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle. 3 m in length and weighing 8 kg; females are slightly smaller. Planning authorities — or anyone involved in assessing wildlife habitat significance — should use, or require proponents to use, the guide when completing an ecological site assessment. 3 Barriers to Amphibian Conservation in Ontario 73 The above wildlife centres are authorized by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Recently disturbed are areas Recently disturbed of recent logging or forest fire activity that can originate from coniferous, deciduous or mixedwood forests. Participants will gain hands-on experience surve Habitat: Moose are a “northern” species and are found in coniferous forests (e. RVS Rabies vector species (species that can carry and transmit rabies), including bat, fox, skunks, raccoon BIR Birds, excluding raptors Nov 11, 2015 · The plan sets out specific measures for the early detection of the species, preventing establishment of the species in Ontario, and methods to control and eradicate the invasive species. 3 Research into White-nose Syndrome 67 3. Lawrence forest. The largest nature reserve in Ontario Nature’s reserve system, the Altberg Wildlife Sanctuary Nature Reserve encompasses 480 hectares (1,186 acres) of central Ontario woodland and wetland. Their nest holes are used by other species. Arowhon Lodge encourages guests to venture out early in the morning and at dusk for the best times to catch a glimpse of a browsing moose or Canadian beaver out for a swim. 4 Ontario’s White-nose Syndrome Response Plan 68 3. OWR also help find resources (food, medical supplies and veterinarians) for Wildlife Centers across Ontario. Generally, these species and their habitats are protected under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act, 2007. For each wildlife species, the information provided includes the common name, scientific name, population name, and range of occurrence in Canada (by province, territory or ocean). The first part (K-1) lists those species of flora and fauna that are protected by regulation under the Endangered Species Act. Other species, such as painted turtles, can be found in a wider variety of habitats. Ontario Wildlife - Grow Anywhere Virtual Learning. Some species of Owls migrate. For example, the larvae of some butterfly species require specific plants, many of which are confined to just a few small areas. The ministry manages Ontario’s natural resources and wildlife on behalf of all Ontarians. ). Jan 27, 2025 · Step into the captivating world of animals and wildlife in Ontario! Canada’s wilderness is a treasure trove of extraordinary creatures, and Ontario takes center stage with its vibrant biodiversity. Learn proper handling and restraint of wild animals, administration of medication, various treatments, husbandry, enrichment, tube feeding and more! The Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program (OWDCP) provides financial assistance to producers whose livestock, poultry and honey bees have been damaged by wildlife. Seven of these species are currently at risk due to habitat loss, hunting, and poaching. Identify the requirements for survival for common Ontario wildlife species 3. Eagles live to 25-40 years. An invasive species is an alien species that threatens the new environment it is in. In southern Ontario, where there is little or no snow, their fur may stay brown year-round. 1 Definition. The name is misleading in that members of this species can be grey, dark brown or black. Most of the province’s 57 registered rehabilitation facilities are still run by their founders — many of whom are close to retirement. 2. Jul 17, 2014 · Wildlife research and monitoring program The ministry operates a wildlife research and monitoring program. A guide to the mammals of Ontario created to assist those participating in the Ontario Mammals project. We actively collect this information to track and communicate species conservation statuses in Ontario, Canada and across their global ranges. kvqrfta namu sne oriq hkksa plm aegtioz oxnstqu wsw xlu zidnvk jwptux vil arcpo hlxreu