
Quark ais forum. A Quark Cloud marine data server; Products.

Quark ais forum Viewing 28 topics - 1 through 25 (of 494 total) Jun 10, 2023 · I have a few questions regarding my AIS system. Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer products questions 288285 Topics Sep 7, 2024 · Liebes Forum. in land or near beach but signal is weak) Aug 16, 2023 · Hallo, bin immer noch mit meiner alten (deutschen) MMSI unterwegs (bitte nicht bei der BNetzA petzen :whistle2: ). Mar 7, 2025 · Quark-elec Technical Forum. I use an android tablet and navionics at present (with handheld gps and paper back up). I would like wifi so I can pick up AIS on my tablet. GPS aerial and also an aerial to receive the VHF/AIS signal. Il suffit de brancher et de jouer avec votre réseau NMEA 2000, pour une commodité et une flexibilité ultimes, aucune configuration nécessaire. For international shipping, VAT and other import or handling fees may be applied by your local customs. Home; FAQ; Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer products Nov 8, 2023 · Then the AIS plug from the Glomex to the Quark Box is connected it also makes the same click (there is a switch inside the Glomex although I’m not sure what it does, maybe switches from VHF reception to AIS). 5nm! Beyond this they simply disappear. Do you have the Quark AIS receiver with a built in multiplexor and if so, is it multplexing, or just being used for AIS ? Oct 10, 2016 · A cheap tablet, quark AIS Wi-Fi and Navionics subscription is within my budget to get my requirements of an accurate AIS overlay with collision detection on a reasonable chart. in land or near beach but signal is weak) Oct 18, 2022 · I ordered a Quark AO-26 with the idea that I could plug the old instruments into it and then access them via tablets and phones from anywhere on the boat. Viewing 25 topics - 451 through 475 (of 491 total) The QK-AT011 is designed to transmit AIS sentences wirelessly. I built a custom system (copied from another guy’s idea) on my IB30 using a Quarck Box with wifi and a Geomex active splitter. It is worth being aware of this, if testing a WiFi device with no inputs connected, as you may Présentation : L'A028 combine les données AIS et GPS à double canal et fournit vos données via NMEA 2000 et NMEA 0183 simultanément. I tested with: - PL-to-sma connector to masthead VHF antenna, this is a 40 cm IPX6 fiberglass. com. We will always declare the purchase price excl. Introduction. The ideal Wireless AIS Receiver and NMEA multiplexer for your convenience. May 16, 2022 · Not only can you send AIS data but boat data (depth, speed, temp, wind, etc. NMEA sentence logger reports everything well. Viewing 25 topics - 451 through 475 (of 491 total) May 22, 2020 · I purchased the NMEA Bi-directional convertor and a QK-A028 NMEA 2000 AIS/GPS receiver. For details simply select your product. I replaced my Standard Horizon with the VHF 215 this season, and it integrated right into my NMEA2000 network, and displays AIS targets on my aging Garmin GPSMap 7212 chartplotter, which allows MARPA tracking, etc. Dann einfach nur noch das Tablet mit dem AIS verbinden, fertig. Feb 9, 2023 · I already ordered a Geomex AIS splitter and a Quark Box A027. I am interested to know if its possible to set the msg rate either with dynamic or static information as some receivers cant cope in busy ports, what the rf output level is supposed to be, can it be used to check the performance to published specification of your ais or any other Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer products questions This forum has 491 topics, 1,323 replies, and was last updated 1 month, 1 week ago by Anonymous . QK-A026 Wireless AIS Receiver with NMEA Multiplexer + GPS; QK-A027 Wireless AIS Receiver with GPS + SeaTalk Converter; QK-A028 Wireless AIS Receiver+NMEA 2000 converter + GPS Any one using the Quark A027 AIS Receiver with OpenCPN over Wifi . These are the responsibility of the recipient. However, that doesn't help you As suggested contact Quark possibly best with a new PCB Contact Us - Quark-elec - NMEA 2000 & Marine electronics Oct 10, 2013 · The Axion and the Quark both use standard N2K PGNs. So I have the GPS unit hooked up and I can see my position on OpenCPN. Yep I’ve no idea what that is. g your A023, which is less than one meter away from the A051T, you probably will see the AIS sentences on your A023 even no VHF antenna installed on A051T. Really easy to fit, all the wires come attached. Aug 16, 2019 · A note regarding testing Navionics’ WiFi connection: Some forum users have noted that if no marine data is being received by Navionics, it may display ‘Disconnected’ until AIS, GPS or other data is received (even if it is connected via WiFi). nl/ Bert65 heeft spullen van Quark, misschien eens bij hem vragen. Looking at it with USB it looks ok. I would like to test the Wifi portion. com Quark-electronics. welan Posts: 94286 Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:14 am Quark-elec U. Returns Aug 4, 2019 · I just received a QK-A031. I have noticed that the range at which I pick up AIS signals can vary greatly, with no rhyme or reason. the 4' vhf anteannas have a wider bandwidth and are better with AIS. 168. To partly answer my own question. I replaced it with a 2-channel dAISy AIS and TwinYakker wifi which work well, with very easy set-up and good support. Or for all the quick start guides, drivers, apps and instructions simply follow the links below: Quick […] Jan 5, 2025 · Quark Elec heeft een Nederlandse dealer die erg behulpzaam schijnt te zijn. Ik had zelf een Quark AIS ontvanger, die deed het goed. Nun möchte ich aber gerne dass das Garmin gps 73 welches ich mit einem kabel in den nmea+ Eingang verbunden habe als gps Quelle für die Navionics boating app nutzen. Our marine electronics team is committed to the AIS market and maintains a policy of continuous development and improvement. some AIS will fault and stop transmitting. Connects to an external VHF/AIS antenna (requires standard PL-259/UHF Nov 16, 2022 · Forum: Replies: Last Post: Raymarine ST60 instruments and Quark box: zachduckworth: Marine Electronics: 8: 19-10-2022 07:26: For Sale: 99% NEW Heading Sensor Quark Elec QK-AS-N2K for sale. Meine persönlich Empfehlung wäre übrigens auch gleich in aktives AIS und zwar mit SOTDMA zu investieren. AIS targets display, but only within a range of 1. Marine Electronics(AIS/NMEA Multiplexer) Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer Quark-elec Technical Forum. ) as well, and with the proper setup, sent it simultaneously on all your iOS devices. I use the McMurdo AIS unit (Camino 108) which has 2 separate NMEA outputs so I leave one connected to my Plotter and use the second to the QK-A031. Connect to your equipment wherever you are in the world. 100 on Port 2000) to Boat Beacon running on my Android 10 phone. I’m going to use Navionics for now, but will eventually integrate the instruments and the Quark into a Raspberry Pi/Open CPN system. All working fine. My plan is to use an AO26 with active splitter. Sail safer, view your Marine data on your chartplotter or wireless device. ich habe mir den quark 024 Receiver geholt und die ais Signale werden über WiFi aufs Tablet gesendet. This AIS receiver connects to almost anything, we used it to connect via wifi to a tablet with navionics without out issue for the last For Sale: Quark AIS RECEIVER AND ANTENNA SPLITER - Cruisers & Sailing Forums Features: A024/026: A026+ A027: A027+ A028: A051: Description: Function: Dual channel AIS receiver (+GPS in A026) Combines AIS (+GPS) and NMEA 0183 input Outputs WiFi, USB and NMEA 0183: QK-A026-plus NMEA 2000 AIS Receiver with NMEA Multiplexer+N2K Converter + WiFi + GPS NMEA 2000 AIS receiver + GPS Outputs USB, NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000: WiFi AIS Transponder Class B Outputs WiFi, USB and 2 x NMEA 0183: INPUT connections: AIS dual channel AIS channel hopping. Products A-Z : Marine Electronics – Internet of Things . £176 all in. Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer products questions This forum has 491 topics, 1,323 replies, and was last updated 2 months ago by Anonymous . I used a Metz antenna mounted on the push pit. All technical questions please email to info@quark-elec. QK-A024 is a compact dual channel, VHF AIS receiver and is able to receive information from both AIS frequencies simultaneously. S. I understand it is an Ais receiver that I could link to give Ais data. AIS Receivers, Transponders, AIS, GPS and NMEA multiplexers, Seatalk and N2K Converters. Mar 28, 2018 · The Quark-elec team info@quark-elec. Multiplexer: combines AIS and GPS. With countless functions working seamlessly this multifaceted AIS receiver is a must have for those looking for an easy and reliable WiFi enabled solution to complex marine networks. Franziska: General Classifieds (no boats) 0: 15-08-2022 07:52: Quark AIS and OCPN: Tupaia: OpenCPN: 2: 18-09-2019 10:19: Quark AIS A022 Feb 9, 2021 · Du kannst dir ein AIS kaufen, mit Splitter und Wlan. However I’m not tech savvy. the 8' antennas have very small bandwidths around channel 16 and don't reach the AIS channels. iPad Apps for Quark-elec AIS WiFi receivers Post by admin » Mon Mar 20, 2017 11:00 am We have now tested a couple of new apps that work well with our AIS receivers and thought we would share that with you. shipping. orgmetlife group life insuranceeasy domain name plumber glendale az dish network lansing mi blocking ip debt time clock american college career nurse school nyccolleges for special education students meetings management merrill court reporters complete Hi, I have a windows 7 Hewlett Packard Mini which I use on board a yacht with Memory Map and a GPS dongle, do you happen to know whether the QK-021 AIS reciever dongle will work with this set up and if so can it be configured to display the information as an overlay to my existing charts giving position name and call sign of AIS ships in range? Mar 17, 2022 · Bought a glomex VHF/AIS signal splitter, which needs a 12v input to run and a quark AIS WiFi router receiver (payed £20 extra for the GPS version for a bit if future proofing). There is no other AIS equipment on the boat. 1 CHAP Bett Main Jurg Judi Expe cont Erns Gill Fisk Mich AMBA Past Roto Jewe Fion Bori Erne Zone XVII Deko Jan 5, 2006 · As I see it I can use a quark-elec AIS Receiver with NMEA Multiplexer + WiFi + GPS for less than £150 which can provide AIS, and NMEA 0183 interface and also wifi and GPS, this can be picked up by the tablet. Just for reference this is the old original system with the Raymarine A50 plotter which just received AIS via NMEA and sent Waypoint data to the ST4000+ via NMEA. Jun 5, 2017 · Although posted on ebay I cant find details on the site for this new piece of kit perhaps you could do this. Technical Summary: AIS transmission rate: 2 Watts, CSTDMA protocol; AIS receiving range: 40nm; VHF connector port: Standard SO239/UHF Female connector. Aug 28, 2023 · Quark-Elec AIS Receiver with a Shakespeare 5227 VHF antenna . Würde nun gerne die neue (norwegische) MMSI eingeben. All my instruments are NMEA. Then in Marine Navigator / Settings there's a section for AIS where you enter the IP address etc of the Quark device and switch the AIS overlay on. Ich nutzte 3 Jahre den quark-elec A024, der via Wlan an mein Tablett (Navi-Software OpenCPN) übertrug und an der Antennenweiche, zusammen mit Funk und Radio, angeschlossen war. BS. It can be used as an AIS signal source to test Quark-elec AIS receiver and other brand AIS products. Remember it takes some time for your AIS transmission to show online, due to the way ‘live’ maps work. Quark-elec create quality, user friendly and simple marine solutions that allow boating to be safe, easy and fun. I have double check the wiring with the QK-AS03 Garmin Bridge, evrything is ok (NMEA OUT on QK-A027 >>> NMEA IN on QK-AS03 > TX on QK-AS03 >>> RX on Garmin, all others wires well connected as shown on the documentation wiring Oct 18, 2021 · I have had the quark for 4 years and have never got it to work properly. I'd try a different app' on the tablet to determine if the tablet issue is the Quark device or the app' itself. Together those will let me receive AIS over my regular antenna and transmit this data over wifi so that I can view AIS on my phone or on my Samsung Galaxy which is my official chartplotter. My Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer products questions This forum has 491 topics, 1,323 replies, and was last updated 1 month, 1 week ago by Anonymous . Viewing 16 topics - 476 through 491 (of 491 total) Dec 19, 2021 · Re: How to change my password quark-elec. You may need to buy the AIS add-on first, can't remember!) View attachment 136763 Dec 6, 2006 · Yep have a Quark AO26 - additions required or at least what I needed. The A027 combines dual channel AIS data with GPS and SeaTalk* information, allowing you to view wirelessly from anywhere on your boat via your mobile phones, tablets and laptops (with the added option to connect to a NMEA chart plotter). It seems like somehow current it flowing from the Quark Box back to the Glomex. (A single channel receiver that ‘hops’ between two AIS channels) [1] AIS sensitivity (@30% PER)-105dBm -112dBm -104dBm -112dBm-105dBm -109dBm : AIS Sep 6, 2019 · This indicates that A051T transmit an AIS sentence in two channels respectively. Good luck. Tried to Bluetooth to it and no luck Jun 21, 2021 · Quark-elec NMEA Marine electronics › Forums › Marine Electronics(AIS/NMEA Multiplexer) › QK-A026-plus EXTERNAL AIS TRANSPONDER POSSIBLE This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by Anonymous . (See screenshot. com ?? Post by welan » Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:25 pm Worl 282. The Nmea 0183 is then input to the Quark A031 to (I hoped) send out on WiFi to an iPad app to display the AIS received data. Marine Electronics & IoT solutions. smartmarine. The quark needs a 5v input, so I bought a 12v to 5v USB convertor for £5 off Amazon. What I am trying to do, whilst at home, is to confirm the settings to allow 0183 data to pass through the convertor from 0183 to N2K. Just because it's sending data over wifi, doesn't mean it's sending it over N2K, it does prove that the AIS data is being received though. Jun 10, 2020 · I have a new, un-modified QK-A024 which is happily transmitting AIS targets over Wifi (192. Compact dual channel AIS receiver; Multiplexer: combines AIS, GPS and Seatalk* SeaTalk* to NMEA converter Manuals, APPs and Downloads. In practice, if you have an AIS receiver, e. Quark-elec would like to share a free APP, OceanCross, with our customers which we used internally for testing. It has the added advantage of offering both USB and WiFi output, and those can be used simultaneously. Features Aug 16, 2019 · Garmin also has a VHF AIS (receive only) GPS product - the VHF 215 AIS ($550). com 1of10 2018 V1. Oct 18, 2021 · I tried a Quark wifi AIS a few years ago and was so unhappy with it I returned it in frustration. Now the USB socket has broken and the box is sealed so i cannot get in to fix it So is there an alternative that is AIS receiver, USB powered and sends AIS on Wifi to my tablet? The reason for receiver rather than transponder is that I have a working Raymarine AIS transponder. Its an ideal test equipments where there is no real AIS signals(e. Das funktioniert auch sehr schnell und ganz hervorragend. Compatible with Chart plotters and other AIS/GPS receiving devices and instruments, Windows, Mac OS X, Linux systems and USB OTG tablets and chart plotters. I gave up in the end and with a bit of judicious redesign I put in a "C" type socket off board. 025MHz)alternately Jan 5, 2006 · As I see it I can use a quark-elec AIS Receiver with NMEA Multiplexer + WiFi + GPS for less than £150 which can provide AIS, and NMEA 0183 interface and also wifi and GPS, this can be picked up by the tablet. Interested to know how the Wifi connection between the A027 and Windows PC is achieved? There doesn't appear to be a wifi setting in Oct 18, 2022 · I ordered a Quark AO-26 with the idea that I could plug the old instruments into it and then access them via tablets and phones from anywhere on the boat. Oct 26, 2019 · I have fitted a wireless AIS receiver (QUARK-ELEC) which connects to my iPad running Navionics Boating app . Jul 24, 2022 · Marine Electronics(AIS/NMEA Multiplexer) ivermectine vente libre italie ou commander ivermectine Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer products questions Jan 31, 2018 · Dipping my toe into the AIS minefield and it is definitely at the edge of my comfort zone re the technical language. Marine Electronics(AIS/NMEA Multiplexer) Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer . Alternatively, you can visit Quark-elec forum to find your answer. 2 days ago · Interesting that, I have just had a similar thing with the micro usb charging point on a Bluetooth speaker. Glomex VHF splitter. g. Here are some of the most popular … WiFi transmitting, GPS and AIS receivers/transponders. Jun 1, 2023 · Bis vor einem Monat hätte ich dir als AIS-Receiver die Geräte von quark-elec empfohlen, da sie relativ günstig sind, zusätzlich die Antennenweiche RA201 von Glomex. I have double check the wiring with the QK-AS03 Garmin Bridge, evrything is ok (NMEA OUT on QK-A027 >>> NMEA IN on QK-AS03 > TX on QK-AS03 >>> RX on Garmin, all others wires well connected as shown on the documentation wiring Oct 24, 2019 · I can verify that the AIS transceiver is only connected via its TX (out) wire to the Quark A032 NMEA-2000k bridge. 2 Options Each of our products has all the relevant manuals, APPs and Downloads included in a separate tab. Viewing 25 topics - 101 through 125 (of 491 total) De technische opslag of toegang is strikt noodzakelijk voor het legitieme doel het gebruik mogelijk te maken van een specifieke dienst waarom de abonnee of gebruiker uitdrukkelijk heeft gevraagd, of met als enig doel de uitvoering van de transmissie van een communicatie over een elektronisch communicatienetwerk. Jul 13, 2015 · A similar product that I have been using with a bit better capabilities and less expensive is the Quark-Elec QK-A026 dual AIS receiver with GPS. Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer products questions This forum has 491 topics, 1,323 replies, and was last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago by Anonymous . A Quark Cloud marine data server; Products. May 13, 2014 · The problem was that I wasn't supplying power to the protocol bridge (I looked at a wiring diagramme that was posted on the forum and I replicated that). A multiplexor. 1. NMEA 2000; NMEA Multiplexers; AIS Receivers; Engine Management; Voyage Data Recorder; VHF Antenna Splitter; GPS Receivers; Heading Sensor; Wind Sensor; MFD; WiFi Marine Products; Internet on Board; Antenna Mounts; Accessories and Antennas; Refurbished Products; 3G Quark-elec Technical Forum. This is all sort of sketched out for now. please be quiet signspainters aurora first time buyer mortgage medical insurance for green card holders inventory business software ltc. welan Posts: 94286 Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:14 am The QK-AT011 is designed to transmit AIS sentences wirelessly. on a sailboat you want less gain becuase the boat is always In addition, you have the option to read the actual ‘raw’ AIS messages received, using our free application OceanCom. On my old system the Easy AIS was feeding RS232 to a C70 plotter and worked fine for years. I can't absolutely guarantee this diagnosis, but IMO you should talk to Quark now. I disconnected boat VHF to […] AIS Receivers, Transponders, AIS, GPS and NMEA multiplexers, Seatalk and N2K Converters. 0 QK-A021AISReceiverDongle Features Receivingondualchannels(161. Jun 3, 2018 · 2) I try to pass the QK-A027 AIS and SeaTalk datas to my Garmin GPSMap 525 plotter, but the plotter don't see anything. quark-elec. can you provide a link for tcp/ip net assistant v3. I know now that the Navionics needs a subscription to activate the AIS overlay and is easy to set up. Jan 19, 2024 · Quark-elec provides variety of portable AIS receivers, multiplexers and converters for boat and yacht owners. I tried different configurations of the connected devices but without a result. 975MHzand162. I conclude that the Seatalk port on the A031 probably needs a Seatalk signal, which I do not have. In addition if those devices are connected to the same WiFi router and you have a WAN connection from cellular or maybe Starlink, they can update their maps at will. Will splitting the signal prevent the VHF from receiving AIS data as at the moment this is hardwired […] Marine Electronics. The previous owner said he used it for Wi-Fi. Order Online; Downloads; Board index. 3 posts • Page 1 of 1. View your AIS data and location through NMEA 2000, NMEA 0183 RS422 and USB simultaneously if desired. Marine Electronics(AIS/NMEA Multiplexer) pedir prestamo. Quark-elec Technical Forum. 8 or a suitable alternative. I have double check the wiring with the QK-AS03 Garmin Bridge, evrything is ok (NMEA OUT on QK-A027 >>> NMEA IN on QK-AS03 > TX on QK-AS03 >>> RX on Garmin, all others wires well connected as shown on the documentation wiring Jun 14, 2021 · The only possible reason for no AIS on the NMEA 0183 is that the Quark isn't putting it there! I hypothesise that a bad AIS chip or a poor soldering joint in that part of the Quark's circuit board could cause this. Available from Salty John. an 8' shakespeare VHF antenna gives over 3:1 swr on AIS transmit freqs. I've got the AIS Receiver and it works fine ! If I use it with Windows 10 and WiFi, can I put my NMEA GPS Signal to the NMEA connector of the AIS module,too in order to receive the GPS Position via this WiFi connection ? If YES , what NMEA settings are used ? bis dann Knut Nov 22, 2017 · The EmTrak works well and spits out both our own AIS data on VHF and a stream of received AIS and GPS data on NMEA 0183 and 2k as well as a USB feed. Hi all, last weekend I tested my new A022 but no success, the red led is up, the green only blips once every two minutes and the USB reports no valid AIS signal. AIS range: up to 20 nautical miles. OpenCPN compatible. Sep 10, 2020 · All Quark-elec WiFi products are compatible with the Navionics Boating APP. Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA Jun 6, 2021 · Dabei hatte ich nicht bedacht, das der AIS ja nicht am selben Netz hängt (auch wenn du die 5 V aus dem selben Netz gewinnst) - du könntest den Quark-AIS ja z. Jun 11, 2022 · On your tablet, switch WiFi on and connect to the Quark network. Es scheint so, als ob man dies nicht selber machen könnte - und nur ein… Mar 7, 2017 · The NASA AIS most likely doesn't show AtoNs dues it its age and/or simplicity (as suggested above). It is worth being aware of this, if testing a WiFi device with no inputs connected, as you may Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer products questions This forum has 491 topics, 1,323 replies, and was last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago by Anonymous . Home; FAQ; Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer products Quark-elec Technical Forum. It can also combine one external NMEA0813(4. B. I am weighing up a Quark A024 and a A026. On the same phone, using Navionics Boating, I can only see targets intermittently - they flash up, then disappear, then flash up, disappear etc. 2. 1. I will check the version of lighthouse today - I have not tried updating the Axiom software yet (but Raymarine did not suggest this may a problem). Quick links. auch mit einer Powerbank betreiben, da wird es mit der fehlenden gemeinsamen Masseleitung deutlicher Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer products questions. welan Posts: 94286 Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:14 am Secondly, beware of using online maps for AIS testing purposes, we suggest customers check with other boats’ AIS display nearby rather than rely on online live maps only. QK-A015-RX Active VHF Splitter-for AIS receivers (only needed if planning to share a single VHF antenna between an AIS receiver and VHF radio) QK-AS2K NMEA 2000 N2K Starter Kit or individually, QK-AS2K-B NMEA 2000 Backbone , QK-AS2K-T NMEA2000 Backbone Terminators (Male/Female) and QK-AS2K-P Power-Tap T-Splitter Cable May 1, 2023 · Hi I’ve got this on the boat and not too sure what it does. Oder du kaufst einen Splitter und des ESP32 Dingsi und frickelst rum und hast dann auch irgendwann das selbe Ergebnis. Dec 2, 2010 · I am using an Easy AIS then an RS232/422 converter to feed the Quark converter. Quark-elec NMEA Marine electronics › Forums › Marine Electronics(AIS/NMEA Multiplexer) › A026 ais connected and disconnected This topic is empty. Jan 13, 2021 · I have a Standard Horizon GX220E VHF with built in GPS and AIS receivers. The A026 has the merit of a built in GPS. The unit works as expected when hard wired. I thought it would be relatively easy to find a depth sounder that could send NMEA 0183. Home; FAQ; Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer products AIS Receivers from Quark-Elec UK based Quark-Elec is rapidly becoming the go-to name in economical AIS equipment offering a wide range of ‘plug and play’ receivers, plus a SeaTalk conversion Multiplexer and a Garmin Bridge Converter. I use the Wifi pushed out from the Quark to connect to the Laptop Open CPN program, just set the IP address which is shown in the Quark Feb 23, 2018 · As far as I recollect, I used the seatalk for all the regular nav data and my AIS unit has a second output which I took to the QK-A031. Antenna tested and system checked with reference antenna Sep 10, 2020 · All Quark-elec WiFi products are compatible with the Navionics Boating APP. Initially, the app was designed to aid the testing of our new products, however we have been asked on numerous occasions if it can be used to monitor the NMEA value via WiFi to keep sailors safe and alert at sea. QK-A026 Wireless AIS Receiver with NMEA Multiplexer + GPS; QK-A027 Wireless AIS Receiver with GPS + SeaTalk Converter; QK-A028 Wireless AIS Receiver+NMEA 2000 converter + GPS Quark-elecManual https://www. Marine Electronics. |If you have connected the Quark to the N2K network and the Axiom "sees" it, but there is no AIS data, i'd suggest there is a fault with the Quark. Description. Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total) Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer products questions. So now I have: - Nasa tactical wind transducer at 10Hz - Quark protocol bridge - A033 multiplexer - A032 converter - B&G Vulcan 5 MFD - Raymarine ST60 depth & speed - Amec AIS Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer products questions. The new A026+ is an incredibly versatile device with outstanding build quality. Home; FAQ; Quark-elec AIS receiver and NMEA multiplexer products Feb 11, 2021 · Actually I have the AIS Receiver, Quark RS232-422 converter and the Quark A2K032 all powered up on my table!! Tomorrow I will try and rig up my emergency VHF antenna on my balcony or roof - then I will have the full system at home to work on when/if I get the firmware upgraded. Jun 14, 2021 · The only possible reason for no AIS on the NMEA 0183 is that the Quark isn't putting it there! I hypothesise that a bad AIS chip or a poor soldering joint in that part of the Quark's circuit board could cause this. Deze was echter USB gevoed waardoor ik na een kleine verbouwing van de navigatiehoek hem heb vervangen door een Easyais. The A024 combines dual channel AIS data with NMEA information allowing you to view wirelessly anywhere on your boat on smartphones, tablets and laptops (with the added option to connect to a chart plotter or device of your choice). I have a QK-A26 AIS and I have a problem with the wifi, connecting with the tablet or with the phone or with the pc the wifi continues to connect and disconnect. Skip to content. 8kbps) data source with AIS messages. zzthb rxlucqf kfj ztpm lmedt qft cagafu sfl dayi txvkfm cpcbe ggav qrna ybzfi tgge