Recon armor rimworld. Heat protection is also important.
Recon armor rimworld locust armor is recon with built in jet pack so you can still get shield belt. They require 30 Plasteel , 1 Advanced component , 15,750 ticks ( 4. Mar 8, 2020 · What I did in my game was set up 'Recon' and 'Marine' outfits in the Assign menu. Recon helmets can be crafted at a fabrication bench once the Recon armor research project has been completed. As soon as you can, equip them with shield belts and recon armor. Generally speaking, it's ideal to keep your colonists in work clothes and only put on armor when it's time to fight. Additional credits: Weapon Art: Samael. Otherwise, I'd go marine armor. Oct 29, 2022 · The most important thing is getting an armor piece with the highest rating (armor %) to deflect as many bullets as possible. Speed reduction from Marine Armor/Capharact Armor is not, so if you want armor use Recon. You trade being efficient for being at-risk for surprise drop pod raids. Jun 2, 2024 · i had 1 of my colonist working on a recon armor however when it was about half way finished she just dropped the armor and it cldn't be hauled saying that it's too heavy how do i fix this For armor, I am pretty universal. Equip armor when you need it. Note The armor values of different pieces of clothing/armor applied to the same body part don't stack together. The exact protection of the legs offered by flak pants vs pants of varying materials and power armor is reliant on the interactions between Armor Rating calculations and is currently unclear. i think a good duster , flak vest, flak pants etc might be better than recon depending. But yeah, devilstrand dusters are incredibly good. Recon helmet = superior to flak helmet in every way. If we include specialist armors then the best one overall is phoenix since it is a slightly worse Cataphract yet legendary q have no diff in armor exept that phoenix is immune A simple mod which makes recon armor "skin tight" so that outer apparels can be worn over them. Nov 29, 2024 · A Recon helmet is a full-head power armor helmet that forms a full set along with the Recon armor. Embedded eltex threads also enhance the wearer's psychic sensitivity. So no marine/cata armor + jet packs. I keep my armor and heavy weapons (which also have move penalties) in a guardhouse. Display Order: 30 you probably want marine armor over recon armor. Jan 26, 2025 · Acquisition []. These stats are not impacted Feb 17, 2025 · Plate armor also has -0. 22 mins) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter and the work to make factor of the material, and a crafting skill of 5. Recon armor for my snipers Marine armor for my riflemen. Base Stats. Mod Features: – Deathstroke Armor – Deathstroke Helmet. Appeal Art: Odzmang. I like locust armor for my melee with bionic legs so they can jump and close distance fast to mitigate taking unnecessary damage. 67 mins) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter, and a crafting skill of 7. The main purpose of melee troops is tying up enemy gunners. Flak helmets can be crafted at a machining table once the Flak armor research project has been completed. It provides roughly the same protection as a Marine Armor of one quality level above its own, or of Recon Armor two quality levels above its own. So I have finally got a colony up a going and am looking into armor for my colonists. Each layer of armor is applied separately, from the outside in. Its movement penalty is heavier at -0 Retrieved from "https://rimworldwiki. Nov 26, 2022 · Unfortunately, that's not how armor calculations work in Rimworld. 5 mins) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter, and a crafting skill of 6. Recon armor is a piece of armor in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. Protection-wise, the prestige marine armor is exactly as defensive as regular marine armor. Prestige recon armor - A variant of Recon armor, and requiring an additional 90 gold and 20 plasteel to craft. 62 NATO. Nov 14, 2020 · Pages in category "Armor" The following 31 pages are in this category, out of 31 total. May 26, 2020 · RimWorld. 45 AP is the best AP available from charge lances btw recon armor - RimWorld - Research. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. Mar 5, 2025 · The flak vest is a type of armor that protects well against sharp/piercing attacks (e. The odd melee pawn might get one, if available. Each requires 120 Plasteel, 10 Uranium, 3 Advanced components, 3 Components, 100 Chemfuel, 45,000 ticks (12. The armor mitigation chance rolls separately for each piece the attack goes through. For my ranged i have 2 set ups. php?title=Recon_armour&oldid=81644" Recon armors can be crafted at a fabrication bench once the recon armor research project has been completed. I was under the impression that you could not wear a jump pack with recon armor which is why the locust armor is a thing. Recon armor = Provides less protection to the torso + neck than a duster + flak, but provides much more protection to the arms + legs. 12c/s. Each requires 40 Plasteel, 1 Advanced component, 40 Gold, 15,750 ticks (4. That gives you 4 layers of protection on your torso and two on your full face. Heavy armor has heavy movement penalties and sometimes work speed penalties. For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage. Just go for flat tiles and start a 2nd colony, rob the anchient danger on the tile, move caravan, delete 2nd colony, move to the next tile and repeat The Anchient soldiers in the cryosleepthings have always good clothing and there are also always at least 2 guys with recon or marine armor. One thing is that a recon armor is equal a marine armor of lesser quality. g. Type Gear – Armor Tech Level Spacer Market Value 850 Mass 2. Feb 17, 2024 · Recon armor is a set of power armor that forms a full set along with the Recon helmet. Jan 2, 2023 · Recon Armor. A vest becomes significantly better when paired with dusters of strong materials such as devilstrand or thrumbofur. 5 °C (6. Feb 27, 2024 · Depending on your gamestyle, Hyperware/Thrumbo dusters (Excellent or higher) are better than Recon armor inho. Recon armor can be crafted at a fabrication bench once the Recon armor research project has been completed. I like recon for the speed, since it’s good to keep in armor constantly to not worry about drop pods or infestations. Also, the quality of the armor matters a lot - good quality recon armor provides the same protection as normal quality marine armor. ) Set shelves to hold your armor types. Nov 9, 2022 · Nope. recon armor is kind of under powered imo. Flak vests have higher sharp/blunt armor (but less coverage and heat armor) than recon armor of the same quality but will be worse than recon armor one quality level higher, and they are flatly worse than marine armor of the same quality. However, researching Cataphract armor requires 2 of its techprints. However, devilstrand pants and any power armor provide superior Acquisition []. I had a jump pack on my melee colonist and after he crafted some recon armor for another colonist he put it on with his jump pack. If you acquire good plate armor use it, but don't produce more since plate is replaced by recon and marine armor, and devilstrand is always useful. 5 mins ) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter, and a Dec 7, 2022 · recon armor for shooters, prestige recon for royals, locust recon armor for melee is what i prefer . Hunter vest / Helmet = More speed and accuracy in-exchange of little protection. Jul 10, 2024 · Standard Armor and helmets = better/Little better than Recon armor. So like “good” recon armor is as good as “normal” marine armor. bullets, stabs, cuts, bites), and offer minor protection against blunt attacks, explosions and the ever-present threat of clubs, maces, and wild animals. Nov 29, 2024 · Like recon and marine helmets, and unlike the simple or flak helmets, it covers the entire head, including the Jaw, Nose, Ears and Eyes. Research Requirements: – Recon Armor Flak vests are the primary competitor to recon armor. cheap enough to build , reasonably protective, but most importantly doesnt have a heavy movement speed penalty. The difference is that the duster combo protects the vital organs better, while recon armor provides better protection to extremities. They are significantly cheaper, require less research. Marine armor is the middle tier of the three types of power armor, the other two being the inferior recon armor and the superior cataphract armor. Locust armor is a sidegrade to recon armor. And i give them shield belts to buy even more time to close the distance. The Recon armor is very good and a much better choice than flak if you want to keep your colonists alive and in the fight. To avoi By the later game, you'll see more raids drop in the middle of your base and won't have time to switch. 7 kg HP 160 May 12, 2022 · In my opinion recon armor is better than marine armor because it has NO MOVEMENT PENALTY. Basics - recon armor Craft recon armor, a light powered armor suit used by scout troops who need protection on the move. In terms of upgrade costs its not worth making recon armor only to have it replaced with marine armor a little later when you finish the marine armor technology. 5 mins) 60 Nov 6, 2024 · Prestige marine armor - A variant of Marine armor, and requiring an additional 100 gold and 20 plasteel to craft. Remove the armor type from your incineration bill Build some shelves (An armory room is best if you can afford to spend time and space on it. Each requires 40 Stuff (Metallic, 400 for SVMs), 2 Components, 10 Plasteel, 8,000 ticks (2. Aug 28, 2022 · Late Game: Marine armor (ranged colonists), Recon armor and a shield belt (melee colonists), and Prestige armor (noble colonists) RimWorld is available now for PC. You're signed out. Each requires 100 Plasteel, 20 Uranium, 4 Advanced components, 75 Steel, 4 Components, 60,000 ticks (16. Recon armor is the lowest level of power armor and the easiest to acquire. Recon armor is more of a mid-game armor. Plate armor of good material is a little better for sharp and blunt, but not heat damage. Each use of the ability requires 20 uranium. and cataphract (dlc) armor on your melee tanks I also use cataphract (dlc) helms on most pawns end game. I'd go marine armor for your melee pawns regardless, since they get a shield belt anyway. In general, marine armor faces competition with the more economical flak vest. Nov 19, 2024 · Acquisition []. It increases a mechanitor wearer's bandwidth by +12 while decreasing any wearer's Shooting Accuracy by −5 and Melee Hit Chance by −0. Likewise, cataphract helmets only cost an additional 10 plasteel compared to marine. For the resource investment, it's incredibly good. Therefore, there is little reason to make recon helmets over marine helmets, once Marine Armor has been researched. Apr 21, 2024 · This stacks with the reduced chance to take Flame damage in first place offered by the armor's excellent Heat armor value. Jan 7, 2025 · A marine armor helmet, with a built-in status computer and layered plasteel-weave plates. So it's basically a comparison between very solid 130% on torso alone vs. This can Nov 26, 2024 · - If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect. Forbid the armor once it's on the shelf. Acquisition []. MORE: Addicting City Building Acquisition []. I’d suggest saving advanced components for helmets and bionics. Basics - recon armor A suit of light partially-powered armor, designed to permit quick movement. Recon armor is much more expensive to make so you'll usually end with its average quality being about 1 level lower than flak vests. Apr 12, 2024 · The Promethium Armor, also known as the Deathstroke Armor, is the embodiment of ruthless efficiency, where excellence always demands a high price. And, unlike recon armor, vests can be worn with duster, jacket or flak jacket for extra protection. ALL colonists get at least basic armor. Jan 17, 2021 · Devilstrand does effectively replace flak if you have the soil and skill necessary to grow it. Wear it with a flak vest, and it's arguably better than recon armor (less protection for your limbs, better protection for torso and neck, which is where a lot of cital spots are). Jan 7, 2025 · Acquisition []. As expected, it is also the middle tier in terms of expense. Cataphract helmet no matter what. Dec 15, 2020 · If your crafters get a creativity inspiration, don't waste it! Craft a good set of power armor, and you'll get a super solider running around tanking 7. Each requires 100 Plasteel, 10 Uranium, 3 Advanced components, 90 Gold, 90,000 ticks (25 mins) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter, and a crafting skill of 6. A masterwork recon armor is as good as an excellent marine armor for example. For example a normal Charge Lance (45% Armor Penetration) will go clean through a normal devil duster (42%) and only roll for mitigation against the vest. Basic loadout per industrial tech (machining bench) -Flak vest, flak helmet(if I have the mats) Basic per spacer and up (fabrication/marine armor research) Recon armor, recon helmet For melee fighters pre-spacer -Plate armor and flak Helmets. This mod features the Arkham Deathstroke outfit from Arkham Origins. Deathstroke Armor Mod features. Speed Reduction from Armorskin and Flak Vest is negated by Bionic Legs. When equipped, a phoenix armor reduces the pawn's base move speed by −0. Once I had a set of Recon or Marine armor made I would assign that outfit to a colonist. "[1] The Fallout 3 Official Game Guide describes it as light armor, with extra speed and agility. However in truth, devilstrand duster and a flak vest will serve you quite well while being much cheaper (helmets don’t slow you down so get the best one you can get). So you'll want your frontline fighters to stay in marine or cataphract armor while the rest can just use recon armor which still gives good protection but won't hamper their productivity between raids. There is a way that is a lot easier and faster than all of the answers you got. Locust armor has −5% Sharp and −5% Blunt armor, before quality. 8 °F) −0. Note that while the armor value scales with quality, the flammability reduction does not. com/index. Expensive and beautiful, prestige armor like this is usually made for those of high status. Shock Trooper armor and helmet = Should be better or on par as Marine armor. 38 mins ) of work, and a Crafting skill of 6. It also allows a pawn to reach the cap of 200% sharp protection at Legendary Dec 6, 2024 · Note that flak pants are unable to be worn with plate armor or any form of power armor. Each requires 30 Plasteel, 1 Advanced component, 15,750 ticks (4. Recon helmets can be crafted at a Fabrication bench once the Recon armor research project has been completed. Prestige marine helmet - A variant of Marine helmet, and requiring an additional 50 gold and 10 plasteel to craft. Powered armor for shooters is quite unimportant as long as you have these dusters and vests. Jan 7, 2025 · Like Recon armor and Marine armor it also covers the limbs in addition to the torso making for great overall protections. Compared to power armor . Marine armor is roughly equivalent to a Recon armor of one quality level above (e. The Brotherhood of Steel worked on modifying recon armor, calling their prototype "Mark II Recon Armor. otherwise marine helms. Also you always can use the Cataphract helmet since helmet dont slow you down. Recon for speed, Cataphract is for armor, Marine is the balanced between speed and armor. 100% heat protection and some nice recon armor and you'll tank a direct hit from a 80x256 shell. You should only ever make shirts and pants out of cotton or devilstrand if you can help it. It also covers the eyes + nose + jaw, flak helmets leave those parts completely exposed. Lightweight plasteel-weave plates block attacks without compromising mobility, and neuro-memetic assistors in the lower body allow a human to wear the armor and still move easily. Thrumbos are luck, but Hyperware can be traded from Exotic caravans/ships, giving high protection and no movement penalty, and are less demanding than Recon. Usually melee gets marine-armor and shooters get recon armor or thrumbofur/devilstrand dusters + flak vests. Marine armor gives a protection roughly equivalent to one quality level above recon armor, but slows you down unlike recon armor. Dec 7, 2024 · As expected, it is also the middle tier in terms of expense. a Normal Marine armor ~= Good Recon armor), or a Cataphract armor one quality level below. [2] The basic suit of recon armor. Though considering recon armor's modest design and light-weighted properties, it almost seems like it was meant to be a functionally compact armor similar to flak vests Jan 7, 2025 · Mechlord suits have the same defensive stats as recon armor, including the lack of move speed penalty. So if you maybe have excellent recon armor, there's no need to forcefully upgrade to that normal marine armor, that excellent recon armor would work just fine and even better since it doesn't Siegebreaker armor if you can take the movement speed hit. Jul 31, 2021 · Ranseur Power Armor Research Required: Cloaking Field, Recon Armor Recon armor variant: Gives less armor but grants a move speed bonus to the wearer Its main feature is a cloaking module that can grant the wearer total invisibility for 30 seconds at a time. Prestige recon armor can be crafted at a fabrication bench once the Recon armor research project has been completed. A set of plasteel plate armor is more expensive in value than recon armor; it protects the same body parts, is worse against Sharp damage, and very slightly better against Blunt / Heat. 3 °F) +1 °C (1. Heat protection is also important. Prestige recon helmets can be crafted at a fabrication bench once the Recon armor research project has been completed. A jump pack, which gives a functionally equivalent jump, costs 30 Plasteel, 3 Components, 100 Chemfuel, so this is only a 10 plasteel difference. Mar 8, 2020 · Recon armor for my snipers Marine armor for my riflemen. 38 mins) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter, and a crafting skill of 6. Dec 3, 2022 · Armor - Sharp Armor - Blunt Armor - Heat HP Coverage Insulation - Cold Insulation - Heat Special Properties Research requirement Work to Make Material Cost Base Market Value Value/Work Value/Material Flak pants: 40% 8% 10% 140 Left Leg, Right Leg -3. For that price you could have used cotton and worn recon armor, or devilstrand shirt, devilstrand pants, devilstrand duster and a masterwork flak vest and gotten closer to -82% incoming damage. Very fashionable! About In vanilla RimWorld, recon armor along with the other power armors occupies the middle/outer clothing slots, leaving pawns incapable of It was explained to me as recon armor being one quality level lower than marine armor. . Nov 29, 2024 · And unlike the body armors, helmets do not slow the wearer down. 80 c/s. As long as that number is higher than 145% covering the instakill parts (covers torso, neck, head), you are never going to take full damage, always less than half. Locust armor can be crafted at a fabrication bench once the Jump packs and Recon armor research projects have been completed. for what it's worth, i have every technology researched. the colony is doing okay (aside from hemorrhaging colonists) and is well defended for the most part. Prestige marine armor - A variant of Marine armor, and requiring an additional 100 gold and 20 plasteel to craft. Dec 10, 2022 · In vanilla RimWorld, recon armor along with the other power armors occupies the middle/outer clothing slots, leaving pawns incapable of wearing any outer layer apparels over it. The suit itself has 340 HP, which is 21% higher than regular recon armor. Grenadier armor can be crafted at a fabrication bench once the Marine armor research project has been completed. As expected, it is also the middle tier in expense and protection as well. It is the lighter, less armored version of marine armor, so don't expect to get the best protection from it. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews - Recon Armor - Recon Helmet - Plate Armor - Advance Helmet - Vest Nov 29, 2024 · Acquisition []. Each requires 80 Plasteel , 10 Uranium , 3 Advanced components , 45,000 ticks ( 12. rather middling 106% on torso and limbs. Jan 7, 2025 · Providing the same armor and coverage as a recon helmet and providing debuffs to combat skills, while also offering the largest buff to bandwidth, the mechlord helmet is for mechanitors that prefer to rely more heavily on their mechanoids to do the fighting instead of themselves. Recon armor are an end game armor choice for those that really care about movement speed. This will let them quickly move to charge and occupy the enemy with their swords/hammers. Please consider leaving a comment if you want more content about Ri Jan 7, 2025 · Protection-wise, the prestige marine armor is exactly as defensive as regular marine armor. It also costs 40 plasteel, 3 components, and 100 chemfuel more than regular recon. I also avoid the specialized powered armors (fire/grenade) but locust might be ok. 8c/s movement speed, while each piece of flak armor only gives -0. Apr 12, 2024 · Recon Armor; Prestige Recon Armor; Cataphract Armor; Prestige Cataphract Armor; We deliver up-to-date mods, guides and plenty of RimWorld content at no cost to i have my colonists wear armor even when there is no immenent danger so i need to choose recon or marine armour Jan 24, 2025 · If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. It’s easier to do with less total colonists Feb 27, 2024 · The problem with recon armor is that marine armor is way better and follows closely after recon armor. 5. It provides roughly the same protection as a Marine Helmet of one quality level above its own, or of Recon Helmet two quality levels above its own. I use cataphract helm. 12 c/s Move speed: Flak armor: 9,000 ticks (2. xybnhbxjkunouwcjpokdohrwziavbrffmbypoefomhzcmclkbqqfpduqijonnyaskwsof