Rex parker does the times. Agree the theme was fun.
Rex parker does the times Rooney Mara was an answer literally four days ago, as well as 6 weeks ago. • Being stuck in an area of the puzzle, leaving it, then later returning and in a whoosh filling that sucker in. Jan 1, 2025 · THEME: none Word of the Day: SMART PILLS (18A: Capsules that can track health info) — A digital pill (also known as a smart pill, or ingestible sensor) is a pharmaceutical dosage form that contains an ingestible sensor inside of a pill. As a constructor, he's just another name in the paper. Q. Jun 1, 2024 · OK, only eight times in twenty years, but that seems like a lot. So ETA = guess is Dec 6, 2024 · Spice planet in the "Dune" universe / SUN 12-8-24 / Tusked Warcraft race / Chewy Japanese dessert / Candy that resembles a tube of lipstick / Canonized king of Norway / Biggums, memorable character on "Chappelle's Show" / Group formed from the 2023 W. ( so planes can be “on time” when they are not). G. Today's puzzle (March 16 2025) has a total of 134 crossword clues. Wonderful" / Eccentric expert / Path of advancement for a lawyer / Go along with prevailing wisdom / Geometric figures whose subparts mimic the full shape / Sensation of acceleration / "Biscuit" for cookie or "chips" for fries Jan 13, 2025 · Hangout events for two guy friends / MON 1-13-25 / Digitally make to look younger / Minuscule picture used in spycraft / Disinfectant brand with the tagline "Healthing" / Quality of a statement that feels plausible / Sweetheart, slangily / Restaurant that offers a Mexican Tres Leches stack Oct 10, 2024 · As for the cluing, you have to really (really) play on the margins of word meanings at times to make those clues work for both words. Hemant specializes in this. " By referring to the fish as a he, I think Rex dropped the ball (when he should have dropped the balls). ” Lesson of the day: 90% of the OCEAN is unmapped. SRV Overall fill reached the awkward stage with AXLED and others but they were not the stars here. e. Aug 28, 2024 · Title role of 1966 and 2004 / WED 8-28-24 / Units of X-ray exposure / Chicken par_ ____ in fat / Onetime studio with a broadcast tower in its logo / Participants in a 140. Just garbage. 1 ENTRUST SHREK 2 META ADO 3 WALDORF PEP BAND 4 ICE FIRM 5 MEZZO PIPED UP 6 RED LIZARD SEER 7 USDA PROMPT Sep 16, 2024 · Otherwise, the only other real hesitations I had today came right away, at 1D: Org. 7 It's murdered and probably won't kill anybody, so you're good to ship it out. It was created and hosted by Chuck Barris. Oct 13, 2024 · Eva Le Gallienne (January 11, 1899 – June 3, 1991) was a British-born American stage actress, producer, director, translator, and author. ] Hi Rafa; hands up for a quick solve. The film is directed by Peter Berg based on a screenplay by Vince Gilligan and Vy Vincent Ngo. Why it reappeared in 2009, I don't know, but it's appeared three times since then, twice now in just the past couple years. Agree the theme was fun. He lives in Celesteville, and his wife is named Celeste, so I like to imagine that there is a complicated matriarchal power structure in Elephantland and Babar is a puppet king. Jan 6, 2025 · Treasure-seeking woodcutter of folklore / SUN 1-12-25 / House, slangily / Ecological portmanteau since 1905 / Oxford institution, familiarly / Blue tang fish of Pixar fame / Walker with the 2015 triple-platinum hit "Faded" / Devices worn by informants / How an animal's length may be measured / Opera character whose name might be heard in an opera singer's warm-up / Tool used in many a sci-fi Nov 3, 2024 · LIke Rex I had trouble thinking of I might for 48D, but once i saw it, it was so much better than other answers. F. The site's critical consensus reads, "Another teen comedy with little on its mind but moving to the next gross-out gag, Slackers strains for laughs and features grating characters. You can follow me on Bluesky Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld P. You're "casting," after all. Not perfect and at times a slog with the cross referencing - but he SARGENT find alone is classic. Aug 6, 2024 · Warren Griffin III (born November 10, 1970) is an American rapper, record producer, and DJ who helped popularize West Coast hip hop during the 1990s. Dec 6, 2024 · I've seen a version of this pun so many times that it no longer hits for me, but I hope first-timers enjoyed it! [Issa of "American Fiction"] for RAE — I loved this movie! [ Checker's move] for TWIST — The clue here is referring to Chubby Checker's hit, "The Twist" Dec 15, 2024 · The scope and magnitude of this one is epic. Jun 2, 2024 · If you're going to call it "Typecasting," then all the clues should involve actors. -U. CSNY stands for Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young ( 52D: Folk-rock quartet whose name derives from its members' last initials ) [Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and Facebook ] Dec 12, 2023 · THEME: "It's Going Down" — the BALL DROP (seen in TIMES SQUARE on NEW YEAR'S EVE) is depicted, literally, five times in this puzzle; that is, five Across clues have both "Before midnight" and "After midnight" clues, with the "Before midnight" clue leading to a regular old Across answer, but the "After midnight" clue making sense only if you follow the BALL DROP (i. Jan 5, 2025 · War room briefings, in military shorthand / SUN 1-26-25 / Pioneers of freeze-drying food / Ridge in metalworking / Annual observance for breast cancer awareness / ___ Urquhart, co-host of the podcast "Morbid" / Aid for using Bluetooth / Riveting persona of W. Feb 16, 2025 · I dunno, a few times (77A: Yo-yo-like toy with devilish-sounding name). you can now pre-order a physical copy of the NYT's big Puzzle Mania special edition (which comes out two weeks from today: Dec. Rex Parker Does the NYT Crossword Puzzle May 9, 2011 · Blogging has helped Sharp make a name for himself, and make inroads to publishing his own puzzles. May 12, 2024 · The Gong Show is an American television game show, that was produced in the late 1970s and early 1980s. This usually gives the correct puzzle on this blog as the first hit. A Broadway star by age 21, in 1926 she left Broadway behind to found the Civic Repertory Theatre, where she served as director, producer, and lead actress. The term TRUSTFALL has been totally hijacked by Pink. 6 Komodo swami. [2] Nabisco later increased the amount of whole grain flour used in the snack. The actual times on the arrival boards are fake. N. Apr 25, 2023 · Also liked that the puzzle seemed a little tougher than the usual Tuesday. B. ], but four times in recent years it has been a "word from a pirate" (three [Pirate's exclamation] and then one [Talk Like a Pirate Day greeting] earlier this year). Feb 16, 2025 · L. 5 and yet she missed the high notes. Sep 5, 2024 · The Beyhive and the Swifties, for two / SUN 9-15-24 / Nebulizer's output / 2017 film about Wolverine / Platform for Mega Man, for short / Kristin ___, first woman to win six gold medals at a single Olympic games / "The Great" pope / Altima alternative / Creature whose mating habitats are a scientific mystery / Bailey of 2023's "Little Mermaid" Dec 1, 2024 · Times crossword uses a lot of spoken English In popular language guess and estimate are often conflated. Rex Parker Confluence, New York I am the Greatest Crossword Solver in the Universe (when I co-solve with my wife)! (2017 Pairs Division Champions, Lollapuzzoola Crossword Tournament) I have abandoned Twitter. Jun 5, 2024 · Magnus Carlsen achieved one of 2882 / FRI 6-28-24 / What Anne Brontë and Anaïs Nin have in common / MGM co-founder Marcus / National advocacy grp. Jun 3, 2023 · Rex Parker Crossword - Today's NYT Crossword Answers And Solutions. poker tournament Jan 6, 2025 · Raúl Eduardo Esparza (born October 24, 1970) is an American actor. Writing about the NYT Crossword, every day. issues / "Frankly," in texting shorthand / New York Post gossip section named for its location / Mythical creature likely inspired by Madagascar's elephant bird / Letter derived from Phoenician's "heth" Oct 12, 2011 · Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld P. In most cases, the sire is a zebra stallion. May 5, 2024 · 53D: Fashionable look, in lingo (FIT) — we've been over this bit of slang a few times recently ("FIT" short for "outfit"), so you should've been well prepared. Times Crossword Corner [Los Angeles Times] Off the Grid (formerly SALLY'S TAKE) [USA Today] Rex Parker Does The New York Times Crossword Puzzle [New York Times] Wordplay [New York Times] Xword Info [New York Times] XWord Muggles Forum [metas] Aug 3, 2024 · So many times, I went from being stalled, to having an answer ping out in my brain, which led to a mini-splat-fill, followed by another stall. Apparently he still gets out. The bro- (bruh brah bruv) -ification of the puzzle is slightly out of hand, as are all these goofy slang terms that (some?) guys seem to need to describe merely hanging out together. 3 Harmonious salad enthusiasts. I'm fine with the fact that the puns all involve the ways that the names are "typed" (out)—the "type" part works—but the "casting" part, come on, they should all be actors, especially since you've gone ahead and made many of them actors already. Maleska seemed to really like it (three appearances in four years), but after he last used it, in 1987, it took a twenty-two year vacation from the grid. the word "BALL" going . Didn’t know POSEY Parker but am familiar with the expression NOSEY Parker, so my baseball grounder was a ONEHON, as in this exchange heard from the bleachers: “How many hits is that so far, darling?” “One, hon. merger / Dutch astronomer with an eponymous ice cloud / "Aladdin" character who hates crackers / Toy-centered theme park / Wand Oct 6, 2024 · Lead-in to coin, for a meme currency / SUN 10-6-24 / James Joyce short story set in a bazaar / John Singer Sargent portrait that scandalized Paris in 1884 / Thick plank of a ship / 2001 title role for Audrey Tautou / Fangorn Forest inhabitants, in fiction / Bandmate of Ginger, Scary, Posh and Baby / Longtime guitarist for the Eagles / The "O" in a H. ]. Scurry was the starting goalkeeper for the United States women's national soccer team at the 1995 World Cup (3rd place), 1996 Summer Olympics (gold medal), 1999 World Cup (champions), 2003 World Cup (3rd place), and the 2004 Summer Olympic Games Dec 1, 2024 · The punny clue/answers were also good. with the motto "Because Freedom Can't Protect Itself" (ACLU), and then "OK, BUT," which is a really odd standalone answer (odd enough that it's only ever appeared one other time, ten years ago). Jun 1, 2021 · THEME: "867-5309" aka "JENNY" (57D: Woman in a 1982 hit who can be reached using the starts of the answers to the starred clues) — the phone-number title of this apparently universally famous Tommy Tutone song of 1982 is represented by the numbers at the beginning of the seven themers; the song is about how the singer is gonna call JENNY so he hopes she hasn't changed her number, but it's Jan 1, 2025 · What a treat to open the crossword app and see Parker's name! From my experience with his puzzles, he is really excellent at wordplay that is a little more clever than the average puzzle, while still being ultimately fun to solve (as opposed to an opportunity for the constructor to show off). Aug 26, 2024 · The Namib (/ ˈ n ɑː m ɪ b / NAH-mib; Portuguese: Namibe) is a coastal desert in Southern Africa. ALFA Romeo made a "Spider" model car for close to 30 years ( 33D: Spider in a garage, informally? ); AFTS is short for "afternoons" ( 27D: Some times, in brief ) Oct 20, 2024 · Hancock is a 2008 American superhero comedy film starring Will Smith as an amnesiac, alcoholic, reckless superhero trying to remember his past. Holders of the nation's highest office have often had a close relationship with booze, as George Washington established the nation's largest whiskey distillery in 1797 and Thomas Jefferson brewed his own beer. the answer to last week's meta-puzzle was JULIUS CAESAR, "THE DIE IS CAST" — if you fill in the "circles" (that is, all the "O"s) in the Mon-Sat puzzles, you see that they act like the pips on a die, with each puzzle representing a different side (or number) of that die. Too many times (for my comfort / ego) I Aug 27, 2024 · STYLE GUIDE (63A: Copywriter's handbook) worked really well, and my sister is literally a copy editor, so I’ve heard about the AP Stylebook a million and one times (and have even asked her to consult it for me as I’m doing these write-ups). The offspring of a donkey sire and zebra dam, called a donkra, and the offspring of a horse sire and a zebra dam, called a hebra, do exist, but are rare and are usually sterile. Sep 12, 2024 · Kids, back in the olden times we had things called newspapers. My entry was at SKATE, and my meandering through the puzzle meant the NW was the last to fall. And the clues for 4D and 5D, two of the easiest in the puzzle, were the last two clues I read. Regular solvers really shouldn’t be getting Naticked on these. the word "BALL" going Feb 4, 2024 · Great write up on a meh-themed puzzle. According to the broadest definition, the Namib stretches for more than 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) along the Atlantic coasts of Angola, Namibia, and northwest South Africa, extending southward from the Carunjamba River in Angola, through Namibia and to the Olifants River in Western Cape, South Oct 6, 2024 · Rex makes a good point that sometimes a puzzles difficulty is affected by how you solve it. Considered one of Broadway's most prominent leading men since the 2000s, he is best known for his Tony Award-nominated performance as Bobby in the 2006 Broadway revival of Company and for his television role as New York Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Rafael Barba in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, where he had a recurring Dec 4, 2024 · Rex Parker Confluence, New York I am the Greatest Crossword Solver in the Universe (when I co-solve with my wife)! (2017 Pairs Division Champions, Lollapuzzoola Crossword Tournament) I have abandoned Twitter. To start the game, every participant puts one game piece into the center "pot". , 3-4 long across answers + one revealer) because of the shape of the grid, and indeed, I had literally no idea what was going on until I hit the revealer in the center. E. Jan 12, 2024 · My paper publishes the syndicated puzzles on a schedule that doesn't always match Rex's Syndicated link. Nov 18, 2024 · Briana Collette Scurry (born September 7, 1971) is an American retired soccer goalkeeper, and assistant coach of the Washington Spirit as of 2018. Oct 12, 2024 · 2 The Rex Parker blog. Oct 29, 2023 · Rex Parker Confluence, New York I am the Greatest Crossword Solver in the Universe (when I co-solve with my wife)! (2017 Pairs Division Champions, Lollapuzzoola Crossword Tournament) I have abandoned Twitter. 6-karat gold final spike driven by Leland Stanford to join the rails of the first transcontinental railroad across the United States connecting the Central Pacific Railroad from Sacramento and the Union Pacific Railroad from Omaha on May 10, 1869, at Promontory Summit, Utah Territory. W. Solve a puzzle with Rex Parker Mar 12, 2024 · Sound unit found in many Asian languages / SUN 3-31-24 / Final phase of a video game, perhaps / Toy brand for a budding engineer, maybe / With "the," a sudden flip from attraction to disgust, in modern parlance / Its water is nearly 10 times saltier than ocean water / Police captain in "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" / Sibilant summons Jan 20, 2025 · "Bad you!" / MON 1-20-25 / Tween sister of Barbie / Kevin of "Shark Tank," also known as "Mr. Rex wrote: "97A: North American fish with toxic roe (GAR) — I mentioned recently that GAR (that crosswordesiest of fish) was mostly retired now. I. That happened several times today. for L. I don't keep track of my times but at a few seconds over 10 minutes it was pretty fast for me. If you are stuck and are looking for help then you have THEME: STARBURST (10D: Chewy fruit-flavored candy or a description of what's depicted visually in this puzzle) — circled squares depict a "STAR" "bursting," if you read the circled-square configurations from upper left to lower right; that is, the letters "STAR" are depicted in various stages of coming apart, from a tight ball (all in one square in the NW) to wide apart (all the letters Dec 1, 2024 · The punny clue/answers were also good. 1 out of 10, based on 105 reviews. Jan 5, 2025 · Jörmungandr, in Norse mythology / FRI 1-17-25 / First capital of Alaska / Shakespearean counterpart to Logan on "Succession" / Milling byproduct / Borg who co-founded the Institute for Women in Technology / First Pixar film with a female protagonist / 2011 hit by Jay-Z and Kanye West that samples a 1966 soul performance Jul 1, 2024 · THEME: "UNDER THE SEA" (59A: Song from "The Little Mermaid" that's a phonetic hint to interpreting the answers to the starred clues) — four Down answers have "C" appended to the beginning (giving you different, wrong-looking answers in the grid); so the actual answer to the clue appears (literally) under the "C": Dec 7, 2024 · Hockey great Eric / SAT 12-7-24 / Renowned conductor born in Bombay / Stressed half the time, say / Introducer of the "New Look" in 1947 / Most successful American video game franchise, for short Sep 1, 2024 · Fermented Russian drink / SUN 9-1-24 / Jazz Trombonist Dickenson / Surfer's hand sign / Source of a sleep-inducing narcotic in the "Odyssey" / Magazine with "Maison" and "Enfants" spinoffs / Lentil-based stew from India / Long-lasting lip makeup / Ecosystem formed by polyps / de rire dying of laughter in French / Starchy side, familiarly Jan 21, 2025 · The real nadir of this puzzle, and maybe all puzzles, is BRODOWN (36D: Hang with the boys, slangily). (/ h uː ˈ n iː p ər oʊ ˈ s ɛr ə /; Spanish: [xuˈnipeɾo ˈsera]; November 24, 1713 – August 28, 1784), popularly known simply as Junipero Serra, was a Spanish Catholic priest and missionary of the Franciscan Order. You can follow me on Bluesky Dec 6, 2024 · Rooney Mara and Rita Ora are in the NYTXW All. Oct 24, 2024 · Back before he was President, Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer. Nov 3, 2024 · What does the pirate say? The pirate says "ARR. [2] A pioneer of G-funk, he attained mainstream success with his 1994 single "Regulate" (featuring Nate Dogg). As more filled in, the answering pace quickened, leading to a marvelous crescendo to the finish. The Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon has the same privilege. Born in the South Jamaica neighborhood of Queens, Jackson began pursuing a musical career in 2000, when he produced Power of the Dollar for Columbia Records; however, days before the planned release, he was shot, and the album was never released. It’s interesting that many of us (myself included) complain about the stunts and gimmicks that the tech team incorporates into the puzzles (blinking squares, shaded squares, cutesy circles in the squares and other forms of grid “art”) and so far the vast majority of us are standing united with the union. Several of the long answers made me smile: SPITBALL (a friend of mine says this all the time), BENDYSTRAW (mainly the clue was awesome; but no objection from me in seeing this answer often, b/c bendy straws are just plain fun Jan 5, 2025 · It also appeared four times in the pre-Shortz era, but then it was a [Manufacturing city in Ark. For me, that's a hard Wednesday. He is best known for the Wayside School series and the novel Holes. Jan 18, 2025 · There's no reason you should know it (only been in the puzzle two other times ('03, '15, both Sundays)). • The crossing wannabe names: TONY NOD and NORA IN. Dec 6, 2024 · I've seen a version of this pun so many times that it no longer hits for me, but I hope first-timers enjoyed it! [Issa of "American Fiction"] for RAE — I loved this movie! [ Checker's move] for TWIST — The clue here is referring to Chubby Checker's hit, "The Twist" Nov 17, 2024 · Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld P. Nov 9, 2024 · Domaine d'Agnès Varda / SAT 11-9-24 / Ride arranged on one's own / Mononymous baseball star who played 28 seasons / Portmanteau for a moody and strong-willed toddler / Replace with a new contract in legalese / Musical counterpart of pizzicato / Something the floundering are said to be on Sep 25, 2024 · Happy Birthday, REX Parker!!! Here’s a 3 minute clip of Julie Andrews teaching the children their musical ABCs. ] or [Sheet music abbr. BIG IF TRUE !! *kealoa = a pair of words (normally short, common answers) that can be clued identically and that share at least one letter in common (in the same position). 54: Present day, in brief as XMAS got me for a while before it hit me that it meant the day for, well, opening presents. star Jewell / Achaean strongman of myth / Common ingredient in Scotch pie / Subcompact Nissan offering / Ghostly image / Party-eschewing type: Abbr. If you are a fan of crossword puzzles particularly that of the New York Times, you might eventually have heard about Rex Parker, Rex Parker Crossword, or perhaps, Rex Parker does the N. " That is what the pirate says. He averages a bit over eight Times answer debuts per puzzle. 6-mile race / Clay figure in Jewish folklore / Bronx politician with a noted 2018 upset, familiarly / Smoothie bar supply Nov 11, 2024 · Trio of average guys / MON 11-11-24 / Visual accompaniment to a musical release / Disney's follow-up to "Dumbo" / Raps off the cuff / Huffer and puffer in a classic fairy tale / App also called "the Gram," informally / Store with a mazelike layout / "Momager" of the Kardashians Nov 1, 2022 · Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld P. / Fruit harvested by the ribeirinhos / Question that might elicit more questions Oct 1, 2024 · In the movie(s), if you say "Betelgeuse" (the character's actual name) three times, he appears (which may or may not be helpful, depending on the situation you're in); today's puzzle gives you instructions to make him appear, putting BEAT, ULGE, and OOSE in circled squares and then telling you: PUT THEM TOGETHER (17A: With 59-Across Nov 5, 2024 · Japanese game using pentagonal pieces / SAT 11-30-24 / Holiday honoring Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of fortune / End result of a starter / One of 11 for Big Ben / Fired (up), in old slang / Nova preceder / The so-called "heart of the scorpion" in the night sky / Painting technique in which the artist applies new paint atop a just-painted layer / Color akin to amarillo / Cart for the Budweiser Feb 9, 2025 · Bud after Jack, perhaps? / SUN 2-9-25 / Picture of Pluto, for instance / Bit of rasta headwear / Cylindrical Mexican pastry / Scout's container / "Like ___," rap hit fueling the Drake/Kendrick Lamar beef of 2024 / Spanish muralist whose "American Progress" is in the lobby of 30 Rockefeller Center / Pink drink, for short / Toy inventor with a background in sculpture and architecture / Adam's Dec 12, 2024 · Rhyming toys with colored pegs / SUN 12-22-24 / Online initialism of excitement / Head-to-toe Islamic garment / Hybrid dog breed with curly hair / Cocktail made from peach nectar and Prosecco / Solidify, as a jiggly dessert / Frozen yogurt chain with a fruity name / Jazz standard with the lyric "I'm so tired of paying my dues" / Reality show about the perils of crabbing in the Bering Sea Jan 3, 2025 · Lots of whoosh, but times where I needed to just make the rounds on a set of several hard clues to get the next whoosh. The game pieces can be any object, such as chocolate gelt, pennies, raisins, etc. Time. And before he was a lawyer, he was something else entirely—a bartender. I was all set to rail against this clue/answer being in the puzzle on New Year’s Eve instead of Christmas and then had to backtrack. A. Nov 17, 2024 · Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld P. Mar 1, 2022 · Bullets: 65A: Kid-lit character with a green suit and gold crown (BABAR) — Babar rules. One fishbone to pick for me. One was the cloying cutesy language. M. The other was the layout, which drives the number of 3-4-5-letter words sky high. How would any non-Arkansan know that!? Rex Parker Does the NYT Jan 1, 2025 · Each player begins with an equal number of game pieces (usually 10–15). I suspected this wouldn't be a standard theme (i. But on the blog, he's Rex Parker. Signed, Rex Parker, King of Jul 1, 2024 · [The last 3 times I tried commenting under my user name it never showed up here's hoping. 1, 2024)—more than 50 puzzles including (if it's like past years) a super giant jumbo crossword. " Sep 5, 2024 · A zebroid is the offspring of any cross between a zebra and any other equine to create a hybrid. Oct 2, 2024 · I really struggled to get a start with this puzzle-- I wasn't able to put in an answer until I hit ETS, nine entries into the puzzle. scenes, informally / FRI 3-21-25 / Target of the 1890 Sherman Act / Bad thing to blow / Handful on the farm / Features of the sci-fi planet Arrakis / Some digital assistants, informally / How Mario introduces himself in video games / Country represented by the Black Star of Africa Oct 7, 2024 · Among the many contributors to the crossword community, one standout is Rex Parker Does the NYT Crossword, a popular blog that provides insights, critiques, and discussions on the New York Times Crossword puzzle. Jan 8, 2025 · The fanon (old Germanic for cloth) is a vestment that around the 10th or 12th century became exclusively reserved for use by the pope during pontifical Mass. Nov 5, 2024 · SouthsideJohnny 9:14 AM . The. BOOTIE seems pretty neutral, but it started a baby-talk trend that just kept going, including referring to feet as "Tootsies" (5A: Tootsie treat? = PEDI) and finally (literally finally, the last thing I put in the grid) referring to one's rear end as both the cringey / dated [Buns] (in the clue), and the truly horrifically Rex Parker. Tell me what kind of lingo or shut up. Feb 1, 2025 · Splashy government expenditure? / FRI 2-28-25 / Kaitlin of "Hacks" / W. Sharp teaches English at Binghamton University in New York. Times Crossword Corner [Los Angeles Times] Off the Grid (formerly SALLY'S TAKE) [USA Today] Rex Parker Does The New York Times Crossword Puzzle [New York Times] Wordplay [New York Times] Xword Info [New York Times] XWord Muggles Forum [metas] Aug 1, 2023 · Curtis James Jackson III (born July 6, 1975), known professionally as 50 Cent, is an American rapper, actor, television producer, and businessman. Just a few months ago he had his first puzzle in the New York Times. Aug 9, 2024 · He does this not by focusing on time-worn words that are friendly to constructors but boring to solvers, but rather on words that have never showed up in puzzles before, which pays off so wonderfully for solvers. Mar 1, 2025 · Attire often used in filming C. I have to say that "in lingo" is a terrible qualifier. The show's name came from a gong used to shorten performances that were not liked. . T Crossword Puzzle. S. Then you'd bring the weird smelling thing into the house and it was designed in such a way to make everything it touched, especially your hands, black as a coal miner. Rita Ora was recently included 6 times in 12 months. Apr 12, 2023 · Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld P. DAY AHEAD works great for its clue ( 44A: What lies before you, with "the" ). After being burned a few times that way by spoilers, I learned to find the puzzle of the day by googling Rex Crossword coupled with one or two of the distinctive answers. "In lingo?" Bah. Jan 1, 2024 · [Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and Facebook] Read more Save And Share : Posted by Rex Parker at 5:49 AM 114 comments. Dec 28, 2024 · So the non-theme theme was one problem. C. Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld [Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and Facebook] Oct 1, 2023 · Coincidentally, I watched a horror movie last night. It was called Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006), and actually it was more meta-horror than real horror—a horror movie posing as a documentary about horror movies, wherein a film crew follows a Michael Myers / Freddie Kruger wannabe around as he prepares for a big night of slashing. Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld *I'm well aware that women *can* be CARD SHARKS , but every single one I've ever seen on screen or anywhere has been a dude, and the card-playing word is an absolute sausagefest so please don't "well, actually" me on this one, thx. Jul 13, 2024 · I don’t hear it often, but when I do, it just sounds perfect; admirably does its job. II / White House dog of the 1980s / Storage devices made obsolete by MP3 players / Water feature created by rising sea levels / Place Aug 22, 2024 · A couple things that grated. 5 days ago · Nowadays the crossword puzzle is published daily in the New York Times as well as online at the newspaper’s official website and at the same time it’s syndicated to more than 300 other newspapers and various magazines. Yes, ARR is usually [Flight board abbr. Like Rex - I’m typically not impressed by architectural feats - I’ll back off that today. THEME: "It's Going Down" — the BALL DROP (seen in TIMES SQUARE on NEW YEAR'S EVE) is depicted, literally, five times in this puzzle; that is, five Across clues have both "Before midnight" and "After midnight" clues, with the "Before midnight" clue leading to a regular old Across answer, but the "After midnight" clue making sense only if you follow the BALL DROP (i. Jan 25, 2025 · L. So, much to love on top of completing a satisfying Dec 20, 2024 · The Golden Spike (also known as The Last Spike) is the ceremonial 17. R. Y. Aug 18, 2024 · Louis Sachar (/ ˈ s æ k ər / SAK-ər; born March 20, 1954) is an American young-adult mystery-comedy author. Always happy to see Babar floating around the world. Dec 16, 2024 · In a 1992 New York Times article, Eating Well, Marian Burros pointed out that Teddy Grahams use more bleached flour than actual whole wheat graham flour. T. If you listen closely you can hear MISO and SOSO, and at the end there's a visual demonstration of the SCALE on the stairs. There are ten longer answers, and that sounds like a lot, but they somehow get overwhelmed by all the short stuff, which includes virtually every answer *crossing* the longer answers, and then *all* the answers toward the middle. Dec 13, 2024 · Antarctic penguin / FRI 12-13-24 / Chargeable conveyances / Tech entrepreneur Altman / What Han Solo never wants to be told / Title princess in a Gilbert and Sullivan opera / 1972 Gilbert O'Sullivan hit with a melancholy title / Sexually charged title track from a hit 1973 album / Question that one is tricked into asking, in a classic gag / Soeur de la mère Dec 26, 2024 · Caesar's first stabber / THU 12-26-24 / Peak picker-uppers / Dutch banking giant / Hawaiian dish with cubed fish / Astronauts' outpost, for short / Forgo a ring, maybe / Slangy term for an obsession with branded fashion items / Early 20th-century composer who introduced the typewriter as a percussion instrument / Unapproved, pharmaceutically / Bass organs Nov 16, 2024 · On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, Slackers has overall "Rotten" rating of 10%, with an average score of 3. You can follow me on Bluesky Aug 1, 2024 · Saint Junípero Serra Ferrer O. Even "modern lingo" would've been better. A boy on a bike would come by the house, and throw one under your bushes, and you'd go dig it out. Did not get what was happening and was a bit down on the clues 29 and 39 A for being ridiculously general until I read the clue for the revealer. I came here fully expecting Rex to obliterate the theme. 4 Breaking Bad, inc. O. For now though he's sticking with the blogging primarily. May 19, 2024 · Nincompoop, more vulgarly / SUN 5-19-24 / A "waking dream," per Aristotle/ Giveaways in some common scams of the 2010s / Grunting ox, by another name / 1991 crime drama starring Warren Beatty and Annette Bening / Drink for which Pliny the Elder recorded a recipe / Video game company that published Frogger / Frosting alternative / Member of an isolated colony, once / Masters of underwater Michael David Sharp (born November 26, 1969), known by the pseudonym Rex Parker, is an American blogger known for writing about the New York Times crossword puzzle on his blog, Rex Parker Does the NYT Crossword Puzzle. Plus the fact that as a recent article in the Times showed that real ETA’s are deliberately NOT released to the public. gbmpmqqkxhszgdfbofbifvzuhjbksidyvqulutmyrhdwzhrnpuztcrzpzirekwqcidgzxbmrhfjmpk