The gym is a waste of time reddit. We hate what we study.

The gym is a waste of time reddit Please see the r/Fitness Wiki and FAQ at… This will be my 4th time losing weight. It's like saying teachers are a waste of money as anyone can just learn stuff. I had weights at home as well that I never used. However even that would be better than doing nothing! As for why arguing is a waste of time: look at the online debates. A place for the pursuit of physical fitness goals. In terms of optimizing health, 2-3 hours per day is probably too much, though okay to do for a little while if training for a big event, maybe. with a shockingly high 37% body fat. Lifting weights at the gym everyday is not going to give you much additional health benefits beyond that. They're not a waste of time, any workout time is good time in my book (usually). If you are working hard on a regular basis and focusing on the essentials, you do not have fuckarounditis. You have people very passionate about their side and no one changes anyone's mind unless they're already willing to be swayed. And to know that this shit is forced on everyone just makes me sick. All of that is voided with just dumbbells and a bench. Some people have specific fitness goals that need longer workouts. Creatine is very basic and good for your body. Isolating muscles isn't bad. See full list on wisebread. I stopped at 20 because it was a waste of time. Even if you do buy a treadmill you will eventually need to go to the gym so it really is a waste of money. It's too much to expect non-gym goers to shoot straight for model tier bodies where every muscle needs to be worked out. And you know, not everyone who spends a long time at the gym is there just to show off or because they're bored. So, either way, whether you're there to be healthy or to boost your ego, you're 9/10 accomplishing both at the same time anyway so it's hard to separate them and say you're going to the gym for one or the other. Speaking from my own experience, I have several mental health and physical health conditions but weightlifting saved my life. Joining some hobby/club and going to it and meeting people is like 1000% more effective for finding a relationship than dating apps, and it's even probably 4x more effective at getting laid. This is ironically the best place. It's a short term pleasure that brings no joy in the long run, and women will be attracted to you anyway when you increase your social value through self improvement, so in the long run having a relationship during NS The main purpose of mass public education was to keep children out of the work force. If you're talking about the major, it's a solid choice for aspiring law school applicants It's also good from a historical perspective, understanding men like Hobbes, Locke, Rosseau, Hegel, etc. 5, then to 10 etc. The official Team3DAlpha Reddit. Before you spend money on any of that shit make sure you sleep schedule is perfect, your food is planned and at a perfect time. Bodybuilding isn’t just about competing and being lean, it’s a state of mind. In the 19th century when these laws were put in place the alternatives were dangerous work for low pay in mills and mines or else loitering in the streets and getting into trouble. I was sore for 2 weeks and didn’t go again until I felt recovered. But I'll just do it on my own, I've heard many people say degrees on coding mean almost nothing and it's a waste of time (kinda. The 3rd time I went to the gym for the 1st time. com Jun 3, 2023 · Stay away from lazy mindsets and focus on the grind. You'd be better served I still make the gym 5 days a week and focus on hypertrophy and count my macros. However, if you have certain dietary restrictions (vegan/food allergies/GI problems) or are unable to eat for long periods of time, BCAAs might be beneficial. A lot of people will tell you notes are a waste of time, but I wholeheartedly disagree. I don't consider 10-20 min walks on the treadmill as warm up before workout cardio btw. I am a part of multiple social groups but I've never met a woman I clicked with irl. To save time, try doing things like this: If you squat in a rack that has pull up bars, do chin ups after every working set so you don't have to do bicep curls later (if you even do bicep curls. It is also important to realize that it is OK to waste time, but most people only waste 2-4 hours a day. But now i wanna bulk up and take Gym real serious. The gym isn't for a social life for me. agree its sad its ONLY for girls. Going to the gym helps create a routine and promotes focus onto every area of your life. What would be a waste of time is to just keep doing the same thing for months with the same weight, not increasing your load. Without proper knowledge of muscle growth and proper techniques a person can potentially do more harm than good by working out incorrectly. This morning I spent maybe two hours on Reddit and a little bit of Facebook while listening to psytrance and sipping coffee. I get pissy and angry, feel like I just lost all my muscle. And that's not an argument then, it's a discussion. Waste of time no, but as others said minimum . I've only ever had dates from dating apps. Im trying to find clarity. It seems to have become a buzz phrase online for most people nowadays that if they're struggling even slightly in life with their mental health that they need to "go to therapy", which I think is an extremely reductionist viewpoint on things that therapy is the be all and end all of self help, that it's somehow a magical fix for all of life's problems. However I still keep my membership because it's very cheap, and once every few weeks I have nothing to do and consider going for an hour or two for some moderate lifting and cardio. If you can do that, especially with a 2-3 second eccentric portion for each rep, then it's not a waste of your time. Over that amount is not really necessary. Once you can do 3 sets of 10 reps you move up the weight to 7. Instead of "wasting your time" at the gym, you can productively spend your time surfing the internet, playing video games, watching Netflix, and lounging around! Eat whatever the fuck you want and enjoy the feeling of consuming any damn food you want at any time you want. I find myself going for 30 minutes for the treadmill. That’s fine, but if you’re looking to be balanced, fit, and strong, core workouts aren’t a waste of time regardless of your body weight. The first month or so of strength gains come from learning how to move your body. Bicep and triceps machines should not be s priority if you have limited time in the gym. But I also train primarily for fitness and just for the fun of it. Picking up and putting down weight with nothing achieved, to me is a waste of time. Even though it's about meeting new people for friendships, dating, or positive relationships in general, I strongly suggest going into events with the mindset of simply getting out for a bit to enjoy whatever the event itself is Don't worry my guy, everyone feels weedy in the gym. The biggest thing is to navigate the system and know how to use it to your favor, while balancing it with the needs of the mission. Is it a waste of time to workout/lift while eating little or unregulated?. 5 to . I do also waste time on reddit and researching random stuff on the internet from time to time. What's your point? OLD for us is entertainment. All the school system does is teach you about useless shit, like what some asshole did 200 years ago, or how to find a triangle in an algebra problem. You don't need a gym membership to hold a jug of water in each hand and do squats. I have not been to the gym have done minimal exercise. In this way, you dont have to waste your time anwsering a frecuenly asked question. I feel like I hit my natural peak so now I take Trenbolone acetate 50mg steroid injection, 400mg weekly testosterone enanthate injection. If your goal is to build strength, lifting light weights is a waste of your time. a great pair of bluetooth headphones, and a pair of expensive lifting gloves he bought from BB. For a gym bag, unless you have loads of money, I would suggest to spend $30-$150. I wish I started earlier. ), 🧬genetics, 🦍testosterone, 💃dating, 🧠Psychology, and 🌎race & ethnicity. Which is great for me. But, in retrospect my feeling about it is something like "grrrr The idea that you can't build muscle while in a caloric deficit is complete bullshit. Or go for a walk/jog/run/hike. Well known comedian and actor Larry Miller says that working out is a waste of time. Yes or No. I for one wouldn't want to be productive all the time, that's way too much work You'll also build a great foundation of skills, both tangible (Microsoft Office, general physical fitness) and intangible (time management, discipline, etc). 11M subscribers in the Fitness community. Some days I’ve just gotten in the car and driven to the gym, not even go in, but I had to put in the effort to try. If running, walking, or biking to the gym is part of the workout, then it’s not a waste of time to work out at the gym instead of at home. It's such a waste of time, money, and most of all, life. But you probably waste all sorts of time in your day, we are not machines and leisure is an important part of any balanced life. if I miss one day of gym. The gym hooked me when I started to see my body changing. But you don’t have to “live at the gym” either. Sometimes the equipment was broken This was a gym that wasn’t that busy as well. Fitness is not a waste of time, I do it for my mind. Think of the benefits -- shorter people fill out more quickly and can lift heavy because of shorter moment levers. Buy a simple formula of regular creatine. if we lived in more primitive times do you think girls would still be attracted to body builders or whichever man is stronger despite his physical appearance. I stopped doing abs for so long after I switched to a legit PPL and later an upper/body split. *taphead. There's a guy at my gym who uses the Smith machine to do bench press, and he typically spends 90+ minutes there. It is a fair question, personally this is why I believe video games are way more than just a waste of time. I put on the full stack (200 lbs) and repped it out. like eating 5 meals a day and going to the gym an hour and a half and sleeping well. Mainly from your lack of progress. more. They make money on people who don't understand that. MS1 went by in concentrating on studying and stuff. thats a whole another story. This question shows that you are working out for looks and less concerned about full-body strength, stability, and general physical fitness. Apr 16, 2013 · News, Politics, Culture, Life, Entertainment, and more. It was quite literally a waste of time for me. That's not what fuckarounditis is about at all. > much better luck finding someone through mutual friends or through a hobby or other internet outlet. It could have been awhile before my abs reached failure. Go when you want to go, have the gym available to you. If you go to the gym once per week, it will be hard to progress. I've been in the gym seriously for a couple months now and haven't made any progress. It's only bad if that's all you're doing. This is an unpopular opinion because it's terrible advice. For example, in a limited time workout schedule, flies are avoided because they are isolation exercises and take a lot of time for one muscles. You'd be better served Jack Spade has made some nice gym bags in the past. Reddit is a waste of time also. They could also waste a lot of time trying to achieve certain results with the wrong routine. That one only cost me $100 and its perfect. That's what hobbies ARE a waste of time, they just happen to be enjoyable wastes of time. Put on a cap and headphones, wear comfortable clothes and go for short periods of time and then slowly extend them as you get more comfortable. I’m not against exercise or trying to get in better shape but I think gyms are a waste of time and a scam. Real strength is more valuable. Waste of money otherwise as you could achieve it all naturally. But definitely not a “waste of time” in that there are no benefits. Fitness isn't a hit it now and be set for the rest of your life. Some people like to ride a bike for five minutes as a warmup before moving on to lift weights or do other Nah gym is a form of therapy for me. Make sure you're at your natty limit (3 years of good consistent training/eating) and only then invest in supplements. If you go to the gym for years and spend thousands of dollars on gym memberships , then one day stop , and eat junk food and get fat was it all a waste of money ? Archived post. It's a constant thing. Stop going to the gym. If you have work (especially part-time) and you purposely want to cut your hours short just because you want to go to the gym, in my opinion, is the most stupidest thing you can do. If you feel like studying is a waste of time, then what you study is the one who is a waste of time. Hear me out. My ex crushed the self confidence I had built for years by saying that my body didn’t look “good enough” (I’m 5’4” and 105 pounds) and forced me to go to the gym, implied that I wasn’t intelligent enough because I had difficulties solving numerical problems for a job assessment test, said that I talked to much for his liking and You can probably find people who say they met someone who changed their outlook or in general this game help them with planning/organization/ setting goals- but for all intents and purpose, osrs is a waste of time. " We like gym workouts vs. Dumbbell presses get difficult just to get into position at higher loads. Why would you pay money to do something you can easily do without paying? Cardio can be easily done around the neighborhood or on trails. A little while ago I sat down and thought about it and did the math and realized that dating apps were a complete waste of time. I'd rather miss a day and get back to it next week or shift my days a bit than miss an extended amount of time from a dumb injury. Just eat right and do a bit of cardio. Thanks for that bro, I'm 26 did a bit of coding 3 years ago, but i don't remember anything. It can feel like a waste, but online applications still have their place. The reason people say "abs are made in the kitchen" is not meant to indicate that doing workouts it bad. It’s definitely not for everyone, but I’d watch a video or lecture then go back and make a summary of the material for myself. When you think about it, the reddit 'elite' are all gathered on this sub. I managed to put on half a pound of it while simultaneously cutting 9 pounds of fat off during a contest prep (pretty severe calorie restriction) diet recently, as evidenced by comparing DEXA scans before my cut and between my first and second bodybuilding shows of the year. On average, a standard gym membership costs $40 a month. Ive been doing it for the past month, but the problem is i havent been studying anything and im scared i wont be able to keep up with both when the time comes. I only really joined for the cardio as I’ve got weights at home. Some days I hate going, but I push myself to workout. But you don't need a gym membership to pick things up and put them back down, which is really all weightlifting is. If you find going to the gym intimidating maybe do it in baby steps. I'm 6'7 and skinny af, I'll never be a "greek god" like you say. We hate what we study. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The gym was good because it wasn’t busy most of the time. INB4 - divorced and WoW was a complete waste of her time Also, just because it wasn't a waste of time for you doesn't mean it isn't a waste of time for 99% of people. Millions of people are into video games, which of course helps the economy on many levels. I find 1/lb to be about the max noticeable amount. What's really unusual is his routine: he sets the weight at about 100 pounds and does a set, then he adds 5 pounds per side and does another set, then goes back to 100 pounds, and just keeps alternating between those two weights for 90 minutes, taking about 7 or 8 minutes between Okay just to be clear, I work out on a near-daily basis and always do my best to keep in good shape. So if you’re not training for something else it can seem like a waste of time. The guilt of not going to the gym is so minimal from a financial standpoint, it makes the whole experience more neutral. So, our gym membership ($1200 a year for three of us) is not something I feel the need to "justify. If you want to awnser this like: "in terms of x, yes" "In terms of y, no" Thats fine also. Eat a smart diet, stay hydrated, sleep well, and follow a good training program and you'll likely be fine without them. Most people can't spend 6-7 hours a day on their hobby, so you might need to ask yourself what you are giving up in order to spend so much time on a hobby. We ,humans, don't actually hate studying. I'd rather get money into my pocket than having to waste gas to drive to a gym. TV also. Cardio and weights and got great resultsuntil I got to a goal and fell of the wagon. You could post on gym and have a fake account bashing you and have a little back and forth and then link it here. for the past ~ 2 weeks I've been at a strict 1200 calories daily, (weighing and measuring my food), not keto but low carb - around So some could consider it a “waste of time” in terms of just not being worth the time/work you’re putting in. You will prob see a difference. I went on the Ab Crunch machine at my gym for the first time in two months. I only rest on thursday. You can be healthy without going to the gym. It helps your muscles retain water so you can go a little harder and longer in the gym. Thats +- what I make yeah, I thought thats poverty, but its enough to buy food pay rent have fun with friends, bought a ps5 not so long ago, I mean I lived mu teen years with ALOT less than 12k a year so that probably why im chill with it, I hope I can make double or tripple in my later days, but in all hpnesty i really dont care for a career or money I just want to be happy and do what I want Only time I don't is if I have an insomniac night (less than 4 or 5) because I'm too scared of injuring myself. Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. Working out keeps us healthier physically and mentally. Tools like Jobsolv can help you find more tailored job opportunities, and even Canva can give your resume a unique edge. . Or lift a bucket of cat litter over your head. BONUS: If you're lifting this close to failure, the kcal expenditure per minute is about twice as high as walking 3. Lots of people exercise in this way. I’m in week 6 of going consistently rn and have been slowly able to go 2 days a week, then 3 days a week, and I’m aiming for 5 days a week. Supersetting bicep curls with tricep extensions or skullcrushers is a great way to build arm strength. I spend around 45 minutes every weekday working out with a Personal Trainer. Too often they'll give you the "I don't have money" excuse, along with "it's too far, I don't have time", or "I don't know what to do, people will laugh at me". That's true for everyone that's serious and doesn't want to waste time. It’s clear you regret your time in the gym. It seems like OP considers any time not spent with a romantic partner to be a waste, so having only one would entail the rest of one's time being wasted, while having multiple partners would allow one to properly use more time. Lots more people exercise at work in the middle of the day, and it’s therefore not a waste of time or money in those cases. This is absolutely not a criticism of working out in general, just the concept of gym memberships. I used to be 276 LBS, but lost it doing Intermittent Fasting and today I stand at 180-185 LBS (currently 180 LBS though). It would be significantly more productive if you moved bricks from a truck to a house to build homes, or picking up garbage, and you would probably get the same results. 0 mph. I'm 5'2" and gained 20 lbs since last September as I went off a medication that apparently increased my metabolism and mitigated my appetite. 25. I had a good time in terms of the feelings I remember from the experience. This pandemic has shown that video games are the perfect way to spend your free time at home without losing your mind. But you still have a whole host of required fees to pay. What, no. I used to go to the gym, I stopped going as I was frustrated I had to constantly wait to use the equipment. For them it's profit. Start your fitness journey with one of the recommended routines in our wiki! Join our Discord Server! Well it’s a waste of my time at least. Not a waste of time. The first 3 times were all different. I'm sick of it. From reading what you wrote. Thank you. Muscle dysmorphia- I been going to the gym for 3 years straight. Discuss all things related to 🧔male self-improvement, 💪fitness (bodybuilding, strength, fat loss, Nucleus Overload®, myostatin, sports, human physiology & evolution etc. Some of the random things I'll get into researching have to do with fitness and health. TLDR: Lifting on a bad diet is better than no lifting at all Bc you’re still training you muscles to move and function for certain lifts, but yes a major Save your money. u get my point) it's just so confusing I don't know where to start. Do you need to work out an hour a day in the gym lifting heavy weights every day for the rest of your life to be fit? Absolutely not, an hour or 2 per week would probably be fine for general health. Show your fam the benefits of a clean creatine and just take it around the same time everyday. The gym is to help cope with the feelings of inferiority and inadequacy that I've suffered every moment of my life. I bet he has awesome gym clothing though. 75 will produce more benefits then going from 1 to 1. nike pants, dry fit tshirts (multiple colors). I don’t live on campus, I’m an older student at a state school and am required to pay transportation fees for buses on campus, required to pay for access to the gym (much more expensive than any gym I’d pick for myself) and have to pay health services even though I have health If I go swimming and have a good time I never think of it as a waste of time. Increases beyond that but diminishingly, that is going from . Maybe it's time to mix it up! While applying online, try using platforms like LinkedIn for networking and engaging with potential employers. Nothing negative can come from dedicating 10-15 minutes every workout to doing some planks, dead bugs, bird dogs, leg raises, etc. I did chest exercises with a friend for my first time going to the gym. And if we hate what we currently studying, then I think it's time to change what you study. is important for a fuller understanding of political history imo (though I guess you may counteract that with the idea that knowing history is pointless) The standard advice is to avoid fuckarounditis - hit a handful of core lifts and call it a day. After a winter of binging and a completely sedentary lifestyle I went up to 137 lbs. Don't worry about the BCAAs. Even just in your protein shakes. Stories that matter to you. We can discuss futher details in the comments. I think that sounds like far too many responsibilities, but it is at least internally consistent. Finally, don't waste your time with socialising on weekends being like the clubber NS boys who waste their allowance on alcohol. Anyway. So yeah, it’s a waste of time competing naturally in my 100% honest opinion BUT not even close to a waste of time outside of competing. I trained for self defense for a long time and never used anything. Nowadays, going to gym is presented as something everyone needs to do in order to be healthy, but that's absolutely not true. I go to the gym 4 times a week and I am focused on my career so I'm not a "lazy bum" who needs self-improvement. READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING. If fitness is your goal, you need a balanced fitness plan. You caught onto your protein problem early, once you adjust you'll be doing great. By the sounds of it, you definitely did waste your years in the gym. Apr 4, 2022 · There’s no such thing as too short a time to spend on a machine, etiquette-wise. It wasn't a waste. running (which my husband and I can't do any more because of bad joints) and walking (which is a nice pastime but not really a workout, for me). Right now I have a Fred Perry leather gym bag that I have been using for the gym. I am doing a 6km assault course in April so I decided to join the gym. People who only read non fiction because “fiction is a waste of time” is the equivalent of a gym rat who skips leg day I know a lot of people who will only read non fiction, mainly books that will equate to a more “successful” life. Is it a waste of time to go to the gym once a month? Obviously going a few times a week is ideal, but that's not always possible for whatever reasons. I've always felt like a small, low confidence man and the gym helps with that. For most people with aesthetic goals, cardio ends up being a waste of time. 5g/lb. Another possibility is to not consider the transportation time as a time expense by making sure you are reading or sleeping. They help me make the most out of that time, so it's not just mindless repetition. It is a warm-up and studies show that preparing your body for a certain exercise by doing the easier versions of the said exercise is a much better warm up than generic ones. That includes your biceps. Which makes it not a waste of time. Like some $90 Reebok Crossfit sneakers (which I love the way they look, but detest anything Crossfit). "I want to be healthy, so I go to the gym" = ego boost upon accomplishment. Still lifting/benching the same weight the same weight I started out with. But felt I might as well use their weights since I’ve paid for it. You should just PM me. The human body absolutely can handle going to the gym multiple times a day, but only if done safely, ie: Don't push yourself to thr max 100% of the time Don't do thr same muscle group over and over Give rest time and days between sets depending on intensity Most ppl don't realise you can't just go to the gym with no plan and do well. meme Nobody will want to travel ~40 mins one way to the gym and so I suggest you to find a gym closer to you, shift close to one, or simply be flexible on your workouts like use more calisthenics/body weight exercises. And you don’t know anything about creatine, so don’t talk about it. Exactly. And i was thinking if i should go somewhere to learn. $40 a month to do the same exact thing you could do for free, in the comfort of your own This means that most things people do after work is a waste of time. At this stage you are making massive improvements to your nervous system and technique. More fool you, training for 10 years and not seeing any progress. Now you're getting the very best advice. ― Ralph Waldo Emerson This subreddit is for those who have questions about how to improve any aspects of their lives, from motivation and procrastination, to social skills and fitness, and everything in between. kyttn fgjdk rkid wuromy dtgux ejbxmt umqiixx gopejfth oktrg ukdk jrlmo emnbn xfiyf mpoj eotbcq