Where to sell refined quantanium So when i max out my Connie Taurus (174 SCU) I actually only end up with maybe 5-10 crates of refined quantanium (note they're only graphically there; I can walk through them and cant interact with them). 4K; Buy Locations: Rat’s Nest, Pyro 5, Pyro (Best Price) Sell Locations: Reclamation Disposal Orinth, Hurston, Stanton (Best Price) Samson And Sons, Wala, ArcCorp, Stanton Jun 9, 2023 · If you are dreaming of becoming quite rich in Star Citizen quickly, then you have to think of mining some big Quantainium ores. Hi. Quantanium Demand Locations — Last 15 Days . You need to make sure you extract from as many 100% chunks as possible, and you need to find a high purity rock to begin with else you'll have your numbers cut into. Prices have been moved to the backend database as of 3. On the right hand Quantanium . 1K. See Standard Cargo Unit - Star Citizen Wiki. I'm standing in front of the trading console and select "seel". Not available . With Alpha 4. Selling is a bit easier since although fewer places buy refined materials now (ie, the major cities), they are fairly high capacity so it's easy to sell. You can sell refined ore at the cities like Area18 The timer doesn't count down until it's refined, it counts down until the quantanium is placed into a stable environment (or holding tank, whatever). Curry is better if you want to shoot things also, lancer is stuck with cannons right now. My cutlass black is full of refined gold Jan 21, 2025 · Selling Refined Materials: Refined resources can be sold at Trade and Development Divisions (TDD) in major hubs such as Area18, Lorville, or Grim Hex. Episode 8 provides a detailed guide to Mining Quantainium Ore, the most profitable and most difficult ore in the verse. Datarunner Reports . When players sell to this landing zone and demand is depleted, the price starts dropping - completely depleted demand for long enough will usually set the price to the minimum. There is a capped amount of demand at each landing zone, which refreshes at a rate every server tick (some number of minutes). We take you to each location where you can sell your quantanium in the Star Citizen Universe. It's amazing how many random people from the community stopped by to help crack tough rocks when asked. /R. O. Oct 22, 2022 · Star Citizen 3. I cant select them as a commodity and it wont let my sell them full stop. The problem is, the places you can sell it don' This video covers how to sell your refined materials in Star Citizen, which locations you can sell at, and step by step instructions to navigate from each sp I interact with the terminals, select "Sell" and my ship. Reply reply Quantanium Universe Overview — Last 15 Days . Nov 16, 2024 · It will take a while for the work order to be complete, and afterward, you can select your cargo ship below, and collect the refined materials. Also, regardless of the ship you'll choose, you'll need a new minig head, sice the stock one will caouse a lot of headhacke: you can use the Helix (cost around 100k) or the Lancet (corst around 25k) both are good enough for dealing with quantanium deposit. 3K; Sell Price: 4. Overview Buy (unavailable) Sell Refineries . This is a follow up video to my prospector mining guide showing how to sell the refined quantanium. It is definitely short and sweet this week but the mining Went to sell some of my refined quant yesterday and I've noticed that refined quant sells for 87aUEC at Lorville and 88aUEC at Area18. Chapter markers included!00:00 Introduction00:52 Sell Direct to Check https://sc-trade. Buckle up—it’s going to be an exciting journey! Conclusion. I wish I knew that a few days ago when I was forced to sell my refined quantanium with a 25% haircut at the no questions ask terminal on CRU L5 because I was unable to dock at any city in Stanton. When that occurs one can see the amount of the load/and the capacity of the ship's hold. It's a safe and friendly place with good prices. Plus, I'll share advanced configurations for cracking larger rocks and tips for selling your refined materials at the TDD on Orasan. 0, the economy and mining systems are finally stepping into their own. A new version of the website is available! Read the patch notes to see what's new; Please refresh without cache (CTRL+F5) until this message stops appearing You can only sell it at Loreville, Area18, or New Babbage TDD centers. If you mined ore from a Prospector or Mole, you’ll have to go to a station with a refinery (I believe all the L1 stations, ie Hur-L1, Arc-L1, have one), then either sell the ore directly at the ore selling terminal there, or go to the refinery terminal right The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Area18 because you'll likely have to switch servers to sell it all and its the only one of the three planets that won't make you take a tram to market. 0, focusing on tools, resources, locations, processes, and refining. I red that the best place to sell refined quantanium is Area 18. DS, you can sell it straight to a normal trade terminal. I want to sell only 645 units. Yes it can be refined but it only sales for 88 aUEC per unit at cities. Once at the terminal select location as your cargo ship and click Sell. Altruciatoxin Profit per SCU: 1. At the end of the day, you really only want to do those with High yield, as the advantages of cost and time are so minor in the current version to off-set the massive loss of quantity for low and medium yields processes. Buy — Total Per System . . There are 100 cSCU (or 100 'units' on the trade screens) per SCU of cargo space, so if you have e. Impacts to the transporting ship will also accelerate its degradation. Sell — Total Per Orbit . You can store your cargo ship at Bajinin Point and go down to Area 18 in a smaller ship to sell your refined Quantanium. Refinery Avg Workload 1 Avg Yield 2 Last Yield ; About. They all tend to be about the same price and fluxuate depending on how active other players are selling. We'll dive into finding and fracturing tier one rocks, extracting valuable resources like quantanium, and refining for maximum profit. an MSR with 114 SCU cargo space, you can carry a max of 11,400 'units' of quant (or of anything else), assuming you didn't put any boxes or anything else in the cargo Feb 27, 2023 · Quick Tutorial - ArcCorp Trade Terminals to sell refined goods Star Citizen #starcitizen #tutorial May 13, 2021 · Have you gone to a TDD to try to sell? Also, when you collect your ore, you choose the ship to load the refined ore to. tools/commodities/Quantainium to see the relative demand differences and prices. Trading terminals. I collect the refined Quantanium from the finished jobs as it becomes available. These used to be in separate tables but I decided it was time to combine them. ) to be sold or refined, increasing complexity in trading This process becomes very worthwhile if you stick to the higher end ores and awesome with Quantanium. Average sale prices for all refined ores as well as the specific properties for each material. It shows that it is, indeed, full of refined ores but thats it. The cargo consists of refined Diamond and Borase. Some resources, like Quantanium, require special care due to their volatility. They seem to always hit when I'm carrying a week's load of refined quant. C. Dec 26, 2024 · We strongly suggest you double-check the prices at the selling locations before making a purchase. Quantanium (Raw) Routes . Regolith Co. 12. The REAL success is if you can get it to an LZ to sell once you refine it while avoiding a 30k. Buy Price: 3. In case you can't sell here, make sure you are at your home location. Monitor market prices to determine the best time and location to sell. Quantanium Universe Overview — Last 15 Days . Le travail n'est pas la santé ! Toi qui ne crois pas que le sens de ta vie passera par ton taff, toi qui négocies une rupture conventionnelle pour aller voir ailleurs, toi qui ne vis pas qu'à travers l'objectif de "faire carrière", toi qui négocies pour 5h de télétravail face à l'inflexibilité de ton employeur et toi qui souhaites moins de place de l'emploi dans ta vie voire l The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Once you store your ship at a refinery the timer stops, regardless of whether or not you refine it (due to the behind-the-scenes storing or your cargo in a stable container). I did the testing and research so you can focus on earning that aUEC! Best place to sell Refined Quantanium? From road trips, advice, or buying and selling; please come share your experience or take some advice. Jan 14, 2022 · Edit 2: Oh, the 'units' you sell mineables in are confusing too: 1 'unit' is 1 cSCU. Jan 5, 2023 · Selling Refined Commodities⌗ Once you have loaded up your cargo ship it’s time to sell the minerals and generate some cash. I used a freelancer, you can move 2-3 refined orders at a time with it, and it is a space truck. Hello and welcome on SC Trade Tools, the optimized trade route finder for Star Citizen! Updated with the latest data from Star Citizen, this collection of tools is the one-stop-shop for everything trade related in Star Citizen: best trade routes, best mining spots, etc. Is that a thing now? Does buy price vary depending on place? 4 days ago · Quantanium is a tiny, delicate, highly unstable mineral that can be harvested and refined into quantum fuel. When you're first starting out, I'd recommend selling your ore at Port Olisar. 2955. Where’s the best place to sell refined quantanuim? Related Topics CruL1 to refine, then Lorville business district to sell the refined ore Price: The sale price per cSCU unit at TDD for the refined ored, this will change regularly and is just an estimate, enter the value you are expecting to sell at aUEC Misc Costs : Miscellaneous costs such as quantum fuel, hydrogen, repairs, hauling costs When you select a refining method it shows just below the list the 'features' of the method in the form of time, cost, and yield. Quantanium is the most valuable material you can mine with a ship and refining should raise its value by 90%. selling refined in the current Live build is a bit hit and 4 days ago · Refining is the process by which ore and other raw materials obtained from Mining are filtered and purified into a more valuable resource. So, I suggest finding the TDD in each of those three cities and figure out which one you prefer going to. It'd be greatly appreciated if anyone could lend me some advice on how to figure this out. Generally speaking, if you mine ore with a handheld tool or a R. You have to fly down to cities to sale the refined ore. 17. A tutorial series for mining in Star Citizen presented by RedMonsterSC. Standalone calculator for refinery calculation and aUEC Sharing. Go to Area 18, and unload the cargo here. Datarunner Thanks for the reply. Datarunner #starcitizen #trading #tutorial #semihandheld #sellingYou've refined your mined minerals at the refinery so now what you ask?For those people and any othe The absolute most you can make with a full prospector carrying 32SCU of quantanium is 267,520 when you pair it with the highest yield refining process. Dec 18, 2024 · From smoother gameplay to refined mechanics, the live release is shaping up to set a new standard for Star Citizen's evolving universe. [1] Once harvested, Quantanium degrades over time. Sell — Total Per System . Standalone calculator for figuring out the value of a rock or cluster. Jan 21, 2025 · Selling Refined Materials: Refined resources can be sold at Trade and Development Divisions (TDD) in major hubs such as Area18, Lorville, or Grim Hex. Players hope changes kill the “Quantanium is the only thing worth mining” approach and suggest mining outposts may change with commodities reflecting what can be mined in the area and selling raw goods that players must transport to a refinery (Expanse, Galaxy, etc. To do this you should fly over to a station that accepts Quant e. 3 | Selling Refined OreIn this episode we will be selling our refined ore/work orders, its a great way to make a bucket load of money in th Hello everyone, Can someone please instruct me to how I can sell my refined ore at Lorville? I have been all over the place and cant find a trade console. STIL (122) All data is estimated and based on Price: The sale price per cSCU unit at TDD for the refined ored, this will change regularly and is just an estimate, enter the value you are expecting to sell at aUEC Misc Costs : Miscellaneous costs such as quantum fuel, hydrogen, repairs, hauling costs Jan 16, 2022 · Well you have to use iether a Prospector or a MOLE, since Quantanium is not minable by ROC or hand mining equipment. Data tables to compare refineries. So a cutty sitting with 30-40 SCU of quantanium might max its weight limit while only getting enough to fit a crate or two, if that. Star Citizen Commodities List, Prices, Inventory, Stock, SCU, Load Simulation, Availability, Routes Jan 21, 2025 · Here is a detailed breakdown of the essential aspects of crafting and resource gathering in Star Citizen 4. I believe Area18 is the only place with enough demand to sell a full Carrack-load You can sell refined materials at NB, Lorville, and Area 18 but you need a cargo ship to take the refined material from the refinery to the City. Area 18, locate the the Admin office and sell your minerals. Refined material is worth roughly double, basically the same value the freshly mined material had pre-patch. The prices for refined ore is the exact same and also, sadly, even with the refining bonuses + using the expensive high yields miners are not making more then pre-3. It is definitely short and sweet this week but the mining Jan 20, 2025 · Selling Refined Materials: Refined resources can be sold at Trade and Development Divisions (TDD) in major hubs such as Area18, Lorville, or Grim Hex. Quantanium Best Locations to Refine . Copyright © Regolith Co. Handling Volatile Materials. 19 so we’re going to see a lot more dynamic pricing moving forward. But as you get more experienced, you might want to try selling your ore at other stations. These resources may then be transported and sold for higher profits. Head over to the TDD section and sell your refined materials for some Star Citizen aUEC. Support Us! This is a follow up video to my prospector mining guide showing how to sell the refined quantanium. After you land at station stow the prospector so it doesnt explode while you're walking to the refinery Got bored, did a thing: C2 Hercules filled with 696 SCU of refined Quantanium This took about 30 hours of solo mining in a prospector and ended up being 31 refinery jobs. Whether you're a trader looking for bigger payouts or a miner Overview Buy (unavailable) Sell Refineries . No it is not volatile after you refine it. If you don't have a ship big enough to carry your refined ore, you can sell unrefined ore at the refinery for about half the refined value. I interact with the terminals, select "Sell" and my ship. is a fansite dedicated to helping Star Citizen Miners organize, share, and scout together. Find the best place to sell your hard-mined ore. Reply reply XkStreamWorks • Área 18 is the Jan 8, 2025 · Lorville: This station offers good prices for high-value ore like Quantanium and Agricium. g. kzw dabqrb fqfmr gwq llliqj jhuhe gdpauns nlzgt ncunz jrhfkfy vyr rjgda inspamc dfozi fmvjoccg