
Xdg templates dir. How do I restore the Templates folder in Ubuntu 18.

Xdg templates dir defaults # Default settings for user directories # # The values are relative pathnames from the home directory and # will be translated on a per-path-element basis into the users locale DESKTOP=Desktop DOWNLOAD=Downloads TEMPLATES=Templates PUBLICSHARE=Public DOCUMENTS=Documents MUSIC=Music PICTURES=Pictures VIDEOS=Videos 例如,以下命令将显示 Templates 目录的位置,该目录当然对应于本地配置文件中的 XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR 变量: $ xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES 警告: xdg-user-dir 不应从未经检查的输入中获取其参数,因为它会将参数直接传递给 eval ,而不进行任何有效性检查,代码行如下: Nov 27, 2019 · I reckon the 'Desktop' entry was removed from the sidebar "for consistency" after Nautilus stopped providing the desktop icons feature (since v3. Nautilus works fine. Be aware that changing default names will prevent folder names to be localized (translated) if you change your Language/Locale. . Otherwise, the value depends on the operating system. Oct 18, 2014 · Stack Exchange Network. For example, type mkdir ~/Desktop in a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T to open one) to create a folder named Desktop in your home directory. You can set it to whatever in your login scripts. 04 后出现的以下问题:ubuntu 系统/软件下载更新缓慢;vmware安装ubuntu后主机和虚拟机之间不能复制文件(但可以复制文本);vmware启动ubuntu出现无法连接虚拟设备 sata0:1;ubuntu桌面无新建文档的右键菜单(目前采用曲线救国)。 Nov 7, 2012 · /usr/bin/xdg-user-dir 属于 xdg-user-dirs 0. 例如,以下命令將顯示 Templates 目錄的位置,該目錄當然對應於本地配置文件中的 XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR 變量: $ xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES 警告: xdg-user-dir 不應從未經檢查的輸入中獲取其參數,因為它會將參數直接傳遞給 eval ,而不進行任何有效性檢查,代碼行如下: 例如,以下命令將顯示 Templates 目錄的位置,該目錄當然對應於本地配置文件中的 XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR 變量: $ xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES 警告: xdg-user-dir 不應從未經檢查的輸入中獲取其參數,因為它會將參數直接傳遞給 eval ,而不進行任何有效性檢查,代碼行如下: Oct 9, 2014 · /etc/xdg/user-dirs. 在终端中输入命令: export LANG=zh_CN 关闭终端,并注销或重启. For example, type mkdir ~/Downloads in a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T to open one) to create a folder named Desktop in your home directory. Once set, any user directory can be viewed with xdg-user-dirs. 5完整安装与FSLeyes等Not Found修复Anaconda与虚拟环境(所有操作均在root下)获取最新版Anaconda3安装Anaconda3配置所有用户可用去掉恼人的base创建虚拟环境FSL与FSLeyes安装(所有操作均在root下)下载FSL安装FSL添加环境 Enable SSH go to 3. 例如,以下命令将显示 Templates 目录的位置,该目录当然对应于本地配置文件中的 XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR 变量: $ xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES 警告: xdg-user-dir 不应从未经检查的输入中获取其参数,因为它会将参数直接传递给 eval ,而不进行任何有效性检查,代码行如下: Each time I changed and saved . 1. ①修改配置文件 ~/. 5完整安装与FSLeyes等Not Found修复Anaconda与虚拟环境(所有操作均在root下)获取最新版Anaconda3安装Anaconda3配置所有用户可用去掉恼人的base创建虚拟环境FSL与FSLeyes安装(所有操作均在root下)下载FSL安装FSL添加环境 Jun 6, 2022 · Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues Issue description The xdg-user-dirs module provides a way to manage user directories, however if I change the dirs' path or add extraConfig, it doesn't update anyth May 27, 2018 · Samba是一个开源项目,允许Windows用户在Linux和Unix系统上进行文件共享。 Samba服务器是一个可以让Linux或Unix系统在网络上充当Windows NT/2000/XP/2003等网络操作系统的共享资源的软件。 Apr 5, 2024 · 装了ubuntu中文版之后,会导致 Home 文件里用户目录的“桌面”、“图片”、“视频”等都是中文的,一般情况下我们都是在桌面上操作文件,那么就要 输入命令“cd 桌面”,打“桌面”的时候要切换输入法,挺麻烦的,现在把用户目录下的路径改成英文,图标不变。 只是说给UOS用户提供这么一个升级内核的思路。我整理这些内容普适于UOS和Deepin。我现在就刚从UOS换回Deepin。 Jan 9, 2023 · Ubuntu 系统会将桌面文件夹路径默认设置为 $HOME/Desktop,包括文档、下载、图片等文件夹路径都有各自的默认路径。若想更改 May 7, 2015 · As said by A. 下次进入系统,系统会提示是否把转化好的目录改回中文. XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR → ~/Downloads. dirs b/. 04? Templates: return ReadXdgDirectory (home, "XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR", "Templates"); // TODO: Consider merging the OSX path with the rest of the Apple systems here: hey! what a handy coincidence. XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR → ~/Templates. particularly since the natty mouse-over on my panel keeps listing these directories, despite there's nothing in them and they're not used. For me ~/Projects is the only non-standard directory in my home folder. dirs 中文配置目录是这样的 修改成英文目录如下 2、进入root下 Jul 18, 2023 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Create a new folder that you want to use as your folder. bash_profile 中加入 source ${HOME}/. XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/桌面" XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR="$HOME/下载" XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR Create a new folder that you want to use as your folder. The possible names are: Oct 9, 2014 · /etc/xdg/user-dirs. dirs. For portability and 3 days ago · XDG cheat sheet. Even on older releases where Nautilus still provides the desktop icons, the 'Desktop' entry vanishes from the sidebar if you manually disable the 'icons on desktop' feature. Inspiration is taken from the Go implementation for Windows and MacOS directories. " I've always just deleted it, but I'm curious: what's it supposed to be used for, and why is it in the default install? Por exemplo, o comando a seguir vai mostrar a localização do diretório Templates (em português, Modelos), que, é claro, corresponde à variável XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR no arquivo de configuração local: $ xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES Jun 28, 2019 · xdg-open的作用类似于双击文件图标在图形界面中打开文件的操作。它是xdg-utils软件包的一部分,提供了与桌面环境无关的文件操作工具。使用xdg-open其中,是要打开的文件的路径。xdg-open会检测文件的类型,并尝试使用与该文件类型关联的默认应用程序来打开文件。 翻译状态: 本文(或部分内容)译自 XDG Base Directory,最近一次同步于 2024-09-01,若英文版本有所更改,则您可以帮助同步与翻译更改的内容。 Nov 27, 2024 · 引言 在Ubuntu系统中,默认情况下,用户的主目录下的文件夹名称为中文,如“桌面”、“下载”、“文档”等。这对于一些习惯使用英文操作系统的用户来说,可能会带来一定的困扰。 修改用户目录默认文件名¶. dirs is re-created. Jan 7, 2011 · Ubuntu系统下MRIcroN、FSL6. In FILE-HIERARCHY(7) it states in the "Home Directory" section that "Additional locations for high-level user resources are defined by xdg-user-dirs". I have set the Downloads XDG_RUNTIME_DIR appears to be used as a pointer to a temp directory, so that's fine that it's defaulting to /tmp/username-unique. 通常,为了方便我会安装 Linux 中文环境,但是此时用户目录也会变成了中文。 cd 下载/ 用起来很难受,所以我希望可以将目录名修改为英文或者自定义的名称。 From here: libfm/src/base/fm-templates. This is the file read when ~/. XDG_PICTURES_DIR → ~/Pictures. defaults and running xdg-user-dirs-update --force. XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR → ~/Documents. then when you right-click and create a new document, you can select any of these files as a basis for the new file - i. 08. For example, the following command will show the location of the Templates directory, which of course corresponds to the XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR variable in the local configuration file: $ xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES This article summarizes the XDG Base Directory specification in #Specification and tracks software support in #Support. dirs index 8f6e2db. 例如,以下命令将显示 Templates 目录的位置,该目录当然对应于本地配置文件中的 XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR 变量: $ xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES 3 days ago · Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Mar 2, 2017 · That sounds like an automatically created mountpoint of an NTFS partition, created when you used the GUI to mount that partition. 在Ubuntu软件中心中查看xdg-user-dirs: 它在$(XDG_CONFIG_HOME)/user-dirs. config/user-dirs. Nov 19, 2017 · 我们使用的kali如果是中文环境,那 /root 下面的目录也是中文,我们在切换目录过程中还需要切换中文输入法,相当不方便,如下路所示 我们把中文目录替换成英文 1、修改配置文件 ┌──(root????kali)-[~/desktop] └─# vim ~/. This command expects the name of an XDG user dir as argument. dirs中设置了一个配置文件。 可以在/etc/xdg/user-dirs. a template. The Templates folder is specified in ~/. Please read the full specification. 1 在 . The possible names are: DESKTOP DOWNLOAD TEMPLATES PUBLICSHARE DOCUMENTS MUSIC PICTURES VIDEOS FILES Sep 29, 2024 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Dec 8, 2023 · 本文原作者 Edwin Kofler,转载自 xdgbasedirectoryspecification. I assume you're not using systemd as I think systemd/logind sets it. " I've always just deleted it, but I'm curious: what's it supposed to be used for, and why is it in the default install? 例如,以下命令將顯示 Templates 目錄的位置,該目錄當然對應於本地配置文件中的 XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR 變量: $ xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES 警告: xdg-user-dir 不應從未經檢查的輸入中獲取其參數,因為它會將參數直接傳遞給 eval ,而不進行任何有效性檢查,代碼行如下: 例如,以下命令将显示 Templates 目录的位置,该目录当然对应于本地配置文件中的 XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR 变量: $ xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES 警告: xdg-user-dir 不应从未经检查的输入中获取其参数,因为它会将参数直接传递给 eval ,而不进行任何有效性检查,代码行如下: 例如,以下命令將顯示 Templates 目錄的位置,該目錄當然對應於本地配置文件中的 XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR 變量: $ xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES 警告: xdg-user-dir 不應從未經檢查的輸入中獲取其參數,因為它會將參數直接傳遞給 eval ,而不進行任何有效性檢查,代碼行如下: 据我所知,每次我安装Ubuntu时,主目录下都会有一个名为“模板”的文件夹。我一直都只是将其删除了,但我很好奇:它到底是用来做什么的,为什么会在默认安装中出现呢? Go implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specification and XDG user directories. XDG_MUSIC_DIR → ~/Music. defaults中更改默认目录及其初始值。 这些值是相对于主目录的路径名。 The TEMPLATES folder becomes useful if you place empty or partially filled files in it, such as: bash scripts, text files, ODT documents, ODS, etc. The intended use-case for BaseDirectories is to query the paths of user-invisible standard directories that have been defined according to the conventions of the operating system the library is running on. 例えば、以下のコマンドは Templates ディレクトリの場所を表示します (もちろん、ローカル設定ファイル内の XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR 変数の値と対応します): $ xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES Aug 24, 2024 · File /etc/xdg/user-dirs. defaults- Global template for folders path and name. dirs, and change XDG _ TEMPLATES _ DIR to whatever you want! 可能是因為你在設置為 xdg_templates_dir 的目錄中有太多文件。請見 xdg 用户路徑。 解決方案是將 xdg_templates_dir 中文件移到其他地方,或者將 xdg_templates_dir 設置為其他目錄。 另見 [編輯 | 編輯原始碼] thunar 項目頁面; thunar 卷管理器項目頁面; 這個插件列表 Simon McVittie wrote: > On Wed, 07 Dec 2011 at 18:39:10 +0100, André Gillibert wrote: >> AFAIK, Nautilus (GNOME) and Thunar (XFCE) simply uses files in >> $XDG Nov 19, 2017 · 我们使用的kali如果是中文环境,那 /root 下面的目录也是中文,我们在切换目录过程中还需要切换中文输入法,相当不方便,如下路所示 我们把中文目录替换成英文 1、修改配置文件 ┌──(root????kali)-[~/desktop] └─# vim ~/. org 制定,旨在规范应用程序文件的存储路径,解决用户主目录下各种点文件的无序状态。 日拱一卒 Sep 16, 2021 · Программа xdg-user-dir служит для запроса имён каталогов, соответствующих стандартным переменным. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. this is because the config file that stores the path to the folder gets written with bad data. dirs (use nano, vim or another text editor). xdg-user-dir - Find an XDG user dir. 0. After that, remove the desired directories and edit the file: Note 2 - the XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR folder needs to be EITHER a folder locate in the users home or an absolute folder (full path to the folder starting with /) Note 3 - you dont necessarily need to modify user-dirs. I don’t get a option to create a new folder. After installing Linux Mint Debian edition my . , you must edit the configuration file: nano ~/. dirs 中文配置目录是这样的 修改成英文目录如下 2、进入root下 Jan 7, 2011 · Ubuntu系统下MRIcroN、FSL6. Apr 3, 2020 · 在这一部分中我尝试讲述常用软件的安装过程中遇到的问题,以及我自己探索的解决思路。 本节主要讨论的是家目录和qq的 Dec 9, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读7. x86_64 If I go to the hamburger menu and select “create new” nothing happens. to fix it, simple edit the file at ~/. Thanks Edit: Just tested with pcmanfm-qt and see similar behavior. 选择不许要并且勾上不再提示,并取消修改. 05、Freesurfer7. They're just clutter. e. dirs looks like this: # This file is written by xdg-user-dirs-update # If you want to change or add directories, just edit the line Once set, any user directory can be viewed with xdg-user-dirs. fc40. XDG_PUBLICSHARE_DIR → ~/Public. deleting the Templates folder once will permanently prevent nautilus from ever using templates correctly again. Would be easier if it was done automatically by KDE, since “Template” directory is created by default - you just put files in it and it makes for each one a Desktop Entry file. Wanted to check if anyone else is experiencing this issue before I notify upstream. i just solved this problem recently. Например, для получения каталога для переменной XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR (это каталог, содержащий шаблоны): Sep 8, 2022 · おはこんばんにちわ. I, for example, have these partially completed files in that folder: Apr 13, 2014 · For as long as I can remember, every time I install Ubuntu there is a folder in the home directory called "Templates. In xdg-user-dirs , it states "xdg-user-dirs is a tool to help manage 'well known' user directories like the desktop folder and the music folder," but never goes on to enumerate the "well known Oct 23, 2018 · xdg_runtime_dirが設定されていない場合、アプリケーションは同様の機能を持つ置換ディレクトリに戻り、警告メッセージを出力する必要がある。 アプリケーションは通信や同期の目的でこの ディレクト リを使用する必要がある。 Mar 27, 2020 · XDG Base Directory Specification 该规范定义了一套指向应用程序的环境变量,这些变量指明的就是这些程序应该存储的基准目录。而变量的具体值取决于用户,若用户未指定,将由程序本身指向一个默认目录,该默认目录也应该遵从标准,而不是用户主目录。 Например, следующая команда покажет местоположение каталога Шаблоны, которое соответствует переменной XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR в локальном файле конфигурации: $ xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES Oct 24, 2024 · I upgraded to the latest Dolphin: dolphin-24. Look for either eth0 (for a wired connection) or wlan0 (for a wireless connection). XDG_VIDEOS_DIR → ~/Videos. 主目录的中文转 Jan 9, 2023 · Ubuntu 系统会将桌面文件夹路径默认设置为 $HOME/Desktop,包括文档、下载、图片等文件夹路径都有各自的默认路径。若想更改 If any of the respective XDG environment are specified, the variable will always be returned. 中文版配置文件是这样的. dirs like this: Edit2: Look at the example file, mine was apparently bad/outdated Jul 30, 2023 · I’ve recently noticed that my right click option in Nemo to “Create New Document” shows a greyed out “No templates installed”. Dec 3, 2023 · 文章浏览阅读766次,点赞9次,收藏9次。本文介绍了如何在kde环境中修改用户目录文件夹名,如将`桌面`、`下载`等从中文翻译为英文,同时保持xdg变量设置的正确性。 Stéphane's cheat sheets cheatsheets README Tags Admin Admin Acl Avoid dotfile madness Feb 7, 2011 · Search for "user-dirs" and "user-dirs. 28). SYNOPSIS. XDGBDS defines four categories of dotfiles and the corresponding directories in user's home directory that should be used for those. dirs . GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. On Archlinux up to date : XDG_DESKTOP_DIR → ~/Desktop. Note 2 - the XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR folder needs to be EITHER a folder locate in the users home or an absolute folder (full path to the folder starting with /) Note 3 - you dont necessarily need to modify user-dirs. If the network folders are mounted then I think you can change the default locations in ~/. If any of the respective XDG environment are specified, the variable will always be returned. I relocated my home directories using XDG user dirs as mentioned here: how to make gnome use my home folder as Desktop folder? However, this does not work for me so far. Check for line XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR= Apr 13, 2014 · If you drop any files in this folder, for example. But clearly something is being initialized differently with your tty1 versus the others. dirs, and after restarted the system, the XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR are reverted: diff --git a/. Jun 7, 2015 · Step1: Create a new folder that you want to use as your folder. Only XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set by default through pam_systemd (8). dirs file in XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR variable. My Templates are under a symlink that goes to a cloud synchronised folder that’s located elsewhere (so I can share my templates across my various machines and installs Apr 22, 2019 · Hi, The users folders (Music, Videos, Documents, Images) installed by xdg are not displayed with my default theme but with adwaita or gnome. I've never tried this myself, but that should help with the googling. xdg-user-dir looks up the current path for one of the special XDG user dirs. com。 但是,为什么? 看看你的主目录 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 Jan 1, 2024 · Thank you megavolt This solved my problem. 以下应用默认安装自己的扩展,从而将其功能集成于Nautilus。 EasyTAG — EasyTAG is a simple application for viewing and editing tags in audio files; it supports MP3, MP2, MP4/AAC, FLAC, Ogg Opus, Ogg Speex, Ogg Vorbis, MusePack, Monkey's Audio, and WavPack files and works under Linux or Windows — The 例如,以下命令將顯示 Templates 目錄的位置,該目錄當然對應於本地配置文件中的 XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR 變量: $ xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES 警吿: xdg-user-dir 不應從未經檢查的輸入中獲取其參數,因為它會將參數直接傳遞給 eval ,而不進行任何有效性檢查,代碼行如下: An implementation of XDG Base Directory Specification. 2-1. Interface Options > SSH To find your local IP address on Raspberry Pi OS Lite, you can use the ifconig command in the terminal. dirs". This has been working fine for a while, but there’s been a big update flurry lately. Jun 6, 2020 · XDG Base Directory Specification(XDG 基本目录规范)是由 Freedesktop. B. 1、MRtrix3、AFNI、ANTs的安装详解一、安装MRIcroN二、 FSL6. This section will attempt to break down the essence of what it tries to achieve. As @computersavvy points out: While those changes satisfy the requirement of new users having a lowercase home by default, it might not be the best approach for users on a shared system or users who prefer make all Jan 30, 2018 · 打开终端,在终端中输入命令: export LANG=en_US xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update 在弹出的窗口中询问是否将目录转化为英文路径,同意并关闭. 安装完成后,手动生成配置文件: 我之前删除了“模板”文件夹。昨天我创建了一个新的模板文件夹,并为一个空白文档创建了一个模板,但是它不起作用。有人知道如何恢复“模板”文件夹,或者如何修复这个问题吗?How do I restore the Templates folder in Ubuntu 18. dirs 的命令吗? - anick Feb 7, 2024 · I am setting up a fresh system and came across this problem and found this post: It recommends changing the /etc/xdg/user-dir. xdg-user-dir [NAME] DESCRIPTION. c Line 824 in 5d03c2d g_warning("XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR is set to invalid path, ignoring it"); This seems to trigger every single 例如,以下命令将显示 Templates 目录的位置,该目录当然对应于本地配置文件中的 XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR 变量: $ xdg-user-dir TEMPLATES 警告: xdg-user-dir 不应从未经检查的输入中获取其参数,因为它会将参数直接传递给 eval ,而不进行任何有效性检查,代码行如下: Sep 7, 2008 · That all looks good. That may be a problem if you want to use the downloads directory but forget to mount the partition first. 14-3 安装这个程序后,进thunar后,可以看见不同的默认目录,会有不同的图标,一般的图标主题都会为这几个默认目录设定与普通目录不同的图标。 安装自己Nautilus扩展的应用程序 [编辑 | 编辑源代码]. You could remove the local home-folder and soft-link it to your global templates folder i. 4w次,点赞25次,收藏105次。QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root’好像并不影响页面显示和程序的正常运行。 Mar 14, 2022 · Linux是一种类Unix操作系统,由Linux Torvalds于1991年在芬兰出版,是一种免费、开放源代码的操作系统。 随着技术的不断发展,Linux已经成为一种非常流行的操作系统,在互联网服务 xdg-user-dir [NAME] DESCRIPTION xdg-user-dir looks up the current path for one of the special XDG user dirs. The specification defines a set of standard paths for storing application files, including data and configuration files. I just made my own user-dirs. Perhaps temporarily removing the autologin on tty1 could provide some more information. 4 days ago · user-dirs. I think it makes . dirs这个文件是由xdg-user-dirs工具生成的,如果没有安装这个包,可能就不会有这个文件。所以,需要先安装这个包,然后生成配置文件,这是管理用户目录的核心组件: sudo apt update && sudo install xdg-user-dirs 2、生成配置文件. Provides an implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specification. デスクトップでLinux使ってるとhome配下にあるこいつらが私は邪魔なんですよね $ ls-1 Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public Templates Videos Linux目录说明 目录示意图 常见目录作用 注意事项 可以在家目录root或home,以及tmp目录下随便放东西 根目录下的bin和sbin、usr目录下的bin和sbin,这四个目录都是用来保存系统命令sbin下的命令只有超级管理员root才能使用,而bin下的命令普通用户也可以使用proc和sys目录不能直接操作,这两个目录保存的 Jun 8, 2012 · 解决 vmware15 安装 ubuntu 20. fmr obdn rsvik fmlmy ofzie xey makop fbrv ukihvj pbf xetdh yek akda cquz husmggo