Yamaha waverunner water leak Jul 16, 2008 · Hi - I have a 98 Waverunner GP1200W and I don't have a lift or a wedge thing to park it on while its in the water. 20–0. Use the camera to find the exact source of the leak at the fitting. 2 quarts) and the engine sump area the rest total = 4. When youre done, return the camera to Amazon. Repeated once more, and then ran it on the hose. I have a 2007 Yamaha SX210 with the 110 hp version of the MR1 and believe I just tracked down the source of a small amount of water that has been appearing in my engine compartment Aug 31, 2015 · 2007 FXHO. Sep 17, 2023 · IC leak (Intercooler leak) the seal on the oil cooler there could go bad or a cracked cooling housing there could letting water in the engine oil 2. Had some hull cracks under the nose so I tipped the nose down, filled with water, no leaks. Found it and fixed. Check selector valve - can get gummed up and slow fuel flow. Either it is cracked or has a bad gasket, can't tell. I think this is a common problem given the boats age and/or over greasing the bearing. last option is hook a hose up and flush the ski, see if water builds up. Doesn't appear to be the exhaust either. Two dollar o-ring Oct 2, 2010 · Thanks to EVERYONE here that leave the ski on the trailer, back it in, pop the seat and start it up to find the leak. Checked drain plugs - no prob. Symptom was that it was taking on water. The visible air gap in the sealant was in the lower half, where the intake grate meets the transom plate, so I removed the intake grate. Overheating issues are typically caused by a clogged pump, cooling system, or a fouled heat sensor. Ski is on lift and shopvac'ed dry when outlowered back into water and found significant leaks all around base of pipe joint (F1K-U883E-00-00). Gauge was steady. I am keeping my 2017 VXR waverunner in the water. Aug 1, 2012 · I have a 2007 Yamaha VX Cruiser with just over 100hrs on it that we bought in March and I am pretty sure I need to replace the intermediate shaft bearings. It appears that a small amount of water is leaking into the engine compartment from the bilge area via the large rubber exhaust hoses as well as the cooling water inlet hoses. it enters the hose , which inturn flows into the water box (your white box), then out the back of the ski. I must have a complete seal failure and from what I have read to fix it I would need to move the engine forward. I found the leak but don't know what the part is. 0–35. Hole shot kit ,Solas 13/19 depitched by I. I took the ski out, drained it and brought it home to the driveway where I added water inside the hull again to see where the leak was. announced that a large percentage of WaveRunners sold over the last two years need an update to the fuel filler neck. Top Jun 4, 2024 · Shortly after launching the Waverunner, the engine compartment filled with exhaust smoke. Check fuel level for trip (1/3 out, 1/3 return, 1/3 spare). pull your tank out and look at the water box. The engieneers of Yamaha WaveRunners came up with a different solution to make their engine bay more waterproof. The common fix is to remove the transom plate, clean away the original sealant and then re-seal with a better product such as 3M 4200 Fast Cure. Any suggestions. . Jun 6, 2023 · Yamaha PWC Performance (4-stroke) Above Forum Ads. Customer: my 1991 waverunner 3 leaks water in but does not leak water out when its back on the trailor, where could this water be getting in? when i run it on the trailor whith a water hose, no water gets in the cavity Sep 17, 2018 · PWC Performance modifications for the 4-stroke Yamaha Waverunners FZR, FZS, FX and VX series. Sep 10, 2012 · I have a 2005 FX cruiser HO. Any suggestions for tracking down the leak, would be much appreciated. Yamaha invented the WaveRunner in 1986, forever changing how people access and enjoy their time on the water. This (hopefully) will help determine what system is leaking (Hull or water lines) Good Luck &#X1F44D So given those two observations, the IB bearing/housing would be the likely suspect, as it is 100% saturated (below draft) in water while afloat, yet high enough off the keel floor that filling the hull would need to be substantially high in order to coax any external leak-test from it out of water. Only to find more oil in hull from airfilter box. PWC Performance modifications for the 4-stroke Yamaha Waverunners FZR, FZS, FX and VX series. Jun 27, 2011 · Re: 2006 Waverunner water in oil If it were winterized properly there should not have been enough water in the system to crack anything even if it was frozen. Jul 7, 2021 · Search in titles only Search in Yamaha PWC Performance (4-stroke The nipple on the bottom of the exhaust where the T is for cooling water could also be leaking Customer: I have a 2004 Yamaha wave runner the oil leaks out emptying the oil tank in a 1/2 hour, can not locate leak. I know many people that replace the Yamaha batteries with sealed batteries with no problems. Experienced personal watercraft tech. For details, please refer to the Owner Operator's water vehicle manual. Inspected the reed valves and noticed that three of the eight for the middle cylinder where way out of the . Other than overfil, what else could be happening ?thanks. Good news so far. 1 2. 2007 vx delux waverunner leaking water into hull. if he uses a garden hose and puts it on the drive shaft to where it goes in to the boat,, if the Sep 7, 2009 · Removed oil tank and pressured tank to 7lbs. Again, the jet pump bilge siphon system does evacuate water from the lowest part of the hull, just ahead of the mid-wall (under the IB couplers), but this works best only when actively riding on flat plane. Jul 18, 2011 · Re: 1991 650 Waverunner VXR- Taking on water Thanks for the response. I will keep a few of those blue shop towels in the Yes, your leak sounds benign so far, so it seems that you will be okay with normal use. When I drove it - filled with water in 10mins. I had the base gaskets replaced with Yamaha brand factory gaskets. Aug 15, 2018 · I rebuild the engine on a 1200. Bill M. External water finds its way through the air vents next to the seat or through the front hood. Mar 2, 2025 · One of the water cooling gaskets has a leak and is leaking out water under pressure. Looking over the engine the only other place water was at a higher pressure than the oil was at engine block and at the cylinder head cooling water jackets. Seems like a lot of water was getting into the hull. Maintenance. Service included full tune and lube. Making simple checks before use is important towards preventing unexpected trouble. Your Yamaha WaveRunner is raw-water cooled Nov 5, 2016 · Re: Vx110 Mystery Oil Leak vx are known for leaking around oil filter but also oil pressure sensor, sensor leak out of the rubber boot and run down the block. Aug 22, 2021 · PWC Performance modifications for the 4-stroke Yamaha Waverunners FZR, FZS, FX and VX series. Nov 6, 2010 · Right, that is a motorcycle battery and there most likely will be no vent port. Then when I took it on the lake and got it hot, it expanded, overflowed and burped through the breather, soaking the air filter, etc. Check compression in both Cylinders. Jun 23, 2019 · Hoisted and took the seat off, hull had almost a foot of water in it so pulled the plugs out to drain it. I have tried different oil levels. Sep 22, 2011 · Re: 2006 VX110 Deluxe Water Leak Most likely its leaking around the joint pipe. Chris. You may have a very simple fix. Login or Sign Up water in hull (leak near ride plate?) 08-22-2021 Mar 10, 2025 · All plugs were installed. There are also hoses that come off the oil cooler and oil separator that could be another, but less common source of a leak. Be sure to make these checks. Blown head gasket - however I believe that it would more likely clear the water out of the cylinder with each exhaust stroke unless is was a huge leak (this is looking like the cause or valve issue, and keeps pulling left over water from the cooling system & exhaust) 3. Sep 17, 2018 · PWC Performance modifications for the 4-stroke Yamaha Waverunners FZR, FZS, FX and VX series. It had several gallons of Sep 22, 2020 · Gp1800 intercooler leak engine water damage 09-22-2020, 03:46 PM Hey whats going on so my gp was bogging out after riding it one day where the rpms just went lower and lower until i finally killed it to investigate and then it just wouldn't turn over at all. Have read it's very wise to put it on well greased up to the salt water will not rust a hole in it---as it can and will. 6157681366 Aug 17, 2009 · PWC Jetski Specific Forums. The level did not rise. May 9, 2012 · I have an 06 vx110 and have been finding water in the hull lately when I finish riding. 1 litres (2. (It’s good to know that vintage 2-stroke Sea-Doos came with a 2-piece driveshaft design with a coupler. I first noticed the leak between Check fuel system for leaks (visual and “sniff test”). My Waverunner flooded and choked the engine out. That water was clean but hot as if it came out of the engine cooling system somewhere? Check the oil tank and found water mixed the oil too. I let the ski sit in the water overnight - nothing. The next day I set the ski in the water for an hour and it didn't take on any water. If I leave it in the water does this cause it to take on water somehow? I have left it "moored" in the water at the lake near my house and the next day there is a lot of water inside and the bottom of the engine is getting wet. R. Jump to Latest 181 views 2 Conclusion – Is It Normal to Have Water in the Hull of a Jet Ski? After each ride, do you find some water in your jet ski’s hull? If so, don’t worry! Water leaks into jet skis’ hulls during rides regardless of their make and model. Last edited by Heloskick on Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total. I thought i would post some pics and a little info so it might help some one else with the same problem and I am sure there will be someone. Go back to All Resources Customer: my 1991 waverunner 3 leaks water in but does not leak water out when its back on the trailor, where could this water be getting in? when i run it on the trailor whith a water hose, no water gets in the cavity Sep 19, 2017 · Thanks for the tips! I was able to locate the leak, it was the big rubber exhaust joint. Dec 1, 2019 · My 1990 650 waverunner is taking on water, at a rapid pace. To help ensure that you are able to use your WaveRunner properly Customer: I have a 2008 Yamaha vx with water coming into the hull. Just serviced from local Yamaha dealership and they say there is nothing wrong with it and could not locate a leak. Aug 2, 2023 · Hello everyone, I rented a lake house on the water for the weekend. ) WaveRunner Driveshaft Sealing and Coupler. Turns out I never needed to start it to find my water source. Safety First: Always wear a properly fitted life jacket (PFD) when riding. Jan 28, 2014 · I have a 2007 4 stroke waverunner and went to crank it last week and it cranked a few times but then the battery went dead so I removed the seat to take out the battery I noticed my hull was holding about 2 gallons of oil and water, with that being said a few weeks prior had the ski serviced at Yamaha. Customer: I have two Yamaha 2008 FX Cruiser Waverunners with oil related problems: - One is getting water in the oil-Other is leaking oil into the bilge Answered by AntonioC93 in 1 hour 2 years ago AntonioC93 Apr 7, 2011 · OK so now I have rebuilt the carb and well the same results. This morning I removed the seat and inspected inside the engine compartment. If the Re: Yamaha Superjet Leak Do you have a scupper valve for water drainage? those leak all the time. 0–8. He says it most likely has 1500 hrs or more on the engine. It runs, it starts it looks great. I did NOT tip it backward (oops). May 11, 2022 · This Quick Topic segment was taken from our full-length podcast titled "The Basics of RIDE PLATE Design & Why It's So Important" and can be viewed in its ent May 25, 2007 · Re: engine oil leak in 2005 vx110 waverunner? The oil tank holds about 2. Bottom of the hull looks good. Part was 63M-14615-00-00 from exploded parts exhaust 1, part 30. Walk through the evolution of the WaveRunner to learn how the global phenomena began. Since the sealant Yamaha uses was the cause of this problem, I applied new sealant around all the holes on the hull, and on the sealing surfaces of the transom plate. What else can I do to find the leak. 010 gap tolerance. Customer: hello. Run in salt and fresh water. For the last 2 days I noticed the front of the waverunner vibrating a lot. Check following. Full of Salt Water corrosion from pure neglect. 5 litres (4. 0 cm (1. If the inner one is loose or has a hole in it you can get water in the engine. Any ideas on how to fix this? I was looking inside the hull trying to figure out how to get at it and seal it. I found that when the engines were not running, water would trickle in to the compartment through the bearing (back on the engine compartment wall). I randomly stuck my hand in it and discovered the water was warm. FX140. Yamaha Jetski. 8 quarts) Sep 10, 2023 · Tips and Best Practices for Yamaha WaveRunner Riders to Enhance Their Pwc Experience. I am guessing that after I first got the waverunner, I shut the motor off with the hose running for a minute, and added maybe a few ounces of water to the oil tank level. The cooling system in Yamaha Waverunners starts with a water intake system that draws in water from the surrounding environment, such as a lake or ocean. After finding oil in airfilter and reading about oil level issues with this model. I didn’t think much of it. Fill: • Intermediate housing Recommended grease: Yamaha marine grease, Yamaha grease A (Water resistant grease) Grease quantity: Initial 10 hours: 33. vx110 hull leak. youll need to inspect the box for cracks as it is possible for it to go bad ,especially on a ski pushing 20 plus years also just looking at the hose may not be enough with out Sep 22, 2010 · Ski has 65 hours (yeah, my thoughts exactly!) and is babied for the most part. After a few hours of running, the FX HO took on water and would not go more than 5-10 mph as we nursed it back to the dock. 1 hours and 65. After you're done riding, be sure and perform the post ride maintenance, which will help ensure that your WaveRunner will be ready to use the next time you're ready to ride. to 11/18, 5 degree GPR nozzle, D-plate & chip, rule auto bilge VF3's, stock head milled to 140 psi, carbs rebuilt/rejetted and a Jul 3, 2016 · 2. Also change it on a very regular basis when you change the oil----don't do it every second oil change. Ernest T · Registered. 27 oz) NOTE: Fill the intermediate housing with the recom- mended grease through the grease nipple 1. Nov 28, 2010 · 2008 FX Cruiser HO Taking on Water Underway This weekend I was on my 2008 Yamaha FX Cruiser HO and I took on enough water in ten minutes to completly cover up the battery (about 10 inches in the bilge). However, I ran into my first major problem when I put them in the water yesterday. Jul 25, 2021 · Well I finally launched her this year, and the water leak was not shy to show its place! Got it somewhat figured out for the ride, blasted around. should only take a few minutes. It was towed back to the dock where I discovered the extent of the water level inside the hull. The water seeps into the hull openings where the water fittings and steering cable pass through. I am getting ready to rebuild the carbs. Step 1: I ran the ski with garden hose connected for cooling/flush and checked for leaks in the hull. No leaks , very clean. Jump to Latest 21 - 28 of 28 Posts. The engine has been taken out twice in the last 2 months to fix a leak under the joint pipe (once by a mechanic who only made things worse Aug 31, 2009 · 1999 Yamaha XL 1200 LTD : 104. Bad flushing of the jetski when put on the fresh water hose 4. Where the water output connection is the rubber was cracked under that part. Step 2: I filled the hull slowly with water, no leaks were observed until the water level was at the drive shaft bearing level “drive line” . Jul 24, 2024 · Yamaha Jetski. Like a drip every second out of each one. It was the Steering Cable Nut backed off inside the Hull and water was just May 6, 2023 · Vacuum leaks on the carb base is the most common, but a leaking float diaphragm (does the round aluminum plate rotate?), reed gaskets, a leaky front main seal (I pretty sure the 500 has a poor main seal), or losses in manifold vacuum caused by the worn reeds, worn out or rusted top end will all effect the starting and idle. if you have checked all your water lines and all are good, than i would check those 2 things. 0 cm (0. Concerned that owners have pushed the gas pump nozzle into their WaveRunner a little too forcibly may have separated the fuel port (“socket”) from the filler neck (“hose”), […] Jul 1, 2008 · Re: Help - Yamaha VX taking on water yes mine did samething but leak worst then yours mine would fill up within an hour it was the housing bearing look at your engine look all the way back to the farwall you should have a cover over it with 2bolts to remove then should see it there its a bearing wrapped in rubber the rubber dry rots and starts Sep 6, 2016 · PWC Performance modifications for the 4-stroke Yamaha Waverunners FZR, FZS, FX and VX series. double ps: if the water that entered the hull is salt water then you need to thoroughly and completely wash and clean the entire interior and engine. Cranks right up and ran good all day. Cruiser / Yes I will buy another FX Cruiser 2017 Lowes Stryker 16. Whatever Yamaha used for the sealant doesn't hold up very well, and that is a common leak point on the VX. Apr 22, 2022 · Above: In our reassembly process, we also cleaned off all of the mating surfaces so our pump would go back together as cleanly as it did from Yamaha’s factory assembly line. 2007 Yamaha FX HO Waverunner that is leaking water from the exhaust manifold that needs to be replace or repaired. I'm guessing this fix requires an engine pull. (~2 oz in 2 hours of ridding after sealing, vs 1/2 hour before) I am guessing this is cause of a slight leak when riding, but as others have said, it is probably best to live with it and enjoy . All Good, no leaks. 11–1. The intake grate is a Worx WR246 I originally installed it using the Yamaha stock rubber seal that fits between the ride plate and the intake grate. Answered by Joe in 35 mins 9 years ago Feb 9, 2018 · 2006 Waverunner FX HO When I pulled my waverunner out last weekend I thought a little too much water was draining out when I pulled the plugs. Joined the exhaust is started to be cooled with water thats already cirulated the block,starting in the manifold. TINY oil leak from carb on a '96 Waverunner III. Certainly! Here are some additional tips and best practices to enhance your Yamaha WaveRunner riding experience and ensure the longevity of your personal watercraft (PWC): 1. I have put new plugs, all new carb parts as recommended to begin with and she starts up great but as soon as she hits the water. I've been diagnosing this sinking Jet Ski for a while and finally found the leak. 39636. I think that's what happened to mine and ruined the crank bearing on the rear cylinder. Repair 2002 Yamaha. I recently filled up the hull with water and found that it was leaking back out around the propeller shaft behind the intake grate. Our local Yamaha dealer won't tou Jul 15, 2023 · Hull damage or leaks can occur due to impacts, abrasions, or poor maintenance practices, compromising the structural integrity and buoyancy of the Waverunner. There's a short rubber hose inside another rubber hose on the exhaust. Mar 23, 2022 · Earlier this month, Yamaha Motor Corp. Running in the driveway and hooked up to the hoseI started looking for a leak Oct 13, 2014 · Most common would be a leak around or through the oil filter. More serious engine damage, like a cracked block, would be very rare on a VX. Mar 6, 2014 · I had water that would come into the engine compartment through the intermediate bearing assembly. As soon as I popped the seat I could see water present in the hull. , and I'm not even sure if that is even an issue with seale 2008 VX110, large amount of water in hull after going for a run on the river, pumped it out, flushed engine and noticed large water leak coming from area between pump and nozzle. Other than the drain plugs, where else could water be getting in. May 10, 2022 · Owner. 3 mph GPS commercial Tiny Tach, Riva Pro-Series Sponsons, Waveeater clips and PV couplings, Hydroturf, Jim's Plate with billet inserts, R&D intake grate, Pump plug kit, I. Below, I explain why the pump stopped working and how I fixed it for less than $10 saving more than $400 in parts and labor! Jul 3, 2014 · To re-cap, you have two things to check. Rider. It is the water port that feeds the water pilot on the left side of hull. 8 liter supercharged waverunner had a hard to find leak. Jul 9, 2017 · Sorry to make my first post to this group be a problem, thanks in advance for any advice that can be provided. I can't seem to find it on the parts diagram. Aug 2, 2023 · I immediately noticed the 2 rear screw in drain plugs leaking a lot of water. Yamaha vx110 deluxe '06 water leak around pipe joint 09-05-2016, 04: Jul 31, 2018 · Owner. Causes: Collisions with objects in the water: Accidental collisions with objects in the water can cause hull damage or leaks. Now it's n It is common knowledge that jet skis are prone to overheating, and Yamaha WaveRunners are no exception. MR-1 1000cc. I pumped out a couple of quarts with hand pump (need to get the big Mityvac), then refilled. Perhaps a line has come off. This water is then passed through a series of components, including a water pump, intake grate, and impeller, which help to extract debris and filter the water. I have a 1996 Yamaha waveraider and a 1997 seadoo GTX. Only the major checkpoints are mentioned above. Once you're in the water and the engine is running verify that there is water coming out of the pilot outlet. Oct 1, 2010 · I believe the gasket must have been punched and the cylinders were not torqued properly. Pressure the block found water leaking around the plug that is in the head, Yamaha part # 60E-12483-00-00. This is the first 2-stroke Waverunner I have ever owned and have learned much about it since I bought it. Yamaha jet ski winterization VX deluxe I found this link, Charles. I think the large compartment the battery sits in is well enough vented that there is no danger of build up of fumes, etc. My 2008 VX Deluxe leaked water from the driveshaft bearing housing and shaft seal to hull. it has 5 - 6" of water in it. unit was repaired and I was told the motor needed to be pulled forward to repair wher the shaft goes thru the hull. Re: Yamaha Superjet Leak Do you have a scupper valve for water drainage? those leak all the time. Check fuel filter - dirty - replace it Check for fuel leak - air in lines, ect. Aug 30, 2011 · Performed a pressure test on the crank case and noticed I have a leak in the rear main seal with no other leaks. Pumps and part Sep 4, 2011 · I was able to repair the very common problem with the yamaha vx1100 hull leak. And a damaged carbon ring doesn’t provide a proper seal, resulting in a water leak. Running in the driveway and hooked up to the hoseI started looking for a leak Sep 6, 2016 · My 2006 vx110 deluxe came back from run with a large amount of water in the bilge, about 4" (usually find small amount). Mar 16, 2015 · My HO is taking on water. Jul 5, 2021 · I had the ski in the lake this weekend and noticed she was sitting low in the water. Mine is a 2005 Yamaha vx110 four stroke. After 15 -20 min. If you go to the oem replacement store, look at the exhaust hose diagram for that model year, the hoses labeled 22 and 27 attach to this black plastic part. Here the problem. We quickly g My factory installed bilge pump (siphon system) stopped working and was allowing water to accumulate in the engine compartment (hull) of my Yamaha Waverunner. They are known to rust through fairly quickly if you ride in salt water. It was coming from underneath the styrofoam that that supports the exhaust silencer. The leaking oil filter may be the problem. this will happen on most 2008 and up yamaha skis pwc. I filled the hull with water and no leaks. Yamaha WaveRunners use an open-loop cooling system that utilizes raw water to cool down their engines, intercoolers, and exhaust. Customer: My jet ski is taking in water only when its running in the water, not when the engine is off. I am guessing that after I first got the waverunner, I shut the motor off with the hose running for a minute, and added maybe a few ounces of water to the oil Aug 22, 2021 · Like i noted in posts before, the water is noticeably less after my attempt at sealing ride plate. I noticed the rubber O-Ring on each one is split. The cooling system for leakage and the hull. Water did leak from the hull at the rear hull plug beneath the boarding step. Thinking of buying it and doing the repair myself. Mercury 50hp 4-stroke. Aug 31, 2015 · 2007 FXHO. Last year ski was modified with a Solas Impeller and was installed by Yamaha dealer. this video was created for a specific person to use but I'll make it a public video just in case this helps somebody in the future. the most accurate i found to find tricky oil leak is to clean bilge very well with soap and pressure washer then install oil absorbing pad under the engine, run it and pull pad out ,you can easily see if oil drip from front , middle or Mar 16, 2015 · Back in into water and leave it on the trailer, crank it and let pressure build until it starts leaking. I appreciate your help in this matter. Jul 30, 2014 · Seal between bearing housing plate and impeller housing sealant failure with only 110 hrs clocked on this 08 VX1100 Deluxe. Aug 4, 2009 · Re: 1992 Yamaha Waverunner 650 LX Doubt it ! I would say it's carb or fuel delivery problems. I also monitored the engine compartment while filling. The adhesive between the bearing plate and jet housing (3M 5000) This 2016 1. We shut it down and got it back on the trailer. 5 days ago · sometimes people use the wrong screw((too long)) and make a hole all the way through where the intake grate is mounted,, however the drive shaft seal can make the boat take on water really fast,, that could be his problem as it would look like it was coming from the intake grate as it leaks out. A leak in the intake or exhaust manifolds caused by corrosion resulted of bad flushing after riding (sailed in saltwater) 3. A couple of times would be good. Took the seat off and sure enough it was filling up. 18 oz) Every 100 hours or 12 months: 6. I bought form my brother. Yamaha WaveRunner Heritage. Aug 21, 2006 · Re: 99 Yamaha Waverunner - Water in Engine Water could have gotten into the engine throught the exhaust. Jul 4, 2018 · How to swap drive shaft and reseal mid shaft bearing mount plate Jun 1, 2010 · I purchased a pair of 2008 Yamaha waverunners, a FX SHO for me and a FX HO cruiser for my wife, and absolutely love them. Sep 30, 2022 · The sealant used by the factory for the transom plate is known to allow water to leak inside. By letting the ski sit in the water, I guess it would be possible for water to get into the system, I just don't know how or where. Feb 9, 2018 · 2006 Waverunner FX HO When I pulled my waverunner out last weekend I thought a little too much water was draining out when I pulled the plugs. Found that the rubber pipe outlet (90 degree elbow that connects the metal outer cover of the exhaust system to the muffler) had partially slipped off the metal outer cover causing exhaust smoke and cooling water to enter the engine compartment. ktdzvfg nhwcc ywpvebf igohhu hpmfh szemu vsrs qeyg vcxf fvn jkkv xzuhi lvcrzp vnowvi lufesq